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Sakura (plmnko)

Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"I doubt anyone will go wandering about the woods at this time of day. It's more dangerous at night. Still, I can't stop you if you want to try. Just be careful not to trip and twist your ankle or anything.," says the priestess with a sigh.

The priestess nods and listens as Sakura rests by the fire. "Sounds like a demon imp. Many cultists or demons use them as followers. It likely hopes to make you great and powerful in hopes to become powerful as well by extension. Not unusual really. The elves might be risky to meet, they don't like demons at all. The fae are more flighty, it's hard to say what they may do. The wolves likely would mate with you like we have, though you'd likely need to meet with one of the werewolves to talk with them properly. Or you could try going into the swamp and talking to the witch perhaps, if you can reach her."

Once Sakura was ready to leave, the priestess returned the kiss quite eagerly, seeming to enjoy her company and attentions, shivering at the slime affecting her a little again. The not asleep hunters wave goodbye. "I am priestess Ss'than of the Forktail tribe, servant of Ssaras, our diety of reproduction and survival and rebirth. I hope to see you again, Sakura."
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Twist my ancle? Yeah...I suppose than it could happen with really bad luck, but it never comes to my mind when i go to explore. Dont worry even if that happen im an skilled adventurer, i will solve it or any problem and continue walking. Sakura said scratching her head softly, after all what has happening the damage at her demonic body sound like a bad joke, mostly the scales should avoid any damage, she is not exactly a klutz girl... at least not all the time.

Vel is more than a demon imp, she is cute and funny... im sure than she is kind and and care for my safety, maybe she has gotten hurt or lost, im starting to be worried for her, i leave her at that soft bed having some fun jumping at it... Sakura could see some images of Vel being raped against her will, maybe the townpeople would try to hurt her or maybe a horse stop over her... who know what kind of fait could have a slittle girl like her in that town filled with prostitutes and sweaty guys... Sakura curse the last image.

Uhm suddenly going to the swamp sound as the best, i dont see why elvens could hate us so much, i mean yes many are evil but you shouldn't judge someone by what it is, like Vel and maybe others... Being a demon dont turn you into a nuisance or bad guy. Sakura sigh and hate to had said us, she was not a demon and really it was like she have anything against them, they were just weird and she shouldnt like to have sex as they request to have every minute.

Thans for your knowledge and frienship priestress Ss'than, let me talk with my pillow at this night to decide what would be my next move. We will meet soon, here or at the swamp.

Said this Sakura leave, having still in mind that last sweet kiss... she then remove the idea of be lesbi... for what it looks she likes males and the sweet touch of a female, but really more the strong taste of the dicks...wait no... she was not either a slut, she was just a common girl in this world. For most of the walk through the forest she just think at many ideas about her and this world, she was maybe a slut from birth by how her family educate her and her body was guided from birth to rise in this way, she has read than women werent so perfect in the past and mostly some looks as men, it made her laugh that time in the library close her friends than also abandoned her at the end.

Sakura sigh and tried to place all in order, maybe they tried to make a whore, but she was not one. Maybe the world in this game want her to turn her into a broodmother for demons but she can decide, at least here she have some friends and she have them to help each other to solve any problem, she just need to get out this forest and get at the town again.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Encounter was rolled! Table 49, 48

Sakura parted the lizardfolk, carrying her heavy tummy full of her growing brood. It doesn't inconvenience her nearly as much as she would expect or has been told or even seen. Like her body was fortified for this burden. Still, the large extrusion of her stomach did require some manoeuvring at times. She could feel a constant warm sense of satisfaction from within, the slow pleasure of knowing a strong lineage had been thrust upon her.

As she made her way along the river, the cool water having felt lovely on her slick scales and skin, she soon noticed glowing lights drifting over the water and soft entrancing music coming through.

Before she can react however, the lights seem to take notice and zip over. They surround Sakura, drifting around her, glowing balls of light. Then they seem to move faster as a beautiful nude woman that was partially translucent slipped from the water, covered in ghostly green fire. She grinned amusedly at the sight of Sakura.

