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Sakura (plmnko)

Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The torch, when Sakura touched it, immediately went out, the wood feeling unnaturally cold, as if made of ice. It would do her no good to carry it around with her, it would seem. When she opened the door on her right it creaked long and loud from its hinges, though they didn’t seem to have rusted with time. The inside of the room was more cold and stale than the hallway had been, and there was only dim, flickering light from two torches, one on each wall. The room seemed empty… until she began to see little dribs of liquid dripping off the ceiling, and looked up. Tentacles were slowly descending towards her, as apparently a creature of some sort had taken up residence in the ceiling. There was a door across from her, so she could try to rush past them if she wanted, or she could decide to try and fight them…

Ceiling Tentacles (watching you masturbate)
8/8 HP

6/6 FP
0/10 AP
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The unnatural cold from the torche make her retreat her hand, she just cant understand why it was not hot even when it had been on fire some seconds before. How can be this possible? is some kind of bug or magic? She ask in her mind worried than she could be in any moment completely surrounded in this cold darkness. She decide to continue so she could find a save point. Slowly and with caution she opened the door, but this made a loud sound than make her close her eyes and hide behind the wall, yet with a relief she notice than the place was empty.

Suddenly some drops fall from the celling making her turn up to receive a disgusting surprise, her eyes fully opened and by an instant remain unable to move, using her free hand to muff herself and stop a scream who was close to escape. Then she saw the other door and using her adrenaline run toward it, trying to open the door so she could avoid the creepy creature before this attack her.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

S 17 vs. 5 T, Success!

With Sakura's heart pumping as it was, her adrenaline flowing, she was moving quite swiftly. She had to duck and weave to avoid tentacles that lashed out at her, but they seemed to still be in sneak mode, or perhaps they just weren't very fast. Either way, she got to the door before the tentacles got to her, and it opened rather easily, but when it opened the torches went out, leaving the room utterly dark. The blue-haired girl managed to run through it and slam it shut behind her, leaving her in another hallway. She had to walk a fair distance through it before coming to another decision point, and all the while the torches snuffed themselves out as she walked past them; to her right was another door, and off to her left was another branch of the hallway. It went on farther than she could see in the flickering torchlight, though there was another door off to the left of the passage as well.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

There was not a moment to feel fear or see the room getting completely dark as all happened, Sakura just tried to get away dodging and running as her life depend of that, of course than for her that was what exactly was happening, she even dont think in the possibility than the door was closed or if the creature was behind her, she just open it and quickly get at the other side, leaving the dark room behind. There she remain trying to calm herself, leaving her big axe on the floor and hugging her legs resting at the door and crying softly until calm herself of the sudden surprise. There was not time to feel great for avoid a monster as she know than if she return she would face that creature in the complete darkness. Once she get up and take her weapon, she looks her choices and decide to take the close one, the right door than maybe could have something less dangerous for her or maybe just let her closer to the end of the maze
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

As Sakura entered into the door to the right, she felt an entirely different atmosphere. It was as if a great and heavy weight was bearing down on her shoulders, and she couldn’t help but get the sort of uneasy feeling one sometimes gets in the pit of one’s stomach when they know something is wrong, but aren’t sure what. There were no torches on the wall, but there were five candles arranged around a rather large shrine that stood in the center of the room, one of a very serious and stern-looking female. She could tell that the candles weren’t flickering at all, and that they seemed to be at full wick, which just didn’t seem right all the way round. Vaguely she would get the sense that she hadn’t seen anything at all in the town that was arranged in fives; in fact now that she thought about it most things had been in terms of fours or sixes, as if consciously avoiding five… Somehow the air smelled better here though, cleaner and fresher. There were many inscriptions at the bottom of the shrine, she could tell that much, but she couldn’t read any of them from the distance she was at.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Once inside the new room, a strange feeling start to affect the nude girl, she hug herself for a moment as she see around the room, her memory make her remember some things at her short travel yet even then she was not sure what to do now, this could be an important clue of how find the exit of the laberinth, yet she remain looking the shrine for a moment more until she earn the courage enough to carefully get close enough to read the letters yet she remain ready to avoid any trap or get so close of the statue.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Nothing seems to change about the room as Sakura creeps closer to the shrine, until finally she could see well enough by the dim light of the five candles to read the inscriptions. A number of them were in a strange language she couldn't understand, filled with bizarre symbols; even though the shrine was in perfect shape, it seemed to be really old, old enough to have multiple ancient and dead languages inscribed on it. There was one in her language, though, and it read like a passage from a holy text of some kind, likely a book of prophecy given the context. "Lo" it said, "I saw a sea of flame before me, flickering from innumerable candles. With each passing moment darkness advanced across the sea from left to right. In turn all of the candles were extinguished, until all was darkness." There was a chill in the room even more so than there had before, and it seemed to get more and more pronounced the closer she got to the image of the stern-looking woman.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The strange bad feeling increased with each time, causing the young rich girl to doubt about attempt to get closer, all was getting worse and all point than this could be an info of which patch she should take or a way of turn of the lights to activate something, but the real question is if this could be something good for her.

