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RPGMaker VX Ace on sale


Demon Girl
Oct 31, 2014
Reputation score
Not sure if this post belongs in this section but it's kind of hentai rpg related.

If you've ever thought about making a HRPG or wanted to translate one, but were scared off by the $70 price tag... Now is your perfect chance to start as VX Ace is %90 off on steam right now.

This is an absolute steal!
Re: RPGMaker VX Ace on sale

Thanks for the heads up, that was a steal, 7 bucks for the whole shabang!
Re: RPGMaker VX Ace on sale

I remember getting it on a similar sale cause I wanted to make a small game, and then the fun of translating games came along~
Re: RPGMaker VX Ace on sale

Got mine in a Humblebundle's bundle for around 7€. It came along with RPG Maker XP and some DLCs. :D


Anyway, thanks for the info. ;)
Re: RPGMaker VX Ace on sale

Re: RPGMaker VX Ace on sale

Inb4 20 more patreons start showing up.
Re: RPGMaker VX Ace on sale

Bumping to let those know that Rpg Maker VX Ace is once again on sale and its 86% off on Steam till July 4th. So thats $9.79 total.

Whats that you ask? "How is this hentai related?" Well...you can make a hentai games with it so does that count?

Well it can't hurt to mention it right?
Re: RPGMaker VX Ace on sale

I got mine with VXA+sonar full pack bundle as a low low price of 35 bucks, it is totally a steal.
Really Gabe? You can't even do math do you? Even the basic sonar is calling for 100+ bucks, not to mention that the bundle already feature the full pack of itwhich cost more then 1200+? How come you can do a drop as 99.966666667% off? Its just crazy man. Is this world once we known is coming to an end?