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RPG RPG Maker [Searothonc] 処女を守る魔法 / Virgin Protection Magic (RJ139133)

Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

If it helps, patch worked perfectly for myself, simply downloaded RPG Trans, selected the game.exe, selected the unpacked patch folder on my desktop, and then everything went through smoothly, game is working with no issues at all. Could the error be due to location of either of the 2 folders? Otherwise I think re-installing Ruby and RPG Trans as habisain suggested seems to be only relevant solution. :confused:
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

yep installing ruby 2.1 and deleting pruby folder worked fine. I'll upload a translated copy for others.

If you don't want that as the original maker of the patch just say the word.

Also thanks again for your swift replies and awesome work.

much love habisain
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Ya know, if I was OK with redistributing the patch as a binary patch, I'd have uploaded like that in the first place. At the very least, I wouldn't have put "Only Redistribute as an RPGMaker Trans patch" on the first screen of the game.

There's three big advantages of keeping it as only an RPGMaker Trans patch. First is that it cuts down on confusion when the game is released (given that this patch will also work on the full game). Second, it's a huge good faith gesture to Searothonc, given that people can be very touchy about modifications to their work. Finally, it allows me to get some proper testing of RPGMaker Trans done, which is something I very much want.

So no, don't upload it as a binary patch. I'd rather fix bugs when and where they come up, although in this case it looks like there's at least one slightly screwy computer out there...
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

I realise that now after actually passing the screen which says that my apologies for the stupidity i showed, also realising how awful uploading free english translated h-games to the internet is so yeah dont worry I won't.

Also well the fact was that all I needed was ruby2.1 installed so when releasing your completed patch might be an idea to add a note about needing that in order to patch the game.

Really looking forward to the full release after playing a bit through the beginning again.
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Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Also well the fact was that all I needed was ruby2.1 installed so when releasing your completed patch might be an idea to add a note about needing that in order to patch the game.

Um, no, you don't. Or if you do, that's a bug. But I'm pretty certain that the issue is on your computer specifically, because that's the entire point of the pruby folder. In any case, in my tests, without Ruby installed, it works just fine. Really not sure what the issue is for you.

I only suggested that as a quick workaround for you because that seemed to be the problem. But I'd hypothesise that there's an issue with the path settings on your computer which messed things up.

Now, should we get back on topic? Any other RPGMaker Trans issues should really be put on the issue tracker for RPGMaker Trans.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Apparently Searothonc has a twitter account since a couple of days.
Google Trans says he still hasn't made much progress however...
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Google translate sure is coming up with some hard to read stuff on that twitter, the most I can make out is his relevant posts were up to April 30th, where he said he was making the account but not really gonna post until near-release, then something about him getting a delivery/materials that took his attention, and that he apologized that the future development pace of the game would almost grind to a halt because of this. Then about 7 typical twitter posts of "what I am wearing/what I am eating/what I like about today" :(

Absolutely nothing on the game, and nothing from him to say that the pace has been picked up again.

So close to the carrot yet damn that stick just won't give it up...
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

He pretty much adopted the Virgin Island / Arms Devicer / Magicka M.O. where they announce a game, disappear, and when they come back they're ready to release the game, that or it's gonna vanish into thin air like many promissing games, hope that's not the case here, I really wanted to play this :(
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Urgh. First off, the game hasn't been abandoned. Heck, the last tweet would appear to be about the game and was posted 13 hrs ago. 2nd off, while I can't speak much for most of those games, the communication from KCreateRoom was pretty good. 3rd, Searothonc has a pretty different modus operandi in that it's not so much that they disappeared, but was never really there to begin with.

In any case, this just appears to be the game taking longer than expected. There's actually a pretty good signal for if the game gets abandoned: if Hard Chrome (the artists) releases the games art as a standalone. Basically, if Searothonc abandons the game, Hard Chrome will want to get some money from the art already done.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Urgh. First off, the game hasn't been abandoned. Heck, the last tweet would appear to be about the game and was posted 13 hrs ago. 2nd off, while I can't speak much for most of those games, the communication from KCreateRoom was pretty good. 3rd, Searothonc has a pretty different modus operandi in that it's not so much that they disappeared, but was never really there to begin with.

In any case, this just appears to be the game taking longer than expected. There's actually a pretty good signal for if the game gets abandoned: if Hard Chrome (the artists) releases the games art as a standalone. Basically, if Searothonc abandons the game, Hard Chrome will want to get some money from the art already done.

The communication from KCreateRoom was pretty good?

You can't be serious... posting once every 3 months or more is pretty good?


