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Sarah (thetwo)

Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah manages to make her way to the rooftops, oddly they provide her with quite a lot of cover from sight on the ground. She sees no one up here, and managed to look down on the plaza from her location. She sees a large cage cart in the plaza. She sees all the bought slaves from the man, who she now sees as a tall man, clad in heavy armor. After the cart is finished being loaded, the cart starts to move towards the gate, Sarah can tell almost none in the crowd like this man.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah looks down at the cart, and realizes that this is probably yet another plot hook that she ignored. Perhaps she should have been on that cart as it left the city, making her escape easier. On the other hand, perhaps that cart was taking them to a particularly cruel master with no hope of escape. Or maybe it was just that the best time to escape was while everyone was distracted with the cart.

Hoping that this last idea was true, Sarah started towards the edge of the city. Looking like she knew what she was doing wouldn't work so well in a place just about nobody had a legitimate reason to go, so she went as quickly as possible without making herself obvious to someone on the ground.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah tries to move off the roofs, but she turns around, finding two men standing over her, they're wearing black leather, holding a variety of weapons. They do look quite like bandits or rogues might, and they're looking down at her with a grin.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah forces herself to smile, not liking the look of their clothing.

"Ah... hello."

She considers fleeing, but it seems unlikely that she'll be able to outrun the two men, and certainly not without raising a lot more unwanted attention. Instead, she'll have to gamble on the off chance that the men will let her go, and tries not to think about how unlikely that might be.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

The men look down at her, and the first one speaks, a rough voice, but not cruel like she might expect, if taunting. "Well then, look'at this, a pretty girl, eh? And you look like an unowned one at that, don'tya?" His friend chuckles a little.

"Don't you know this city is dangerous for a girl like you?" his friend says, leaning down to look her in the face.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Screaming for help is still a terrible option, and running not much better. And with the difficulty turned so far up, fighting was probably futile, even not considering that it was two on one. That left talking. And hoping like hell that they weren't slavers. Sarah tried to keep her voice steady, but there was fear in her eyes.

"So... so I'm given to understand. That's why I'm, ah, trying to get out."
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

The two men look at each other, chuckling to themselves. "Escape? By yourself? Good luck." They laugh a bit more.

"Look girl, I bet we can give you a hand, want some help? You just have to ah...give us a bit of fun first, how bout it?"
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Fun? I, ah, assume you don't mean a hand of cards."

Sarah felt her false smile fading. So. She could give herself to two strangers for a better chance at escaping. Yesterday she would have said no, but that was before she had been enslaved for the first time. And since then the setting had been turned up. If she said no... well, she'd almost certainly be forced into worse.

"How do I know you won't just have your fun and then turn me in anyway?"
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

They shrug. "Do we look like the guards would really just let us hand them some a slave and not question us? Nah, we ain't friends with the town." One of them says.

"Look, if you don't want to...we'll just go, but good luck getting out of town." He says, his face going a little bit flat.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Maybe they couldn't quite go to the guards, but surely there's someone they could go to and claim they had caught me...

Still, running, fighting, and yelling for help were all out, and all talking had gotten her was a reprieve. Now she could try to find her own way out... or prostitute herself for some aid. Mortified at what she was considering, she reached one hand up to the top of her dress, as if getting ready to pull it off, then hesitates.

"Tell me how you'll get me out first."
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

The two men smile as she moves her hand to the top of the dress, not looking unhappy even when she stops to ask. "I think you've got a pretty good idea, girly. We're both gonna have our fun with you, at the same time, of course, then we'll give you a hand on the way out of the city. Of course, we can do it here...or we can go somewhere more private, if ye'd prefer."

Oddly, Sarah had the feeling that the man was probably telling the truth, that he might just keep his word.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah looked around, suddenly even more nervous then she'd been when the men had first found her. She was also, to her shame, slightly aroused at the thought of what she was going to do. She felt herself starting to blush.

"I... someplace private."

It came out in a half mutter, but it would give her a little more time, and of course it would mean nobody would watch her. Nobody else, at least.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

The men smile. "Alright then, come with us, we've got a friend who owns a nice place in town. Now, look, we're gonna put a collar on ya, but only so it looks like you're proper, alright?" He says taking a collar out from his pack and moving forward to put it around her neck. From what Sarah can tell at least, it only looks like some sort of normal, leather collar.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah practically trembles as the man moves to put a collar on her, but with a visible effort she brings herself under control. If the men wanted to enslave her, there was already nothing she could do about it even without a collar.

"Okay, I'm ready."
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

The man puts the collar around her, not very tightly, but enough to make it look as if it were secure. They lead her down off the roofs, through the streets a little bit till they arrive at an inn. One of them watches her while the other converses with the owner. A few moments later they lead her into the back, into a side room and down some stairs.

They arrive at their destination...which Sarah thinks looks quite a lot like some sort of SM dungeon.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah, nervous and slightly aroused despite herself, looks around nervously. The men had sounded honest, but if they were lying it would be so easy for them to just lock her down here...

When she spoke, it was barely above a whisper.

"What now?"
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

"Now we have our fun, eh? Don't worry, weren't not gonna use any of that stuff, this is just so we have some privacy. Now, why don't you do a sexy little strip for us, while we get ready?"

Saying this, both men started to take some of their gear and armor off, getting ready for their 'fun' with her.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah, by now blushing again, slowly pulled her dress down to her ankles and stepped out of it, trying to give at least a token effort to be "sexy". Then she turned around and pulled off her bra, bending over to set it on the ground before cupping her breasts in her hands and turning back to face the men, her face beet red with embarrassment.

Still, she went on, giving the men a glimpse of her ripe breasts as she turned sideways and gently pulled her panties down slightly. She turned again, her back to them, and slid her panties down to the top of her thighs, exposing her ass and also showing that despite herself she was finding this arousing, having left a tiny spot of dampness in her panties, visible for a moment as she pulled them all the way down and off.

Finally nude save her collar, she turned back to the men, clenching her hands into fists for just a moment to avoid covering her glistening pinkness, shaved clean except for a small 'landing strip', just as in the real world.
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Re: Sarah (thetwo)

The men enjoy the small show she puts on for them, getting themselves hard as they move towards her now. "Good girly, you're not bad looking, quite good I must say." One of them says, moving around behind her. "Well then...we'll be giving you a good time now, try and enjoy it."

One man moves behind her, gently placing his arms on her as the other moves up to her in the front. Both of them start to press themselves against her entrances, one on her womanhood and the other at the rear entrance. Both men start to thrust into her.
Re: Sarah (thetwo)

Sarah can't help but give a little yelp as the men enter her at the same time, and with a start realizes that this is the first time she has willingly let someone take her in the ass. She decides not to make a habit of it.

When the mens thrusting starts to arouse her, she lets herself moan softly, but keeps the volume down, not wanting to alert anyone. Of course, it probably wouldn't be an unusual sound in this place, but still... Sarah feels - somewhat to her surprise - an orgasm building with each thrust, and wraps her arms tightly around the man in front of her waiting for it to come.