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Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

The dragoness gave a nod of acceptance back to Mizuna's acknowledgement. "But, I do not know the lay of the land. You must show me the way to one of the human villages." she told Mizuna. In response, Cai tugged on Mizuna's arm and made a gesture as if she were fishing.

"A fishing village... Very well. Take me there... And you may both address me as Lunastra..." the dragoness announced. Cai turned to her and gave a nod, signs of mental communication going between them that Mizuna couldn't hear, their apparent telepathic link only going directly to Lunastra herself, and not to each other.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

While she too was not all that well educated in the surface world, Mizuna was still willing to go and see what further things there could be in the areas above water. But the one village that Cai gestured towards she did know, having visited it a few times before in her scouting trips. The communication thing was only beneficial, since there had never been any real verbal communication between the two sahuagin before anyways. They would get along just fine.

Having acknowledged the dragoness' name, Mizuna would be ready to leave as soon as the ancient being wanted to, quite curious about seeing beyond the villages of the shores in her never-ending quest of exploration.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

Rising from where she was resting, Lunastra looked to Mizuna, following the sahuagin whenever she decided to lead her to the fishing village. "Tell me, Mizuna," Lunastra requested of her, "what shall we do when we reach the human town? Rather, what would you be willing to do?" she inquired carefully with her telepathic voice. "I wish to rebuild my temple that was destroyed, and acquire followers as I had from before the time that I was sealed. For that... I want to know if you are loyal to me."

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

Motioning to Cai that they should move onwards, Mizuna started to advance the group on their way towards their destination, the nearby fishing village that she had been to a few times already. "What do I wish to do? I don't have any desires to stay put too much. Exploration is my desire, see and experience things and places I have not seen nor experienced. This world is wide and holds many things I wish to see still." she told her desires to the inquiting dragoness, who seemed to have bigger and more complex ideas about the future. "As long as I am not hindered in my travels, you have my loyalty. I don't mind."
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

As they swam, they found themselves nearing the coast after a few passing minutes of silence. Lunastra seemed to accept Mizuna's answer, and gave no further input until they were near the town, which was moving a bit more than usual, as the townsfolk seemed in a panic. "It would seem that our presence is known. Let's just keep going. I sense that these humans are all far too weak to pose a threat, even if I was not present." Lunastra announced to Mizuna and Cai with calm confidence. And such seemed the case as Lunastra rose from the water, and approached the buildings that stood not far inland from the sandy beach, which hosted several dozens of humans, all scrambling in a panic, shouting word of a dragon approaching from the beach. Mizuna could hear Cai give off a few angry bubbles when neither of them were mentioned.

"This village will be our grounds of experimentation." Lunastra announced, before raising her claws into the air as a sudden blue dome formed over the town, right in front of a group that was about to flee the town entirely, thus blocking the entire population in with Lunastra herself and her two followers. "Mizuna, you have not explored and interacted with the humans as I've ben led to believe. Now is your chance. Surely you won't shy away from this opportunity," Lunastra stated, rather than proposed as a question.

Scratching her head, Cai seemed a bit confused. All of the humans were trapped and cowering before them, but what now? Cai seemed to think, but also glanced at Mizuna to see if she had an answer.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

The silence that persisted along the rest of the trip towards the village, being pretty much the average deal for the typical sahuagin but possibly not for ancient dragons, Mizuna thought as they advanced. Since Lunastra gave no further comment about her statements, it was likely that the dragoness had accepted them. It was only a small period of time before they had reached the human-inhabitated area above the surface.

When the group managed to come into contact with the humans, there was a period of panicking and running at the sight of them coming to the village.But this was stopped short by a spell that Lunastra cast, trapping them all inside the village. Even though the chance to interract was nice, Mizuna had dislike against this method since she was not one to limit the freedom of others. "I'm not sure I agree with your methods, but I won't shy away from them either. Humans are interesting in their own way." she mentally remarked to the dragoness, not caring about the power that could likely crush her right there. Intending to interact with the humans, she approached them in a careful and friendly manner, hoping to find one that might return the gestures.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

When Mizuna made her gestures, she was lucky enough to find one of the more brave of the villagers step forward, and return her gestures. "H-hello..." a mature man with basic clothes and dirty apron greeted her. "What... What do you want?" he asked Mizuna. Rather than interrupt however, Lunastra looked to Mizuna, curious to see if she'd respond, or just hand the task to her.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

It was a relief to Mizuna that at least one of the humans was brave enough to step forward and meet her. The man was one of an older generation, an adult gentleman if one had to class him. Judging from his clothes, the man was likely one who dealt with preparing fish for food or possibly one of those "blacksmith" people who made weapons and other things out from metal. While she was not one for speaking, the sahuagin girl offered a hand for him to shake in hopes of making some further friendly impact on him. Mentally poking Lunastra to get on with her speeches, there was only one word that she could offer to the human. "Friend..." Mizuna told the man, looking at him in a peaceful manner.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

The word that came out of Mizuna's mouth was rather grotesque, and cause the man to lean back a bit upon hearing the croak that came with her attempt to speak. "Friend... Y-yes..." the man said cautiously. "You want a friend? Is that it? Is that all? I can do that..." he said to Mizuna, nodding nervously.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

