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Announcement [Sexy3D] セクシーモデル<<悪夢の冒険島>> Sexy model <<Adventure Island nightmare>>

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Re: [Sexy3D] セクシーモデル<<悪夢の冒険島>> Sexy model <<Adventure Island nightmare>>

Finally! Big thanks to you Ghaulth for bringing this game back to our attention.
Re: [Sexy3D] セクシーモデル<<悪夢の冒険島>> Sexy model <<Adventure Island nightmare>>

this refuses to work even with the registry edit. when i go to run the 3d part it pops up the error box. running win 7 x64
Re: [Sexy3D] セクシーモデル<<悪夢の冒険島>> Sexy model <<Adventure Island nightmare>>

How do i change the registry key for it ???
Re: [Sexy3D] セクシーモデル<<悪夢の冒険島>> Sexy model <<Adventure Island nightmare>>

How do i change the registry key for it ???

That is explained earlier in the topic.

But as a precoution, do note down the original key, f.e Dutch is 0413.
Re: [Sexy3D] セクシーモデル<<悪夢の冒険島>> Sexy model <<Adventure Island nightmare>>

You don't need a cracked exe. You just need to change a single registry key.

The problem is that no one has the game, since no one is going to buy a hentai game with no hentai.
I've got the demo working. The rating must have changed, because there's definitely hentai in this.

EDIT: Apologies, this new demo is a different game.
Re: [Sexy3D] セクシーモデル<<悪夢の冒険島>> Sexy model <<Adventure Island nightmare>>

yep works =3 thx
Re: [Sexy3D] セクシーモデル<<悪夢の冒険島>> Sexy model <<Adventure Island nightmare>>

So is the demo the full game just with some sort of restricted use? I've scanned this thread a couple times and don't see any clear links to follow.
What am I missing?
Re: [Sexy3D] セクシーモデル<<悪夢の冒険島>> Sexy model <<Adventure Island nightmare>>

A question, if anyone is playing the demo.

Anyone know what to do after the monster scene? I've done every possible combination on the blue and red levers while checking the only locked door.
Re: [Sexy3D] セクシーモデル<<悪夢の冒険島>> Sexy model <<Adventure Island nightmare>>

I can't even get this running using applocale, regedit, and modified region/language settings all at the same time. I can get into the launcher just fine, but then it gives me the japanese language error.
Re: [Sexy3D] セクシーモデル<<悪夢の冒険島>> Sexy model <<Adventure Island nightmare>>

We wont play this game until someone will make a crack I guess.
Re: [Sexy3D] セクシーモデル<<悪夢の冒険島>> Sexy model <<Adventure Island nightmare>>

stuck on same place mistix XD

i found an file in a room but i dont know what it say i just see a number 3 in it =3
Re: [Sexy3D] セクシーモデル<<悪夢の冒険島>> Sexy model <<Adventure Island nightmare>>


As already stated before, just go to the register editor and change the language code to 0411... it's not that hard...

as for the ones that still the game doesn't run even doing this, it must be because you don't have the japanese settings all on... or your graphics card can't take the game...

@Maryel hummmm are you talking about that room that has some boxes and bookcases? I've seen some papers there, but since I can't read moonspeak I'm lost there.
Re: [Sexy3D] セクシーモデル<<悪夢の冒険島>> Sexy model <<Adventure Island nightmare>>

Mini walkthrough!

This only applies once you can walk around, because before that is obvious.
-find the diary (not sure if necessary, but can't hurt)
-for the switches, hit the MIDDLE RED switch and the LEFT BLUE switch
-go back to big room where you went for the diary, a new button will have appeared. Press it, it opens the gates
-cross the wooden bridge, go down the stairs, operate the computer to lower the metal bridge
-talk to the man, he gives you a key
-open the nearest door (you just got the key for it)
-the rest you will be able to figure out, as the demo ends shortly after it.
Re: [Sexy3D] セクシーモデル<<悪夢の冒険島>> Sexy model <<Adventure Island nightmare>>

You lazy bastards. Here's a batch script that will:
1) backup your original InstallLanguage key (as OriginalInstallLanguage),
2) change your InstallLanguage key to the Japanese code (0411),
3) run the executable of your choice (currently calc.exe).
4) Once the executable is terminated, it will restore the original InstallLanguage key.

Even if the unthinkable happens, (like your power goes out) all you have to do is re-run the script, and it will restore the InstallLanguage key.
You can change the executable from calc.exe to the name of the program you want to wrap.

NOTE: You must run this as administrator (Vista/Win7), since it changes registry keys!!!!!!!!!!!!


