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Sakura (plmnko)

Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"Of course I live alone, silly. I'm old enough to take care of myself" Elina replied, giggling a little. "We can go for a walk, but the beach is basically the beach, there isn't a whole lot of different things to do here. It is pretty, though" she continued, following Sakura perhaps uncomfortably as she walked back to dry herself and change. "Why so modest?" she asked when she saw that Sakura was trying to cover herself up with the towel, tilting her head to one side curiously.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura stop when she heard the question of that little elf, she had think soo much about this place as instintively was dressing herself. With a deep sigh she drop the towel and continued to dress herself still a little ashamed of show her well made nude body to someone. Sorry is the first time that change in front of someone, but i suppose that is fine if you are the one looking. Then she continued after had been dressed herself compltely and lift all her belongnings So no other person and place to go? if you want after walk a while we can do something that you like, there must be fun ways to pass the time, right Elina?
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"It's okay. There's just no reason to be shy like that, it's not like you aren't pretty" Elina replied, nonchalantly watching Sakura change into her clothes. The game had provided her with a mid-length green dress that fit well, along with a pair of tall socks that came up to her knees, and a bit of leather armor to help turn away blades and cushion her against arrows, though it probably wouldn't do much good in a serious fight. "Well, we can walk until we get to my place, and by then it will be dinnertime, so I'll get you something to eat. After that there are a few things we could do..." Elina said, trailing off a little at the end. When Sakura was done changing the elf held out her hand and said "come on, let's get going."
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Oh, thanks, but you are more pretty. I will try to be less shy then. Said Sakura smiling, but certainly undressing in front of someone without get shy was something weird. The rich girl just stare at her dress for a while really loving her new outfit and nodding to Elina taked her swimwear and towel with a hand as with the other had her big battle axe, using her shoulder to resist the weight. Sakura look everywhere trying to endure the sun and using her weapon to cover her face, expecting that the elf have some fun games or activities.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"I don't think so, but if you insist" Elina replied. When Sakura was done dressing herself Elina took the swimsuit and towel out of her hand and grabbed hold of it, interlocking her fingers with the blue-haired girl as she started walking back the way she came. "Anything in particular you'd like to eat?" she asked as they walked along the beach. Away from the the ocean there was a high berm of sand with some tall, sparse grasses covering it. It seemed to go on forever as they walked, though gradually the waves got smaller and smaller. After a while Sakura could see that the ocean got almost flat calm, and spotted after a time more land across the ocean; it seemed that this was a bay. It was a fairly long, enjoyable walk, though towards the end she could feel her stomach rumbling a little with hunger. Just as that happened she spotted a tall hill not far away, and Elina pointed, saying "home is there" as she picked up the pace of her walking.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

It was something unexpected how the little elf take her clothes to only take her hand, Sakura through that maybe was normal after been alone who know how much time. Sorprise me said smiling the blue haired girl when the girl ask her about what she want to eat, certainly that will happen as she never had eat in a incivilized enviroment like this, even when she had eated a great number of dishes by their chefs.

The two continued and soon Sakura through about maybe had choiced better the forest, in that way she could had been close a town at least. After a long time she was starting to get hungry and just remain calmed as the elf guide her until she pointed a tall hill. Oh nice, lets move The girl tried to follow the speed of the little girl as both increase the speed of their stepts
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"Alright then, I'll do my best to fix something you'll like" Elina responded, finishing up their walk at a brisk pace. As they approached the hill, Sakura could see the opening of a cave in the side of it. It was a very strange hill, really, right on the edge of the beach. Topographically is probably didn't make much sense that it was there. When they got to the entrance Elina spread out the towel, saying "wait for me out here, we can eat outside." She promptly disappeared into the cave, and Sakura could hear the sounds of things rustling around. After a short while the elf came back out carrying a plate with some sort of raw meat on it, probably from small squirrel-like creatures. She carried it out to a fire pit not far away and quickly made a fire with some sticks nearby. She set the meat out to cook and walked back into the cave with the plate, coming out with two new ones with a few fruits scattered on them. "Be thinking about what you might want to do later, it won't be long until this is ready" she said, walking back to the fire pit with the plates. Indeed, it only took a few minutes to cook, as they weren't very thick pieces of meat. She put out the fire and put the meat on the plate, handing Sakura hers and sitting down next to her.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

