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Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori merely nodded to Kaei when she stated that she was still a bit tired out from earlier, letting her mate know that she was fine with that and respected her wishes. After she and Karen had reached their respective climaxes, Shiori watched as Karen turned around and began cuddling with her, not trying to stop her or anything as she rubbed her still fairly erect member against Shiori's.

"Well I'm okay with that if you really want to. Just no bun in my oven please, if you can help it of course. So yeah you can lead for now," Shiori replied to Karen's request, gently caressing her cheek as she leaned in and kissed her on the lips before lifting Karen off of her and asking her how she wanted her. Once Karen had stated how she wanted to take Shiori, she would move herself around into that position and allow Karen to take her, but she would pull Karen out just before she popped unless Karen did so herself.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Karen panted and frenched Shiori back, however the wolf girl was panting and trying to calm herself down now it seems "N-No....s-sorry im t-too excited for now...g-go up and see Tendril...just knock on the eastward wall f-five times..."
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"You sure Karen? I don't mind having a bit more fun with you if you'd like to," Shiori replied to Karen, a little breathless as she returned the french kiss back to her possible new mate. Shiori then smiled at Karen and continued after wondering if she was going to go with them or not, "Are you not coming with us sweetie? We'd be glad to have you along if you want to. Also... (Shiori blushes slightly)... w-would you like to... be one of my mates."

Regardless of Karen's decision, Shiori would get back up after another minute or two and offered a hand to Karen to pull her up, then she'd go and help Kaei to her feet as well. Once they were all on their feet, Shiori and Kaei, with or without Karen, would head over to the wall specified by Karen to them where Shiori would knock on the wall five times like she was told to do.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Karen smiled slightly "Maybe after a few more good sparrs", knocking on the wall five times, Shiori saw a part of the wall slide away and reveal a staircase going up.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Alrighty, maybe I'll come back soon so we can have another sparring match then," Shiori said to Karen with a naughty wink, then she patted her on the butt before giving her a quick hug before they headed on up the steps.

After that, Shiori and Kaei would head on up, with Shiori keeping her naginata at the ready for now just in case. Once they reached the top, Shiori would glance over to her mate and give her a kiss on the cheek before taking a look around wherever they ended up at. "I love you Kaei, and I hope I'm being a good alpha mate to you," Shiori said after she kissed Kaei, looking hopeful at Kaei's answer.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Smiling, Kaei said "I Think your great, please dont ever go..." to Shiori and also gave her a kiss on the cheek, as the two ascended, they eventually found themselves in what looked like a very classic looking bedroom, almost in a victorian style, looking out of the door they could see Tendril, she was sitting on a chair in a living room with her feet up on another chair, she was multi-tasking like crazy with all her tentacles, one holding a fan to keep her cool, another tentacle cleaning some shelves, another one holding a plate of food for her and another one holding a cup of what Shiori could assume was tea, as she occasionally paused her multi-tasking to take a sip.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Kaei's reply to Shiori's words made Shiori very happy, and her face would reflect that as she smiled, her ears twitching slightly and her tail wagging. "R-Really, you think I'm that good? In that case I'd never leave you, so long as I can help it of course," Shiori replied to Kaei, returning the kiss Kaei had given her on the cheek.

Once they had made it to the top of the steps, Shiori saw the Victorian era like bedroom. Inside, Shiori saw Tendril sitting in what appeared to be a living room on a chair, her multiple tentacles doing things all around the room. Shiori was a little amazed at how much she was able to do like that as she and Kaei walked inside. Shiori wondered what Tendril wanted to talk with her and Kaei about, but of course she wouldn't know until she asked.

"Um... miss Tendril? It's me Shiori, from the desert arena. I'm here just like you requested, so we could talk," Shiori said to Tendril once they were within the room. Then she gestured at Kaei and introduced her to Tendril, "Oh, this is my mate Kaei. The one I told you about after we fought."
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Tendril noticed the two and nodded, waving with her human hand "Yes hello Shiori! You took a bit longer than expected, its nice to meet Kaei as well", she said, as she stopped multi tasking and set all her tools down, only keeping a hold of her drink, yawning as her tentacles retracted she said "Right, you said you wanted something to do with your dick right?" asking the question rather non nonchalantly.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori waved back at Tendril when she waved at them, watching her put everything down that she was doing save her drink, which she kept to sip on while talking most likely. When Tendril asked her question, Shiori felt herself turning red, feeling a bit embarrassed about being so bluntly asked about that, though she couldn't deny that's what it was for most likely that they were there. Tendril would be able to see her whole body flushing pink with embarrassment as her and Kaei neither one had been able to recover their clothing after the dark elf captured them.

