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Sarah (thetwo)

Re: Sarah (thetwo)

The tentacles finish with the two girls, depositing their naked bodies on the ledge next to Sarah as they fall fast asleep, waking up a little bit before Joe groans and gets up himself.

He starts muttering something to himself but stops and sighs as he sees the two girls have already finished, digging through his bag for a change of clothes for two.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah watches the man warily, making sure he doesn't have any nefarious intent, but otherwise just stays where she is as she waits for the girls to wake up.

"I guess I slap a little bit harder then them."
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

The two girls wake up after a little bit, taking the clothes from Joe and getting dressed, each one then at the same time turning to Joe and slapping him, saying "Joe, you jerk!" as they blush and then both give him a small kiss on each cheek.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Well that was... interesting. Shall we move on?"

I guess they really did enjoy it. I can't imagine why, but I suppose an NPC could be programmed to enjoy anything.

Sarah grabbed her stuff, and was ready to move as soon as they were.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

They started on their way, the two girls giving a small apology to Sarah for her confusion about what happened. The girls force Joe to make a stop as they look around for something nearby when they pass a hallway which seems different for some reason, even if Sarah can't pinpoint it.

The two girls find what they're looking for when a portion of the wall moves away, quickly dragging Sarah inside why Joe sits outside, pouting in front of the entrance.

Sarah quickly learns why Joe wasn't allowed inside, as she finds what basically amounts to a bathhouse, the two girls pressing her to join them in a bath.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah allows herself to be cajoled into the bath, entering the water quickly once she strips down. She's surprised to find her eyes following the other girls as they join her, recalling seeing them 'enjoying themselves' in the tentacle pit. She is suddenly glad that she's submerged to the neck, but even so a slight blush colors her face.

"So... why are you all here, if you don't mind my asking, and why does Joe put up with you?"
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Jamie and Marie look at each other, Marie speaking first. "Well, we came to adventure and explore." she started, Jamie adding quietly. "and try the monsters." As Marie picked up again "And we hired Joe to protect us from the real dangers. We pay him well, so he knows his place." she says with a small wink.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Well money is a good, reliable motive. Especially if it isn't paid in advance. He's not going to get bored or annoyed and walk away from his paycheck. On the other hand, that also means that if anyone else offers him money...

"Well, I have to thank you again for letting me join you. I honestly didn't fare so well on my own, and 'trying' the monsters isn't as much fun when you don't have a choice in the matter."

Curiosity satisfied for the moment, Sarah relaxes and waits for the girls to decide they've finished with their bath. She finds herself glad of the water again, as it prevents the girls from easily seeing her slight arousal as her mind drifts to the sight and sound of the other two in the tentacle pits every time she lets it wander.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

The two girls nod, telling her it's no problem having her along.

They take their warm bath in silence for a while, before Marie decides to ask. "And what are you doing here?"
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah decides to answer honestly, since the girls have been nice so far, and there isn't some dark secret.

"I'm... escaping? I woke up in a cell somewhere and since then I've been trying to get out. Nobody bothered to tell me why."
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Oh" both girls say at the same time, looking kind if disappointed by the boring answer. "How long have you been looking for the exit?" Jamie asks.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Ah, not actually that long. I don't have a clock or anything, but certainly less then a day before I met you. Maybe an hour or two of actual wandering around and, um, the time when I ran into a slime."
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

All the girls hear something, sort of like fighting, going on outside the bathroom. Joe is yelling something, but can't be heard clearly, the next sound is a thud as a body lands on a wall or floor. Both girls suddenly have a very worried expression on their face.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Fuck! That did not sound good... no time for clothes.

Sarah scrambles out of the tub and goes for her axe, but decides to at least get some confirmation before running outside naked.

"He wouldn't fake this or something, would he?"
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Both girls shake their head no as the door to the bath is heard opening.

A couple of men, dressed in armor, using whips and nets, enter the room, taking a look around. "Three of em, good find." the largest one says, spying Sarah.

"And one of em's even gotta put up a fight, too."

Slaver Leader 6/6 HP
Slaver 3/3 HP
Slaver 1/1 HP

Sarah 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Well, they're armored and I'm naked, and the others don't even have their weapons yet... my only chance is to scare them off quick, I think.

"Oh fuck you!"

Sarah rushed the one who had spoken, swinging her axe as hard as she could with the hope that quickly killing or badly injuring the leader would make the others run off.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

16 vs 14
Sarah lands a solid hit with her ax on the man, though his armor does absorb most of the blow. The entire party of slavers is surprised at the attack though, and doesn't quite have time to respond yet.

Slaver Leader 5/6 HP
Slaver 3/3 HP
Slaver 1/1 HP

Sarah 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Hell, are you two going to help?"

Sarah is somewhat surprised at her own success, but goes ahead and tries again anyway, swinging her axe at the man's torso.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

5 vs 17
21 vs 7 | 11 vs 13 | 9 vs 20

"Um..." Jamie starts. "...we don't know how to fight." Marie finishes, the two girls huddling and hoping that Sarah is going to make it through the fight.

She handles herself well, avoiding the two nets thrown by the other bandits, but getting caught by the whip the leader is holding as she misses her own attack. The whip strikes her across her breasts, tiring her.

Slaver Leader 5/6 HP
Slaver 3/3 HP
Slaver 1/1 HP

Sarah 4/5 FP 0/10 AP
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah curses again as the whip across her naked breasts distracts her enough that she misses. She starts breathing heavily as she realizes that her odds of winning now that she's lost her momentum are... low.

"Well... fuck!"

She swings again, this time for the slaver who looked a bit weaker then the other two, aware that her axe seems to be getting heavier as she begins to tire out. Maybe if she couldn't drop the leader, she could still scare the others a bit by dropping one of them.
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