It was hard to find how a hill could be in this king of place, but all was more easy when Sakura remember that this was a game. She soon look herself waiting for the dinner as the fast girl make it with a great survivor skills. There stay looking all to be ready to help the next time. After a brief time all was ready and with her hungry she really want to eat quickly, but instead she a silent pray for the chef of this food and started to eat, It looks incredible, thanks for all this food Elina said smiling, as she take the meat and give a big bite to it. it should be delicious as Elina had made her best to do it
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"It's no problem" Elina said, digging in quickly. Sakura would find that the meat tasted quite good, cooked just right and with a hint of smoke from the open fire cooking. The fruit was also a nice addition, sweet and juicy. Elina ate pretty quickly, though every so often she would stop to ask a question. "What brings you here, anyway? What are you planning to do in the near future?" were the two important ones, the rest was mostly small talk. When they were both done she asked "so, have you thought about what you might like to do for fun?"
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura tried to enjoy the delicious food, but she always have to stop to answer the endless serie of questions. She tried to answer all but these two could be a problem, after think for a moment Sakura decided to say all as was, this could help her to have another point of view I came from a wealthy family in a distant land, but after a childhood without to much freedom my family just decide to make me get married with some kind of old rich man, so they could earn more money. So, i leave and now im just thinking what to do with my life. About what i have in mind, maybe stay here for a while until decide what to do, maybe travel around the world, you could come with me if you want or we could have a peacefull life here, i dont know yet. Sakura continue eating, trying to avoid to use the manners to eat that they teach her and just eating a little like Elina I dunno if is right, but could you talkme a little of your live Elina, please? It was amazing saw you how you used the water that time and also i cant take out of my mind how a cute girl like you lived alone in this lonely place. Sakura wait her answer, but if the elf dont was ready yet to talk, the blue haired girl will continue eating. After a time they ended and now that she had sattle her hungry, it was time to decide the next activity. Hmm... you could show me your house or we could play some games, do you have a favorite activity?
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Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"Hmm... Well that isn't too good. You must live pretty far away to have an arranged marriage. There's plenty of places to travel around here, though you should probably wait until the morning to leave, scary things come out at night sometimes" Elina replied, nodding. She didn't seem to address the idea of traveling with Sakura. "My life? I've been living in this cave for about four years. I'm pretty good with magic, so that's why I was able to manipulate water like that. It just makes sense to focus on water magic when I live on the beach. And I like it here. It's very pretty, and there's a group of mermaids that drops by every so often, so it doesn't get that lonely. Besides, my parents always told me I was born special. Some day I'll be the guardian of this bay." When they were both done Elina put down her plate and took Sakura's hand, leading her into the cave. "This is home, then." The walls were lined with torches, going back some way. There was a desk to one side, with bookshelves filled with reading material on each side of it. On the other side of the cave was a small bed with simple white sheets. Beside that was what looked to be a wardrobe, probably full of the elf's clothes. "There's not a lot deeper into the cave that's mine, and every once in a while a monster will show up. After all, this is their home too. We probably shouldn't disturb them." Sakura could feel the elf's grip on her hand tighten a little, and she turned to face the blue-haired girl, saying "as for what we can do... well... if you'd like, we can share my bed. It's been a while for me, and you're so pretty." Elina was blushing slightly, but had no trouble meeting Sakura's eyes with her own, apparently not too embarrassed at propositioning her new friend.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura was not expecting that kind of answers from Elina, as she only heard of fantasy tales in her childhood when her maid read her some tales until she had to do it alone, she just get happy to heard that the elf was fine in this place and show her that was her who have to decide what will happen now, as she don’t know how much time she will remain in this game. Im really happy to heard that you are fine here, maybe I could return some day after have traveled enough and see the mermaids too, I only had heard of them in tales.

