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RPG [さくらぷりん] 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン (RJ080542)

Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

Anyone can post walkthrough of this game?
just a little bit till you stuckis fine too.
I stuck at dark passage that appear after wall collapse.
Don't know where to go now......

i stuck in this passage to the tentacle moster killed the zombie girl and i get a key but the wall callapse i get stucked in this part

and in Seijirou rote i stuked in the lake part i get for travel 2 person holy the Seijirou is waiting near the entrace but i not known what do kk

i stucked in this 2 parts
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

i stuck in this passage to the tentacle moster killed the zombie girl and i get a key but the wall callapse i get stucked in this part

and in Seijirou rote i stuked in the lake part i get for travel 2 person holy the Seijirou is waiting near the entrace but i not known what do kk

i stucked in this 2 parts

Hit the collapsed wall/rocks with the hammer. It should break and disappear from your inventory. Then, go up the stairs that are in front of the save room. The wall will now be open and you can leave. Go back to the piano room and go to the save room and go to bed.
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

Stuck and need help, What do you do in the prologue after you put the 2 (what I presume) shields from the statues behind walls onto the statue on the upper right in the room with 6 statues, and make it fall down into the room where the 3rd guy was?
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

Alright, time to make a (semi) walkthrough!

NOTE: This walkthrough only applies to a non-Seijirou playthrough.

At the beginning of the game you get asked various questions:

1. "Do you like to experience fear?" Yes/No
2. "Are you weak at heart?" Yes/No
3. "Do you require my assistance?" Yes/No

and finally:

4.Would you like to skip the prologue? No/Yes

I don't know if these questions actually change anything within the game. I wondered if maybe there would be more guro or something if I answered yes to experiencing fear, but I see no changes.

In the very beginning, walk north into the main lobby. You can see your friends looking at thing within the lobby.
Interact with the Northern door and your main character (his name is Homura btw) says notes that it is locked... which is odd because your father told you that he would be in the northern room, and you have the keys to the West and Eastern doors.....strange...​

All of a sudden, you hear a voice yelling at you... marking the entrance of Seijirou and Rikana. They talk about what you're doing here, wheres you dad and blah blah blah. Finally, you're given the option of choosing a party member. I listed in a previous post above on their individual skills and items.IMPORTANT: This character will stay with you for the REST of the game.

Once you have your party member chosen, you are given the task of going upstairs. There is a chasm preventing you from reaching the base of the stairs. Luckily, Homura has a Wooden Plank in his inventory. Use the plank in front of the hole in order to fill it, then walk across. Go down the hall and head down the stairs on the otherside. Your partner will note that there is a chasm preventing you from crossing. Head back up the stairs and you will notice that a Pillar that was once blocking a doorway has mysteriously moved.... Head inside and you'll see a row of bookcases. One of the bookcases has a box on top. Interact with the bookcase and your partner will comment that neither of you can reach the box. Grab the nearby stool (the one that isn't broken) and place it in front of that bookcase. You get a small CG, and then interact with the box to get a tome. Once you've got that, head back to the lobby.

Everyone at the lobby mentions that they haven't found any clues on the whereabouts of the previous group. Seijirou decides that it would be best to split into two groups. (WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY) Pick your third party member, then proceed to head west. You'll be interrupted by a scene, and then proceed to head west.

As soon as the party walks into the hallways, the door closes behind them, and cannot be opened.The first door on the southern wall is a safe room. Grab the healing items and drop off the [West Wing Key] that Homura is holding into the Locker, as you will not be needing it any further.

Quick Explanation of Save Points:
You can go here to save and grab/drop items off in the locker. (Much like the Resident Evil games, items dropped in one locker can be retrieved in another.) You can also choose to rest in the bed. You are given the option to either rest with another party member, or to take watch while the other two rest. Resting reduces everyone's Fear back to 0 and also increases the relationship of the 2 resting. NOTE:You can only rest one time per room, so use these rests wisely! You can however choose to NOT rest at one room, and gain an additional "rest" charge at another. So if you choose not to rest in one room, you can rest twice at another and so on and so forth

Keep walking down the hall and a pillar will fall in front of you. At the far left end of the hall there are a row of bookcases. Interact with the one blocking the doorway from the side to push it out of the way. (Homura will mention that even though he pushed it into the hole, he didn't hear it hit the ground....) Enter through that door.

