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Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME



RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

Escape Rape Attempts:

Sierra: 21 vs. Succubus: 23

Sierra: 17 vs. Succubus: 20.

Sierra can't get free on her own, however it suddenly doesn't matter as the Succubus releases her! Before Sierra can do anything though, she can feel her 'child' coming into the world, a birthing experience that was near orgasmic.

After only a few moments, a shape emerged from Sierra, slithering a few feet away and then suddenly growing rapidly! In mere moments since it's birth, Sierra's 'child' had become a fully grown Arachne!

Destyni tries to take advantage of the situation and attack the Succubus, but it moves quickly and manages to counter the lovely woman! In seconds Destyni found herself strapped back into the magical chair, and getting a blowjob! Destyni suffers 45 pleasure and gains 65 KP from the sudden rape, and her mantra is broken! This uses the Succubus' turn. Destyni has 50 Stamina left.

Grapple Attempt:

Arachne: 24 vs. Sierra: 23.

Sierra can't dodge the Arachne as it sets it's eyes upon her, and lunges forth, tackling her to the ground!

The Succubus used it's turn.


1: Escape from Spidery Rape!

2: Other?


Dec 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

(how does adrenaline boost work?)

This was getting out of hand.. And fast. The Succubus was more than enough for the pair to handle. Now.. Sierra made things worse as she gave birth to a spider that almost immediately turned on its mother and took Sierra to the ground before she could even get herself righted properly from the nirthing experience.

(1, bad spider)

Sierra did not want to ignore the spider. Nor could she now that it was directly on top of her. Sierra wanted to get Des free from that chair if she could. First things first though, she needed to get free from the spider.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

((Adrenaline Boost grants +10 to ALL rolls for 8 turns, unless the adrenaline boost gets raped out of you via an orgasm, then you can get stunned for a varying amount of time, aka 1-4 turns depending on how much pleasure was taken OVER your stamina limit on the orgasm.))

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Sierra: 6+10=16 vs. Arachne: 21.

Sierra can't get free!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Destyni: 1 vs. Succubus: 18 (Unable to break the restraints!)

Destyni is unable to break the energy coils restraining her ankles, upper thighs, waist, shoulders, arms and wrists, and she is kept helplessly trapped in the chair!

Special Skill Attempt:

Arachne: 19 vs. Sierra: 4+10=14.

Sierra is unable to keep the Arachne from repositioning them both, though her struggles seem to have irritated it. With a hissing sound, Sierra suddenly finds something sticky hitting her flesh, and in moments where the sticky substance has landed on her limbs, those areas of her body are 'dead' to her. It takes a moment, but suddenly Sierra realizes that the Arachne has webbed her to the ground! Her limbs wouldn't respond at all, and Sierra found it impossible to even resist the pleasure now being forced upon her as the Arachne casually slid her rediculously TIGHT pussy over her and began riding her! Sierra suffers 120 pleasure and that is enough for her to be brought almost immediately to an orgasm! Seirra can feel her orgasm being milked out of her, her adrenaline boost being raped out of her one hot and pleasurable spurt of her captured dick at a time. Her orgasm seemed like it would never end, the tightness gripping her was perfectly suited to maximizing her pleasure, and prolonging it. Finally though her climax died down, and Sierra could tell that even without the webbing the Arachne would have had a free shot at her, considering she felt like all of her strength had just been raped out of her, and not even her fingers and toes, which hasn't been webbed, would respond to her mind! Even worse, Sierra knew she had given up her seed and impregnated the Arachne! Sierra gains 190 KP from her rape and giving up her seed, and is stunned for one turn. She's webbed for 3 more anyway though. Sierra has 125 Stamina left, while the Arachne has 70.

Pleasure Roll:

Succubus: 19 vs. Destyni: 26.

Destyni manages to resist taking any pleasure.

Due to Sierra being helpless for a while, we're on auto pilot!

Round 2:

Sierra is helpless and can't move for 3 more rounds.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Destyni: 25 & 9 vs. Succubus: 8 & 23 (Held down in the chair and restrained again!)

Destyni almost manages to break free of the chair, but the Succubus calmly stands, and literally HOLDS Destyni down in the chair, not allowing her to escape! In moments the energy bonds restrain the woman again, keeping her trapped!

The Arachne continues to ride Sierra as the woman lays there helplessly. Sierra suffers 60 pleasure as the Arachne's pussy continues to grip, stroke and pleasure her captured cock, as the spider woman grins and forces Sierra into a kiss! Sierra gains 60 KP and has 65 stamina left.

The Arachne has only 10 stamina left before she orgasms around Sierra!

Pleasure Roll:

Succubus: 19 vs. Destyni: 8.

