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Discussion Sex MUGEN 2.0 General Discussion Thread

Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

@Raijinryu: Not quoting you because I'm not really in favor of your post being duplicated again. It's a nice find--an English H-mugen site/forum. Unfortunately, when I saw the "Bara" part ("gay" in Japanese), I immediately passed. Sorry, not my cup of tea; even if it has straight rapers, I just can't stomach digging through a site like that for it. :/ Thanks for sharing...sort of.

I getcha, at first I thought I could post the direct links to the characters, but it somehow felt disrespectful to the creators, so I just linked their forums.

Quite honestly, didn't know what bara meant. I literally went the "OOOHHH, so that's why..." route.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

MSL lives! He's doing some great stuff and sharing it through his tumblr.

You didn't know? Haha, he just took a break for a few weeks. Unfortunately though, his main contact to us was Neo (who helped to code and animate those sprites into characters) and since Neo himself is taking an extended leave of absence, MSL is pretty much just giving us gifs made from flash. It's nice, but it doesn't do much in terms of actually creating characters.

He promised sprite sheets a while ago but hasn't delivered (he's probably busy making those flash gifs instead); I'd contact him and ask him for sprite sheets but I don't have a tumblr to post on his blog. :(
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

MSL is having trouble posting to the forums, but he was able to PM me. I'll just relay his info for now.

I see a friend who wants a sprite sheet please tell him that my sprites are currently in mess and needs to be re-edited again because i was a beginner in start and got messed up, i need to re-edit these sprites then upload a sprite sheet...it just takes time, also im doing elizabeth XIII and Shen XIII will be a new rapist soon.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

can't run the game.exe :(
it says it launched 1280x720 and found an error
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

MSL is having trouble posting to the forums, but he was able to PM me. I'll just relay his info for now.

Much appreciated Onyx. I can't code like Mugenhti or Neo but I can edit sprites and apply anims, so as long as I can get spritesheets (and find the characters they belong to), I can add them to the characters. If so, I suppose I'll have to break my rule about not sharing characters here, since it's been a while since we've had Neo here.

can't run the game.exe :(
it says it launched 1280x720 and found an error

Be glad to help you out, if I can. What is the error posted? (can you show us the error?)
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Here's a re-upload of what i think is all of the Mugen_rape HD vids I uploaded before.

Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Here's a re-upload of what i think is all of the Mugen_rape HD vids I uploaded before.

Thanks a lot, I couldn't find these HD vids anywhere else.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

mugen_rape hasn't released anything since August. So sad.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Could anyone recommend characters with good pregnancy/impregnation finishers or animations?
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Much appreciated Onyx. I can't code like Mugenhti or Neo but I can edit sprites and apply anims, so as long as I can get spritesheets (and find the characters they belong to), I can add them to the characters. If so, I suppose I'll have to break my rule about not sharing characters here, since it's been a while since we've had Neo here.

Be glad to help you out, if I can. What is the error posted? (can you show us the error?)

a bit lazy for the long journey of uploading a picture to a host, and paste link to this forum

so i copied the error script

"Error detected.

Clipboard tail:
M.U.G.E.N ver 1.1.0 Beta 1 P1 (2013.08.11) status log
Parsing command line...
Command line: C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\My Documents\Downloads\Queen Of Light 2.2\mugen.exe
Parse command line OK
Allocating game variables
Reading configuration file...Setting language "en".
Initializing timer...performance timer enabled...frequency 1866690000...OK
Initializing keyboard...configuring...OK
Initializing input engine...OK
Initializing sound...OK
Initializing BGM... OK
Initializing graphics...gameCoord 1280x720...render mode 2_20...trying 1280x720x32 mode 0x0...failed. "
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

a bit lazy for the long journey of uploading a picture to a host, and paste link to this forum

so i copied the error script

"Error detected.

Clipboard tail:
M.U.G.E.N ver 1.1.0 Beta 1 P1 (2013.08.11) status log
Parsing command line...
Command line: C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\My Documents\Downloads\Queen Of Light 2.2\mugen.exe
Parse command line OK
Allocating game variables
Reading configuration file...Setting language "en".
Initializing timer...performance timer enabled...frequency 1866690000...OK
Initializing keyboard...configuring...OK
Initializing input engine...OK
Initializing sound...OK
Initializing BGM... OK
Initializing graphics...gameCoord 1280x720...render mode 2_20...trying 1280x720x32 mode 0x0...failed. "

You need to open mugen.cfg with notepad and set your monitor resolution
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Hi there, Internet is something huge and things like this may happen:
I'm BETMARK, the dude who thought it was a good idea to make Queen of Lights.
I just passed by this forum once and I randomly found this topic right now.
I still havent read all the posts (40 pages...), but I noticed some guest had problems with my hentai version of the MUGEN.
So, now I'm here, maybe I can help in first person.