In this hallway when you walk past a window, Homura will mention that he can see into the rooms. In the first window you can see a pair of scissors in the room. Keep note as it's a nice early weapon to have. In the next window, you partner will look inside and see a rather grisly..."hallucination". Homura will then look inside and mention that theres nothing wrong. Pay close attention to the "hallucination" though, as there is a key in the middle of the room. Keep note of where in the room that key is, as it's very important. Keep walking up the corridor and to the doorway. Homura will mention that something is blocking the doorway and if he should force it out of the way (Yes/No). Say yes and a pillar will be pushed out of your way, and provides a nice bridge to the next door. (Yay!)

Back in this hallway, if you try to interact with the northern door, you'll see that it is locked. (and if you have Yachika in your party she'll mention she can't open it). Go into the room with the "hallucination" and interact with the tile where you saw the key to pick it up. The [Small Key] can be used to open the northern Door, as well as opening various other things (if you don't have Yachika anyways). Head to the door just south of the one you were just in to grab the [Broken Scissors] (S: 4/ W:1). It's not a great weapon, but it's better than nothing. After that, head to the northen door and unlock it with the Small Key. Head to the next area.

On your right you see a weapon and a key, and on your left [Hayato Memo #1]. (Translation of the Hayato Memo's will be in a separate post.) Another note on the ground to the north reads: "Don't walk in the shadows if you wanna live." (Whatever that means, pay it no heed.... for now.) Interact with the table to the right to find a hidden box of [Matches]. The matches are important, as they let you see in dark areas as well as function as a combat item, which is useful against small creatures such as rats. Pick up the [Rusty Knife] (S:13/ W:4) and put it in someone's inventory, and pick up the [Snake Key]. Further north you see a piano on your right, along with a green statue and some stairs on your left. Ignore the piano for now, and head up the stairs.

You'll see a pair of [Scissors] (S:6/W:2) on your left. Grab those and throw them on one of your characters. Further North you'll see an unopenable door with a [Spray] (bottle) in front of it. The [Spray], or Bug Spray is a great combat item. You can use it during combat and it does great damage to bugs and some small animals, though it's ineffective against other enemy types. Throw it on your weakest fighter, then head back down the stairs.

You can choose the go a little further north and into the room on the right for another safe room, organize your inventory, save,etc. Head south back into the hallway. Theres a door on the right side that can be opened with the [Snake Key]. Open it, and then the game tells you that the Snake Key has no further use, and if you would like to discard it. (As in the Resident Evil games) Discard it to free inventory space, and head inside.

Interact with the note on the table to make a bookshelf fall over. Go into the corridor and walk til the end. Homura will notice that there is a crack in the wall where he can see the entrance to the hallway and... *GASP* the door is open! You see a short scene of a Giant Tentacle Monster wrecking someones face and your party loses their shit. Your third party member will note that the GTM is suddenly missing and is probably headed your way. Go back the way you came and your partner will tell you that the GTM is in the room you opened earlier. Head back to the crack in the wall and interact with it to break out to the otherside. Once that ordeal is over, feel free to go into the safe room.

Next, head back into the corridor through the hole you made and grab the items lying around, mainly the [Broken Ladder]. You can also look into the window, and Homura will note that there is something written on the wall, yet it's too far away for him to read it. Head back into the hallway and head to the western end. Use the Broken Ladder on the chasm to the staircase to cross.

Once you go up the stairs, you find yourself in a hallway with a row of 5 pictures, in order:
1.A picture of a baby in a stroller. (Upon close inspection you can swear that you can hear a baby crying...)
2.A picture of a teenager.
3.A picture of a young boy. (Upon close inspection you swear that the boy is running away from someone...)
4.A picture of an Adult.
5. A picture of an Old Man. (Which cannot be removed from the wall.)

