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[RPG MAKER VX ACE] Dangerous Missions: Origin

Re: [RPG MAKER VX ACE] Dangerous Missions: Origin

Thanks for pointing that out, moonblack. It is fixed now :)

And speaking of fixes. Stuff I've already fixed - changed for v0.5 (wich will come sometime next week):

+All inbattle/shopping/map scripting is already translated to English. v0.5 won't have a single drop of Spanish.

+Fixed a bug where the Guild Helper's CG didn't disappear after failing the Inn mission.

+A surrender skill has been added.
Re: [RPG MAKER VX ACE] Dangerous Missions: Origin

Rebalancing the groping attacks might have been good, earlier I'd get her grabbed only to be released in the same turn, sometimes cancelling the attack, or sometimes doing nothing but a bit of guts damage.
At least now there's a bit more of a reason to use Zap.

EDIT: At last will we have the save screen in english! (Not like it makes much of a difference functionally, but hey!)
Re: [RPG MAKER VX ACE] Dangerous Missions: Origin

Based on the screenshot i saw i noticed the areas was very..."empty".
That intentional or? Well, i downloaded it and made some changes to a map.

Makes the town look a bit more alive now, no?. Don't need to fence it around. Open it up, you don't see fences around Final Fantasy or Dragon Warrior towns.

Flowers, Tree and rivers plenty of things to use in the tile sheet.. Now , don't get mad. Maybe your maps are just placeholders for now and you plan on updating it or maybe you need help with maps?
I just wanted to show that villages don't just need to look like empty.
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Re: [RPG MAKER VX ACE] Dangerous Missions: Origin

They are placeholder maps indeed, for now I'm taking my time on events and such, then embelish and tinker tha maps sionce that's people's priority.

I like the reworking you did to Karafe, I might take some ideas from it :)
Thanks!!! And by all means, if you have more ideas on mapping, please share while I'm still starting with the map.
Re: [RPG MAKER VX ACE] Dangerous Missions: Origin

Plays good > looks good.

That is all.
Re: [RPG MAKER VX ACE] Dangerous Missions: Origin

They are placeholder maps indeed, for now I'm taking my time on events and such, then embelish and tinker tha maps sionce that's people's priority.

I like the reworking you did to Karafe, I might take some ideas from it :)
Thanks!!! And by all means, if you have more ideas on mapping, please share while I'm still starting with the map.
Oh i have plenty. Btw, is this game going to be free? Cause then you could use free tilesets to make it look alot better.

Is there any particular map you want me to edit?
Re: [RPG MAKER VX ACE] Dangerous Missions: Origin

Game is going to be free, of course. But I'm afraid I already have enough workload on my hands to stop and start using more tilesets. Yes, embelishing maps and making them have more variety is indeed important. But let's be realistic here: this is a quick, short project, expected to be done by the end of the year by just one person (myself). Sadly, I have to lessen some of my aspirations if I want that deadline to be met. Mapping is one of them. Yes, I will embelish them a little, and some of the ones you see now are just placeholders (not all of them are, though), but i'm not going to go too far beyong them being "functional". And considering it is an H game, I have to surrender to reality; As much as I'd love to take my time on mapping and making a "regular" RPG the way I'd like to, the priority here is H content (and content istelf).

I might, if the game is successful and is well received, forget about the action game that I want to do next and make a "Plus" version of this one, going back and making everything I had to sacrifice now. But for now, I must surrender to what the game's target wants (and I would too if I was at the other end); content over map refinement.

That's why I wanna hear you ideas for mapping, sure, but keep in mind what the situation is :p
Re: [RPG MAKER VX ACE] Dangerous Missions: Origin

Well, that explains alot. Fair enough then.
Anyway, here are some ideas for the Inn.
Re: [RPG MAKER VX ACE] Dangerous Missions: Origin

That looks gorgeous =w= I'll take the bath idea for it, probably.
Re: [RPG MAKER VX ACE] Dangerous Missions: Origin

Game is going to be free, of course. But I'm afraid I already have enough workload on my hands to stop and start using more tilesets. Yes, embelishing maps and making them have more variety is indeed important. But let's be realistic here: this is a quick, short project, expected to be done by the end of the year by just one person (myself). Sadly, I have to lessen some of my aspirations if I want that deadline to be met. Mapping is one of them. Yes, I will embelish them a little, and some of the ones you see now are just placeholders (not all of them are, though), but i'm not going to go too far beyong them being "functional". And considering it is an H game, I have to surrender to reality; As much as I'd love to take my time on mapping and making a "regular" RPG the way I'd like to, the priority here is H content (and content istelf).

I might, if the game is successful and is well received, forget about the action game that I want to do next and make a "Plus" version of this one, going back and making everything I had to sacrifice now. But for now, I must surrender to what the game's target wants (and I would too if I was at the other end); content over map refinement.

That's why I wanna hear you ideas for mapping, sure, but keep in mind what the situation is :p

be sure to mention which games you plan on charging for lenneth.
Re: [RPG MAKER VX ACE] Dangerous Missions: Origin

I'm going to fade away any doubts: Both Dangerous Missions Pocket and Dangerous Missions Origin will be absolutely free. :) Forever xD
Re: [RPG MAKER VX ACE] Dangerous Missions: Origin

I'm going to fade away any doubts: Both Dangerous Missions Pocket and Dangerous Missions Origin will be absolutely free. :) Forever xD

D: but i was looking forward to buying pocket, also, any thought to that challenge i gave you?
Re: [RPG MAKER VX ACE] Dangerous Missions: Origin


What's new:

1 new, fully implemented mission.
1 new obtainable H-Event.
1 new enemy with a non-H grab.
2 new H-Attacks for the Pervert enemy.
Added a surrender skill for Alicia.
6 new CG's.
3 new inbattle CG's.
System text is now fully translated to English.
1 new location.
Some CG's totally changed and/or fixed.
Some areas are now revisitable.
Combat has been deeply rebalanced and revised.
Some map tinkering and overhaul.
Tons of small (and big) bugs fixed.
Some proofreading made to existing text.

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Re: [RPG MAKER VX ACE] Dangerous Missions: Origin

v0.6 is out!

Sorry about the delay! Here's v0.6!

What's new:
-2 Full new missions.
-2 new H scenes.
-12 new CG's.
-New maps accessible.
-Slight main plot advances.
-Combat rebalancing.
-Debug Miss V is back.
-Misc bug busting and map tinkering.

As always, please leave your feedback!
Re: [RPG MAKER VX ACE] Dangerous Missions: Origin

we miss you
Re: [RPG MAKER VX ACE] Dangerous Missions: Origin

I'm really sorry about the long absence. My health hasn't been so good these past weeks to say the least, but I'm alive and working again. Expect 0.7 in the upcoming days.

Again, my apologies.
Re: [RPG MAKER VX ACE] Dangerous Missions: Origin

Just a quick heads up to say I am alive. Long story short, I ended up going through some needed surgery due to a certain nasty thing with the name of a Horoscope sign. The game will continue as planned now that I'm recovered. Sorry for the gigantic wait.
Re: [RPG MAKER VX ACE] Dangerous Missions: Origin

No problem man. Good to see you're alive and kickin :)
Re: [RPG MAKER VX ACE] Dangerous Missions: Origin

Welcome back, good to hear that your still alive and well.
Re: [RPG MAKER VX ACE] Dangerous Missions: Origin

Just a quick heads up to say I am alive. Long story short, I ended up going through some needed surgery due to a certain nasty thing with the name of a Horoscope sign. The game will continue as planned now that I'm recovered. Sorry for the gigantic wait.

Hope you got your Aries fixed.