After a moment she decide to try it, even when she could regreat turn of the lights completely in this room, but she should do it in order to maybe end this temple.Slowly she started to turn of the lights from left to right looking any little change as she turn of a light per light.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

When Sakura touched the first light it was incredibly, unearthly cold, a cold that spread throughout her body in mere moments. All five of the candles immediately snuffed themselves out, leaving the rich girl in complete and utter darkness... And soon she felt something begin to rub up against her upper body. It was something strange and cold, something she had never felt before, that much she could tell... and more of it seemed to be spreading over her with each second. If she didn't make a break for the door soon, something unpleasant would most probably happen, especially given how heavy and oppressive the atmosphere had become since she had touched the candle.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The sudden turn off of the candles take Sakura by surprise and she just yelp when something cold touch her bare chest, she tried to get up and run where she expect is the door, trying to take away what is touching her with her free hand before open the door and return to the corridor.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

S 12 vs. 20 C, Failure!

Sakura tried to brush off whatever it was touching her, but it just grabbed onto her hand and began to creep up her arm. As she ran towards what she thought was the door she stumbled in the pitch blackness, having serious trouble seeing even just her hand in front of her face. The cold substance crept down her body, starting to behave something like rope against her skin... The rich girl could feel it wrapping tightly around her arms, tying them together behind her as it also wound itself tightly around her ample breasts, squeezing as she struggled to get up. By the time she was up and running again her balance was off due to having her arms behind her back, and whatever it was was creeping down her stomach. Once she got to the door she found herself unable to open it, and the strange ropes had wound their way down to her crotch, looping around her thighs and then firmly wedging its cold material up into her sex. It seemed to knot up in places as it began to saw back and forth, quickly making her feel quite aroused... and then suddenly her arms were unbound, though whatever it was was still on them. She was free to open the door, and when she came out into the light again she would find that she was in a sort of black bondage harness, which seemed to be... flowing? It looked almost like it was made out of smoke. Every move she made caused the knotted smoke to rub around inside of her, causing pangs of pleasure to run through the rich girl. This could prove to make things more difficult going forward...

6/6 FP
3/10 AP
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Stop, stop, please no!

Sakura started to scream and whine as she feel the repulsive object take her hand and slowly secure her body, she start to cry and struggle to get free as she do her best to get up whining as she feel her soft breasts pressed against this cold material, desesperated she tried to run and hit herself with what she suppose was the door, quickly she tried to open it to only find her arms tied so much than she could not open it. She shake her head and struggle in futile attempts to get free, slowly thiking than she has been caught by a unknow creature and she will stay here until it get tired of her, hjust like the slime, the wolf and even the tentacles, her cunt was tied and with a yelp she feel the strange object get inside her, a firm clue of what could happen to her now in this dim dark room. But just then her arms were released and without think twice she opened the door taking her axe with herself, she then closed the door once at the corridor and sigh glad of be out of there, yet s wide open when she notie than the thing was still over her, without think too much shetried to push thee ropes away of her soft lower lips, yet maybe it would not work as they were like smog.

