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Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Hey, again I'm sorry about hurting those guys. But I had to protect my mate, you understand," Shiori said to Karen, taking a moment and clearing her throat before continuing, "Tendril told me to uh... come back down here and ask you this. See I came here because when I fought her and won, she told me to come here because I told her that I'd like to be able to have a child someday with my mate, and she told me a few minutes ago that you might be able to help me with that."

Shiori hoped that Karen would be able to help them out, but she wouldn't be mad or anything at their new friend if she couldn't do so.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Karen nodded and said "Its okay, they regenerate pretty quickly...", in response to Shioris question about her impregnation she nodded and said "Yes i can help you with that, i do it all the time, you just need to come with me into this cave" Karen motioned for Shiori to follow, while Kaei sat against a wall.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Well that's good to hear at least, I'd be sad if I permanently hurt them for that, even though I didn't like it," Shiori replied when Karen assured her the Fairy Crushers as she named them would be alright.

When Karen gestured for her to follow her after telling her to go with her into the cave, Shiori did so, a little hesitantly at first as she didn't know what to expect in the cave at all. Once inside, Kaei sat down against the wall to wait for them to do whatever, while Shiori followed Karen to wherever, wondering what her new friend had in mind.

"So... what exactly will I need to do Karen? Because I really want to have children with Kaei one day, and any other mates I might gain," Shiori said to Karen, stating her desire to have children someday.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Sitting on a much larger nest with Shiori, Karen said "Well i kind of learned it naturally from being around these big guys for so long, i think it had something to do with magic..." Karen said, she walked over to a bookcase leaning against a wall and searched through it thoroughly, eventually coming back with what looked like a book of magic, she sat down with Shiori again and flicked through the pages "You really wanna do this? I dont think i can turn it back..."
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Shiori followed Karen to one of the nests and sat in it, listening to Karen's explanation of how she learned to do what she herself wanted to do. When she was done speaking the first time, Shiori merely nodded and watched her go over and take a book from the bookshelf, then look through it. When she came back over, Shiori saw she had a magic book of sorts with her and turned a few pages as she sat back down with Shiori.

"Well... unless there is a way I could do it myself, I guess I'll have to have you do it won't I," Shiori said, stopping and taking a deep breath before letting it out.

Shiori then turned to look over at Kaei for a moment, wondering what she thought about this as she pondered her decision, "Kaei... sweetie. Karen says if she does this, then she may not be able to change it back. So... I guess we'd have to be much more careful when having fun with each other, or else risk you getting pregnant. Unless you don't mind that of course," Shiori said to her mate, wondering Kaei's opinions about it.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Kaei blinked and thought for a moment, only stating "I r-really like it when i feel your cum i-inside me...um..." Kaei thought for a moment, rubbing her cheek she plumbed her own depths of magical knowledge, Karen said "From the markings you were inflicted with the seeds of corruption...the impregnation spell might not work, instead it`ll just advance your level of corruption, you`ll become lewder and more dominating and your cum will corrupt others...id say a 50% chance of this spell suceeding"
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Hmm... is there no way you can think of to remove the seeds of corruption as you called them, so that it would be fully successful? If not, then I wonder if Tendril would know how to remove them. Because I don't want to corrupt Kaei and still not be able to have children with her," Shiori asked, wondering if Tendril could help in that regard before deciding on anything final.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Usually you can remove corruption by finding a purifying potion, or going to a shrine and praying, i have no idea where either of those two are..." Karen said, Kaei looked slightly worried about this.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"A purifying potion huh, or a shrine. Well... I'm sure I could find one or the other eventually, but... hmm..." Shiori replied, lost in thought about the situation.

(I can't remember, what's in their inventory? Do they perhaps have a purifying potion on them?)
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

-No, just a max potion pretty much-

"Its really of a case of "Are you feeling lucky?" at this point" Karen said, Kaei was thinking as well.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Hmm... in that case I don't think I should risk it just yet. I'll ask Tendril if she knows where I can get rid of the corruption first. I don't wanna risk corrupting Kaei here, or anyone else," Shiori said, clearly not wanting to risk doing just as she said as she stood back up and shook Karen's hand, "Just hold onto that spell for me if you don't mind. I'll be back soon hopefully for you to do it."

With that, Shiori would tell Kaei to come along and she'd head back up to Tendril to ask her about the corruption. "Um... miss Tendril, can you help me out again? I need to know if you can remove corruption, or if you know where I could do so that's close. Karen said it'd be a fifty fifty chance of it working or corrupting me some more," Shiori asked Tendril once getting back up to her room, hoping she could help some.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Departing back up to Tendril and asking her if she knew of any way to purify herself, Tendril thought and said "In the mountains, high up in the tundra, there are quite a few shrines dotted about, i cant really remember where they are exactly, i think you can get a purifying potion from the single battle arena as well", Tendril shrugged, stating "Sorry, i only really know about my domain and the area around it."
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Oh... well darn. Is there any way you can get me back out there quickly by any chance? So I don't have to try making my way back out there and then back here and up the castle. It'd make things a lot easier," Shiori asked Tendril, though wouldn't be angry if Tendril couldn't do so for her.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Nodding, Tendril said "Its a bit roundabout, but it will get you outside, do you want to do anything first? Bath? Spare clothing? Bite to eat?" Tendril asked, dusting her hands off as she had finished building a weapon while Shiori was talking to Karen.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"Yeah, I almost forgot about not having any clothes on, and a bath might be nice, and some food," Shiori said, blushing slightly as she shyly attempted to cover herself with only her hands and failing miserably at it.

After that, should Tendril show them where to go, Shiori would ask Kaei if she wanted another bath, and they'd go take one wherever, then they'd get a bite to eat before trying to get some clothing of some sort to cover themselves with, as both were still naked from the dark elf taking their clothes earlier.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Tendril showed the two to a bathroom, the bath was quite large and would easily hold the two, Kaei left the water running on warm, as it filled up, the two sat in it, Kaei letting out a sigh of joy as she felt the warm water on her skin, she looked at Shiori and said "You know, i wonder what woulda happened if we never met..."
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"I... I don't know. I'd probably by the toy of some sort of creature back in the woods where we met. Likely those arachne that were eying me all lustily," Shiori replied, pondering on it as well as she enjoyed the warmth of the bath.

While they bathed, Shiori wrapped an arm around Kaei and pulled her over into her lap to hold her close while they soaked, wondering if she'd ever be able to have children with her beloved mate. Or if it was merely a false hope of hers and that she'd be doomed to never have children. She hoped that they would find her a way soon and Shiori decided that she'd go to the arena again like Tendril mentioned, deciding that she would try until she got whatever she needed to for her to get her wish.

"I wonder what would have happened if I'd let you just take me when you had one of these. Might have been fun to have let you just take me all you wanted if I'd have known I could easily get my thing back," Shiori said to Kaei while she held her in her lap, rubbing her member against Kaei's butt.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

Kaei thought about what Shiori said and nodded, being pulled into a hug by Shiori and asked another question she said "I-It probably c-could have been fun..." rather shakily, as if afraid.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"What's the matter sweetie? You don't have to be scared," Shiori asked Kaei as she pulled her closer, worried about her seeming scared like she was and wondering why she would be to begin with.
Re: Shiori (Mind Flayer)

"I guess its cause you reacted kinda badly from what i remember..." Kaei recalled from when they were still in the dark elves control.