After uttering the word, Mizuna was instantly reminded why she and most other sahuagin didn't speak. The gargly noise that formed the word brought out some rather spectacular results, which in turn went straight into making the sahuagin lady uncomfortably self-conscious abou this racial flaw. Seeing the nervous disposition of the man she had been adressing, the girl backed away, retreating behind Lunastra to let her carry on with the things she intended to do. Suddenly, she had no confidence at all to socialize.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

"... Is that all you wanted to do?" Lunastra asked Mizuna, before looking back to the town. "If that's all, then I will take this town, and make these people my worshipers." she announced, and began walking towards the people before her with an intimidating presence, causing the humans to quickly back away in fear.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

"I don't know..." Mizuna replied mentally, the whole situation still making her feel totally useless and ugly afterwards. But once the ancient dragon began to go towards the villagers, she had a change of heart, once more realizing that they might have their freedom taken by this weird creature. Turning on her heels, she stomped towards Lunastra and grabbed her by the hair, yanking back on it."I do not approve of your methods, these folks are terrified. You will not force them like this, using fear. If you so much need to have worshippers, win them over with respect and love." the sahuagin lady fumed mentally, pulling back on the handful of hair.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

Lunastra looked back at Mizuna with a blank expression of judgement, as if she were putting Mizuna on trial for a crime. "If that is the best method, then why did you not do it when given the chance? If you could show me this method in action, and earn me some followers, I will reconsider my normal methods; however, through fear I did gain power, and it is the only method with which I know is effective. If your method fails, you will concede to mine." Lunastra stated strictly to Mizuna.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

The words that poured out from Lunastra's mouth didn't affect Mizuna in the way that this dragoness probably had intended them to. Instead of somehow making her feel bad or afraid, they only further pushed her towards the limits of her temper. Ancient dragon or not, her ways were not the ones that should be brought onto innocent humans like this. Almost visibly fuming from the ears, the sahuagin lady gathered her composure, pushing Lunastra aside as she approached the same villager again. She needed to estabilish a friendly connection with them, but refrain from talking as it would likely damper her mood again. If the blacksmith or whatever he was approved, Mizuna would seek out to do the same with some of the other villagers as well.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

The villagers seemed half afraid of Mizuna as they were of Lunastra, and as such, they still backed up, fearful of the sahuagin; however, though she had approached with such intentions, there was still the issue of how she was going to make a connection with these humans. At the very least, all eyes were on Mizuna. Where she went from there was critical though, as if she didn't make a connection with them, then Lunastra would simply control them with fear.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

"Still fearful..." Mizuna thought as she approached and got a pretty much expected, slightly scared response from the human group. Since she was not comfortable with talking, the sahuagin moved to another possible approach. Picking up a stick from the ground, she kneeled near the smith person, using the piece of wood to write on the ground instead of using her voice to communicate. Like before, she asked the same thing in her text that she had tried asking verbally just moments ago, looking through the crowd and seeing how they reacted to her. Once there was some degree of relief and possible desire to interract with her, the sahuagin decided to try and offer her help to some tasks that the people were doing, to help with their work. That might work to further instill a sense of trust to the humans, even if it was a small one. While she didn't like the way Lunastra was acting, Mizuna thought that she had no real chance of making her stop. At least a physical or magical confrontation were out of the question.
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Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

Seeing what she wrote, the people did as the man did earlier, seeming very keen on being on terms of friendship the three mamono, though seemingly mostly out of fear. When asked how they could help though, they seemed to take a moment to look amongst each other. Finally, the man with the apron stepped forth, and nodded to her. "These parts are dangerous... And we'd like food..." he began. "Alarune stalk the forests, so hunting often results... In our able bodied men vanishing... If you could help us somehow..." the man carefully told Mizuna how she could help, before seeming to give in to the fear that indeed bothered all of the villagers.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

Alraune... oh, the plant ladies... Mizuna pondered as she heard about the troubles that these people were having. Maybe she should help out with that then. While she was better in the water, the land was not foreign to her in any way either. Doing some further writing into the ground, she asked if they would like her to fish or if they should head out into the forests to hunt. Whatever the humans asked, she would be willing to provide for them.
Mamono Assault Force

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

"We can fish plenty... But we will become scurvy if fish is our only source of food..." the man replied to her writings.

"You would go to such lengths to acquire the loyalty of these humans? You may do as you like, but you are wasting your time. Their debt to you will not be remembered. Such a short lived species does not favor history." Lunastra telepathically said to Mizuna.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Secrets Words Can't Describe (Mizuna)

"Poor humans... such requirements on their lives... I can go easily with just the fishies..." Mizuna thought about the humans as she got their reply, leading one to a first-time hunt on land. She might have some difficulties here, but it was worth the try. These people were in need, and she would provide.

Continuing the discussion, the young sahuagin began writing her acceptance on the sand as Lunastra spoke up again in her mind-messages. It seemed as if she was trying to rile Mizuna up with her comments. "I should really be going for the bishops to get you back to your tomb, to be honest. I am not likely too long-lived a being myself either, so I don't care."