If she dont get release she will resign to her fate and continue to the right path as the words had said in that room than the lights will turn of from left to right, maybe the meaning was diferent but she expect to be right this time and find a way of get free of this strange rope.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

When Sakura tried to push the ropes of smoke away from her they only dug in deeper, the knots seemingly thickening inside of her, only causing more arousal. It seemed to get worse and worse the more she touched them, lightening up on her just a bit when she let go, though not as much as they had been initially. Still, after a while she steeled herself to move on. The path was straight ahead, and though it turned off into a door to the left at one point, the blue-haired girl continued to follow the right wall. The torches, as before, went out two by two as she passed them, leaving everything behind her in total darkness. All the while the smoke harness rubbed around between her lower lips, just deep enough to deepen her arousal and force a bit of pleasure into her as she passed through the long hallway… finally she came to a door, and as she opened it she found a somewhat strange sight; rather than being lit with torches, the room behind it had natural light streaming in from glass in the ceilings and back walls. All around were pretty flowers, and a variety of plants that looked like spices and herbs, as if this was a sort of greenhouse. It had a wonderful, alluring aroma floating through the air, seemingly coming from the back of the room.

6/6 FP
4/10 AP
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The young girl tried to get free, she pulled and tried to free herself of the smog ropes and when she notice than it was not possible she tried to at least move it away of her delicate lower lips, each attemp failed and make her feel worse as the ropes press each time a more thick pression and she start to whimper and get red until finally give up, she fall on her kness defeated and desesperated, her last attempt was use her axe to cut the ropes but the thing was so close to her body than she could hurt herself baddly before free herself of it, maybe if all get worse she will try it but not now as she could handle the efects of the rope. She started to think than maybe walking without clothes was a really bad idea, but now than she have this on she just cant expect to wear her clothes, she has passed for a lot to let her last pair of these be destroyed by something like that strange ceiling creature of the last room.

After a moment she feel her ropes release her a little. Maybe they will leave if i dont touch them for a while, she through before start to move toward the corridor thinking in just going to the right like the shrine words could had advice her, she cant stop of press her theet as each step give her another small pleasure dosis, pressing her hand on the wall to dont fall and give the next step, she wanted baddly to free her young cunt of the knots inside it, her pressed ample breasts also disturb her, she havent expected to end like this, she looks really depraved and she was just starting, the laberinth could have worse things for her in the next room and slowly torture her until she would need to escape, but what will happen if she try to run toward the dark path behind her? would she have a free pass or more creepy things will happen her?

Sakura shake her head and breath deep before open the next door, she not expected to find a greenhouse and she get inside without think twice. The light, even when she has not been too much time it is welcome for her. She really want baddly to rest there, but the harnes would stay torturing her so she would be unable to do it and she just decide to sit and feel the floor and sun at her for a moment, sitting there for a moment before she detected the sweet smell, not caring too much she take a moment to see the flowers and herbs yet at the end she get up and walk to the back side of the room where she maybe could find some food to store.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Kneeling down to get into a sitting position only served to dig the smoke harness uncomfortably into Sakura’s sex, but she managed to find a much more comfortable sitting position, at least for a while. As she approached the smell, it only got sweeter and more ever-present, and the flowers got larger and larger. It looked like the greenhouse shifted from more normal forest plants to more exotic, jungle-type flora the farther back she went. At the very back, in the corner of the temple, the blue-haired girl found a very large plant, what looked like a pitcher plant of some kind, with long vines entangled all through the surrounding flowers and bushes and miniature trees. She felt inexplicably drawn to it, and it was certain that the smell was coming from it. Despite the fact that she was becoming more aroused due to the harness rubbing up against her and lightly squeezing in around her breasts, she still had enough worry to have reservations about this thing… As she turned to leave, of course, she found the vines already behind her, moving towards her. If the rich girl didn’t act quickly, she would soon find herself in a very poor position.

Pitcher Plant
4/4 HP

6/6 FP
4/10 AP
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura Tried hard to rest and endure the strings who were over her sensitive areas, finally finding a well position to rest for a momento before the smell call more her attention, slowly she get up and walk to find what cute flower or plant could smell so good, the smog ropes make her be distracted as she try to don’t cause too much pleasure as she move, that and the the light in the place made her take her guard down and then for an instance look at time to notice the large and strange plant, who like the tree it looks to be able to move, she whimper and turn quicjly around her as the vine moves call her attention, she know tan it would be hard to escape and she really dont want to just turn back without find a clue of where she should go now, so she prepare her weapon and tried to cut the vines who were getting close of her and then making others slices she tried to pass through the plant vines and attempt to cut the center so she could kill this thing before attempt something against her.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

S 11 vs. 12 P, Miss!
P 5 vs. 4 S, Hit and Grappled! 1, Aroused!

