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Discussion Sex MUGEN 2.0 General Discussion Thread

How do you actually start fucking? I'm new and know nothing of how to play this game
How do you actually start fucking? I'm new and know nothing of how to play this game
You need a character that has the code and graphics (sprites) for assaulting the opponent (usually called the aggressor) and a character with the corresponding code and sprites (usually called the victim).
This site should get you started:
Noted, thank you. Although how do I even find anything of interest? A lot of stuff is named very vaguely and there's no preview of the contents. And for example if I wanted to download Horuakuti's stuff how would I find any of it?

> Also it could also be a case against your assailant characters being incompatible. There are victims that work with some and not others.
I've noticed, but all 3 Athena's I downloaded that were supposedly compatible with just about everything also happened to not work with a single of the 8+ assailants I've downloaded.
Sorry for the delayed reply but for some stupid reason i don't know why i suddenly stop getting notifications from this thread in particular.
I have a collection of almost everything horuakuti made

The kuromarus.rar file has multiple kuromarus because every time he makes a new char he makes a specialized kuromaru version of it, but, technically any kuromaru should work.

Also, this list does not include Miyako as she's the most recent and he made her after i made this list, which has one of the best mechanics ever made, choking and cholorofrming and other skills derived to reduce resistance, you should get her from mugenryona
Thread where it's talked about:

DL Links in parts because mugenryona uploader has a file size limit restriction

Update 1, extract and replace over her folder should work:

Update 2, same process:

If something fucks up feel free to reply and i'll try to help

EDIT: btw password is ryona2
weird...i could swear the password was different... eh, whatever
The futanari Marisa is at page 3 of mugenryona (though, don't know if you know where that is) at the time of this posting as mugenryona2375. She's actually one of the more fleshed out aggressors (not to kuromaru_short/murakamimob levels but still) so I really recommend downloading her.

I actually have a few Touhou characters in my mugen build but I've been refraining from actually uploading them since their creators don't really seem to appreciate reuploads.
hey do you know how to search character in mugenryona ? i don't know how i even use google translate but it say that it not a japanese word
Can someone help me with something code related to sounds?
How does Kuromaru make the sound of a victim play?, in other words, how does player1 call a sound FROM player2?

For example, this sound plays when Kuromaru stuns a victim, with any attack and in any situation. It's a sound HE has.
[State -2]
triggerall = var(46) <= 0
triggerall = numhelper(1217) = 0 && numhelper(1218) = 0
trigger1 = var(44) >= 100 && var(44) < 900

And then, i believe Kuromaru calls this sound FROM p2, the victim side, when he stuns her but ONLY if the stunning ocurred with one of his special attacks, the SF2's Blanka's electrocution attack
[State 2200,8]
type = PlaySnd
triggerAll = enemynear,name = "kuromaru"
triggerAll = enemynear,var(44) >= 100
trigger1 = time = 0
channel = 20
lowpriority = 1
value = 11,0+ (Random % 3)

I believe var(44) is the stun one, and when it reaches 100, the opponent gets stunned. And i thought the difference between both playsnd was the enemynear thing, so i was thinking maybe something like this would trigger a sound whenever she got stunned, but it didn't. I want a sound to play when she gets stunned in other situations that are not the electrouction attack
[State -2]
type = PlaySnd
triggerAll = enemynear,name = "kuromaru"
triggerAll = var(44) >= 100
value = 11,0+ (Random % 3)

Anyway, my main question is, how does the game recognize if kuromaru is calling a sound from his own or from p2? HOW!?!?!?

