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RPG RPG Maker [Searothonc] 処女を守る魔法 / Virgin Protection Magic (RJ139133)

Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Obvious question regarding that error:- Is your comp in japanese locale? If not when you download/extract the file names can sometimes be put in in gibberish symbols rather than what they are meant to be, and can have trouble.

With that simple thing out of the way, easy fix if it is just one file would be to copy paste any sound file so you have a spare duplicate sound file, get the error to come up, and after clicking on the error copy paste that text into notepad or something so you can then copy paste the missing file name and rename your duplicate file to the name of the missing one, then you have a file with that name so it can find something at least and wont crash.

Thanks alot for the twitter update as well! Still hyped as hell for this game, high hopes that it will possibly be the Diamond game of 2015, especially with translation work being done this early and well. (Y)

Just tried different save lost somewhere else and it's multiple files.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

So, I've finally finished the following two things:

1) RPGMaker Trans v4.01 which contains all the features necessary to apply my current translation patch
2) A complete translation patch for the VPM demo

I've set up a Hongfire thread for it, and also a blogger page which is the primary source of information, downloads, whatever. So interested people should .

(Note: if there is something I've missed, I really need to know about it - any missing translations would constitute a bug in RPGMaker Trans, and therefore important to me!)
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

anyone can help keep this mistake to discard

cx_Freeze Fatal Error (RPGMaker Trans)
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Yeah, gonna need more information than that if I'm to help with that. Sorry.

EDIT: Hang on, this might be the issue where if you have any non-ascii characters in the path to RPGMaker Trans it doesn't work. If that's the case, try putting RPGMaker Trans somewhere else (maybe root of C drive?)
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Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Thanks for the translating patch mate! Enjoying the game so far. If I find anything wrong with the patch I'll let you know in this thread.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

anyone can help keep this mistake to discard

cx_Freeze Fatal Error (RPGMaker Trans)

Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

With all the talk of wombs, semen in wombs, fertility temples and the witches ability to use magic being linked to their ability to bear children I'm gonna be pretty bummed if the full version has no pregnancy.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

anyone can help keep this mistake to discard

cx_Freeze Fatal Error (RPGMaker Trans)

Hrm. That's odd. What version of windows, what are your locale settings?

As a shot in the dark, try unpacking RPGMaker Trans to its own directory.
Maybe it doesn't like being right next to the game, or it just doesn't like living under a unicode path...
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

anyone can help keep this mistake to discard

cx_Freeze Fatal Error (RPGMaker Trans)

That 'hang on' comment I made on the last post? That's it. The path includes the character ö (in your username), which isn't an ASCII character, and so RPGMaker Trans will not work in this path. You need to unzip RPGMaker Trans to a directory which has no non-ASCII characters in the path. Heck, this precise error is explained in the readme, along with the workaround.

Note that this is a problem with cx_freeze, the library I use to pack RPGMaker Trans into an EXE. It's not a bug which I can fix, so asking for some other fix isn't going to help.

@basaranekki : No, pretty certain there is no pregnancy in the game. Not 100%, but there's nothing referencing it in the scripts, nor any thumbnails of events that might indicate it.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

thanks for the help
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

I talked to all three people you can help, but It's not letting me learn any new magic from Branwen. It just sits there and loops on itself, not letting me select anything. What do I do?
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

That, uh, sounds like a bug in the application of the translation (to be clear - the menu appears but selecting something doesn't have the correct outcome, yes?). But I'm somewhere between 97-100% certain that shouldn't happen. You are using the latest (4.01 [BETA]) build of RPGMaker Trans and the current translation, right? Older versions might not apply the translation correctly and would cause this.

(Unrelated to this issue - FYI: There are 4 people you can talk to)

EDIT: I've just double checked this - it appears to work on my end. Talking to Branwen lets you select the different people to help, she teaches you the ointment recipes, and then you press cancel to get out of the menu. So unless you're using an old version of RPGMaker Trans, no idea what's going on there.
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Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

does the demo go till the end of chapter 1 or the end of 4, i got to the end of chapter 1 and it ended, the first post says the end of chapter 4
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Demo goes up to the end of Chapter 1. I wish the demo went up to the end of Chapter 4 - there's only going to be 5 chapters in the full game!
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Aww thats pretty fast for a game, unless the next few chapters are way longer than the first.
I am currently stucj in the first chapter there is no one to help anymore and i triggered the peeping tom, panty stealer, panty seller events.

I could not go north pass through the rubble or activate the south east event about the wooden ferry to slime island.

I could not get the main heroine to lose her viriginity too.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

On the game: presumably you've seen the discussion with Branwen. I think you have to ask around at the bar and there should be a hint on what to do next - uh, probably, anyway. I don't know the precise triggers. And it's impossible for Brigit to lose her virginity in the demo, short of using the Debug Tool (or the debug map hack that was posted a while ago). Incidentally, if you do cheat in the debug tool, then that will also be translated - I'm really not kidding about translating everything in the demo.

As to further Chapters: this is purely speculation, but based on the information I have gleaned from the content in the patch, Chapters after Chapter 2 should be fairly substantial (the content for Chapter 2 is pretty much already in the demo, just not active, and Chapter 2 doesn't look that substantial). There are 4 towns, if I recall, so that's a fair chunk of content (in addition to any dungeons - my suspicion is each Chapter will have 1 associated dungeon). Oh, and I should also mention that there is likely to be 2 versions of Chapter 5, depending on various conditions.

All this being said, I kinda doubt that this will be a long game if you just blitz through it. But it should have a good density of H-stuff, even in the virgin route.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Aww thats pretty fast for a game, unless the next few chapters are way longer than the first.
I am currently stucj in the first chapter there is no one to help anymore and i triggered the peeping tom, panty stealer, panty seller events.

I could not go north pass through the rubble or activate the south east event about the wooden ferry to slime island.

I could not get the main heroine to lose her viriginity too.

Panty theft and selling?! Did I miss something awesome? As for progressing the game, try going to the hut in the south of the town, or all the way to the end of the road map (there's a building with a guard and caravan in front), a boat might be to the left there. If not that, can you be more specific where you are?

And thanks Habisain for the great effort again, I'll try the patch when I can.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Panty theft and selling?! Did I miss something awesome? As for progressing the game, try going to the hut in the south of the town, or all the way to the end of the road map (there's a building with a guard and caravan in front), a boat might be to the left there. If not that, can you be more specific where you are?

And thanks Habisain for the great effort again, I'll try the patch when I can.

Well, its not really that awesome as it sounds. Those actions were acted by the thief in a cutscene when exiting the bath house upon washing up and when entering the clothing shop after (im not sure if its immediately after). Both are cutscenes.
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

hey habisain searphonoc have found your translation and is very impressed.

He didn't understand what blundering girl meant haha and he also says he's aware of the unimpressive development and he understands the worldwide appeal and this gives him a motivation to complete still amazing to see him post pictures about it too lol

Also a recent update shows a day/night cycle of the second town!!!
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Yeah, uh, I was kinda surprised by that. Well, I've responded to his tweets with what I hope is good manners, but the initial reaction seems quite positive...

EDIT: And... who'd of thought it, the response from Searothonc is that the translation patch is sort-of fair use. I guess my efforts to make RPGMaker Trans original creator friendly have actually paid off.
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