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Scourge of the Silver Marches

Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Granth again waits, not wanting to waste spells.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella looks distastefully at the dead drow, she could've been useful... with a shrug, she looks at the remaining enemies and punches the closer one.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Holi once again swings at the nearest enemy while continuing his song.

(Eh don't worry I forgot about the haste effect as well, not like it really mattered.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Aramil doesn't try to fire into the melee, trusting in his companions ability to finish off the group.

1d20+9 = 10+9 = 19 vs DC18 = hit
2d6+4 = 6+4+4 = 14 damage

One of the men in the globe of darkness runs out of it, right into Carella, who promptly uppercuts him, snapping his head back so hard it seems like his neck is going to snap. He still stands though, and looks menacingly at Carella.

1d20+12+1 = 4+12+1 = 17 vs DC18 = miss
1d20+12+1 = 14+12+1 = 27 vs DC18 = hit
1d20+7+1 = 12+7+1 = 20 vs DC18 = hit
1d10+8+1d6 = 10+8+2 = 20 damage
1d10+8+1d6 = 6+8+6 = 20 damage

Holi finally spins to attack the annoying man behind him, his axe out wide. The thug pulls back and sucks his stomach in just in time to avoid the attack, but Holis two follow up attacks chop the man in half, the first blow going to his spine, the second cleaving through it and bisecting the man.

1d20+8+1 = 11+8+1 = 20 vs DC18 = hit
1d8 = 7 damage

Tod raises his crossbow and fires at the man hit by Mallacet. His aim is good, and he hits the man in the middle of his torso.
(Was too lazy to go back and change description of last spell.)

1d20+13+1 = 20+13+1 = critical hit
Miss Chance: 80 vs 50 = hit
1d20+13+1 = 16+13+1 = 30 vs DC18 = hit
Miss Chance: 100 vs 50 = hit
1d20+7+1 = 20+7+1 = critical hit
Miss chance: 60 vs 50 = hit
1d8+6+1d6 = 3+6+6 = 15x2 = 30 damage
1d8+6+1d6 = 7+6+2 = 15 damage
1d8+6+1d6 = 5+6+2 = 13x2 = 26 damage

Despite the magical darkness, all three of Bolms vicious attacks hammer into the thug still in the globe, the second blow crushing his head like a melon.

1d20+7+1 = 16+7+1 = 24 vs DC21 = hit
1d8+3 = 4+3 = 7 damage

The last surviving bandit shouts victoriously and slashes at Carella, his longsword giving her a gash along her left arm. He glances around in panic when he realizes that his shout is not returned.

Trex lowers his weapon as he notices that all of the bandits are either dead or gone. He turns to the man as he shouts, knowing that Carella is not in any serious trouble against this man and hoping to get more information out of him.

(Not gonna bother rolling. He's dead.)
The samurai is not so lenient, walking past Carella and slashing the mans throat out without a word. He slashes the air to get the blood off of his sword and quickly slides it back into its sheath.

(Fight's over. 2000 exp for all.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

So now we get to see what these assholes have on them before going back to sleep. Granth says before heading back down the hall, There was a caster who was bothering me and Carella earlier. I'm going to see if he had anything interesting.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Well that weren't too bad, except fer the loss o' me beard." Holi says rubbing his face were the gash is.

"Glad to have fought beside one such as yerself, may yer blade never dull." Holi says to the samurai before he busies himself looking around downstairs.

(Searches downstairs)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Malacet briefly considered simply going back to bed, then tossed the idea out and hunted for that wooden mask the Drow was using. If there was a chance it still worked...
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(If you haven't make sure you level up.)

The samurai moves over to the drows corpse and stares down at the headless body, his expression unreadable. Bolm, once out of the magical darkness, quickly casts a spell to put out the fires he had started with his flamestrike. The building was apparently still stable.

Carella and Tod peruse the remains of the dead men, finding little of value besides coins and a few trinkets. Aramil joins them, though he finds little else of value. Carella, however, eventually stumbles onto a trapdoor on the floor in the corner of the common room with a large lock on it.

