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Sex Mugen

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Re: Sex Mugen

Hmm, sorry to annoy but I too am a developer as well as have done a few edits on some characters, I was wondering if there are others around here who too like to edit/create characters? Many I do are just normal though I slightly turned away towards well.... this kind of way instead. :eek:

The biggest question I wanted to ask is if anyone had an idea of his/her own "rapist" character in mind by some chance or so?

Well being a fan of H-Mugen for years, i've always hoped for a "rapist" character that defines the theme of necrophiliac fetishes.
There's Minotaur which covers beastiality at the moment and kuromaru.

But I was hoping on a new Rapist character based on enemies like "Nemesis" from Resident Evil franchises. Sadly, I don't know where to start on learning how to edit characters and am apparently bad at sprite art. :eek:
Re: Sex Mugen

Fufufu... not the only one who's a bit nervous at the spriting.

To take a side-spin, I'm currently working on at least five main and one side-familiar type Non-Hentai oriented characters but some of them will be compatible with it nonetheless.

My roster so far is:
Arala Cran (Well, actually a parody-version of actually me as her. I've done voice acting for her while this way even since only a few lines from her I was able to get directly, the rest is actually from me imitating and few of the others are rips from other girls from some games. She most certainly will be H-Compatible.) *is a main topic of my development, currently correcting any glitches and such along with adding even more moves to her arsenal while actively updating her*
FONewearl (still the same girl but as seen in PSO1 & 2. Will also be H-Compatible a bit. You'll see through a Midnight Bliss attack who she really is. :p ) *currently is taking the most active work 2nd place in line*
Crimrose (not going to be H-compatible. This custom version of her will have a Mega buster. lol!)
Hankyouran (A male. He's actually Arala's familiar for this story. Absolutely NOT H-Compatible but may eventually get attached enough to her to want to do it to her....)
Etna (well, actually she's discontinued and aborted. I'll only do some recoloring with a better palette for her and stop further development since someone else took the fame after word was out that I had the first version of her open in trial. Will not be H-Compatible either.)

Most of the start set due to my lame art for spriting being completely different to me compared of my actual artwork is going to be mostly set in a 16 bit style for them. I'm also working on making a R-Type: Final themed lifebar set and of course a 16-bit style screenpack menu setting later on.
Re: Sex Mugen

Well being a fan of H-Mugen for years, i've always hoped for a "rapist" character that defines the theme of necrophiliac fetishes.
There's Minotaur which covers beastiality at the moment and kuromaru.

But I was hoping on a new Rapist character based on enemies like "Nemesis" from Resident Evil franchises. Sadly, I don't know where to start on learning how to edit characters and am apparently bad at sprite art. :eek:

Well I am looking at the Radel sprites from Rage of the Dragons, he seems perfect for a Rapeman Edit.


Re: Sex Mugen

I think we could use some more female or futa.

The only one out there that's really good is Morrigan and even then its not as good as say Minotaur.
Re: Sex Mugen

FONewearl (still the same girl but as seen in PSO1 & 2. Will also be H-Compatible a bit. You'll see through a Midnight Bliss attack who she really is. :p ) *currently is taking the most active work 2nd place in line*

Words cannot describe how much I love you for this.
Re: Sex Mugen

Use 7zip to unpack em. I've got it set up on my computer to run any .001 file with 7zip by doubleclicking, for ease of unpacking.

Sorry new here and just tried to extract the same files but keep getting told that I can't extract the archive :confused:

Any help would be appreciated :)
Re: Sex Mugen

Hmm, sorry to annoy but I too am a developer as well as have done a few edits on some characters, I was wondering if there are others around here who too like to edit/create characters? Many I do are just normal though I slightly turned away towards well.... this kind of way instead. :eek:

The biggest question I wanted to ask is if anyone had an idea of his/her own "rapist" character in mind by some chance or so?
I tried my hand at spriting Mai2k a different Kuromaru BJ animation. Nuded her, doubled frames and added breast animation. Yay! I think I spent a good six hours altogether to learn all this stuff though -__-
I'm not sure if I'm going to do a full nude sex move conversion of an existing character or not.

Considering doing Kamui, Fiona, or Chun-Li. Though I'm tempted to do Saber, she'd be a total H-character, not just sprite edits... I don't know if I want to spend 20+ hours on this.

If you're going to do a new raper, I'd advise making it sync with moves from the existing rapers. Most of the characters don't even work well with Minotaur. Morrigane is worse. Tendril worse still. Maji Iroha awful. There are dozens of rapers that no character works with. And that's because there are too many. Model your raper to fit your victim's existing move set, rather than develop it independently and hope it somehow overtakes even Minotaur and Morrigane.
Re: Sex Mugen

Well I am looking at the Radel sprites from Rage of the Dragons, he seems perfect for a Rapeman Edit.