The puzzle here involves you that you switch the locations of the pictures around so it is 4 1 2 3 5. Once you do that, the picture of the Old Man will fall off, and examining it presents you with a [Lily Key]. Go back down the stairs in go to a room on the left side of the hallway.(That room may still be locked, but you can unlock it with a small key or with Yachika) One of the dressers in the room is locked. Use the Lily Key to open the dresser, then inspect the dresser again to get [Binoculars]. Head back through the hole in the wall on the eastern side of the hallway. Find the window where you couldn't see far enough before and use the Binoculars. This gives Homura a clue about the piano. After you do that, head back into the northen area.

Interact with the piano and Homura will begin playing, your partner even compliments him on his amazing ability to play...except...Homura says that the piano is playing on its own!? After that short scene the door covered in blood to the left will open. I highly recommend that you save at this point as shit is going to hit the fucking fan. Once you're ready, walk into the room.

In the room you see a stuff thats pretty unsettling. All of a sudden, the room goes virtual boy on you, and a mysterious woman/creature/thing appears. You try to open the door but before you can the woman attacks! All your party members will tell you something you already know: "Whatever you do DON'T fight this thing, you can't win. RUN. LIKE. HELL." You escape from the fight and burst out of the room. Now this is where it's CRITICAL you pay attention: You need to run away from that thing. If it catches you and you go into combat, RUN. You'll notice that where there used to be shadows in the room there are now these weird yellow things. These slow you down when you walk in them, but are sometimes necessary to walk through to proceed. (Now we know what that survivor was talking about...) Go back south into the main hallway, and up the stairs into the hallway with the paintings. On the southern wall there should be a statue. Interact with it to be given the option to hide. Your characters will hold their breath as they pray that the monster doesn't find them... (I think I almost crapped my pants the first time I did this) After the monster leaves, head back into the room where you encountered it.

EDIT/ NOTE: I now know that this doesn't always work. She CAN find catch even if you hide behind a statue, under beds, etc. To escape her, just simply run up the stairs immediately to the left after you leave the room that you encounter her in.

In the room you see a weapon, a [Wooden Plank], and a fridge in the top-left corner. Grab the plank, and the [Piece of Wood](S:16 / W:4), and to open the fridge you need to use the Broken Scissors. Inside you have an Antidote and a bottle of wine. Take the antidote and upon interacting with the bottle of wine you're given the option of choosing who gets to drink it.
2.2nd party member.
3. 3rd party member.

It doesn't matter who you choose as it doesn't effect anyone, except if Homura or Mia drinks the wine they go unconscious (only as an event though, does not effect them statistically).

Afterwards, climb up the stairs and interact with the statue to the north, and the hole in the handrail to the north. Homura asks if he should drop the statue off the handrail or not (Yes/No). (I actually don't know WHY he does this, but it's important to progress.) Upon dropping the statue, they hear a woman's scream, and the door to the south BURSTS open. Head to the south and use the plank to cross the gap. Head into the room.

You're now in a room with red walls. Head down the hall until you're in a square room. The left dresser contains a [Broken Piece of Wood](S:8/ W:3) and the right contains a Biscuit. You cannot open the middle one yet, so go into the middle of the room to drop down. You're now in the room you were looking into earlier with the Binoculars. Grab the weapon the right, an [Old Spear](S:18/ W:8) and the matches to the top left if you don't already have them. There is also [Cigarettes] on the desk, but you cannot use them unless you're Seijirou (and if he was in your party you wouldn't even be here right now) so ignore them. Interact with the bookcase from the side to reveal a hidden passage.

Now you are underground. Make sure to use the Matches that you just got to illuminate the surrounding area. Go slightly south to find a safe room. In this safe room there is an item in the corner called [Video Tape B]. This lets you watch an H-Scene later, but you cannot use it now, so for the time being just throw it into the locker. Once you do the safe room stuff, head East and climb up some stairs to enter a room. Interact with the [Small Knife] (S:6/ W:2) and the notes if you wish. MAKE SURE NOT TO INTERACT WITH THE HAMMER UNTIL YOU HAVE DONE THIS. Once you pick up the [Old Hammer] go to the top right corner....oh no... The screen changes... AND THAT BITCH RETURNS.