"Yeah sorry about taking so long. But we ran into more than a bit of trouble along the way up the castle here, and you weren't the last one I fought in that arena out in the desert," Shiori said, then explained about their battles and exploits since Shiori had met Kaei, and then about their journey up the castle, when speaking of the succubi they ran into she remembered them both rather fondly, and though she looked embarrassed to admit it she was fondly remembering the tree that made her dick stay out permanently too. When she got to the part about the dark elf she almost burst out into an angered rant about the bitch, remembering what she'd done to her and Kaei and wanting to punch her in the face for it, but she stopped herself and took a deep breath to calm herself down. Then she told about the fairy crushers and Karen just before coming up there to her, giving a fairly in depth explanation about what all had happened since their meeting in the desert arena.

"Anyway though, I'm sorry about kind of ranting like that, but that dark elf bitch really pisses me off, and I'd love almost nothing more than to just run into her again and hold her down where I'd then use this thing on her until she was begging for more, then I'd slap a collar on her and proclaim her my omega mate, the lowest in the ranks. But I'll do that sometime after we leave here, so I don' get distracted," Shiori said, sounding a little heated about the dark elf, but not going into a rant again as she wanted to focus on the task at hand.

"About why I'm here exactly though... before you do anything to me, or it rather. Could you somehow find out, can I impregnate with this thing now?" Shiori said a few moments after finishing her partial rant about the dark elf.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"That was kinda the point of you coming up here" Tendril said, she put the cup on a table beside her and jumped up "You said you wanted to be able to impregnate with it right?" she said, stretching her arms.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"W-Well yeah I did, but if I already can then there'd be no point in you doing whatever magic you'd have to do. Is there? Also, do you know why that damn dark elf did what she did to me and Kaei?" Shiori replied to Tendril, who put her tea cup down and got up out of her chair.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Kaei followed Shiori and also sat with a spare seat, Tendril said "From what i can remember, some plants let you impregnate via a special nectar, succubi can help you impregnate others with lilims....i dunno, all those are specific, im guessing you want wolf pups or something right?"
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Oh... well yeah of course we wanted pups like ourselves. But you didn't answer my question about the dark elf a couple of floors below here. She was... cruel is all I can say really. Is she one of your servants or something?" Shiori said, letting Tendril know she did indeed want to be able to impregnate Kaei and whoever with children of her own kind.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Ah yes the dark elf...many monsters and monster girls park themselves here without permission, they usually come back if i kick them out, i cant make a dark elf not sadistic..." Tendril answered "You might want to ask Karen about that, i assume you met her because you took her little shortcut"
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Yeah, Karen let us take her shortcut up here thankfully, because I don't wanna know what else we might have run into down there. But couldn't you tell the ones that are mean like that that you'll kick their asses or something if they aren't nicer to those that venture through here, especially since we were coming here because you told us to," Shiori said to Tendril, looking a little angry and a little let down that Tendril couldn't just force them to play nicer.

Shiori reached out and grabbed Kaei's hand with her own as she spoke, thinking about all of the things that tried and did hurt Kaei along the way up and feeling angry about allowing it to happen, and angry for not being strong enough to prevent it from happening to her beloved mate. "I'm not mad at you miss Tendril, I'm just mad... mostly at myself for not protecting Kaei better," Shiori said, looking down at her own feet, her tail drooping down from its normal cheerful wagging, as did her ears.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Nodding, tendril said "Its okay, you did well in the arena, maybe you should go try it out again, go ask Karen, she`ll fill you in on how to impregnate", she stretched her arms and Tendril looked around, saying "You know you could keep going up floors right? Theres quite a few enemies to fight."
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Hmm... I thought you were going to make me able to impregnate? And... maybe we will go on up some more, get a bit stronger and stuff so I can go come back down and beat that dark elf down then fuck her silly," Shiori replied, wondering why Tendril was telling her to go talk to Karen about how to impregnate, when she'd told her to come to the castle and she'd make it so she could.

"You wanna go up a bit further Kaei? We'd be able to get a bit stronger at least," Shiori then asked her mate, wanting her opinion on whether or not to go up.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Tendril blinked and said "Oh right, sorry i think i was getting caught up a bit there, im still trying to learn some magic, i got ahead of myself or i worded my phrase wrong", Kaei looked at Shiori and said "Sure", Shiori could see save and appearance editor orbs in Tendrils room now.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Oh... well then I'll go and talk to Karen about it first before we go on up. Don't worry about it," Shiori said to Tendril before getting up and thanking her for having them and everything, then she went over and used the save orb and decided to check her's and Kaei's stats if she could before heading back down to Karen's place to speak with her on how to impregnate, or if she even could.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori 7/7 HP, 7/7 AP
Magic: Lv. 1 Dark Bolt
Perks: Okami (?), Lv. 1 Corruption (?)

Kaei 6/6 HP, 6/6 AP
Magic: Lv. 1 Fire Magic, Lv. 1 Heal Magic
Perks: Okami (?), Mastery Level 1 (?)

Returning to Karens room, Shiori could see Karen petting one of the fairy crushers they had thought against, Karen had bandaged up the crushers wounds and it whimpered softly as Karen hugged it, she noticed Shiori and said "Hi again." as the crusher stomped off to a nest.