Sounds are only played by their respective owners. The owner however can be told to play sounds by another character when forced into a custom state.
Like when a character grunts or yells when thrown. That would be P1(kuromaru in this case) telling P2(your victim) to play the sound through the custom state(them being grabbed).
How did you guys manage to register on that LAXD site? Tried a couple different emails but I always get "You are restricted to register."
How did you guys manage to register on that LAXD site? Tried a couple different emails but I always get "You are restricted to register."
Most likely, where you live, you can't view the content (this is my own opinion from seeing the famous "you are restricted").
Have you tried changing your location to a different country/state? Sometimes, the law may block certain website from allowing other country/state from registering.
Sounds are only played by their respective owners. The owner however can be told to play sounds by another character when forced into a custom state.
Like when a character grunts or yells when thrown. That would be P1(kuromaru in this case) telling P2(your victim) to play the sound through the custom state(them being grabbed).
I'm not sure i understand this, is the code of an animation an state in itself? because that's literally all i've added to the character i want to make compatible as victim, code wise
[Begin Action 181106]
18311, 11,  0,-10,  2
etc etc long ass code
Then i added a new sound in group 5693 index 0, and it plays. This on a victim that wasn't compatible before so there's no way she had a state in code.
Edit: I just did a search, the number 5693 is nowhere in her states cns files. However, it is on Kuromaru's, like for example:

;通常状態 普通の悲鳴や喘ぐ声など
;催眠状態 用意されたドットによる、睡姦イメージなら唸るような声、洗脳イメージなら嬌声
;気絶状態 短い呻き声やうめき声など、睡姦やイラマチオの流用もいいでしょう

[State 6210]
type = PlaySnd
TriggerAll = GameTime >= enemynear,var(59) + enemynear,var(58) + 61
TriggerAll = enemynear,name="kuromaru"
triggerAll = animelem = 1
Trigger1 = Anim/10000 = 18;相手が通常状態
value = 5693,0 + random % 3
channel = 30
lowpriority = 1
more stuff
When a character is grabbed, they are put into a custom state. That custom state is on the grabber, in this case kuromaru. The state is read by the victim and run as if it was their own, which is how mugen knows whose sounds to play because it it still running the states like normal.

Kuromaru grab is 800 and victim is 810, both states are only read on kuromaru.
State 800 and 810 both have a playsnd for sound 50,3. Kuromaru will play his like normal.
The victim will play their own sound as despite being in kuromaru’s state 810, they are running it as if it was their own state. So all code run in kuromaru’s state 810 by the victim is with their own parameters and resources.

In short, the character essentially does everything mugen tells it to. Mugen doesn’t decide, it just instructs.
Does anyone happen to have a "fixed" version of the ryona_bridget aggressor, or know where I can find it?
Apparently the one on HCM is bugged (victim animations don't trigger/victim sprites will disappear mid animation) and there is a "fixed" version (by bison shadaloo I think?) supposedly floating around somewhere.
I visit the mugenryona board some times, but like most it gets hard/tedious having to navigate so many pages.
Any help/leads would be greatly appreciated.
When a character is grabbed, they are put into a custom state. That custom state is on the grabber, in this case kuromaru. The state is read by the victim and run as if it was their own, which is how mugen knows whose sounds to play because it it still running the states like normal.

Kuromaru grab is 800 and victim is 810, both states are only read on kuromaru.
State 800 and 810 both have a playsnd for sound 50,3. Kuromaru will play his like normal.
The victim will play their own sound as despite being in kuromaru’s state 810, they are running it as if it was their own state. So all code run in kuromaru’s state 810 by the victim is with their own parameters and resources.

In short, the character essentially does everything mugen tells it to. Mugen doesn’t decide, it just instructs.
I see, thanks for your answer, friend, it seems i would need to understand mugen coding if i want to do what i intend to.
I don't even recognize which kuromaru's states put the victim into a custom state.
From the very first message you replied to, first code plays only kuromaru's sounds, second code plays victim's sounds, and i honestly don't recognize why or in what part of the 2nd code is it calling for a state on the victim.
I see, thanks for your answer, friend, it seems i would need to understand mugen coding if i want to do what i intend to.
I don't even recognize which kuromaru's states put the victim into a custom state.
From the very first message you replied to, first code plays only kuromaru's sounds, second code plays victim's sounds, and i honestly don't recognize why or in what part of the 2nd code is it calling for a state on the victim.
The initial attack/grab animation will put P2 in a custom state. Most characters have a grab at state 800 so you should check there first for examples. The hitdef in there will usually have something like "p2stateno" which it uses to tell whoever it hits, what state to go into. The state chosen will most often be from the grabber's lister, however using a changestate or selfstate within the custom state will have the victim load their own state numbers. Targetstate will also move P2 to any chosen state on P1.
Targetstate only works on a target, which you can only get by hitting the opponent. For the time that the opponent is in hitstun, they will be the target of whatever instance hit them. This means that if a helper hits P2, they will be the target of the helper and not the root.
I.E Ryu's hadouken hits. P2 is the target of the hadouken and not Ryu.