Let anyone be the judge, his blog has the severely innactive warning, his last post before that (which takes one innactive month to happen) was "I'm sorry I've got lazy and innactive, will try to post more". *Crickets*

I mean, he's one game is one of my favorites, but he sure isn't the standard for communication.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Insofar that for their previous game, KCreateRoom put a release date out, and when that release date was missed, posted an explanation and revised release date pretty promptly, yes. The communication was good.

This isn't to say that their communication is good now.

However, this is kinda off topic..

More on topic note: Expect a new release of my patch soonish; I'm up to 60% of H-scenes done - and probably only 1 or 2 off having all the H-scenes in the demo done.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

So, this isn't me updating my translation (just typeset the introduction text, more-or-less). However, it's Good News (insert a Professor Farnsworth image here...), from Searothonc's twitter feed. They've completed one of the major milestones, specifically all H-scenes are now done (There's also a lot of complaints on how long it took to animate stuff...).

So, apparently the remaining work is on finishing some maps, debugging, and then it's done. If I had to guess, that's probably going to mean that the game will be finished anywhere between late June and late August, so hopefully this won't be an entire year late.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Hip hip hooray, some news at last. Sounds promising anyway, that he made several more animated H attacks. I do hope the quality and length doesn't decrease from chapter 1 and all this time he has been working on it, as opposed to being lazy.

What've you got left to do, by the way? And thanks again for your hard work!
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

In terms of demo translation? Pretty much all of the remainder is H-scenes. Oh, and going over the scripts. If I remember right, there's 2.5 GOR H-scenes to do, .5 of a miscellaneous scene, and most of the masturbation ones. Then there's a spell check, correct any overruns, and it's pretty much done (although will have minor issues with character portraits due to current limitations in RPGMaker Trans).

Incidentally, translating the H-scenes is probably my least favorite part of translating. There's only so many times you can translate random moaning sounds until you lose interest in it. Oh well.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Playing demo from dlsite and get a error audio missing file during first scen with the witch any help guys?
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Obvious question regarding that error:- Is your comp in japanese locale? If not when you download/extract the file names can sometimes be put in in gibberish symbols rather than what they are meant to be, and can have trouble.

With that simple thing out of the way, easy fix if it is just one file would be to copy paste any sound file so you have a spare duplicate sound file, get the error to come up, and after clicking on the error copy paste that text into notepad or something so you can then copy paste the missing file name and rename your duplicate file to the name of the missing one, then you have a file with that name so it can find something at least and wont crash.

Thanks alot for the twitter update as well! Still hyped as hell for this game, high hopes that it will possibly be the Diamond game of 2015, especially with translation work being done this early and well. (Y)
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Searthonic's twitter feed updated with a new picture of the game as well as them hastagging a japanese rpg maker section of twitter
The tweet says something along the lines well guess i have to work on it let's go!

Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Searthonic's twitter feed updated with a new picture of the game as well as them hastagging a japanese rpg maker section of twitter
The tweet says something along the lines well guess i have to work on it let's go!

Well, at least he's still progressing on it. Looks like/hoping that's a late game area, with him almost done it finally...

And is it me or does he kinda write weirdly? Most of the translated tweets are odd:
# Tsukura is Halle Sukusho homebrew game that saw this it is not ginger ...... that happened was it went seen Nyaa. While good Toka, w is or was gleefully shooting because the place you've been tired of work (core business)
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Eh, it's really not that weird. A combination of slang and additional sound FX - just enough to really break machine translation. Anyhow, if I'm reading it right, most of the tweet just says that he's putting it out there because he's bored at work.

Translation progress report: my summary tool gives the following summary

Key: U - Unique strings C - Contexts T - Translated Contexts P - Percent. Data files which are 100% are not included.

HEvents: U:1193, C:1225, T:1005, P:82%
Scripts: U:943, C:1273, T:1272, P:99% # 100% if not counting an RPGMaker Trans bugged string
Total: U:5096, C:5766, T:5545, P:96%

It's not yet done because I had more stuff to do than I thought, and I've been busy at work. And with Witcher 3.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Obvious question regarding that error:- Is your comp in japanese locale? If not when you download/extract the file names can sometimes be put in in gibberish symbols rather than what they are meant to be, and can have trouble.

With that simple thing out of the way, easy fix if it is just one file would be to copy paste any sound file so you have a spare duplicate sound file, get the error to come up, and after clicking on the error copy paste that text into notepad or something so you can then copy paste the missing file name and rename your duplicate file to the name of the missing one, then you have a file with that name so it can find something at least and wont crash.

Thanks alot for the twitter update as well! Still hyped as hell for this game, high hopes that it will possibly be the Diamond game of 2015, especially with translation work being done this early and well. (Y)

Haven't logged in my computers in japanes local/language. I am using a save from a page or two back when i lose im still getting a error so far i think it's just one who would i copy the japanese text though?

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