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Sarah (thetwo)

Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"K' then, let's go the other way." he said, pointedly. "Lead the way, I'll follow behind you."
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah glares at him. Going in front seemed like a good way to get jumped. On the other hand, she needed his goodwill more then he needed hers, now that she had told him which way she had come. She walked down the hallway, trying to keep one eye ahead of her and the other on the man following her.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Luckily for Sarah, the man didn't seem too intent on doing anything. She eventually decided it was probably safe not to keep an eye on him too much, this turned out to be a good idea when she saw the rope coils nearby, almost blending in with the environment. She was wary, and manged to spot the demon before it could jump the party.

"Oh shi-" the man started before taking on a stance.

Demon (Rope) 6/6 HP
Sarah 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Drunk 6/6 HP
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah grinned. Sure, the rope might beat her and rape her, but if she was going to run into one enemy, this was the one. She had an ally (however dubious), a weapon practically designed to face this foe, and if she lost... well, the ropes were gentle enough that she had been convinced to try them out herself once, and it hadn't been terribly unpleasant. Of course, these would be rougher with the settings she had chosen, but perhaps still not *too* bad.

She swung her axe as soon as the demon got within range, hoping it would be easy to cut with a weapon designed to cut things much harder.
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Re: Sarah (thetwo)

19 vs 16 | 17 vs 3 crit
16 vs 1 crit

Sarah lands a solid hit, cutting the creature gravely, she's somewhat distracted by the sound of the man taking a large swing of his drink, distracted enough so that she finds herself unable to dodge the attack of the demon, finding herself heavily whipped and entangled. Of course, she feels a bit better when she sees the drunk land some sort of kick on the creature, watching as it sort of crumples under the powerful blow.

Of course, it sadly, wasn't enough to make it drop her.

Demon (Rope) 3/6 HP
Sarah 3/5 FP 0/10 AP (Entangled: -1 to attacks, % chance of arousal)
Drunk 6/6 HP
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Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"What happened to your fucking sword?"

Sarah manages to take another swing at the animated ropes, feeling good about how well her first blow went.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Whastat? A sword? Uselessh!" The man says.
9 vs 18 | 22 vs 17
6 vs 19

The man lands a bunch on the creature as Sarah misses with her hatchet again, watching as the demon recoils from the drunks blow. Of course, this distraction is what allows her to avoid the next whip the demon attacks her again, though she's still entangled.

Demon (Rope) 2/6 HP
Sarah 3/5 FP 0/10 AP (Entangled: -2 to attacks, % chance of arousal)
Drunk 6/6 HP
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"You know, for cutting things? Like, say, ROPES. You were holding it when I woke you up..."

Sarah tries again with her hatchet, a little alarmed that the rope seems to be holding her more and more firmly. Still, the presence of an ally (who seems oddly competent despite the fact that he can barely speak for being drunk) keeps her from losing hope.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Swordsh? Uselessh! I don't need no Shtinking swords!" he burps loudly as he takes another drink.
17 vs 11 |15 vs 5
Sarah manages to land a hit on the beast, finally, just as the Drunk lands aother devastating kick, which ends up turning the demon to dust, the rope coils nearby similar disappearing.

"Shee? I told you, ushlessh!" he hiccuped again, though Sarah could tell he was sobering up, now that the beast was dead.

Sarah gained Axe Expertise 1!
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"I... don't even know what to say to that. Whatever, lets keep going."

Sarah waits a moment to make sure the man isn't going to fall over, then continues leading the way down the hall, trying to ignore the fact that her companion apparently thinks that drinking is a valid combat strategy.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

He starts to sober up pretty quickly as she leads the way down the hall. Her careful watch not careful enough as she finds herself no longer standing on solid ground, given a comical second to look down and see the tentacle pit below her before falling.

Luckily, she managed to grab hold of a ledge before falling, of course, her 'ally' was on the other side and still hadn't quite noticed. "Oh shi-pit" he says, after a moment.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Seeing what lay in wait for her if she fell, Sarah didn't waste any breath berating her companion, instead spending all of it trying to scramble out of the pit as fast as she could, hoping that the tentacles might somehow not notice her. She could imaging what they would do to her, and it wasn't a pretty thought...
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah finds it hard, as the ledge seems to be slippery, though she is quite shocked when the man leaps over the pit himself, reaching down to grab her and try and pull her up.

Of course, this is right when the tentacles shoot up and grab Sarah's legs, although her ally manages to hold on. "Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit" he says, tying to pull her from the pit.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Did he just... jump over the pit? That was kinda cool.

Sarah lets go of the cliff with one hand and reaches out towards her drunken companion, breathing a sigh of relief at her impending rescue. And at just that moment she feels the first tentacle coil around her leg, and give a sharp tug. She looks up into the drunk's eyes as she loses her grip...
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit" the man says again, giving her a great tug, the tendrils around her legs slipping away as he gets a burst of strength, pulling her up so quickly that she sort of floats in the air for a second, before crashing down on top of him.

Of course, she landed in an erotic fashion, as would be expected by the game. He exhales a bit. "Hooooooookay, good, you're not in the pit." he says finally. "Mind getting off?"
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah rolled off the man and scrambled to her feet and backing quickly away from the pit, fighting to keep shakiness out of her voice.

"Yea, thanks for that. Lets not stick around until they decide to try again, right?"

Now that she was out of the pit, she noticed that her body had its own reaction to imminent intimacy with the tentacles, and she was uncomfortably aware of the little damp patch on her panties. It wouldn't show, of course, but she still knew that she shouldn't be aroused by the thought of what the tentacles would have done to her. She cut off that line of thinking before it made things worse.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah leads the way, still slightly blushing at the thought of her damp panties, glad the Drunk wouldn't be able to see. He started to yawn a bit as they walked, before they arrived in a new room.

It was large, and looked like there was a compass tiled into the floor, hallways leading off in every direction, and dozens on engravings all over the wall.

Yep, it was a hub room. Of course, her 'ally' hadn't noticed this yet, as he was still yawning fitfully.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

He was going to fall asleep, that was clear. He'd started asleep, and he'd finish asleep. There was a sort of artificial symmetry to it, such as one would find in a game but not real life.

"Okay, here's the hub room. If you're going to fall asleep again, at least point me in the right direction first."

Sarah was glad he'd pulled out of the tentacle pit before it could take her, but he was still a drunk, if a surprisingly helpful one, and she wasn't going to give him any sort of airs.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Huh oh right hub room! Cool." he said, snapping awake, starting to look around.

And look, and look, and look. He looked confused for a moment, and started to dig through his bag, taking out another bottle. "Shiiiiiiit only one bottle left." he started.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Try not to get distracted. You were telling me which way is out."