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Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

While they traveled through the maze, Shiori and kaei were both hearing footsteps as they made their way down the winding path. Shiori didn't like the sounds of the footsteps in the distance, and not knowing what they belonged to made her even more worried than she already was about just being in a labyrinth like this.

"I remember hearing about mazes like this before, and the best way to make your way through them is is to just keep following the right or left wall and it'll eventually lead you out through to the exit. Of course it'll take a lot longer though, but I'd say that's all we've got to go on at the moment. You hear those footsteps Kaei? We need to hurry, but not too quickly, don't wanna run into whatever they belong to," Shiori whispered to Kaei, still in her brave voice, trying to keep her mate from knowing how frightened she was getting.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Moving on, the two were eventually confronted by a dark elf, she was completely naked and twirling a whip in her hand while holding the handle in the other, smiling to herself she spoke to them "Oh my, two little puppy dogs, this will be fun..." she said to herself, Shiori could talk to her and convince them to go past, Kaei was waiting in backup incase a fight was going to break out however

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

As they walked onward, with Shiori being very eyeful of the area around them, they eventually found themselves with a dark skinned elven woman, standing naked as the day she was born with a whip in her hands. When the dark elf woman spoke, Shiori was a little scared, but she didn't think the woman seemed actually evil or anything, but she stepped in front of Kaei just in case as she decided to attempt diplomacy before doing anything to provoke a fight.

"Hello miss, I'm Shiori and this is my mate Kaei. We're trying to make it to the top of this place so we can speak with miss Tendril. We don't want to fight or anything okay," Shiori said, trying to keep a fight from breaking out if she could manage it, but keeping a close eye on that whip and making sure to keep herself between it and Kaei.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Ah miss tendril...you wont make it pass her fallen little friend~" the dark elf said, twirling the whip again, "So you dont want a fight? That would be...excellent", the Dark Elf sensually licked her lips as her eyes glowed a dark red colour, starting to put Shiori and Kaei under the effects of hypnosis.

[Shiori fails three rolls out of five to resist]

"Ive been looking for a few pets, and you seem just like the right fit..." the dark elf said again as Shiori felt her mind become smothered by the hypnosis, her baser instincts started to come out with the same happening to Kaei, the dark elf took out a small pair of handcuffs and twirled them on her finger "I Need you two...as a offering to a friend" she whispered "I can make you two love each other so much if you accept", her voice seemed velvety and convincing to the mind controlled Shiori, although a vestige of resistance still remained in her mind, the same with Kaei.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

As the dark elf spoke, Shiori felt herself being hypnotized by some sort of magical power of hers, and though she was starting to lose her mind to her base instincts, but she refused to give in completely like that, not when her mate depended on her to keep her safe.

"N-No... I won't... let you. I already love Kaei with all my heart... and I'm not going to let you do anything to her, she's my mate... not yours or anyone else's. And miss Tendril told us to come here, she wanted to give me something. I doubt she'd be very happy about you preventing that don't you think," Shiori said, trying to break the mind control trying to be placed upon her and Kaei. She gave Kaei a glance, as if telling her to follow her lead in this.

She attempted to use her new magic attack on the dark elf, hoping Kaei would do the same with her own magic. She didn't intend on letting anything happen to Kaei, no matter if she could help it or not, it wasn't something she would allow. If their magic attacks worked to either knock the dark elf out, or at least break her concentration any, then Shiori would rush in and grab those handcuffs and place them upon the dark elf.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

[Shiori fails to cast, Kaei fails to resist mind control, D. Elf gets a arousal hit]

[Shiori fails to hit and Kaei fails to resist mind control and is ejected from battle, D. Elf gets a normal hit]

[Shiori fails to hit, D. Elf gets a Arousal Crit]

Shiori 6/7 HP, 3/7 AP, Cuffed, -2 to attacks.