"Oh me, oh my, what a cute little preggy demoness. Getting her first few transformations and brood, hm? You're just what we need. Why don;t you go relax by that tree and spread your leg's, sweetling, and let us make use of that womb of yours?"
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

There were too much things at her head to really try to dodge any creature at her path to the town. Her trial was not so hard for anyone so full with eggs, at the darkness of the night she really dont noticed completely how heavy was her pregnant belly and she just enjoy her walk, mostly thanks to the scales on her legs as she wet them at the river.

Her senses noticed some dancing lights, by the music maybe they were some adventurers or travelers, the forest should have many visitors at the night she suppose and not all should be monsters. Her moves soon pointed than she would get to the riverside in case than they were humans or elvens, if werent for these scales she would not be thinking on dodge the looks of who they could be.

She also could sense how her body looks to enjoy have life inside, it was a strange feeling, taking out how good it feels, it make her ponders more things than anything else really. As she was busy with her feelings, she was not ready to see the lights come to her, most likely she get a huge fright than cold her almost in place, she manage to prepare her weapon as she try to get in her mind than these were just monsters and not something more creepy.

The instincts to defend her babies come out when the strange woman come out, Sakura was ready to fight or run, her body filled with adrenaline by the scary event. Yes... im, pregnant and i will preffer to know who are you first. Its already late and we could meet in another chance once i deliver them, why the hurry to lay with me now? Sakura said as she look also around as the woman talked in plural, walking slowly to get out the river and make a run if was needed.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The strange flaming transparent woman laughs hauntingly, eyes glowing with her green flames. "Because we have need of them now, little demoness, for we are the dead without bodies. We shall be your children and live once more, freed from the bondage of our half existence. Resist and we shall take more than just new bodies from you.," grins the woman.

The strange balls of light swirl about excitedly as the undead watch and wait for how Sakura shall respond, whether she will take them as her children or fight or try to flee into the dark.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The laught of the woman made the blue haired woman think than this was not going well, but what made her take a choice were her words, out of all the fear than they could produce, theirs ideas to have a new life were sick and against what Sakura believe.

As she end, she moved her axe to split some water to her as her scale feet press and make her able to make a quick rush away of them. Its not fair, you cant take from these inocents theirs chances to live and love at this world! She shout as she start to run, trying to dodge what they could try against her using her axe to protect herself and use the adrenaline what this creepy moment make her get.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura tries to escape the Witchfire and Deadlights! Sakura has an advantage in water but they're incorporeal so it breaks even.

Sakura 7 Witchfire 3 Deadlights 6.

Sakura darted through the water, her body well suited to gliding through the water. While the creatures were fast and unable to be blocked by objects, Sakura still managed to out swim them, despite her lack of tail to help speed her through it.

Still, in doing so she seems to have ended up less towards town and more into the swamp instead. It smells of decay and the sounds of crickets and bullfrogs can be heard. Many dead trees are about in here. Off a bit in the distance, banjo music can be heard, and some sort of large manor can be seen lit up above the swamp water.

A little ways away from it, a rocky outcropping rises from the swamp. Many more of those lights can be seen dancing around it.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura was not so great at the water, but she looks to had improved by much thanks for the corruption inside her, her heavy pregnancy also was not reducing her speed by how the water reduce her weight to carry, mostly she instintively was swiming to escape as a beast with her skills will do against a depredator, she just dont stop until the water feels weird and so it call her attention.

At least she manage to carry her weapon and her cloth dont need to dry, she could see the place to be sure than she was at the swamp, she also notice soon many more lights. Sakura decide to cover her pregnant body with a dark mantle so no other of these ghost run to get her babies, she then moves to the manor, trying to hide most of her in the water until see closer before get inside and see who was making that music.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura swims over through the swamp waters towards the manor. It seems to be held up on stilts, albeit stilts of bones. Sitting on the front porch is a man in a wide hat and overalls, playing his banjo. As he plays, skeletons dance along to the beat, Deadlights seeming to have congregated onto the bones, giving them their power of animation.

Some of the deadlights split off however when Sakura approaches and seem to merge together before it becomes an older transparent man, dressed in similar worn clothing as the man playing the music. He seems to have a hole through his chest, though it's pale white, just like everything else about him. A ghost.

