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RPG RPG Maker [シュラインズゲート / Shrines Gate] 女騎士を目指して / Aiming to become a Lady Knight (RJ239766)


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 31, 2011
Reputation score

Eng Dl site
Tags: Fantasy, Pregnancy, Straight
Controls: Left / Right Arrow keys= Movement; Z,Enter =Interact; X, num0= menu , Shift starts ero/fighting mode, can use mouse to navigate
Content: game have 17 animated clips
Game description: Main character is girl named Meryl who entered arena so she can become knight. she gets ero tattoo on her belly which improves her skills/ strenght by absorbing semen.
To progres you can have training sessions, with white hired girl, where you can improve your characters powers, can work at different places to boost money,witch will result in costume change and scene, main purpose is training up Meryl and fight in arena,in general game is short, straight forward simple and openly sexulised
As it runs - poorly optimised, on slow cpu's can be laggy
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very laggy, at the limit of being unplayable.

Wonder if their previous RPG, Queen of Succubus ( , ) had/has the same issues?

I don't remember Queen of Succubus being any more laggy than any other MV game. But it's been a while since I played.
I don't remember Queen of Succubus being any more laggy than any other MV game. But it's been a while since I played.
I remember it being laggy, but it was strange in that the lag would sort of "build up". When you first start the game it's fairly smooth, but as you play for longer and longer in a single session the game would get slower and slower. If you saved and exited then started the game back up, the lag would go away until it built up again. I'm guessing there are some sort of optimization problems with this circle's games.
MV use more resource than VX / VX ace. Plus, MV had memory leak problem at his released, which might explain the lag building up for the previous work (if not caused by non optimized extra coding) and the lag if you got a old computer.
I remember it being laggy, but it was strange in that the lag would sort of "build up". When you first start the game it's fairly smooth, but as you play for longer and longer in a single session the game would get slower and slower. If you saved and exited then started the game back up, the lag would go away until it built up again. I'm guessing there are some sort of optimization problems with this circle's games.

Now that you mention it, I do remember something like that as well. Sounds like the memory leak issue from earlier versions of MV.

This one must have issues with coding, took over 20 minutes to play the beggining until I could save, and the time "count" is barely over a minute.

Edit: this was also made with an older version of MV, so that probably doesn't help.

I think there is a plugin that fixes the memory leak issue. Or someone could try opening and re-exporting it with a newer version of MV. Might try that when I get my hands on it.
Yeah, checked the trial version of this... Got down to a whopping 3-4 FPS by the time I got hold of the character.
And yes, I remember Queen of Succubus pulling this shit as well: it played okay-ish until your first battle, then WHAM, 1-2 FPS from there on. Could barely finish that battle. I think some bad scripts and/or very poor optimisation was to blame.

very laggy, at the limit of being unplayable.

Wonder if their previous RPG, Queen of Succubus ( , ) had/has the same issues?

yup the prev game have this lag issue too
but, not like this game.. this really2 non playable
the prev one still playable (my fps got 5 or 10 maybe? but u can still progress and its quite have branch story not like this game)
For some reason, it's not that bad for me, even without the plugin. When changing screens, after closing to the menu, and when talking to certain people, the framerate goes nuts, but if I give it a few seconds it goes back to normal. Unless I trigger another thing that causes it, then it sometimes becomes permanent. So, to those having trouble, you might try waiting a few seconds to see if it goes away after doing something that triggers it.
Problem being, good luck doing that in combat and during minigames.

The framerate doesn't drop during combat, for me. As long as I wait for it to stop after entering the arena, combat is fine. If I don't wait for it to stop, though, it does last for the whole combat.
Hmm, I guess without RPGM MV Editor, you can't really insert that plugin, yes?
Cos I copied it into the "plugins" folder, and no matter how I tried adding it to and enabling it in plugins.js, it just made the game close with an error or freeze with black screen upon starting...

On another note... Game runs just fine if I "run" it with 'index.html' in the 'www' directory. Wuuut?!
Otherwise, it's simply unplayable for me with a steady ~2-3 FPS after the first map change, running with 'Game.exe'.
The animations are pretty good but there's not much content. Wish there were at least sex sounds.