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Shop, and missions

Re: Shops, and missions

(Yes, you still have your bat)

Jesse gave Meredith everything she wanted, then asked.


"Would you mind giving that knife to me? Someone else might want it."
Re: Shops, and missions

As Josie walked over, Jesse greeted her,


"Hello there, sweetie! If you don't need those weapons, I can kindly take them off of your hands. And here, take this knife. Some people call it a short sword, but it looks like a big knife to me."

(Jesse is willing to put your weapons in her stock and give you one to two short swords/large knifes.)
Re: Shops, and missions



She carefully hands her knife over before heading to her room to change.
Re: Shops, and missions


"Thank you so much, I don't know what I was thinking when I bought them, just figured for power."

Josie handed over her .38 and two clips.

"I'll take two short swords, and uh... might as well take a ration too. Again, thank you so much, you're the best"

She looked over the mission list trying to see how she could best help out.
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Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse nods as she gives her two swords that are secured in sheathes, which Josie straps around herself, on opposite ends. She also takes the ration and puts it into her pack.
Re: Shops, and missions

I'm gonna sign up for the sniper mission.

EDIT: Omg it is a day of mistakes for me.
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Re: Shops, and missions


*Spends a few minutes back tracking through threads, and checking those that are online*
Re: Shops, and missions

Claire hid a grin behind her free hand.


"Oh, don't worry, I didn't see anything untoward." Nevermind that she'd left the party rather early!

"Hey, was the name Jesse? I don't think I caught it before... I was just wondering, do you need any extra help around here? I mean, I know you've got your seamstress already, but I don't know if I can afford one of those," she nodded up towards the cat-suit on display, "and I worry that if I get some regular clothes... well..." she looked down at her sheet. "I didn't fare to well on the street. But I'm a dedicated worker, and I can memorize things well enough." She put on her most winning smile -- as much as she was terrified of the outdoors, she didn't want to become a squatter behind these walls!

((XD If only Claire were a bit of a better fighter. She's got situational awareness AND charisma for something like the sniper mission! D'oh!))
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse put her hand to her chin in thought.


"Well... There isn't a whole lot that needs doing around here, asides from some cleaning. Other than that, almost everything else is covered by someone..."
Re: Shops, and missions


"Damn, well I'd imagine keeping a job in here would be the fastest snatched," the ex-librarian sighed. "I don't know why we don't draw straws. In any case, would you mind if I took one of those suits? Maybe River was just good advertisement, but they look comfortable, and I like the thought of being able to free up both hands..." nevermind that the suit looked tough! Claire wanted one before they were all taken!

*attempt to purchase armor suit!*
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse looked into the distance for a second, before saying.


"I don't know... We are in short supply..."

(Jesse doesn't think you deserve it enough, however, you can try to persuade her. The method you choose to use may add a bonus to your roll.)
Re: Shops, and missions

((I'm having a little trouble with deciding how to put the various quirks into play. Please bear with me -- I'm very new to stats-based games, though thanks for the hint!))


"I'll tell you what," Claire suggested, noticing the brunette's reluctance. "If you know where to get more, I'll see about finding more... or if anyone else here knows of where we can get more useful clothing like this, I'll find out from them." She suppressed a shudder at the thought of actually going outside. She'd rather persuade Jesse than leave things to chance.

She had realized that, even if Caitlyn's optimistic talk of going out and rescuing other women probably wasn't likely to go over as well as the blonde had hoped, the Inn wasn't a self-sustaining place. She'd have to go out sooner or later, so she wanted the best while the best was still to be had! "I'll do your cleaning up for you if I don't take a mission," (God, how glamorous it sounded when she called it a 'mission', compared to what she'd actually experienced,) "and if I am out there, the first thing I'll do is look for things to bring back here. I only want to pass it on."

(I'm trying for Charisma and maybe Questioning -- or maybe the Questioning will have to come later if I'm asking other folks where to find a supply of that body armor, or armor like it?)
Re: Shops, and missions

(Charisma check)

Jesse shakes her head


"I'm sorry, sweetie, these are too valuable. I can give you some regular clothes if you'd like..."
Re: Shops, and missions


"Damn... yeah, alright." Claire frowned, though she didn't try to wheedle the other woman.

When she received her clothes, she thanked Jesse with false pleasantness and walked back to her room. 'Why am I still here?' she wondered to herself. 'I might as well tattoo 'useless monster bait' on my fucking forehead.'
Re: Shops, and missions

Iris had walked back into the inn after the shortest looting run ever. Thanks to that damn crab leaving her sex exsposed she couldn't continue the mission. Iris made her way into the inn shop, feeling embarrised and covering her exsposed pussy with her hand. Iris made her way to the counter. Instead of facing the store owned she looked away when she said-


" Hey uhh... I need some body armor. Something better then a T-shirt and jeans... "
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse thought for a second, then said,


"Hmm, I suppose you've done a lot of good around here, so I suppose lending you armor to help your efforts would hurt."

With that, Jesse snatched a suit of armor from one of the hangers, then gave it to Iris.
Re: Shops, and missions

Iris quickly signs up for the sniper mission.
Re: Shops, and missions

Barges into the shops area as she looked at the bulletin board with a hint of boredum, then she walks up Jesse,


"I heard that there was work to be found here... Hey! A sniper mission! I can do this!" She quickly wrote her name down before looking at Jesse, "Gimme that .22 rifle, I bet you I can take out whoever's there way before they can even see me!"
Re: Shops, and missions

Jesse blinks at Selena,


"We were... Thinking diplomacy before violence..."
Re: Shops, and missions

Grumbles angrily to herself


"Fine! We'll do things your way! I'll ask him or her what she wants BEFORE I put a bullet through their head!" She laughs again, then pauses, grinning, "Just kidding. When can I start this mission? I want to get back to playing with my Kitty as soon as I can."
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