Targets are cleared when hitstun ends.

Basically when the grab attempt(state 800) hits, P1 will follow up with the actual grab(state 810 via p1statno = 810 on hit) and P2 will be told to go into P1's custom state for the victim being grabbed(state 820 via p2stateno = 820 on being hit). P2 is thrown and on hitting the ground, goes into their own state 5100 via selfstate within state 820. The custom state ends and P2 is back in their state 5100 where they get up and control is returned.
Thank you very much for your help, Dman_bro.
I dont' see any p2stateno in the electricity attack, but i see a few changeanim and changestate things, investigating it a little more it seems it works in the same fashion as throws, just like you said.
This is beyond me for the moment, sadly, i'll butter up, or maybe just give up on trying to add sound to that one thing.
EDIT: One more thing. I've googled this but haven't found anything that really talks about it...
I have custom electrocuted sprites for the victim character i would like to display when she's being electrocuted, instead of the basic hurt ones. Would this be too complicated to do? Where should i start looking?
It can be a bit much in the beginning when you don't know anything about the code so take it slow.

Mugen's code is really simple when you take a moment to examine it. KFM provides some notes in his code as well that can help you. Don't be discouraged by the wall of text and just read it from the top down. Uh...starting from statedefs, not the whole thing(s). Also refer to the docs folder, specifically sctrls and triggers, as much as possible to get more familiar with the code.

You should also look up how to make throws as almost every case dealing with special animations and whatnot is some kind of “throw”. The throw doesn’t have to actually grab the opponent and throw them, it could be something like if it hits, make them walk backwards for a second instead.
Learning how to make your own throws will cover just about everything you'll need to know to do lewd stuff in mugen.

I'll leave a bit more info for you relating to your post.

p1stateno and p2stateno can be subbed out for changestate and targetstate respectively with a movehit trigger. You don't need either of them however if the opponent is being grabbed, you'll want both. Otherwise they'll just do their part of the "throw" while P1 is free.
[state 800]
type = changestate
trigger1 = movehit
value = 810

[state 800]
type = targetstate
trigger1 = movehit
value = 820

Don't get changeanim and changeanim2 confused. changeanim will play the user's animation, however changeanim2 will play the grabber's animation. That animation played with changeanim2 pulls from the victim's sprites file still so it won't always match up if the victim has more or less sprites. This is often used for compatibility reasons for lewd grabs so there's usually a changeanim and changeanim2.
;If you have the animation
[state 820]
type = changeanim
triggerall = selfanimexist(830) = 1
trigger1 = time = 0
value = 830

;If you don't have the animation
[state 820]
type = changeanim2
triggerall = selfanimexist(830) = 0
trigger1 = time = 0
value = 820

Char 1 has the animation that the changeanim checks for and so it plays. Char 2 does not have the animation so the changeanim does not play, instead the changeanim2 plays as a backup which the grabber would have in their animations as a backup.
Here you go @Dman_bro 🍪 🍰 🥛 you really have earn it for typing such a long detailed description on how a kuro may work against a victim. 😹
Here you go @Dman_bro 🍪 🍰 🥛 you really have earn it for typing such a long detailed description on how a kuro may work against a victim. 😹
I could have provided better examples, but this applies to all throws and not just Kuromaru. I even used state 800 because that's just the most accepted throw state(s) amongst creators.