Is there like, a step-by-step tutorial OR at least some hint-up on what script and its respective format of which programming language are the sprite coordination of mugen are using ?

>_> Somehow all i could get my hands on are tuts telling me what each variable are doing but from there on I don't know where to start when I get my hands on some sprites (in its raw-est form).
Re: Sex Mugen

For anyone who still want the Queen of Fighter 2012 game, the links was moved to 4shared.

Re: Sex Mugen

Is there like, a step-by-step tutorial OR at least some hint-up on what script and its respective format of which programming language are the sprite coordination of mugen are using ?

>_> Somehow all i could get my hands on are tuts telling me what each variable are doing but from there on I don't know where to start when I get my hands on some sprites (in its raw-est form).

Really not that hard, the programming language is actually simple. You can create characters by using the main character as a template. It's really a matter of uploading the character sprites and then assigning them values and hit boxes. Afterwords, you can also uses values to create an AI.

The sprites themselves can be made from anything or imported, or reused all sprites. The engine isn't too different 2D Fighter Makers, but much more versatile. The editing is usually text based, but if you get a program like Fighter Factory, you can crank out stages and characters easily since it's an all in one.
Re: Sex Mugen

Where can I find more chatacters for queen of fighters? I got all of the character packs from the 4shared site posted before, but are there more I can add?
Re: Sex Mugen

Hello, I'm new around here so please forgive me if I screwed up this post. I just downloaded the easy remapped skills from this post
and since I installed the minotaur in that folder into my files, an error pops up that keeps me from using not only that one but the other versions of minotaur I have now. Here's what pops up: imgur.com/PbHJR.png

I would highly appreciate any help I can get in fixing this.
Re: Sex Mugen

"Character needs to be updated"

There's two versions of MUGEN: Dos and Windows.

The Minotaur you have there is apparently for the other version of MUGEN than what you have.

Unless you feel like trying to rewrite the character from scratch, you'll have to download a different version. Not sure where to do that, though.
Re: Sex Mugen

"Character needs to be updated"

There's two versions of MUGEN: Dos and Windows.

The Minotaur you have there is apparently for the other version of MUGEN than what you have.

Unless you feel like trying to rewrite the character from scratch, you'll have to download a different version. Not sure where to do that, though.

The forums link that was posted here earlier, has the correct download for the new mugen. use it folks. They recently posted a brand new Slime Plus with entirely new animations.
Re: Sex Mugen

Just a question on the other side...did anyone ever make a miko from la blue girl?
She would really fit in well...imgaine miko vs kuromaru...awesome!
Re: Sex Mugen

hello i played mugen when i was younger but never thinked at an sex mugen is queen of fighters worth download?
Re: Sex Mugen

Just wanted to say thanks to all the contributors of this thread, it has turned into a spectacular resource for a new user getting started on QoF. I went from the old UltimaXeno pack (from something like 2008), to finally finding the nice, up-to-date 2012 set posted above. And I really appreciate it!

I was considering reposting the whole set on my website for a direct DL, but it occurred to me that a torrent might be a nicer solution. Does anyone want to voice any preference on the matter?
Re: Sex Mugen

Just wanted to say thanks to all the contributors of this thread, it has turned into a spectacular resource for a new user getting started on QoF. I went from the old UltimaXeno pack (from something like 2008), to finally finding the nice, up-to-date 2012 set posted above. And I really appreciate it!

I was considering reposting the whole set on my website for a direct DL, but it occurred to me that a torrent might be a nicer solution. Does anyone want to voice any preference on the matter?

That would be awesome from your part. It will make things easier for all of us who are new on this.

Also,@ServerSurfer, what forums is up to date with the characters? I would really like some new characters for my mugen. :D
Re: Sex Mugen

Forgot to mention this, I have an odd bug in this new build, after playing for maybe 15 minutes, my keyboard seems to lock up completely. Verified this by running windowed mode for a while, the same thing happens; mouse is still responsive, I can "X" the app, the system is still running fine, but keyboard is completely unresponsive, only fix is to restart the computer. Anyone ever encountered this? (I guess I should do more research, in case it is a common problem ... thought I woudl ask first, just in case somebody knew.)
Re: Sex Mugen

Forgot to mention this, I have an odd bug in this new build, after playing for maybe 15 minutes, my keyboard seems to lock up completely. Verified this by running windowed mode for a while, the same thing happens; mouse is still responsive, I can "X" the app, the system is still running fine, but keyboard is completely unresponsive, only fix is to restart the computer. Anyone ever encountered this? (I guess I should do more research, in case it is a common problem ... thought I woudl ask first, just in case somebody knew.)

Never heard of that. hey, go to the elecbyte website forums and post it on the glitches section. you should find a solution or at least lead them to produce an update patch.

Oh and they have Minotaur 4.0 out, as well as a Hi-Definition Athena from KoF XIII
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