As much as Shiori tried to cast her new spell, she just couldnt get it out, Kaei stood there mindlessely unable to break the mind control, as Shiori tried to run in the dark elf would hook her ankle around and trip Shiori over so she landed right in her arms in a mock slow dance position, the dark elf planted a quick kiss on Shioris lips before cuffing her wrist to Shioris, keeping the two bonded and preventing Shiori from running, Kaei still stood there, the dark elf looked at her and said "Just a wait a minute dear, your friend will join us soon..." Kaei mindlessely walked into the labyrinth and the dark elf looked back, smirking as she tore Shioris upper clothing off in a fluid motion, leaving her in her bra, the dark elf then held Shioris uncuffed hand and kissed her passionately, making Shiori blush as the dark elves hands interlocked with hers, pulling away the dark elf gazed longingly into Shioris eyes "Ah my little wolf...we`re going to have so much fun..."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori's heart faltered as her spell didn't get out properly while Kaei merely stood there looking still under the effects. When she then attempted to move in at the dark elf, she was tripped up, where Shiori found herself being kissed as the handcuffs were placed on one of her wrists, while the dark elf girl put the other side upon one of her own wrists. This kept Shiori from trying to retreat, not that she planned on it, but it also prevented her from going over to try and shake Kaei out of her seeming daydream.

"N-No Kaei, don't leave me sweetie... don't listen to her... we can't let her split us apart... we mhmm..." Shiori called out to Kaei as the dark elf tore the top of her robes off, sputtering a little as she was kissed again by the dark elf while her hands were held like a lovers by her opponent as she watched Kaei moving off as per the dark elf's orders.

Shiori's arousal was nearing its peak, and she knew that she couldn't just give up and allow this dark elf girl to win, because what if she split her and Kaei apart. She would die of grief if that happened, so she couldn't afford to lose. She would simply have to win by some other means since she wouldn't be able to effectively fight with her weapon now. Shiori attempted to kiss the dark elf back as hard as she was being kissed herself, deciding to try and beat her in that way, thinking maybe she'd be able to force her into being her second mate if she could beat her like this. Shiori would pull away and break the kiss, then stare at the dark elf woman for a moment.

"I don't mind having fun with you honestly, but Kaei is my mate, so if you try and take her away from me, then you'd only be killing me. But I'm going to one up you on this, I'm going to make you my second mate, then we can have sex all the time. All you have to do is submit to being my mate, I'd take very good care of you if you were my mate, and not just in terms of sex, but in every way possible," Shiori growled at the dark elf woman, trying to push her to the ground where she would then try to hold her down while closing her eyes to keep her from hypnotizing her any more, once she was down and on top of her, Shiori would ram her cock as deep into the dark elf's pussy as she could, attempting to force the dark elf girl to submit to her, ignoring all of the pleasure she was feeling as best she could to make this work in her favor.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Trying to overpower the dark elf would be proving risky, as any slip ups would make it pretty much over for Shiori, never the less the dark elf knew this and grinned whispering "Oh so you think you can overpower me?", the dark elf slipped the remainder of Shioris clothing off and then cuffed her other wrist to her, making sure neither of them could escape.

[In the overpowering test...]

[1. Shiori got 1, Dark Elf got 5]

[2. Shiori got 2, Dark Elf got 3]

[3. Shiori got 3, Dark Elf got 6]

[4. Shiori got 5, Dark Elf got 1]

[5. Shiori got 6, Dark elf got 3]

[6. Shiori got 2, Dark elf got 5]

As much as Shiori tried to overpower the dark elf and turn the tables on her, the dark elf proved surprisingly resilient to her attempts at pleasuring her, taking command rather easily the dark elf interlocked hands with Shiori again and pushed her against a wall in the labyrinth, her dick erect now, the dark elf rubbed the walls of her lower lips against Shioris shaft, teasing it as the dark elf started to kiss Shiori passionately, in another fluid the motion the dark elf slipped her hands out of the cuffs and forced Shiori to kneel, then she cuffed Shioris wrists to her thighs, effectively immobilizing her, the dark elf retrieved her whip and smirked, stretching it "Naughty dog, you dont try and mount your master that easily~" , the dark elf whipped Shioris breasts, causing a stinging sensation on her nipples, the dark elf continued this for a while until Shioris body reached a shuddering orgasm, spurting her seed onto the ground infront of her, trying to recover, the dark elf walked over and stepped on Shioris dick, although not hard enough to crush it, she started to brush and stroke it with her toes, giving Shiori a footjob, it felt amazing for Shiori and it didnt take long for her to reach another orgasm as the dark elf stopped, panting and near passing out, the dark elf whipped Shiori painfully on her nipples again "Oh yes we`re going to have lots of fun..." the dark elf said, before Shiori felt herself passing out...