REM This is a nifty little batch file which will change the InstallLanguage
REM registry value, so software written for Japanese Windows Installations will
REM run with other installations. It will not, however, make Japaneese
REM characters work. You'll need to install those character sets youself.

REM It works by looking at the registry value in "InstallLanguage", under
REM HKLM\System\Controlset001\Control\Nls\Language. It will backup that value
REM (only once) and place it in "OriginalInstallLanguage". It will then change
REM "InstallLanguage" to the Japaneese code (0411), and launch the program.
REM When the program ends, original language is restored to "InstallLanguage".
REM On a US-Engligh system, the default is 0409.

REM A few variables
SET keyName="HKLM\System\Controlset001\Control\Nls\Language"
SET valueName="InstallLanguage"
SET backupName="OriginalInstallLanguage"
SET japLangCode=0411
SET query=reg query %keyName%

REM First, see if we already have the original language backed up
FOR /F "tokens=3" %%i IN ('%query% ^| FIND %backupName%') DO (SET origValue=%%i)

REM If the original install language is backed up, we can skip the backup.
IF DEFINED origValue GOTO :switchLang

REM If we're here, we need to back up the original install language.
FOR /F "tokens=3" %%i IN ('%query% ^| FIND %valueName%') DO (SET origValue=%%i)
ECHO Backing up the original %valueName% code %origValue%
reg add %keyName% /v %backupName% /t REG_SZ /d %origValue% /f

REM Change the language code
ECHO Changing %valueName% code from %origValue% to %japLangCode%
reg add %keyName% /v %valueName% /t REG_SZ /d "%japLangCode%" /f

REM Run the program - you'll probably want to change this...
START /WAIT calc.exe

REM Copy the original code back to "InstallLanguage", since we're done with it.
ECHO Restoring original code %origValue% to %valueName%
reg add %keyName% /v %valueName% /t REG_SZ /d %origValue% /f

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Re: [Sexy3D] セクシーモデル<<悪夢の冒険島>> Sexy model <<Adventure Island nightmare>>

You lazy bastards. Here's a batch script that will:
1) backup your original InstallLanguage key (as OriginalInstallLanguage),
2) change your InstallLanguage key to the Japanese code (0411),
3) run the executable of your choice (currently calc.exe).
4) Once the executable is terminated, it will restore the original InstallLanguage key.

Even though I personally already know what I'm doing, I have to say, this is pretty cool, Ghaulth. Did you make this?
Re: [Sexy3D] セクシーモデル<<悪夢の冒険島>> Sexy model <<Adventure Island nightmare>>

Re: [Sexy3D] セクシーモデル<<悪夢の冒険島>> Sexy model <<Adventure Island nightmare>>

I can't even get this running using applocale, regedit, and modified region/language settings all at the same time. I can get into the launcher just fine, but then it gives me the japanese language error.

Also, my video card is more than adequate.

I start getting a little pissy when people start throwing around words like "Lazy" and "you're doing it wrong" when I'm clearly not. If you don't have valid input to help solve someone's problem, you should probably refrain from speculation unless you've got some technical insight other than 'your computer cant handle it'.

A little clarification, the launcher will start up just fine, whereas it will not if you don't have all the japanese language/regional settings. My problem is occurring after I click the button to begin on the launcher.
Re: [Sexy3D] セクシーモデル<<悪夢の冒険島>> Sexy model <<Adventure Island nightmare>>

Also, my video card is more than adequate.

I start getting a little pissy when people start throwing around words like "Lazy" and "you're doing it wrong" when I'm clearly not. If you don't have valid input to help solve someone's problem, you should probably refrain from speculation unless you've got some technical insight other than 'your computer cant handle it'.

A little clarification, the launcher will start up just fine, whereas it will not if you don't have all the japanese language/regional settings. My problem is occurring after I click the button to begin on the launcher.

yep this is the same problem i get. then it throws up an error code of 0
Re: [Sexy3D] セクシーモデル<<悪夢の冒険島>> Sexy model <<Adventure Island nightmare>>

There are known issues with Windows 7 if it is 64 bit, then it is pretty much impossible to play several japanese games.

It requires for this game several settings to be put to Japanese:

The registration key for your installation (explained above).
Your Unicode needs to be set to Japanese.
Not sure on this one, but likely also location to Japanese.
Re: [Sexy3D] セクシーモデル<<悪夢の冒険島>> Sexy model <<Adventure Island nightmare>>

I played the game just fine on a windows 7 64bit (and without using comparability mode etc)
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