Destyni can't stop the Succubus from putting her mouth back over her cock, and continuing her blowjob. Pleasure skyrockets through Destyni's body as the Succubus mercilessly sucks her dick, flickers her tongue over her shaft and pleasures her at an almost torturous pace. Destyni moans as she can feel her orgasm rapidly approaching, shaking her head from side to side as she strains against the energy restraints holding her in the chair. She begins gasping for air as the Succubus doesn't quite tip her over the edge into release just yet, and instead continues toying with the vulnerable tip of her cock, prolonging the time it takes to finally take Destyni to paradise. Destyni suffers 45
pleasure and gains 45 KP, and has only 5 stamina left until she succumbs and has a powerful spurting orgasm, the first of that kind she'll have ever experienced!

Round 3:

Sierra is helpless and can't move for 2 more rounds.

Escape Rape Attempt:

Destyni: 7 vs. Succubus: 23.

Once more Destyni is easily held down and kept restrained in the magical chair, her struggles simply too erratic and panicked to be of any use.

The Arachne continues her merciless riding of Sierra, not letting up as she begins expert hip thrusting motions. In moments Sierra understands the reason for the sudden change as this both seems to hit every vulnerable spot on her cock, while simultaneously leading to the Arachne's own orgasm around her! The sudden rush of pleasure is far beyond anything she's ever felt, and Sierra's body involuntarily convulses as it is brought to not one, but two more orgasms from this incredible sensation. As she wildly and helplessly spurts inside of the Arachne, she can feel the incredibly tight pussy squeezing her, riding her even through her orgasms. Even more, it feels like she is literally being milked, and having every drop of pleasure squeezed out of her. Her first orgasm is a shared orgasm, leading to unimaginable peaks of pleasure. Shortly after her first orgasm dies down, and the contractions of the Arachne's own orgasm dies down, Sierra is brought to a second climax as the Arachne surprisingly is able to continue riding her through their shared orgasm! The white hot pleasurable release might take her by surprise, and certainly had her limbs trembling and convulsing in dominated bliss. Sierra suffers a whopping 240 pleasure, and gains 510 KP from her multiple orgasms. Sierra has only 40 stamina left until she is brought to another orgasm!

The Arachne has 80 stamina left!

Pleasure Roll:

Succubus: 30 vs. Destyni: 5 (Auto Critical Pleasure)

Destyni continued to have her dick sucked by the Succubus, unable to break free, or fight the pleasure. Already near the brink of release, Destyni knew it wouldn't take much more to finally bring her to an orgasm. Her body trembled with each new flicker of the Succubus' tongue, and with each new sucking motion came the promise of that pleasurable release that her body now longed for. Destyni's fingers clawed at the arms of the chair she was restrained in, desperate for both sexual release, and to escape. At this point the young, sexy elf woman didn't care which one came first, only that the insistent building of sexual pleasure, and the tension created by this pleasurable torture come to an end somehow. Unable to escape the chair, or the incredible sensation of the mouth around her cock, Destyni quickly realized she WAS going to be brought to an orgasm. Her breath came in ragged gasps as the Succubus continued to prolong what Destyni now knew was an inevitable result. She was going to helplessly empty her pleasure into the mouth of the Succubus, and there wasn't a thing she could do but enjoy it. The pleasure, and torture of how long it was taking to reach her climax threatened to, and finally did consume the young elf woman, and she desperately tried to thrust herself up into the mouth to reach her release quickly. The Succubus however easily kept the now raging elf woman in check, both her hands and the chair restraints preventing Destyni from helping to speed up her sexual release.

Destyni cried out, completely lost to the pleasure being inflicted upon her young body. She needed to orgasm now, it felt like she was about to burst. Still, the Succubus continued to torture her, slowly, agonizingly working her towards that moment when everything around her would become nothing, and all she could think about was her pleasure. That moment was coming, and they both knew it. By now Destyni was babbling incoherently, lost in the pleasure of her blowjob, and craving her orgasmic release. Sierra might hear her moan as she provoked the Succubus by saying, "oh god, please take me. Make me blow!"

For several long, agonizing moments, the Succubus continued to keep Destyni on the edge of a climax, not letting her release yet. Then, without warning, the Succubus locked eyes with Destyni, looking up at her as she smiled around her cock. Destyni's gaze locked with the Succubus, anticipation in her eyes as the Succubus shared that knowing look of 'I've defeated you and you enjoyed it'. Then, with one quick change in her dick sucking motions, and one tiny little flicker of her tongue, the Succubus granted Destyni her wish. The elf woman screamed loudly as her orgasm almost literally exploded out of her, helplessly caught in the throes of the first ejaculation of her life. Destyni could feel herself wildly spurting huge hot loads of her seed into the mouth of the Succubus, who eagerly and effortlessly swallowed it as fast as the young elf could spurt it out. It was just too much for Destyni, and she writhed helplessly in the confines of the magical chair and it's restraints, trembling as she felt the Succubus coaxing out every drop of the pent up seed she'd built up during her blowjob. She was all too aware when the Succubus gently bit down into her cock, and began to suck more than just her seed or her dick. Destyni cried out in pleasure as she could feel some of her blood being sucked out of her, her very life force being sucked out of her still spurting dick. What was more, she could feel the aura and mouth of the Succubus gently pulling on the purity of her soul, sucking out a portion of her soul and innocence through her dick as she helplessly spurted. the combination of things was just too much, and Destyni finally threw her head back and screamed, "Oh god yes! Suck me dry!"