Malacet immediately goes for the dead drow, even though the samurai is now standing directly over the corpse, staring at it. She finds the damaged mask, a sizeable portion of which has been eaten away by the acid. Everything below the nose is destroyed, and attempting to use it now would likely be dangerous, but there was the chance that it could be repaired, or that it still works despite the damage.

Granth, heading back up the stairs, searches for the half-elfs body. He finds it right where he left it, though he didn't remember the look of horror stamped on the mans face. Searching the body reveals little of interest. he has a dagger and a light mace hanging from his belt, and wears studded leather armor and has a buckler on his left arm, but the only thing that appears magical is the buckler. Besides the spell components and a bottle of wine, Granth finds nothing of interest.

(Total gold found is 5000 gp, 2200 sp, and 900 cp each. Granth found a +1 buckler, and Carella found a locked trap door leading to the basement. Money/exp thread is updated. Also, I recommend looting the drows corpse.)
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Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Hmm, trapdoor huh. Maybe the drow has a key to it if not I'm sure we can find a way ta open it." Holi says pointing to the dead drow.

(We should probably check the ninja, too while we're at it.)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

We can always destroy it. Also, I found a shield with a weak magical aura. Granth says, tossing the buckler in with the rest of the loot.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Malacet decides not to try putting the mask on yet, instead putting it somewhere under her robes as she walks over to the samurai.

"How do you feel?" She asks, standing beside him.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Tod moves on to searching the drow's body, strangely hesitant. Maybe because she was evil, or maybe because she was a female. Regardless, he would search, though however carefully
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Aye how are you now that you have beaten the armor," Holi asks of the samurai as he moves up next to Malacet.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Carella proceeds to carefully search the drow, "Stupid... elf..."
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

The samurai replies, distantly; "The armor still tries to control me, but it's hold is weak now. I know it's wiles now, and it will not find me so easy a host. I should be able to fight it until it can be removed." With that, Bolm approaches; "I haven't got the spells prepared to remove the curse and get that armor off of you right now, I'll have ta pray for 'em in the morn. Do you think you can hold it for that long?" The samurai nods, his face stoic and expressionless. He turns to Malacet; "Thank you. Your words gave me the strength to resist the evil magic in the first place. Until I may return to my own lands, I am at your service." and with that, he bows.

Tods hesitant search of the drow bears fruit, as he immediately notices the two gem encrusted rings on her hands, both of which glow with obvious magical power. Her studded leather armor is also enchanted, powerfully so. It's obvious that he couldn't have found everything, however. Carella pushes him aside, and her much rougher search also removes an amulet with a black stone set in it and a hand crossbow.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Malacet blushes under her heavy hood. When she speaks, her tone is hesitant, almost embarrassed. "T-thanks you... Just, stay yourself until we can get that armour off you and that will be all the thanks I need, don't... feel obligated to stay..." She stutters out. Almost everyone that had seen her before now had been either afraid of her, lusted after her, or had tried to kill her for what she looked like, even with the rest of this group it felt more to her like an uneasy truce than true friendship. To have someone like this proud Samurai offer his services freely like that... She didn't really know what to say to that...
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

(Cast identify on both rings, the armor, the amulet and the crossbow)
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"I wonder if they left us anything ta drink," Holi says wandering towards the bar.
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

Tods magic finds the crossbow mundane, though it's clearly well fashioned. The armors enchantment is quite powerful, however. The rings are the most interesting of the group, both of which contain powerful offensive magics, the one with the deep blue sapphire being clearly more powerful. The amulet is the most powerful of the objects, and as Tod handles it he can hear a whisper in his his ear.

Holi finds the bar undamaged in the fight, and the two barrels of ale along with all the whiskey and wine bottles are intact.

(The crossbow is normal, the armor is +3 Lightened Studded Leather, the rings are both offensive magic, and the amulet is a sentient necromantic artifact. Their effects follow.)

Ring of Frost [Scorching Ray {Substitution: Cold} twice per day, caster level 8]

Ring of Charring [Burning Hands three times per day, caster level 6]

Amulet of Living Undeath [False Life twice per day, Create Undead twice per day, Create Greater Undead once per day, caster level 18, sentient (Neutral Evil)]
Re: Scourge of the Silver Marches

"Woohoo, nothing hits the spot like a nice ale after killing things. Anyone else want something?" Holi says as he downs an ale.