I'll see if it will be necessary to start a new topic only about my game, but for the moment I'll be here.

Since from Tomorrow I'll be 'the dude without a job' (again) I'll have at least a lot of free time to go back on my project and upload something new.

Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

A new champion approaches! Welcome, Betmark. Awesome to see ya here!

I would have probably made a permanent switch to your version of MUGEN if I weren't so lazy about tweaking it. There are definitely some things I like better about QoL. Its awesome that it has a higher resolution by default and (even better) lets you adjust the screen size easily, too. The character selection screen has lots more space than usual which is nice. The music is also a nice touch.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Long time no see Betmark, I talked to you abit on Mugenhentai spanish forums but that was years ago. I spoke to you about your avatar there and that you was in process of making Mikuru Asahina character. I don't see her on your website anymore so I'm guessing you abandoned that one for time being?

I don't even remember what my Signame was on the Mugenhentai spanish forums anymore cuz its been down for years now.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

Edited, and nothing happen :(

I'm not sure your problem is this, I need to read more posts to understand it, but for the moment try this:

1) open mugen.cfg like you did before.
2) find this block:

;Screen rendering mode.
;OpenGL - Experimental OpenGL renderer (recommended)
;System - default SDL rendering mode (e.g. windib in Win dows)
;DirectX - DirectX 5 renderer
;System and DirectX modes do not support advanced features
;such as RGB sprites and window resizing.
RenderMode = OpenGL

3)edit this line:
RenderMode = OpenGL

so that it looks like this:
RenderMode = System

If it works we must thank a guy named Samu.

Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

I'm not sure your problem is this, I need to read more posts to understand it, but for the moment try this:

1) open mugen.cfg like you did before.
2) find this block:

;Screen rendering mode.
;OpenGL - Experimental OpenGL renderer (recommended)
;System - default SDL rendering mode (e.g. windib in Win dows)
;DirectX - DirectX 5 renderer
;System and DirectX modes do not support advanced features
;such as RGB sprites and window resizing.
RenderMode = OpenGL

3)edit this line:
RenderMode = OpenGL

so that it looks like this:
RenderMode = System

If it works we must thank a guy named Samu.


Bet . Ciao prima di tutto.
Facciamo prima a farci postare il mugen.cfg da ngansex.
Probabilmente se setta system funziona, ma alcuni personaggi nuovi per il mugen 1.0 usano l' sffv2 alcuni usano anche .png (canale rgb) al posto delle pcx (indicizzate). Se setta system non li vede. opengl è universale e dovrebbe caricare tutto.
Non ho giocato QoL, ma mi fa piacere che sei tornato attivo (mi spiace per il lavoro).

Back to english
Last edited:
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0

I'm not sure your problem is this, I need to read more posts to understand it, but for the moment try this:

1) open mugen.cfg like you did before.
2) find this block:

;Screen rendering mode.
;OpenGL - Experimental OpenGL renderer (recommended)
;System - default SDL rendering mode (e.g. windib in Win dows)
;DirectX - DirectX 5 renderer
;System and DirectX modes do not support advanced features
;such as RGB sprites and window resizing.
RenderMode = OpenGL

3)edit this line:
RenderMode = OpenGL

so that it looks like this:
RenderMode = System

If it works we must thank a guy named Samu.


I changed my screensolution to 1280x720....and then back to 1024x768...nothing happen :(

I changed mugen.cfg to 1024x768...nothing happen too

what should i ?:(

what is OpenGL
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0


Step-by-step instructions with pictures, based on a 2 second google search and scanning the top result. Hope that helps (and was quick enough). Try doing that instead of changing your screen resolutions--aka adjust the mugen config file instead.

Did you follow Betmark and Judael's instructions? They be the most knowledgeable H-mugen users/modders on this site, or in general for that matter, so if you've followed their advice and it still doesn't work, you're SOL.
Re: Sex MUGEN 2.0


Step-by-step instructions with pictures, based on a 2 second google search and scanning the top result. Hope that helps (and was quick enough). Try doing that instead of changing your screen resolutions--aka adjust the mugen config file instead.

Did you follow Betmark and Judael's instructions? They be the most knowledgeable H-mugen users/modders on this site, or in general for that matter, so if you've followed their advice and it still doesn't work, you're SOL.

The instructions you posted are perfect.
I'm 100% sure that the problem is in the video config lines.

at ngansex: if even this doesn't work, upload your mugen.cfg