Once again RUN as fast as you can out of the room. You need to back track back into the caves and go west past the safe room. Go north until you find a green statue, and break it with your new hammer. Keep going north and you'll find another statue. Break that too and keep following the trail. It may seem like a never ending path, but after you go down 3 floors you'll reach a dead end with another statue. Homura will hear a voice telling him to break it. Do so and the woman will be stunned. Run past her and you'll see an event.

After the event ends, pick up the [Bloody Key] and head back up. Check the walls near where you broke the first statue during the chase to find that it is cracked. Use the hammer to access a secret area which contains a [Small Ax] (S:25 / W:7) and [Sulfuric Acid]. [Sulfuric Acid] is a combat item that is useful against the Undead, but not against Spirits.

Homura wants to investigate the room that you guys just got chased out of so head east...and then theres a landslide that blocks your path...But never fear, thats what you have a hammer for! So take that baby out and use it on those boul- and the hammer breaks. Well shit that really sucks. Given no other options you must now head back upstairs into the study. Once there Homura notices that there is suddenly a hole in the wall to leave to room... nifty. Once you exit, Homura will state that he wants to rest.

Go north into the chapel and go to the safe room. Interact with the bed for a short scene of Homura standing guard while the other 2 members rest. Homura will suddenly hear a voice calling to him from the south, and there he sees a little girl. She tells him that he must break all of the statues in the mansion, and that the key he got will be useful in a room with red walls. Afterwards go into the safe room and talk to your party. Once that is over, head up the stairs and then south, back into the room where you fell. In this room, you can now use the [Bloody Key] on the shelf in middle. That unlocks it, giving you a journal of some sort and a [Broken Ladder]. After reading it and trying to leave...the screen changes colors, and we all know what that means, meaning we have to run away from that dumb bi- HOLY SHIT ITS THE TENTACLE MONSTER. Run north out of the room and to the right to find a chasm. Use the [Broken Ladder] on the chasm to go across, and enter the room on the right.

In this room, you'll reunite with the other party of friends! Yay! Except the floor suddenly collapses and you guys are seperated once again...darn. The other party will ask that you give them food and a weapon. I do not know how this effects the game later on. EDIT: Thanks to GOR, we now know that if you have 2 female party members and decide not to give the other party any items, Seijirou and Kippei will rape the other female for an H-Scene later. Feel free to give them any crappy weapon you might have kept along with a biscuit, as you will find another biscuit once you leave the room. After that, leave the room and head back downstairs. You'll encounter the mysterious little girl, Yuki, again. She'll tell you to pass through the East wing and to go into the forest from there. With that said head south into the hallway, and to the right. Homura will notice that the door that's been closed all this time has mysteriously opened!? Once you head inside...

...You'll end up on the East Wing and your friends will say: "What the hell? This should lead to the lobby, why are we suddenly in the East wing?" Spooky shit. Anyways, the room to the north is a safe room. Feel free to save and inventory manage, but you cannot sleep here. (Something about there being a dead mouse in the other bed).

Keep heading east and you'll find a set of stairs. Climb up and you'll see some doorways. The door on the left is jammed and cannot be opened, so head north. Walk down the hallway all the way til the end when you see some stairs. Walk down those sta- Oh shit. The screen is turning red again. Out from the stairs bursts the GTM. Turn the other away and run down the hall. Eventually this will trigger an event where the monster breaks through the floor and falls. Well crap, now you can't go that way. The good news though is that there was a statue blocking a doorway earlier, and the fall of the monster made it break. Head into the corridor to the end and you'll see a machine of some sort. Interact with it and you'll see a short even of a secret passage appearing. Neat.

