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RPG Maker MV

Re: RPG Maker MV

Are you kidding me? I just bought RPG Maker VX Ace the other day ç_ç
Re: RPG Maker MV

Dmn , no C# for scripting, but for me javascript it's better than nothing XD.
Some feature are interesting.
They could implement some light system, dress system or a better costumizable dialogue system lolz XD.
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Re: RPG Maker MV

Posted on /rpgm/

>Multi-device support.
>Side-view battles added. Front-view also included.
>Support for both touch controls and mouse controls.
>Big increase on the limit of database items.
>Maps are automatically three-layered.
>Games run in high resolution.
>Sprites/tiles resolution is 48x48

>An exact release date is not announced, but is expect this Winter.

A bit more information:

There are no hidden classes. In other RPGMs you had a lot of control over what you could do with the engine but not the core system, this lead to more difficulty for scripters. Now that nothing is hidden the scripters will be able to do a lot more with the engine.

Resolutions of up to 1920x1080 have been tested.

You cannot export your project to MV.

Scripters are already working on some plugins, things like change the tile movement to pixel movement.

Also, Archeia has confirmed that there won't be a Luna Engine for RPGM MV, it will be private only.

Remember that when VXs trial was out people were already working on scripts for it so you can expect some scripts out fairly quick.

Ask about RPG Maker; Can it make real time rpg battle system
Something like Alchemist Monster Gem or Final Fantasy Series.

Check Falcao Pearl ABS liquid battle system.
Re: RPG Maker MV

Really jealous to RPG Maker user that have many good resources.

I hope someday Game Maker will have these resources too. (it's like a dream that never come true) :(

Ask about RPG Maker; Can it make real time rpg battle system :confused:
Something like Alchemist Monster Gem or Final Fantasy Series.

It can, already done since RM2K era. Tough it is buggy since no one port it into VX/VA, but you may fine some for XP.
Re: RPG Maker MV

hell yeah, sounds cool. this probably won't be adopted for a while, though. People are still reluctant to use VX Ace (any why not, they already paid for VX, these things are expensive) and some still even use XP (lookin' at you SQDT)

Man I still using my old 2003. Sure its buggy but it still works fine as a good old victorian steam engine.
Re: RPG Maker MV

Check Falcao Pearl ABS liquid battle system.
It can, already done since RM2K era. Tough it is buggy since no one port it into VX/VA, but you may fine some for XP.

Thank you for the answer :D

I still like Game Maker because it's can do various type of game but the bad part is no resources support and I have to draw or search most of the art resources by myself.
If my future work are nearly RPG type. Maybe I will consider RPG Maker :rolleyes:
Re: RPG Maker MV

Plugins made into a slightly editable ON-OFF switch sounds almost as aggravating as hidden classes

but the event searcher sound's like a time saver
Re: RPG Maker MV

The script editor looks like it's actually useable. Hooray. Now I just have to hope that the core engine doesn't use heaps of magic numbers and I might actually do more than dick around with the combat system, but given Enterbrain's track record I'm not optimistic.
Re: RPG Maker MV

Enterbrain said:
Event Searcher

Yes yes yes!
I wish this was in the other versions that are commonly used currently.
Re: RPG Maker MV

The combat system was the number one reason why I avoided trying to use rpgmaker in the past. I would try literally any reason I could to not use combat in a game ever because it was just so generic and awful. Then again it looks like others have found more creative ways to circumvent the system in the older versions.

The biggest issues I have are already out there, but the combat system being potentially useful this time around might just get me back into making games again. There are things I want to do in a game that I simply can not find a way to get working properly in vx ace.

I might just try to find myself a trial of this MV version and see what I can and cannot do with it.
Re: RPG Maker MV

Fuck javascript. I hate open-type variables. It's prone to mistakes.
I would try my hand at it myself if they used C#.
Re: RPG Maker MV

So is there any h-games slated for release using MV yet? :confused:
Re: RPG Maker MV

So is there any h-games slated for release using MV yet? :confused:

There's Captivity, a genderbender type of game that has a SAO type of story. But it's still in a very Alpha stage, barely has 2 scenes max.

Re: RPG Maker MV

So is there any h-games slated for release using MV yet? :confused:

If you're looking for games that are already out, there's 人妻エルフのお留守番:

Pretty run of the mill game without combat, and being the first MV game I've seen and without understanding too much of MV's specs besides being written in JS, didn't really see much new exciting features being put to use.

But at least the sprites have gotten prettier (or at least different, in a general positive sense).