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Scourge of the Silver Marches

Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella taps the gem lightly with her fingers, then holds it up with an unsettling smile, "You.. can have it... in trade... you will owe me a favor later..."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Malacet deliberates this for a moment before she reaches out and lays her fingers on the gem, but doesn't take it just yet. "A favour of roughly equal value." She adds with emphasis before taking the gem and placing it somewhere within her robes. Not interested with the rest of the loot, she contents herself with keeping watch while the others divvy it up themselves.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Holi watches the gem exchange disinterestedly, "Well let's hurry up 'n divide the rest before we end up fighting something else. Unless someone wants one of the weapons I say we just break 'em and leave 'em won't be worth much even if we find somewhere to trade 'em in. It's up ta the rest a ya though."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella looks at the girl and nods, "Of course...."

She then carefully and divides up the coins, making four piles of 46 copper and 18 silver, throwing one more copper into each pile except Malacet, "You should... take some anyway... don't know when you'll need it..."

She then looks at the weapons, and at the dwarf, "Destroy them... if you wish."
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Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Now that the loot has been divided out, Trex, Aramil, and Bolm stand in the path waiting for the rest to decide what to do with the weapons and join them.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Tod takes his share of the coins and goes to join Trex, Aramil, and Bolm in waiting, saying that their weapons held no interest to him unless they were magical.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella takes her acid potion out and continues to brew it absentmindedly as she follows Ryu.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Granth retrieves his coins before going to the others, Go ahead and destroy them then, I don't much need weapons. Unlike my Beating Stick, those can't be used as a walking stick.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Hearing Tod, Malacet goes over to the pile of weapons and casts a quick spell, absentmindedly picking up her apparent share of the coins along the way.

((Detect Magic, just cause I can do it all I want :) ))
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Malacet doesn't detect any magic on the weapons, or anywhere else that it shouldn't be.

(If you're all ready to continue, though there is one other thing that might take your interest in the loot.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella takes one more look at the paper and sighs, then shows it around as they leave, "Can... anyone read this...?"
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Nothing's magical." Malacet says simply. "I'll take a look at the note, though I don't think I'll be able to read it myself."
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Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Malacet and Tod are unable to read the runes, but when it's passed to Holi he identifies the language as orcish. It's too badly scrawled for him to read most of it, but he identifies that some of the marks along the line are for "target practice," and the X mark has the word; "store," next to it.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Nods as she hears the translation of the note, "We should.. check it out when we get there..."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"I agree, let's get moving." Malacet says quickly, taking the same position in the center once the group gets moving again.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Yeah, let's be on our way. Sooner we get this over with the better, right?" He sighs as he continues his brew.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Right," Holi says as he hands the note back to Carella, and after destroying the weapons he hurries to take his spot near the front of the group once again.

(Good thing I took those fighter levels or we never would have gotten it translated)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Granth simply gets near the front of the group, and follows when everyone starts to move again.

(Yeah, but if we run into an evil outsider, a mundane language like orc won't be as useful as abyssal or infernal, nor can you sound like you are swearing when just saying random words.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(It's almost dark, so since you'll only be going a bit farther before camping. The turn-off to get to the X will be in tomorrows walking.)

Dusk falls as the group continues traveling, Aramil leading the way. He eventually leads you to a suitable campsight, and offers to take the first watch.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"I would ask to not have a share at watch, I believe there's enough of us for that." Malacet speaks up almost immediately. "I need a full night's rest if I am going to be of any use the day afterwards."