She then let herself be guided by the elf to inside her house, it was a peaceful place until she heard about the monsters, she get worried by Elina, until she remember her fight and she return to smile as the little woman ask her to sleep with her. The innocent girl nodded thinking just that maybe the girl want to sleep with someone after all her time alone in this house, as the mermaids maybe don’t stay in the night with her Sure, I don’t have any problem to sleep with you in this bed, it had been also a long time from the last time that I sleep with someone too
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"They might be in soon, but I'm not sure, you can never tell" Elina replied on the subject of the mermaids. She cracked a wide smile as Sakura agreed to sleep with her, not realizing that the blue-haired girl hadn't understood her request. She moved in quite close to her, taking her other hand as well, and leaned in to plant a quick kiss on Sakura's lips, leaning back and asking "so, how do you like it?"
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The way that Elina get closed dont worried Sakura, well not until after her other little hand take her own and get closed to her, in that moment the rich girl expect some kind of hug, but suddenly the little elf move and give her a quick kiss, Sakura move away surprised and look clueless to her On sorry... you take me off guard... it was not my intention to react like that, it was nice Sakura had readed about some cultures give themselves kisses in the mouth like a way to express the friendship to others without be something sexual, trying to solve her mistake, the blue haired girl mimic the elf girl and with her green eyes look her close enough than both could feel the warm breath of the other. Of course that Sakura was taking this time to earn the courage enough to give her a quick kiss too thinking that it had not been her first kiss, as this was a salute... or something. She closed her eyes and she move slowly her kiss will be a little more long making her a easy prey for the next move of the fairy
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"Off guard?" Elina asked, cocking her head, but at the rest she said "alright." She started to blush as Sakura moved in really close, and she felt the girl's breath hot on her lips. The blue-haired girl leaned in to give the elf a long, slow kiss that on her end was completely innocent, and Elina made her move. She returned the kiss aggressively, her tongue beginning to probe Sakura's mouth as she pushed her gently onto the bed, one of her hands wandering down to caress the rich girl's backside.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The sudden moves of Elina take her off guard, soon she was now in the bed nearly close to be used by a elf of a game, she even just noted that she had give her the first kiss to this girl. Sakura tried to push her aside to try to calm her, she expect that maybe was not so late. Wait... please calm down Elina... i...i need to say you something...
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Elina allowed Sakura to push her off, looking maybe a little bit hurt. "What is it? Is something wrong?" she asked, her head tilted to one side again.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Elina reaction was making this worse for Sakura, this could hurt her friendship with the little girl if she dont express herself right. Maybe is hard to believe it but, i was not expecting that you were talking about have sex, I misinterpret your words and thought that you were just asking me to share your bed... but if you insist to continue could you be a little more slow, please. Its my first time Said Sakura ashamed, with her green eyes looking to other side as she start to try to take away her blouse
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Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"Ohhh... I'm sorry, I thought you understood. I guess I was a little vague" Elina replied, grabbing the girl's shoulders, perhaps to keep her from taking off the dress. "We don't have to if you don't want it. I don't want to force you. We can do something else and I'll settle for a cuddle later, though... I..." she trailed off, looking to the side as well for the first time.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The rich girl touch Elina´s chin and make her softly turn to her. Please dont be sad, Elina. I really want to do something for you, as you are my first friend after escape from house. So, you could...kiss me again and... maybe teach me a little about this. Sakura said blushed, it was not normal to her do this, but she had always let her friends choice for her and she cant forget herself if this make her lost a friend, even if it was virtual, anyway all this was not real and maybe she could learn something new.