"Well, look over here. Ah do declare a little demoness hiding in the muck. Don't look so scared, child, we ain't gonna hurtcha none. Come get dried off, have a seat. Boy, quit your playin' and fetch some towels for the chickadee. Sorry bout that, boy's good people, but slow on the uptake."

The man stops his playing, the skeletons falling apart as the deadlights slip off the bones, forming into more ghostly men and women again. He looks over, squinting in the dark before seeing Sakura. "Well, didn't see y' there. How y'all doin? Here, take m' seat while I get you somethin' t' dry off with, hm? Don't mind them none, they don't mean nuthin'. They ain't wild like some of em get under the wrong influence."

He offers Sakura a hand up onto the porch.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

As best a she could, the young woman tried to remain her body below the water, with her face over it to see what was happening at what looks to be a party in the swamp, it was not the best experience with all the muddy water, but she preffer that over these beings find her and try to rape her as mostly all in this world. It was scary to see what resist the structure and more what was dancing, it maybe would looks as a halloween special cartoon, but look it so closer was certainly not fun such view.

The man and his music make her get closer to look at him when suddenly some lights move and turn into a man as she reduce theirs distance. The appear of a ghost dont turn all this better, Sakura wanted to swim away, but she was really stunned to do it now and she just place a little more of her head inside the river when the entity talked to her, she was not sure what to do, but the invitation and safety looks to be real and so she slowly move closer as she get out her body from the water.

Uhm, Thanks. It was a pleasant music and i wanted to enjoy it by getting closer, it should be already so late, so sorry for bother all of you at these hours. The young lady said as she see the many others ghost leaving the skeletons, she was sure than this would be more of what she can handle alone. She tried than her mantle cover most of her body, so her belly dont were so easily noticed and accepting the the offer of help and dry seat.

Thanks, my name is Sakura and i come from the town close the forest, but after a night wall i ended here. You are really skilled in that instrument, you must had practiced a lot. She add trying to get some info from this guy and trust
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Given it's size, there was pretty much no chance to hide how pregnant she is. These phantoms don't seem interested though, and instead the ghost seem to gossip amidst themselves.

"Well thank y' kindly miss. I'm The Guardian, but most folks call me Martin. Here, take a seat and I'll be back faster than a snake with legs.," smiles the man, sitting Sakura down on his chair before slipping inside.

He's back only a few moments later, bringing her a towel.
"Here y' go Miss Sakura. Dry off d' bayou and settle down for a spell. You're a bit a ways from home. Most folks from round there don't come up to these parts. Not much for decent folks, more for outcasts and folks who don't take a likin' t' civilisation. I'm guessin' with those scales and your tummy you must be a new demon and had a bit of congress with them lizards huh? Well long as y' aren't stirrin' up any trouble we'll get along fine. You lookin' for your kin?"

The man smiles and sits on a bench near her and picks up his fiddle. With a closer look, it's made of black wood and covered in runes, the tuning keys seeming to have a skull motif as he adjusts them casually.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

With the ghosts focused on themselves, the young lady could focus on most likely the only live one and the close one with a hole in the belly, she in part tried to relax herself and let this man place her in the seat before he leave so quickly than she only manage to thanks him.

Soon he returnwith something to help her to dry herself and finally Sakura could talk with him. Thanks. Its a pleasure to meet you, Mister Martin. She said with a soft bow as sshe take the towel. Yes, i found a group of lizarfolks some hours ago, they were kind with me and we talked for a time... i preffer to dont talk of why i ended like this, but we are now friends and im trying to protect these eggs until they born. Sakura answer, softly blushing as she touch her pregnant belly.

Im not looking for problems and at this morning i was just a human, so im not sure if i should meet a demon... She continue before sigh and try to smile softly. So are you a Guardian? Im not from here so i will be glad to heard more of you.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"The Guardian of the Dead, specifically sort of. My jobs t' take care of the dead when they pass til they're ready to travel the rest of the way to the end. They tend t' kick about meantime, and they lend a hand and such. It's a hard job, and ah'll be doin' it til I pass and the mantle passes t' the next livin' relative. That or m' babysitter holds onto it til ones found an trained.," says Martin with a nod, setting the bow to his fiddle and starting to play again, the ghosts taking up their bones once more, pulling together and dancing.