Head back out of the corridor, and back into the room with the stairs. This time, open the Eastern door [Bloody Key]. Once you're in this room, read the memo and it will tell you that in order to progress, you must defeat 4 enemies in this room... AND SUDDENLY AN ENEMY ATTACKS. Defeat this enemy, and 3 others by just wandering around the room. Suddenly a window will break, providing an exit to the forest. Before you leave though, make sure to grab the [Rope] on the table.

Once outside, use your Matches so you can see, and head north until you see a peg on the floor. Use the [Rope] on this to go down into the forest. Proceed north from here and you'll see a door on your left. Head inside for a safe room. You should probably save and stock up on healing items and things are going to get pretty dangerous from here. Proceed to head east and ignore the door to the north. It's jammed and cannot be opened. In the next area, you can see [Cigarettes] to the north. Ignore them as they cannot be used. (For those who are curious though, the smokes do block the path from interacting with the dock. Even if you were to interact with it, you characters just note that the boat has been washed away from the dock and you cannot reach it.) Continue to head east. You'll see an iron gate with a lock on it. None of your keys can open it, so proceed to head south-east until you reach a shack.

Go into the southern room for a quick safe zone. Then go to the bloody door on the right. Use the Bloody Key. The game will ask if you wish to discard it as it has no further use. Feel free to do so and head into the next room. You can read the [Hayato Memo #6] to see an H-event of Hayato raping Misa. After that, try to leave the room. Suddenly a shelf will fall over, dropping a hammer. Take the [Hammer] and use it to break the discolored wall on the right. Head into the hole you made to access another room. In the room, interact with the painting in the north-east corner. Homura will note that there is a button inside. Press it, and a bookcase will move, exposing a hidden passage. Head down the stairs and into a room. (The characters will have a brief conversation about how Homura keeps mentioning that Yuki (the little girl) keeps telling him to break the statues, and that the other party members haven't seen her and that Homura must be hallucinating. However, your partner will admit that breaking the statues is probably a good idea, as it seems to have some effect on the monsters.) Use your hammer on the statue and it'll break....and the terror begins.

In order to escape the woman this time, you need to head ALL the way back into the mansion and to the staircase room. It's going to be very hard to see some of the exits to the next area as you run this time, so it might be a good idea and try to remember the way back. Once you escape the woman the party will discuss how the woman CLEARLY died by the tentacle monster earlier, so why is it back!? Homura has no answers, but clearly destorying the statue had some sort of effect. Now that you have the broken hammer, go back to the west wing... On the way back you'll walk through a dark hallway that wasn't there earlier... You can't use your matches and you can't help but have a bad feeling. Once you walk through to the other side, you'll notice that your third party member is missing! OH NO... and then your third character will come through the doorway. "Is something wrong?" they'll ask...

Okay at this point, the path diverges, which decides the fate of your third party member.

Member Lives:
Your third party member seems a little suspicious...so head back into the east wing, and climb up the stairs. Your third member will try to stop you from going there. Just pick the top option each time and you'll head up the stairs. You'll hear your third party member SCREAMING as they bang on the bathroom door! Upon trying to open it your third party member(?) will tell you not to open it as it's obviously a trap. Decide to open it anyways and your third party member will be freed. But wait...if thats your party member.... then who's that behind you? The doppelganger then proceeds to laugh maniacally as their face begins to melt off, revealing that it's actually an enemy skeleton! Defeat the enemy then continue, then head back into the west wing.

Proceed back into the northern room with the piano. Use the hammer on the statue here, then go back south into the hallway. Go into the hole you made when escaping the tentacle monster and head into the study. Go down the stairs into the underground, and use the hammer on the landslide where you previously broke the the hammer. This time the hammer will destroy the obstacles, and you can continue on. Keep following the path until you find the stairs. Walk up the stairs and enter the room where you previously escaped the monster lady.

Member Dies:
As you try to leave the room, you and your partner will notice that something is wrong with the third member. The third member will then proceed to laugh crazily. Homura will ask them to stop laughing like that because it creeps them out. The character will respond by asking Homura to stop... BY DYING. The characters face will begin to fucking MELT. The character then turns into a skeleton and proceeds to attack the remaining party. Defeat it. After doing so you will hear a scream. Your partner will assume that it's the third party member.
OPTIONAL: You can actually find your missing party member outside of the Toilet in the East Wing. Well, their corpse anyways. You can stash things on their body if you wish, serves no purpose.

