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RPG RPG Maker [Searothonc] 処女を守る魔法 / Virgin Protection Magic (RJ139133)


Tentacle God
Oct 31, 2014
Reputation score
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Huh. As if to prove me and my previous pessimism wrong, Searothonc just tweeted that he's finished implementing the game. I assume that means we just have to await a complete playtest and it'll be done.

But finally, we're getting it. Might not be one of the longest waits, but for a game that seemed to have the groundwork done (and chapter 1) so long ago it's been excruciating. Now let's hope nothing happens to Searothonic...


Tentacle God
Jul 15, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

But finally, we're getting it. Might not be one of the longest waits, but for a game that seemed to have the groundwork done (and chapter 1) so long ago it's been excruciating. Now let's hope nothing happens to Searothonic...
That's just the point though. It seemed to have the groundwork done. It didn't - the groudwork was shaky, at best. As part of my translation stuff I did dig through the game in more detail than anyone here (I suspect) and the code in the demo is in places incomplete (in particular animations, which apparently took a lot longer than planned to get right), and in places highly buggy (sex code). There was also a bunch of stuff that just wasn't implemented yet (footprints in snow, spotlights). Couple all of this with the "trivial" task of designing maps and writing the story, and you can see where all the time went.

However, none of that stuff was apparent in the demo - Searothonc was very good in putting all of the stuff that hadn't been implemented into later chapters. So the phrase "seemed to have the groundwork done" is very, very apt.

Of course, this means I really need to hurry up and try to get my patch into better shape. It's got too many issues as things stand...


Oct 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Been waiting so long for this I already forgot what I was excited for in the first place.
Maybe I should check out the demo again


Tentacle God
Aug 30, 2011
Reputation score
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Hey guys, I'm sure this has been asked before, but I couldn't find it over all the other random posts so:

How far does the demo go up to?
What are the (if any) known bugs that are in the demo? (anything game breaking, please do tell)

What happens when your no longer a virgin? Is that even possible in the demo?

I am currently in the first town and just talking to people. I think I solved everything, but I can't continue. I recall someone saying stuff about how it goes up to chapter 3 in the demo, but I got no clue. Help?

Edit: The first post says it only goes to the end of chapter 1, how do I finish chapter 1?
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Tentacle God
Jul 15, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

So, uh, No 1: If you're not using my translation patch, you probably should (check sig). As it completely translates the demo, it should make things much clearer on what you're doing, especially as you can just ask Felengel with the Familiar command. As to what you have to do next, well, I can't really help you as you're a bit vague on where you are in the story. I'd guess you should either go to the public bath or just south of the shed on the south of Wiccaholt.
EDIT: Cross postng with an edit... but to finish Chapter 1, talk to Branwen after beating the Slime Master.

No 2: The demo goes up to the end of Chapter 1. There's only 5 Chapters in the entire game, so Chapter 3 for a demo would be a bit much. There are no bugs in the demo to my knowledge, provided that you stick to the demo content. If you start hacking around with save files/debug tool etc, you may get bugs.

No 3: Not possible to lose virginity in demo. Which is just as well, because that part of the sex system is the bit that's bugged. As far as I'm aware, virginity in the full game will be one of the factors that determines which ending you get, as well as the story branch near the end (which I think exists, but is really speculative on my part at this point). Well, that and you won't be able to cast the spell "Virgins Protection" anymore, but that should be obvious.
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Tentacle God
Aug 30, 2011
Reputation score
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Woah, thanks. I didn't want to use the patch because I was afraid of the translation *patch* (empathizes on the patch) might cause problems with missing files of sorts.

Alright, I'll pull the patch. Also, I think (1) was what I was looking for.


Tentacle God
Jul 15, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Nah. I don't like to release patches that break games, and I do testing. Well, mostly I do testing. There's only a couple of issues, and none are severe. RPGMaker Trans makes it pretty damn hard to accidentally break a game.


Tentacle God
Aug 30, 2011
Reputation score
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Hmm.. I can't seem to get that shed to open, and no one's near it (no soldier). I might be missing someone which I need to help. However, the cat's currently talking about someone in the bar. I talked to everyone there. What am I missing?

I've been to the fort and back.


Tentacle God
Jul 15, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Ah, damnit. I forgot about the peeping tom incident in the bar (some of the women in the bar make allusions to it). Use the toilet in there; that should advance things on a bit. (Actually, it's got me thinking that the bar should really be translated as a pub, given the setting and the fact it doesn't just sell booze...). You may also have to trigger the panty-theft incident at the public bath and the panties being sold incident at the item shop (if you've not done so already).

