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RPG [ShinX] N-Wrestle (Demo W1 0.3) RPGMaker

Re: N-Wrestle

No ones asked so I may as well.

What fetishes are you planning to cater for?
For example, Ryona, pregnancy/childbirth, tenticles; S&M and so on.

Also the game looks to have potental, also Kudos to you for having varyied bust sizes, too many games have massive and larger rather than a nice mix.

Just seems better if their is a good mix of figures and poses.

I forget which game it was but one example was someone complaining that every sex scene is just a different head and skintone on the same body.

the game is obviously ryona, in my opinion, but depends what your personal idea of ryona is. I'm planning to introduce just normal fighting scenes. Punches, kicks, body slams, joint locks etc. In other word a "harmless" version of ryona violence.
You're not going to see gore, broken bones, any kind of visual damages on the girls bodies... not in this game.
Same for some extreme sexual practises like fisting or other.
S&M... mmmm... really is not my cup of tea, but seeing Kyoko fighting a sexy queen latex dressed could be fun.
About tentacles or monsters... lol... no spoilers!!!

About the sex scenes: the idea is to don't repeat anything. Every scene will be different from the other. Only exception the RPG in-battle rape. Should be a pain do one different for every kind of enemy. However all the three girl in play will have their personal share of battle rape. GOR will be different for each kind of enemy.
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Re: N-Wrestle

Hello guys... i've just finished to open a dedicated blog to the game.
please visit

for more detailed info about the game and sharing your comments.

see you
Re: N-Wrestle (blog link added)

This game really has potential.

Just one thing, which was said earlier, is that the text for the HP and XP is barely visible in the rpg battles.
Re: N-Wrestle (blog link added)

Thanks to my usual fucking luck, my fucking computer stopped working without any reason. Game development will be halted for at least one month in order to fix it. FUCK OFF UNIVERSE!!!
Re: N-Wrestle (blog link added)

Looks good. Too bad about the computer. Hope it magically starts working again or something.
Re: N-Wrestle (blog link added)

Unfortunately is totally dead. Ill be on holidays starting from 15 october so i hope to start working again around that date. Sorry guys, ill be back.
Re: N-Wrestle (fixing my fu#§ing computer)

Hello guys, just a quick post to tell you i'm finally on holidays :)
My broken PC will be likely restored in the next 7 days and game development shall be resumed in the next 15.
Thank you
Take care!
Re: N-Wrestle (fixing my computer)

great! i'll wait for some news
Re: N-Wrestle (back to development)

my computer is finally fixed and i'm just back from my holidays.
So I have no more excuses to slack and I shall back to the game tomorrow.

In the meantime i've put my mind at work thinking a couples of ideas i'd like to share with you.

First of all. Instead of the simple KO scene, once one of the fighter ran out his hps i'll create a images sequence with a Final Attack. A powerful move that will sign the end of the fighting.
I'm planning to make the sequence just a bit interactive (how... you'll see).

Second: Kyoko beside the N-wrestle Championship matches... i'd like to include some optional underground matches unrelated to the main plot.
Those matches will be more violent and difficult than the official ones (that after the first shall be based more on sex than fighting) but losing will not mean a game over (just a painful humiliation).
So far I'm thinking to two opponents: a SM queen using toys and bondage tools and a pair of Twins girls fighting together.

I'd like to know what you think about this and your ideas about new possible opponents.

Let me hear your voice.
Re: N-Wrestle (back to development)

You mentioned this was an alien world. What's the possibility of having extraterrestrial women? I understand the models you work with come with certain restraints, but I'm sure you've looked around at more mods than I have.
Re: N-Wrestle (back to development)

You mentioned this was an alien world. What's the possibility of having extraterrestrial women? I understand the models you work with come with certain restraints, but I'm sure you've looked around at more mods than I have.

more than "Alien" we have extradimensional contamination, so no "Extraterrestrial" but you'll surely see non human opponents.
Re: N-Wrestle (back to development)

Let me hear your voice.

First of all, good to know you are back to work. This is very promising game. Personally I like idea of SM queen very much. You could make several scenes for her that evolve for each fight lost with her (maybe leading to bad end when too many fights are lost - winning once could cancel count to bad end). Same to twins, but SM is what I like most.
Re: N-Wrestle (back to development)

Hi guys... at the moment I'm taking again the demo. In the next days I will release a new version that shall include the GOR for the boss and the final Attacks in the N-Wrestle match.
And in the meantime go check the blog for the concepts of two new characters.
Re: N-Wrestle (back to development)

Is it not a problem that the age of some of the characters on the blog is lower than 18? Probably a stupid little oversight, but man I would not like to see this get taken down due to some stuff like that.
Re: N-Wrestle (back to development)

I like idea of SM queen very much.:)
Re: N-Wrestle (back to development)

Is it not a problem that the age of some of the characters on the blog is lower than 18? Probably a stupid little oversight, but man I would not like to see this get taken down due to some stuff like that.

In that case i'll simply change the age of the characters
Re: N-Wrestle (back to development)

Today's progress:
Done the final attack sequences for Kyoko and Nanami :)
Re: N-Wrestle (back to development)

Personally I think the side scrolling part of the demo is just taking away from how good the other part of the demo was in my opinion.