"They don't got bodies anymore, but the bones have no life so they don't protest none when they get borrowed for a bit. And it let's em have a good time. Anyways, I wouldn't worry bout it. I ain't gonna pretend I know demons too well but if it helps, m' babysitter is a 'alf demon. Folks most call her the Demon Witch though. She's a grumpy ol gal, but she means well enough. She practically raised me an all when the worst 'appened t' m' father." Martin shakes his head a bit and shrugs with a smile.

"But it ain't any trouble if y' aren't interested. The lizards are alright folks. They ain't what I'd call friendly t' most folks, they just keep t' their own, but they've never hurt anyone who ain't ever hurt em first. Not like dem boggards, nasty critters. Anyways it's real dangerous out here at night, Miss Sakura. You should probably stay the night and I'll bring y' over t' town in the mornin' if that's y' fancy. Folks will be happy t' see another of the quick amidst em for a change."
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Yes, its as a really important job and a hard one. I found some ghosts at the river when i was walking around and they werent so friendly but nothing bad happened. Im just an adventurer than maybe stay at the town, but i will be glad to come to visit you ussually if you let me. Sakura let the man check his instrument and heard the song as also his words before continue.

So, do you know the Demon witch!? I wanted to have a meeting with her to know something about the temple at the forest, i heard from the lizardfolks than she has visited the place. Also, im sorry for heard about your father. She add feeling bad for escape of her family to come to get strick here, she look down and feels a little uncomfortable with the thought

Indeed, the forest is really dangerous even if i can defend myself, i will mostly get lost again. Thanks for let me stay with you this night. Sakura said as she continue using the tower to dry herself and also stay there with Martin to see the death people dance.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Martin grimaces a bit upon hearing about bad ghosts. "Wayward spirits without guardians of good intent can become dark and twisted. They hate d' livin' somethin' fierce and want what they once had. Some abuse dis darkness that grows in them, or abuses the position of Guardian. S'why necromancers don't have very good reputation. Some folks just can't help but abusin' the nature of things. Chances are those lot were cut loose by our rivals up d' way from the swamp. Nasty folks, you'd best keep your distance from dem."

Martin's quiet a moment then perks up a bit upon hearing Sakura wanted to meet the demon witch. "Yup, she practically raised me. Long been a friend of d' family. Her actual name is Vear, she's a strange lady, but she's friendly enough once y' crack dat shell of hers like a crawdad. Hard and scary outside, but big soft centre. Just don't make too much a fuss about her lower half. She's a touch embarrassed of her body, though there's no callin' for it. But you can see for y'self n the mornin' if y' like. We can go pay her a little visit out yonder."

He points out towards the rocky outcropping where all the deadlights are bobbing around from earlier.

Upon Sakura giving her condolences, Martin just chuckles then looks upstairs and raises a hand to help him yell up. "Y' hear that pa?! Told y' folks would mourn yer sorry ass!" A window opens up on the third floor and a pale man looks through, eyes looking like glowing blue flames. "Well har de har har. Quit yer jawin' boy, and let the lass inside. She's probably starved and you know how y're aunty get's when she has someone t' feed. Now hop to it!" He then went back in, closing the window.

Martin looked over with a chuckle. "See, ain't much call for mournin' with us, not for death anyhow. Folks die, s'what they do. Some of them linger. He jsut had to linger a little longer til I was ready t' take the mantle. We had quite the catchin' up to do. In any case, why mourn? Spirit's linger til they are ready to go on t' better places. Why feel sad for them bein' happy and bein' better? Just how things go, y'know? Pa's right though, we should head on in, y' can meet the family. Hope y' are hungry, Auntie's always lookin' f' an excuse to feed folks."
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Of course, i will try to avoid any of them... It was so scary and i preffer to dont fight if is not needed. Sakura then was close to end to dry herself, her scales should not need too much work. Dont worry, i will not say anything than could ofend Miss Vear and maybe i can get an idea of how she feel about her body, i dont look like this some hours ago. Anyway, we certainly could end as good friends. Said this she smile and have all the hopes high in her chances to make all works tomorrow.

Then they prepare to get inside the house, but she never expected than her condolences could cause such reaction. Sakura's eyes wide open when that man at the third floor opened the window, maybe that house was filled with ghosts, but at least they must be friendly and all would be just a "normal" family meating.