-Continued in later post-
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Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

Stuck and need help, What do you do in the prologue after you put the 2 (what I presume) shields from the statues behind walls onto the statue on the upper right in the room with 6 statues, and make it fall down into the room where the 3rd guy was?

Go back to the hole you broke in the wall to find the sword/shield. A door should be open in there now.
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

Thaaank you Hanamura! Haha, guess we can leave the guide to you!

I actually ended up running away from the crazy woman. Didn't even find the option to hide. Would have been so much scarier.
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

Hanamura thank you so much kkk is helped me alot XD
you played Seijirou rote? i stucked in the lake i have a boat but holy 2 can rider and i not known what i need do now:confused:
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

i got stucked in Seijirou rote to
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

Walkthrough updated.
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

I just want to throw this out there: I really like this game. I've even completely ignored the fact that this is supposed to be an H-game and I can say that this game is awesome. Even though it's supposed to be an H-game you can tell that the developers really put a lot of care in this game. I've even gone out of my way to recommend this game to friends who don't play H-games, just because this one is SO good. I'm just a little sad that not everyone can enjoy this game due to the language barrier, but I'm still hoping that this game will eventually get a translation patch so everyone can enjoy, what I call, a masterpiece.

Hell, I think it's even better than the game it's based on, Sweet Home.
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

this game is sure a master piece i play not for the h-snes holy the history and the game have the best history i every played
in Seijirou rote i stucked in after i go ot in the florest have a lake and a boat but
i not know what do
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

Do you have too read a certain memo or something for the paintings to work?
I tried 4 1 3 2 5 order but nothing happens.
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

Do you have too read a certain memo or something for the paintings to work?
I tried 4 1 3 2 5 order but nothing happens.

Make sure the painting are in order.

The first painting should start with せいねん 
Second with あか 
Third with ちゅう 
and しょ for the fourth one.
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

That helped alot, thanks.
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

It seems the developer released v1.01 today to fix some bugs.
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

I have a trick when you try to grind in this game. The order of party is determind who will got hit most that mean number 1st party member alway got most attacked. So I put someone other than Homura(main Character) to be 1st and when you fight instead of command all out attack, let Homura use protect command to protect your 1st member the damage you got will be greatly reduce.
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

I have a trick when you try to grind in this game. The order of party is determind who will got hit most that mean number 1st party member alway got most attacked. So I put someone other than Homura(main Character) to be 1st and when you fight instead of command all out attack, let Homura use protect command to protect your 1st member the damage you got will be greatly reduce.

That's actually a pretty good strategy. Also, there's an option in the menu called "Give-up". Giving up is in a way useful. What it does is that it puts you back at the very beginning of the game HOWEVER it also keeps whatever levels/experience that your characters have. So I can level up my party to say, level 10 in one playthrough and if I choose to "Give-up" my characters will retain those levels for the next playthrough. You can do this an unlimited amount of times.
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

That's actually a pretty good strategy. Also, there's an option in the menu called "Give-up". Giving up is in a way useful. What it does is that it puts you back at the very beginning of the game HOWEVER it also keeps whatever levels/experience that your characters have. So I can level up my party to say, level 10 in one playthrough and if I choose to "Give-up" my characters will retain those levels for the next playthrough. You can do this an unlimited amount of times.


Could a turbo-nerd possibly grind to max and beat a zombie lady or is it full impossible?
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good


Could a turbo-nerd possibly grind to max and beat a zombie lady or is it full impossible?

I think that defeating the woman is impossible (I think she's supposed to be an end-boss or something anyways). Also just to throw it out there, the max Level you can attain is 20.
Re: 腐界に眠る王女のアバドーン/looks good

playing Seijirou for many days and i not know what i do in the boat part :confused::confused::confused: