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Sakura (plmnko)

Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"Why wouldn't you be allowed here?" the bartender asked, arching an eyebrow. "People come here to look for work every so often, it's no skin off my nose. Sometimes they come back to get drinks once they have jobs, sometimes they don't. If you want you can have a free drink" he said, to which one of the young women piped up "hey, stop giving out free things! You're too nice!" The bartender scoffed, waving a hand at her and saying "this is my tavern, I'll do as I want." The woman let out an exaggerated sigh, and he turned back to Sakura. "You've got a little while before most people start showing up, so you might as well have a seat at the bar, even if you don't want a drink."
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Oh...Thanks for the offer, Sir... i really would be really happy to taste one of your drinks, but not a free one, i want to earn it with my work and dont cause problems to anyone.
Said Sakura who was trying her best to have a live for herself after live all her life as a luxury living doll, feeded and acting as her family order her.

She sit in a table and even tried to help them to clean until more people come to the bar.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The two women didn't need any help cleaning, and were almost done anyway, shooing Sakura back to a table when she tried to help them. When they were done the two came over to sit with the rich girl, perhaps looking to kill a little time before people started to arrive. The two looked fairly similar; probably sisters. Furthermore, they looked a lot like the bartender, and were probably his daughters. The older one was quite pretty, though she had a tired look about her. She wore her long brown hair in a braid over her shoulder, wearing what Sakura would think of as a typical bar wench's outfit, which complemented her full figure nicely. She looked to be in her mid to late twenties. Her sister was closer to Sakura's age, wore her hair cut quite short, and was wearing an outfit more typical of a maid than a server at a bar, probably because she didn't have nearly the bust to fill out her sister's outfit. "So, where are you from, and what brings you to this part of the world?" the older sister asked, making it clear that the younger one had been the one who had objected to their father giving away free drinks.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura resign herself to just stay looking to the women end their jobs, she even just smiled to them when they sit at their side to pass the time. It was really weird that this game were so realistic and the Npcs act so lively, every one with their own personality, maybe each of them have a deep background and even their lives looks more interesting that what the rich girl had do it in her own.

Im from a distant country passing this ocean and a little more, i come to this town to get the things needed to start my search to find my place in this world, maybe be an adventurer or maybe just a farmer, i dunno but first i want to travel and see many things before decide.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"Across the sea, huh? I didn't know there was anything beyond the sea. I wish I could travel like you..." the older sister said, sighing as she thought. Her little sister smacked her lightly on the shoulder, asking "what's wrong with staying here with us?" to which she sighed, replying "nothing, I guess, if you don't mind being bored." The little sister seemed mad, but didn't say anything else, and the older woman seemed lost in daydreaming. If Sakura didn't have anything else to say or ask, they would probably sit this way until others began to arrive.
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Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura was starting to get less shy by the presence of both sisers and she let herself free to say as she want. Yes, there are a lot of incredible things to see and enjoy, im sure of it even when i havent see too much yet. But i think that going alone is really dangerous, maybe you should stay here until find someone that could defend you of the monsters and others terrible things. Said the rich girl before ask This is really a town full of good people, everybody looks to be hardworkers and it looks like anyone is welcome to this town. Also, is something fun to do in this town?
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The older sister sighed sadly, replying "Oh, I know. It's too late now anyway, I'll probably never leave this dinky backwater. Oh well. You're not wrong in that the people are hard-working, and they're pretty decent folk too. Maybe a little bit too in love with their drink sometimes, but I don't begrudge them that. The problem is that that's all they do... If you want fun in this place, you're either going across the street to the brothel or you're drinking here. You don't have any money, though, so your options are pretty limited. I guess my little sister here could give you some of the experience from across the street without money~" The younger one blushed furiously and hit her sister on the arm, shouting "don't volunteer me for things like that!" The older sister just laughed, smiling at Sakura as she waited to see if anything would come of her suggestion.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The time with the sisters was helping her to understand the life around here and even make Sakura giggle a pair of times Oh please! give me some advices of how get money, i really need them. said smiling and in part playing.

Taking a little the talk to other side, Sakura changed to a topic more global. I heard that the town have a food bank, that mean that sometimes the food production get reduced? why nobody make a road toward the beach? with a port maybe this town could get bigger and could get comunicate with others cities. But, i hope than the coast dont get so altered, one of my friends live there and it could affect her.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"Advice to make money? Well, you can ask the people who come trickling in here if they want any jobs done. Or you can go across the street and get work from some of them later. Or maybe I'll pay you to take my baby sister upstairs and loosen her up~" the older sister replied, prompting another flurry of hits from the younger one. "Stop teasing like that!"

After another round of laughing, Sakura asked her next question, prompting a raised eyebrow from the older sister. "You must be a city girl. It gets cold around here in the winter, too cold to grow crops, so we have to save up while there's plenty and distribute it out later, so that no one starves. And we're pretty much out in the middle of nowhere and nothing out here, even a port wouldn't change that. We get what supplies we need once a year."
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The time with both sisters was what Sakura needed to act more natural, it was as if she was in te collegue with her friends, forgeting all her problems and just being herself.

Uhm, yes im from a city, thats why is incredible for me to know a town with these problems, this town looks in harmony and still it have serious problems.

Sakura wonders what to say now to continue the talk, she dont want to just stay waiting for the others customers when she could learn more.

If this town dont have to much to offer, then why foreign come to this town? Its there any hidden ruin, any secret in the deepest part of the forest or someone on the town know magic? . Oh yes , i forget to introduce myself, call me Sakura, maybe when i earn some money we can go to the market to go of shopping, there must be something interesting to see.
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Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"Foreigners don't come here. At least, not often, unless they're running from something. Money troubles, troubles with the law, troubles with family, that sort of thing. Nowhere better to escape to than the edge of the world" the older sister replied. "There's a magician or two in town, but no one spectacular. Just low-level mages who can do mostly small tricks and little useful things. Ah, I'm sorry, my name is Tess, my sister is Vanessa. Shopping won't get you too much besides food and some clothing, but at least you won't have to wear that old robe from the shrine."
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Really? now i understand you Tess, is easy to get bored of this town. But, maybe we could find something to pass the time, like maybe take a pair of days to enjoy the beach or we could make some festivity parties.

Tess description of the town was turning everytime more bored, there was very few things to do and learn. But at least it was peacefull and Sakura could easily stay here and have a simple life for the rest of the game, anyway, she could just hunt monsters for fun once she train more.

Sigh... how will be my first client, im starting to need a drink said Sakura as she rest on the table resting her head over her arms.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"Well, it's dangerous to go to the beach, and there are two festivals, but the closest one is several months from now, at the harvest" the older sister explained, though right afterwards the door opened, and the first few men wandered in. "Ah, can't talk, customers" she said, and she and her sister jumped up from the table and began to seat the men as they entered, bringing them whatever drinks they ordered, mostly beer from the look of it. It seemed like work had let out or some such, because a steady stream of customers came in. Most of them were male, and seemed to be the type who did heavy physical labor, though there were a few women mixed in. There were three nearby people that Sakura could ask for work from; An older man with long red hair and significant scars on his face and peeking out from his worn clothing, a younger man with short brown hair, who seemed to be brooding in a corner, and a strong-looking young woman with short blonde hair, one of the few near Sakura that she could see sipping on one of the harder drinks offered.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The talk could had continued, the rich girl still have some questions about the life that a woman of her age could have in this town. Yes, lets talk in another chance Said Sakura as both girl get up and take care of the clients. Soon the blue haired girl notice three characters between the people drinking after a working day.

The old man looks to hide secrets and the amazoness woman could maybe help her to train herself, but the sad look of the young man was too much for the pure and inocent girl. Sakura get up of her seat and went to where he was, she wave to him and tried to look profesional yet still showing friendship with a soft smile.

Hello, im an adventurer who had just reach this town to look for a work. Why are you soo alone? can i help you with something?
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"Why am I alone?" the man parroted back at Sakura as he looked her over, an eyebrow raised at the blue-haired adventurer. "I'm not sure why, really. No idea" he said finally, getting up and walking towards her. With a sudden move he grabbed her wrist, and leaned in to whisper "but you can help me with that, sure. Just come on upstairs with me." The firm grip he kept on her wrist seemed to indicate that he wasn't too keen on her saying no.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The poor rich girl get surprised by the young man reaction and she nearly squeak when this made his move and place a hand around her wrist, this act made her react pushing him away as she said nearly loudly Im not looking for that kind of jobs. Get away, dont grapple me! Sakura said as she try to get away of his grapple
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The man scowled darkly as Sakura struggled and yelled, starting to tug her towards the stairs with his powerful arm. She made enough of a scene, though, that she got some company. "Hey hey, what are you doing Will? You see a traveler and you decide to just up and carry her off?" Tess shouted, coming over to the two. The man, apparently named Will, glared at her, his hand still tightly clutching the rich girl's wrist. "Go home or across the street. You have money to drink, you have money to fuck without forcing someone. Or do whores refuse your money?" The customers around them let out a loud laugh at the last bit, and Will scowled further, letting go of Sakura and walking out of the tavern without a word. "Sorry about him, I don't know what got into him. He's usually sort of flirty, but I've never known him to be that aggressive about things" she said, patting the blue-haired girl on the shoulder. "Are you alright?"
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The doubts about what the young man was plaining for Sakura soon melted, leaving her with a growing fear and a need to shout and hit this man as best as she could. Fortunately the old sister come to her rescue and the rich girl make a sigh of relief as the moves of the guy named Will ceased to pull her toward the stairs.

Without know how to act Sakura stay quiet hearing how Tess was defending her, soon she heard than this man was not acting as he ussually does, maybe something happened to him, however Sakura started to fear than this little scenne had made her lost her chance to earn a job from the others possible clients. Trying to safe a little of dignity she tried to act calmed when Tess asked if she was right.

Dont worry, im fine. Thanks for have helped me Tess, i was close to punch him in the face and turn this even worse. Said with a little smile as she looks to her savior. Well, i cant give up for this, lets try again. After Tess leave her alone, she look around and after dispel her doubts, she walk toward the strong woman, maybe she heard all this and could have a really bad impresion of her, but she dont have a better option to earn a job. Like a calmed adventurer she slowly moves until be close her and then said calmed trying to act like a true warrior or something similar.

Hi, im really sorry for bother you in your drink. Maybe this is not the right moment, but im an adventurer who had just reached this town and im looking for a job. Something like help you to reach a place or just hunt monsters.

Sakura nervious at her inside, wait the woman answer, really wishing to heard that she get a job or at least a friend.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"Don't worry about it. Just don't let people push you around too much, they'll respect you more if you have some fight in you" Tess said, running off to continue serving drinks when she was done with Sakura.

As the blue-haired girl approached the woman at the table, she gulped down the last of her drink. She had only had one, but the smell of alcohol was powerful, and it was clear that it had been a very hard drink. "Eh? A job?" she asked, a thick accent about her voice, "I need no help gettin anywheres, an I think you'd be havin trouble findin someone ta pay ya to hunt monsters" she said with a wave of her hand and a look towards Vanessa, perhaps hoping for another drink. "Though if'n ya want, I think there's something ya could do for money and fame, nearby even. It'd be dangerous, though. Do ya want to hear about it?"
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura was not so used at the alcohol, her experience drinking was at high class parties and some beers with her friends, thats why the alcohol smell coming from the tough woman was making her feel a little drowzee. The rich girl made a little whimper when she heard that it would be hard to get the kind of works that she was looking for.

Her throughs were getting focused in if she should try to return to the beach where her friend Elina was or try to search for other town, as working as a whore was the completely not an option for her. Suddenly the blonde woman continued the talk and even give to Sakura a new hope. Fame and Money!? Yes, i will be interested to heard more about it Said Sakura as she get closer to heard better, as she try to resist the drink smell.