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

As Shiori attempted to push the dark elf girl down so that she could get a better position on her, the dark elf handcuffed her other wrist to Shiori's after stripping the wolf girl the rest of the way. This however didn't deter Shiori any as she began pumping her hips in an effort to win the sex dual. The dark elf was able to push Shiori over towards the wall of the labyrinth where she began rubbing her slit along Shiori's length, causing Shiori to shudder deliciously for her as she let out lewd moans of pleasure. When the dark elf gave Shiori such a passionate kiss like she did, Shiori returned it with equal fervor, not wanting to be outdone any, and still not about to give in completely.

Soon enough though, Shiori watched as the dark elf slipped her own hands out of the handcuffs and Shiori found herself being forced to kneel, where the other side of the handcuffs were placed around her thighs, keeping her in a very submissive position. When the dark elf spoke again, Shiori listened and was about to answer when she was cut off by the hit from the whip, crying out in pain as her breasts were struck.

I... told you... I'm not a... dog... I'm a wolf,” Shiori panted out in between moans and cries of pain.

Soon enough, Shiori could hold back no longer and exploded, her cum spurting out of her all over the ground. Once she was done, Shiori saw the dark elf step her foot down onto her still mostly erect member. Clenching her teeth in preparation, Shiori readied herself for more pain, yet it didn't come thankfully, as the dark elf gave her a foot job, which soon enough caused another orgasm from her loins. After her second orgasm, Shiori felt another stinging whip across her breasts and cried out in pain again, her strength all but gone now after such a long bout.

N-No... Kaei... please be okay... I'm so sorry... your mate failed you,” Shiori mumbled to herself with tears streaming down her cheeks as her vision faded, terrified of losing Kaei, or of anything happening to her. She didn't care what happened to herself as long as Kaei was alright, because that was what a mate is supposed to do.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

By time she woke up, Shiori was blindfolded and her wrists bound behind her back, her ankles were tied to something and she realised she was missing her dick as the familiar feeling of it erect wasnt there anymore, she felt something biting thoroughly into her pussy as she realised she was on some kind of wooden horse being rocked back and forth by the dark elf from before, who suddenely whipped Shioris blindfold off and shouted "Hello~! You were very interesting, as was your friend", the dark elf rocked the wooden horse faster and harder, making Shiori reach a orgasm as her juices ran down the side of the wooden horse "So i decided to test a little something on her....", Shiori was furious but couldnt do anything at this point, the dark elf untied Shioris ankles from the wooden horse and brought her over to what looked like a mockup of a mountainous region, setting Shiori on the ground and untying her binds, the dark elf shut the mock ups lid on the ceiling as Shiori realised this was some form of cage, what was even weirder was that on the other side of the cage, whimpering and moaning was Kaei...!....And she seemed to have become a futa, whats weirder is that her eyes are a deep red now and her wolf ears and tail have become a black colour, "S-Shiori...~" she weakly droned out, the dark elf slipped her hand through the cage and injected Shiori with something to heighten her already high arousal and make her hornier "Lets see how this turns out..." the dark elf said, withdrawing the syringe and simply watching from outside as Kaei started to advance on Shiori.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

When Shiori awakened, she found her wrists were still bound, though now behind her back and her ankles were tied as well. She immediately realized she was missing her futa cock, and this greatly worried her, because now she couldn't keep Kaei as her mate and be the alpha anymore. (I hope it is only a temporary loss of her futaness. Cause no futa make me very sad. :()

She could feel something pushing and rubbing against her moist folds quite hard as she was rocked back and forth on a wooden horse by the dark elf. Suddenly the blindfold was yanked off of her face as the dark elf rocked her harder, forcing her to orgasm. Shiori felt the pleasure spike through her but it didn't make her feel good any, as she was simply furious at losing her manhood... she planned on getting it back and when she did she was going to hold this fucking elf down and shove it up her ass until she was squealing and begging to become her mate. She heard what the elf was saying to her as she was untied and led over to somewhere else.

She was pushed to the ground and her hands untied, but before she could rush the dark elf and attack her the cowardly elf jumped back and shut the gate to the cage she was now in. She heard something on the other side of the cage and turned to see Kaei, whimpering and moaning out loud, she noticed that she was now a futanari, her eyes were a deep dark red and her ears and tail had turned black.

