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RPG Maker VX on Humble Bundle til 6/4


Tentacle God
Sep 11, 2012
Reputation score
Wanted to give the community a heads up..

Those of you wanting a legit copy of RPG Maker VX and/or XP on the super cheap, Humble Bundle has it for a bit over 5 more days as of this posting.

For those unfamiliar with Humble, you pretty much pay what you want for what's offered, and if you pay certain minimum amounts, you get extras. Proceeds go to Childs Play charity.

In this case, pay whatever you want and you get VX, a DLC bundle and a handful of games. Pay at least $6, they throw in XP, a resource pack, and another DLC.

Re: RPG Maker VX on Humble Bundle til 6/4

Wanted to give the community a heads up..

Those of you wanting a legit copy of RPG Maker VX and/or XP on the super cheap, Humble Bundle has it for a bit over 5 more days as of this posting.

For those unfamiliar with Humble, you pretty much pay what you want for what's offered, and if you pay certain minimum amounts, you get extras. Proceeds go to Childs Play charity.

In this case, pay whatever you want and you get VX, a DLC bundle and a handful of games. Pay at least $6, they throw in XP, a resource pack, and another DLC.

It's VX Ace, not VX.
Re: RPG Maker VX on Humble Bundle til 6/4

I saw this on HB and it did get me thinking, been lurking here a while and always ignored the RPG Maker games due to not having it.

If I were to get this, would it let me easily play the majority of the games posted here?
And on that note.. What are some of the best ones people might recommend?

There are a lot of threads, and if someone can give recommendations of best/hottest RPG Maker based games, or hell even better, categorise of 'if you like animals, these ones, if you like monsters, these ones..' would help a great deal, I imagine.
Re: RPG Maker VX on Humble Bundle til 6/4

If I were to get this, would it let me easily play the majority of the games posted here?

The software is to -develop- the games.

To -play- the games, you just need the RTP, which is generally available for free from RPG Maker's site.
Do you're own game

If you always deamed of doing your own games, now's the perfect occasion.

Humble Bundle has an amazing offer ($6) on the RPG Maker familly tool (plus it include several games (non H ones though)).

, really!! (this website is an absolute must see)
Re: Do you're own game

Seem to be nice, but its nothing for me I dont like steam.
But thank you
Re: RPG Maker VX on Humble Bundle til 6/4

Thanks for the head up.

I've seen RPG maker VX ace beeing sold out at 15$ this WE on steam, I was thinking about it. But with this bundle, the RPG maker + a few DLC and a few game for 12 $ (if you unlock the maximu), you pay less thant 1/5 of the price of each content buy through steam during sold event.

Although, stema IS doing a -75 % on RPG maker VX ace AND is DLC during the WE. So, the RPG maker VX ace version being on steam, you can take a lot of DLC just after for not much if you really want to creat your own PRG game.
(ok, you won't buy all the DLC. Even with -75 % on all of them, the price for all of them is about 150$ :eek: ).
Re: Do you're own game

You don't have to use steam.

Those are DRM free + a steam version (you get both).

Anyway, I'd like to mention I have no personal interest in having anyone buying games from there, I just like to share my know how about good deals ;)
Re: Do you're own game

You don't have to use steam.

Those are DRM free + a steam version (you get both).

Anyway, I'd like to mention I have no personal interest in having anyone buying games from there, I just like to share my know how about good deals ;)

there was no non steam version of vx ace btw