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Scourge of the Silver Marches

Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(Do you want to tie him to a tree, or just bind his arms?)

Intimidate: 1d20+11+3+2= 7+11+3+2= 23 vs DC19 = orc scared

The orc is visibly frightened by the prospect of being fried, and do cooperates and allows himself to be tied up. Then Aramil asks him where the rest of his warband are in orcish, he replies, in surprisingly fluent common; "Dead. Still walkin though, if you get my meaning. But you'll be findin out about that real soon, I'm guessin." he finishes with a laugh.
Bolm walks over after finishing the last resisting orc, and kicks the one squirming on the ground from the lightning. "Shabby bunch, ain't they?" he says.
The orc that's on fire stops screaming, signaling his death.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(I would like to know where the +1 damage on my crossbow came, and why I hit orc 3 instead of 4 like I said I was, but oh well. We won. ^^ )

"So... You're pretty much saying that the rest of your band is being used and abused for necromatic purposes. Lovely." He sighs, resuming making his acid as the interrogation continued.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(Just binding his arms for now)

She looks at him with a smile, tightening the robes around the orc's limbs, she leans in close, whispering, "Too bad you won't be joining them anytime soon..."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Won't he?" Aramil asks, this time in common, while extracting the arrow from under his arm. "We have little use for him, and we can't just let him go."
Trex shrugs, and and walks back to the path while trying to pull the arrow out of himself.
Bolm pulls the arrows out of Holi and begins chanting a healing spell. Holi quickly feels rejuvenated as his wounds close.
The orc sputters for a moment, then seems to have thought up something that might save it from being left tied to a tree in the middle of the woods alone, or simply killed outright; "you'll not be finding much left, if you're going to where I think you're going!" he says loudly. "That town, the one at the end of this road, it's gone. Dead, but walking, just like the rest of my boys that you didn't kill here! Bunch of adventurers came through, killed the whole town. One of 'em was a demon, flying on great wings and raining fire and lightning! Filled the shrine with poison and killed the whole bunch she did!"

(All sense motive check indicate that he's telling the truth.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella raises her hand and smacks the Orc across the head, "You're annoying...!" (non-lethal damage)

(Btw, has 14 hours passed since I started with the acid?)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Malacet remains silent the entire time, calmly walking up and doing a body count. Satisfied that they were all accounted for, she simply came and stood with the others interrogating the survivor.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

The orc staggers a bit, surprised by Carellas strength. "Bah, you'll see for yourselves, if that's where you're going. But I ain't got nothin else to say, so kill me and have done with it, or let me go."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Let him go." Malacet says from the back of the group. "There's nothing he can do to us anyway."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Smiles at the Orc, then raises her fists, "There's no reason to kill you... yet..." she strikes at the orc until she's sure it's unconscious, then pulls it along, "We may still have a use for this one..."
(repeated non-lethal until the orc is unconscious)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"What about your concoction...?" He asks Carella. "Don't think you can brew it and drag him along at the same time..."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(Sorry about that Loli, was very tired when I got home and posted, it's been 8 hours since you started your acid flask.)

Aramil and Bolm watch and shrug uncaringly as the orc is beaten until unconscious. Trex looks on grimly, but says nothing. When the orc stops grunting, Bolm asks; "How you planning on carrying him?"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Malacet turns away from the beating and takes a few steps. Anyone close enough feels heat exude from her for a moment, but it dissipates and she says nothing.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(Sorry was working till 2 this morning, am I fully healed then.)

Holi giggles when Bolm pulls out the arrow, "Stop that it tickles."

He watches from off to the side as the interrogation goes on visibly scowling at the more violent portions, "I say we just let him go, since he's apparently enemies of our enemies. Ya never know when an unusual ally may pop up, and from the sound of it we may need any help we can get."

Stopping to take a swig from his flask he adds, "Don't think we'll be needing to take him with us either since he won't be of much use other than ta slow us down. Either way we need to hurry and decide before some little beasty smells the barbecued orc and comes to investigate."
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Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Shrugs and releases the orc's bond, leaving him unconscious before started to search the orc's body for anything valuable, "Let's.. get going then."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Tod nods in agreement. "Leave 'im here if that's your choice, but I would like to move on. We're nice targets out in the open like this."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Searching the unconscious orcs pocket, she finds little of value. His armor is cheap leather, the short sword at his belt is nicked in several places, his quiver contains thirteen arrows, and his short bow lies on the ground a few feet away. You do find a small pouch of copper and silver coins, as well as a small piece of rough garnet in another puch, as well as a folded piece of paper.

Opening this, it turns out to be a drawing with some writing on it which Carella is unable to read. It shows a line with some roughly drawn runes at a few places winding its way to a crude drawing of a house with a stick figure person next to it along the left side of the paper. There are a few other marks, one an X near the middle, and a bit to the right of it is a drawing of an arch with more rune written next to it.

A search of the rest of the orcs bodies reveals much the same.

Total loot: 187 copper coins, 72 silver coins, 1 garnet, 89 arrows, 3 clubs, 2 short swords, a spear, 5 daggers, 7 short bows, 1 greataxe, and 1 spiked chain.
250 exp each.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella pockets the garnet as she looks at the rest of the loot, then looks at the others, "Do you mind... if I carry this?"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Malacet looks at the small pile of collected loot. Apart from the garnet, the only stuff she could use were the coins. She decided to make a play for it.

"I need crushed Garnet for one of my spells, actually. I would gladly give up anything else I might receive in loot as an exchange, does that seem equitable?" She asks lightly. The offer seems sound.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Looks at the gem carefully, then looks at the girl, "What... would you give... for it...?"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"I don't really have much to offer, except for forfeiting any claim I might have on the rest of the spoils." She says calmly, pointing at the small pile of stuff they had collected.

"I can tell you how I can use it, however. Maybe that will help sway you're decision. Crushed garnet will allow me to cast a modified version of that spell," she points to the dead and burnt orc by the side of the road, "that extends its range over fourfold with no resultant drop in accuracy. Surely you know that can only help us on our Quest." She states this in a logical voice, trying to appeal to Carella's wish to complete the job.

((A fair trade, one you suggested yourself, and it benefits the group, and by extension yourself. What more could you ask for? :) ))