"W-What did you do to Kaei, and why did you take my mark of being an alpha. You should have just killed me rather than make me live with the shame. You better hope I don't get out of here or I'm going to make you wish you'd never touched either of us," Shiori growled at the dark elf, ignoring her arousal as best she could while Kaei came towards her.

"Kaei sweetie, come on over here, and we'll break this cage, and I'll let you fuck her brains out for as long as you want," Shiori said to Kaei, trying to snap her out of whatever was wrong with her.

If she had to, Shiori would try and knock Kaei out, and then she would bash the gate to the cage down until she broke it. Where she would rush the elf and beat the mortal hell out of her for taking her mark as alpha, then she would force her to become one of her mates. Her honor dictated her to do so.
Last edited:
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

As Shiori looked at herself she realised that the marks from that weird tree thing had disappeared as well and instead appeared on Kaei, Kaei paid no attention to Shiori and immediately penetrated her with her new member "Since when did a mate start giving ME orders?", Shiori realised from her tone of voice that the dark elf must have transferred Shioris alpha status to Kaei, who grinned and kissed Shiori suddenely, starting to thrust into Shiori who had been so used to giving it rather than taking it.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori saw that Kaei now had all of the markings the tree had given her earlier and that they had disappeared from herself, and that Kaei was paying no attention to Shiori's words as she pushed her down and began fucking her. When Kaei spoke, it wasn't in the tone she was used to hearing her speak in, and she sounded as if she were trying to be an alpha now, but the words were wrong, she didn't sound anything like what an alpha should. Shiori accepted Kaei's kiss wholeheartedly, only because she loved her.

"I'm sorry Kaei... but you're my mate, and I'm the alpha here, not you. You know nothing about being an alpha if you're treating me like this. An alpha only treats their mates with love and respect, and never forces themselves on them without their mates wanting it, and right now... I... don't... want... it. But Kaei, if you can't remember who you are, then I hope you'll forgive me for this my mate," Shiori said, growling at Kaei slightly as she gently caressed her cheek.

Shiori would then pull her fist back, and then slam it right into the side of Kaei's head, hoping to either knock her out, or at least force her off and get through to her. Because she wasn't happy about this situation, and was wanting revenge on that goddammed dark elf for doing this to her and Kaei, she wanted her member back also, because she didn't feel right anymore without it. If she was able to knock some sense into Kaei, or knock her out, she would then get up and bullrush the door, using her shoulder to ram the gate and knock it open, where she would then tackle the dark elf to the ground and knock her out.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

[Shiori gets a arousal hit on Kaei, Kaei gets a arousal hit on Shiori]

[Shiori gets a arousal hit on Kaei, Kaei gets a normal hit on Shiori]

[Shiori gets a arousal crit on Kaei, Kaei fails to hit]

Shiori 6/7 HP, 6/7 AP

Kaei 6/6 HP, 2/7 AP

Managing to land a solid hit on Kaeis head, Shiori tried to hit her once again, but Kaei made sure to thrust into her to ellict a moan from her lips, Shiori then decided to play to Kaeis current position and passionately kiss her, slowly starting to overpower her and push Kaei to the ground, Kaei withdrew her lips and said "W-Wait im supposed to do that!", Shiori gave kaei a naughty smile as she started to bounce on Kaeis dick, making both of them blush in arousal.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori's punch at Kaei was accurate, but her second punch was thrown off by a deep thrust from her mate, which forced a lewd moan from her lips. Shiori then decided that she'd just beat Kaei at her own game and pulled her into a deep passionate kiss. She was soon able to turn the tide on her mate as she flipped her over and pushed her down to the ground under her.

When Kaei pulled away and broke the kiss with Shiori and spoke, Shiori placed her hands on Kaei's wrists to hold her down as she began having her way with her mate, smiling naughtily at Kaei as she went. Shiori felt greatly aroused at what she was doing, but she knew that she had to stay focused, that she simply couldn't allow herself to be lost in pleasure now, not when she had to fix all of this... she had to fix herself so that she was the alpha again and bring Kaei back to normal, to get her to remember that she loved her, and then they would force this damn dark elf woman to pay for what she'd done to them.