As a note for a bit further on, when you're hunting for the "Stripping Demon" (as I translated him), you have to go just south of the shed, i.e. not directly in front of the door.
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Tentacle God
Aug 30, 2011
Reputation score
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Ah, damnit. I forgot about the peeping tom incident in the bar (some of the women in the bar make allusions to it). Use the toilet in there; that should advance things on a bit. (Actually, it's got me thinking that the bar should really be translated as a pub, given the setting and the fact it doesn't just sell booze...). You may also have to trigger the panty-theft incident at the public bath and the panties being sold incident at the item shop (if you've not done so already).

As a note for a bit further on, when you're hunting for the "Stripping Demon" (as I translated him), you have to go just south of the shed, i.e. not directly in front of the door.
I seem to be incompetent in doing doing the above so could you perhaps divide it up into the steps? Thanks.


Tentacle God
Jul 15, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

@Duck666: If the steps I gave you didn't work, then you're probably not at the stage where you can do it. Can you post exactly what Felengel says if you use the Familiar command? That would be enough to be able to see exactly where you are.


Tentacle God
Oct 31, 2014
Reputation score
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Hm, Searonthonic answers questions in English, so if someone's got a Twitter account they don't mind using to tweet an H-developer...

Said a little about the game features, basically it having GoR yuri, it'll be out on the English dlsite and that it probably will be out late this month.
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Tentacle God
Jul 15, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Aw, man, Elmsdor took all the fun out of guessing the release date... :) (Also, given that I've already tweeted at Searothonc when he found my translation patch, I'm kinda already linked...)

That release date is a little faster than I thought actually. I suspect the tentative end-of-month is assuming that there aren't too many errors in dialogue etc. But overall, good news.


Tentacle God
Feb 7, 2014
Reputation score
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

That's awesome. I've been really looking forward to this one. Also, I just want to reiterate my extreme thanks for your translation effort Habisain!

I'll be 100% buying this one, and I hope a bunch of people follow suit. Show quality developers that there is a worthwhile English audience and supporting translations can be profitable.


Jungle Girl
May 18, 2015
Reputation score
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Omg i waited for so long this one ^^, day 1 for me !
Quality dev's really need supports and i'm in !

And ofc, thank you Habisain for the translation .
Do you think he might work with you ? I'm pretty sure he could hit a large audience with it (heck i'm french , and even if i run Chiitrans, i'd rather have an english trans anyday).


Tentacle God
Jul 15, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

I... don't think so, is the answer. Searothonc stated that there are no plans for an official English translation. There's probably a bunch of reasons, but the big ones would be:

a) They're a year over budget. Even if I did "official" translating for free, it'd still cause a delay to their plan to launch on English DLSite by a lot (I doubt I'll be able to do a compete translation before next year, frankly), which costs sales to piracy (based on how many people claim to have problems buying stuff on JP DLSite) and therefore money.
b) I suspect Searothonc is too polite to say this directly, but there is probably some suspicion of how many actual sales will come about from an English version. I mean, I believe he stumbled onto my patch on this forum which, for the most part, is pretty much dedicated to piracy. One of the reason why they did not write it off straight away is due to the RPGMaker Trans patch format being quite anti-piracy, along with me stamping 'Please buy this game' onto my translation. (And it's also possible that finding a halfway-competent translation for own game while it was still an incomplete demo was somewhat entertaining/flattering/bemusing for them). Hopefully there'll be enough sales, but my inner sceptic is sceptical.
c) By doing the fan translation of the demo already, I've kinda weakened my position on any kind of negotiations I could do to do to be an official translator.

But whatever. I'm happy enough that Searothonc tolerates my translation patch - good enough for me.


Demon Girl
Feb 18, 2013
Reputation score
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

A Partial Translation would do for now


Tentacle God
Jul 15, 2012
Reputation score
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

Well, I've said it before and I'll say it again: the demo patch should be compatible with the full game. While it won't be a complete partial, it should get a good chunk of the items, UI, and dialogue from chapters 1/2 (less in Chapter 2).

So, basically: most of a partial will be available the moment this game goes on sale. It's already there.


Tentacle God
Oct 23, 2013
Reputation score
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

*Sneaks by the topic*
Hello...ive had my eyes on this game for some time now, i can put together a partial once the game comes out.

Course, i'll do it from scratch. Not that i don't trust habisain's work, i just do it my own way. So no hard feelings habisain? x3


Sex Demon
Jan 10, 2013
Reputation score
Re: [RJ139133] Virgin protection magic (clothdmg, arousal dmg)

lol as soon as the release date is surfaced everyone goes nuts on the thread love it...

So end of the month release date is great for me SOMA releases on the 22nd, 11th Sexy Beach and this game, good month so far!

I'm sure habisain will be fine with it 2 separate projects is a common thing with translations full or partial doesn't matter