Uhm... sorry. Its just than i havent seen a ghost at my whole life until today and it make a great twist in what you believe and think of the world. You are right, we shouldnt be sad for them and lost our time only looking back. She said blushing by how she dont think so fast to get the possibility of his father "living" still with them. Uhm, yes i may need to eat something after all that walk, fights and the babies inside me. Said this Sakura follow the young man inside the room, trying to dont scream if another ghost come out from nowhere.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"Well, if any ghosts force the issue, don;t go swingin' an axe at em. Goes right through. Instead, what you wanna do is use magic. Helps a bunch. And I'm sure she'll be happy t' meet a friendly demoness f' once."

Martin takes Sakura inside, the building a bit worn down but cozy, lamps lit and burning fitfully. Most light comes from the dead lights though, floating about and swirling around excitedly.

From one door, the scent of cooking food with strong spices can be smelt. The door opens and a plump woman of darker skin and slightly worn clothes comes out, eyes glowing a bit red, and she smiles happily. "Well, a thought I heard a fine lass' voice! Great lights above child, you;re all skin and bones! How you gonna nourish dem young'uns with a thin little body like that?! Come on, come on child, come take a seat and we'll get some gumbo into you. You two Martin, just cus you spend most the time with the dead don't mean you gotta be skin and bones!"

The woman swiftly starts herding Martin and Sakura into the kitchen and to the table, a big boiling cauldron evidently he origin of the delicious scents of cooking food. Already at the table is large man wearing robes and a staff of bone, covered in runes. He looks up at the two.

"Martin, why don;t you introduce our newcomer, eh?|" "Ah, right. Miss Sakura, this here is m' aunt Faera and Unca Bones. Uncle here is sorta the patriarch of the family and such. He makes sure everythin' is safe and protected."
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Thanks to mention it, the last time than i casted an spell there was a great incident than burn a whole room, so i wouldnt tried it against them, maybe i should train my spells when i can. Sakura answer, as she remember the poor plant woman's garden. They then move inside the house, is was like a classic thematic game of the hunting house, then it only turn into a more confusing event with the dark skinned woman with the red eyes and the mage, the noble girl bow to them trying to dont forget her manners as she is guided to her seat. Nice to meet both of you. Im an adventurer from the town near the forest, so saddly sometimes i skip to eat something when im exploring, at least this time we got to meet each other and that food smell so good.

Sakura then tried to clean herself and prepare to eat what would be served by Faera. If i can ask, how long your family has living here? She add trying to break the ice and dont focus to only talk herself.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura is brought a bowl of some sort of dark stew like food, it being quite spicy yet sweet. Plenty of meat in it and vegetables though, definitely hearty.

"Family goes back long time, but our branch out in the bayou has been round for maybe couple centuries. Long enough to see the demon's war host come round these parts. Not so good times then. Still, some of em ain't so bad, like Miss Vear. Anyhow, we've been carrying on round here and tryin' t' help the dead move on and dealin' with dem fools up north. Those folks got no respect for the dead. Treat em like slaves, make em turn mean.," says Uncle Bones, musing a bit.

"Been getting pretty bad of late too. They've got more and more of the lost souls riled up and lashin' out against everyone, and it's been pushin' the livin' critters out of the swamp. Not sure what it's all about so far, but it's nothin' good I guaruntee.," says Aunt Faera, shaking her head as she grimaces, her elongated fangs becoming a little exposed when she does.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Looking at the bowl, the blue haired girl stare at it to identify what was at her bowl before go to taste it, she was sure than with such good smell the food would taste as good as that.

She eat hearing to the whole family as she nods before answer with her mouth clean of food. There must be a reason for all these events happening now, mostly i want to talk with Miss Vael and then act if needed. There was this temple than most of the town know, i feel something evil inside before it dissapear. Sakura then continue eating and then end her ration, she was not sure if she could eat another with her pregnant belly so huge, but if she could she would politely ask for another ration.

I also heard than the north always has been dangerous, enough to never go there and also i had heard a little about the demon war. If is needed i want to help to do what its possible so these lands remain in peace. Sakura will continue hearing and eating until it was time to rest or wait for the dawn.