"Come on my mate... remember me... remember your Shiori. Dammit Kaei don't let her control you anymore... she's making you act like this. She's making you forget who you are, and who and what I am to you. Wake... up in there," Shiori growled at Kaei, pulling her up into a kiss while she bounced herself up and down on Kaei's new member, trying to get Kaei to snap out of whatever was wrong with her so that they could take care of the damn dark elf woman and make her pay for what she'd done to them both. Hopefully Shiori's love for Kaei would break through any form of mind control placed upon her mate and get her to remember her.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

[Domination test...]

[Shiori gets 6, Kaei gets 5]

[Shiori gets 3, Kaei gets 3, rule in favor of player]

[Shiori gets 4, Kaei gets 1]

[Shiori gets 2, Kaei gets 1, Shiori wins domination test!]

Pulling Kaei into a deep kiss as she forced herself on Kaeis hard member, Shiori could feel Kaeis grip underneath her loosen as Kaei slowly started to come to, withdrawing the kiss Kaei looked at Shiori and said "S-Shiori..?....O-oh..so thats what she did..." Kaei looked somewhat ashamed of stealing Shioris status, that didnt stop her from thrusting slightly however, in a somewhat naughty tone, Kaei said "Shiori....I think i need to be punished~"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

As Shiori contnued bouncing atop Kaei and kissed her passionately, trying to get her to remember her and who she was. Soon enough, she felt Kaei's iron grip on her slacken up little by little until finally she had loosened enough for Shiori to intertwine her fingers with Kaei's like they did before all this happened. When Kaei finally broke the kiss and spoke, looking ashamed of herself for what had happened, ashamed of stealing Shiori's alpha status from her, Shiori just leaned down and kissed her again really quick like. Shiori let out a soft moan as Kaei continued to thrust up into her slightly, giving her a naughty look that mimicked Kaei's naughty tone.

"I agree my mate, I believe she needs to be punished as well, then we'll make her give me this back so I can use it on her. She'll be my lowest mate for quite a while no matter how many I get until she's truly sorry for what she did today. And remember sweetie, don't look her directly in the eyes or she'll hypnotize you again. Just keep this in mind, after we've dealt with this and if I've gotten this thing back, you get a big reward," Shiori replied in a whisper to Kaei, giving her a quick little bounce when she said they would force her to give her her own member back.

With that, Shiori would stop suddenly, then she'd get up and off of Kaei and pull her back up to her feet. Once they were both back on their feet, Shiori would whisper to Kaei how she wanted to go about getting the gate open, but if Kaei had no better idea of what they could do, then Shiori would just tell her to get ready to fight as she charged the door, ramming her shoulder into it in an attempt to break through it so Kaei would have a clear shot at that damn dark elf. If she did manage to break it and got the chance afterwards, then Shiori would attempt her new magic as well in an effort to knock their would be captor out so that they could make her pay for what she'd done to them both.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

The dark elf seemed to have left the cage, and banging against it didnt budge the door an inch, they did however see what looked like some CCTV on the wall, looking into their cage, Kaei thought for a moment, no idea how to get out of the cage.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

When Shiori charged the door, she merely bounced off of it, thankfully not hurting herself any at least. Shiori saw that she hadn't even moved the door at all, and she didn't see the dark elf from earlier either. The only thing she really saw was what looked kind of like a camera to her on the wall looking at them both. Shiori saw that Kaei didn't seem to have any other ideas at the moment, so she went over to the camera.

"Hey... I'm pretty sure you're watching this bitch. Open this damn door and let us out of here, because we don't like it in here. And change us back to normal, I want my mark as alpha back dammit. If you let us out and change us back to what we were before you did this to us then we'll forget all about it. Plus we are here to see lady Tendril because she asked us to come. Now I don't know what you might have against her, but frankly I don't give a damn. You really need to learn some manners and to not do things to people against their will, because it's no way to make friends. If you'd wanted to have sex with us then we wouldn't have minded as long as we were asked first," Shiori said to the camera with a serious look, figuring that the dark elf could see them and wanting her to see that she was no longer outwardly showing her anger and that she was using her head now.
Prinny #471

Prinny #471

Tentacle God
Mar 20, 2012
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Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Seemingly getting no response, the frustrated Shiori banged on the cages walls again, however in response the floor beneath them seemed to split and become a trap door, dropping the two into a new area, groaning as she got herself up, Shiori could see it was a strange mountainous like area, with several caves, the two were currently sitting on what looked like a nest made of twigs and leaves.