S 15 vs. 15 P, Hit!
P 6 vs. 4 S, Hit and Grappled! 2, Aroused!

S 6 vs. 6 P, Hit!
P 20 vs. 11 S, Hit and Grappled! 1, Aroused!

Sakura lashed out at the pitcher plant, trying to slash through it with her axe before it could do anything, but she only got a few steps before her harness dug into her sensitive flesh deeply, stopping her in her tracks. It was enough to allow the vines to grab onto her, slathering her with a strange, sweet-smelling liquid. It was very thick and didn’t flow very well, but everywhere it touched tingled and felt all the more sensitive. It was kind of like the slime from before, but different somehow… The rich girl wasn’t going down without a fight, though, and she managed to cut one of the vines holding her, forcing it to drop her briefly, though it quickly took hold of her again, spreading even more of the slime onto her. She was starting to feel desperate and panicked, and her swift response cut off another of the thick vines that had grabbed her.

This seemed to anger the plant, and a number of vines lashed out at Sakura, grabbing her legs and arms, though they had only a weak grasp on her arms. Even so, more and more of the sweet slime was seeping into her skin, making her feel very good. The smoke harness was rubbing up against her each time she moved, and if she had thought it was bad earlier, it was much worse now. She was already very wet, and if she didn’t do something quickly she wouldn’t be able to keep herself under control enough to continue fighting back.

Pitcher Plant
2/4 HP

3/6 FP
7/10 AP
Last edited:
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The poor girl moved as best as she could but each time this cause her to feel the pleasure at her body increase thanks to the smog strings at her erogenous zones. she whimper and cut before be grappled by the vines, she feared than they would wrap her as the roots of the tree but instead they started to drench her with a strange slime, she made a little moan as a weird feeling start to invade her once again, her body was getting horny every time more as the substance continue invading her body, it smell sweet and pleasant yet Sakura know than this is not good, she fighter harder cutting the vines who were holding her, yet at each second her body slowly start to betray her, her breath speed increased and slowly her face get blushed, the idea of fight back started to fade, but Sakura still decide to fight and this time she tried to cut the mnster main vine who maintain it trapped in the floor, maybe without his roots the monster will die at the instant.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

S 11 vs. 9 P, Hit!
P 13 vs. 15 S, Miss!

S 3 vs. 12 P, Miss!
P 16 vs. 14 S, Hit and Grappled! 3, Resist Arousal!

S 15 vs. 19 P, Miss!
P 20 vs. 5 S, Critical Hit!

Sakura’s attack managed to slash the vines off of her, dropping her to the ground, and she even managed to dodge its next attempt to grab her. Unfortunately that would prove to be the last real success she had against the plant. Her next swing never materialized, the vines lashing out to grab her arms and pin them together before she could get the axe brought down on the pitcher plant’s main root. Struggle as she might, she couldn’t dislodge the vine, and it quickly took advantage, other vines coming to wrap up her legs as well, still more holding her waist. This time she was being held quite snugly, and now that her arms and legs were together, the smoke harness tied up tightly together, immobilizing her completely. The rich girl dropped her axe, unable to fight back anymore, as the vines slowly began to drag her closer to the pitcher plant… all the while the harness was digging into her crotch, the knotted smoke moving back and forth along her slit, increasing her arousal.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

With a sudden swing, Sakura manage to get free even when she feel the arousal still afecting her moves, this dont was enough to stop her of dodge the vines attacks. Now free she could see the main root, only she need to get there and swing to beat this creature, but this never happened, thanks to be fully focused in wound the creature she forget the smog ropes and these were enough to make her lost her chance, more vines come and wrap her again, the blue haired girl tried to get free again and end this fight, but she was very tired and the plant had decided to put an end at this, making a more frim grapple onher until secure her hands.

The rich girl struggle harder trying to escape but the smog dont wasted the time and secured completely her body. W...wait, why is this happening? Stop noooo!!! Sakura shout as she fear the worse, she cant believe why this is happening when she was so close of win. Sakura try more times to get free or at least try to hold something, even she try to take the axe handle to have some way of get free of the inside of the plant, she really want to be saved by someone or find a way to get free of this fate, but she just cant find a way.