Like all good things though, soon the initial pleasure of her explosive orgasm began to die down, but for the moment Destyni was lost in the fact that despite having her seed, blood and soul literally drunk out of her, the Succubus was CONTINUING to suck her dick even as she helplessly spurted! By the time the first orgasm had died down, she was about half way through her stamina again. Then, without her knowing, a dormant skill activated, lashing out with enough damage to kill the Succubus, and free her! Destyni found herself suddenly on the floor, her cock still leaking seed and not immediately vanishing. For the moment, she simply lay there, the aftermath of her rape and subsequent orgasm having 'stunned' her despite the fact she could now feel her adrenaline pumping! Destyni suffered 90 pleasure and gained 140 KP from her orgasm.

Round 4:

Sierra is still helpless and can't move for 1 more round.

Destyni, perhaps still trying to process what had just happened to her, isn't able to do much of anything, although she does numbly register Sierra is being raped, but is webbed down. Distantly she realizes there's nothing she can do, and she can't free her friend until the webbing is gone anyway. Destnyi simply lays there, trying to recover from her experience.

The Arachne continues to mercilessly ride Sierra, unaware that Destyni is even free and her rape companion is dead. Given how stunned Destyni looked, that was probably for the best, and Sierra wouldn't have to really try to keep the Arachne focused on her. Though, she might realize if the Arachne became aware of Destyni's inability to move while Sierra herself was still webbed, there was nothing stopping that spider woman from taking advantage of Destyni and moving over to get a piece of her too. Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on how she chose to look at it, the Arachne was very much interested in her still. Sierra suffers 60 pleasure and another wild orgasm as the Arachne rides her off non-stop! She gains 110 KP and has 115 stamina left.

The Arachne has 20 stamina left!

Round 5:

Sierra can't move this round, but will be free to start the next one!

Destyni shakily stands now, still unable to help Sierra due to the webbing, but knows she has to do something. Shakily she casts a pair of spells, one the Mantra of Speed buff to give Sierra two chances to escape next round. The other being her Heavenly Delight spell to prevent the Arachne from inflicting any more KP upon her friend. She couldn't stop the rape from happening, but she could keep it from corrupting her friend any further, at least for now. Destyni now has 0 MP, and awaits the right moment to launch an attack...

Once more the Arachne works Sierra's body over, continuing to ride her with glee. Sierra suffers 240 pleasure but gains no KP thanks to Destyni's spell. However, Sierra is nearly brought to a second orgasm, but manages to hang on for now. She has only 10 stamina left!

The Arachne has 90 stamina left, and is pregnant for 16 rounds.


1: Attempt to get free!

2: Give in and allow Destyni to free you if she can, or the Arachne to bring you to one last orgasm.


Dec 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

(seriously what the fuck is going on with these rolls?)

1. attempt to get free
Last edited:


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

Escape Rape Attempts:

Sierra: 5+10=15 vs. Arachne: 28
Sierra: 24+10=34 vs. Arachne: 7

Sierra manages to free herself on the second try!

Attack Rolls:

Destyni: 14+10=24 vs. Arachne: 13
Destyni: 27+10=37 vs. Arachne: 25

Destyni lands both of her shots, dealing 600 damage and KILLING the Arachne. As the Arachne drops dead, both Sierra and Destyni's futa cocks vanish, and the elf woman crumples to the floor again, the expenditure of energy to kill their foe seeming to have worn her out.

Loot Phase:

Arachne: NOTHING!
Succubus: Map Piece

Sierra would spot what looked to be a piece of paper, and when she saw it, Cassidy would suddenly appear.

"You have found the first of many map pieces you will need to escape this hell hole. All the patrol routes are shown on that map, and it will guide you to your next destination. When you are ready, I will show you how to follow it's guidelines."


1: Try to get Destyni up to move on.

2: See if she can even move.

3: Give it some time to rest (how long?) ((4 rounds will top them both off at most).


Dec 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

(That's the second map piece I have isn't it? http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showpost.php?p=718464&postcount=85 was where I got the first one I believe. Don't know how that changes things, or if it even does for that matter.)

That last battle had taken a toll on both of them. That Des was such a beast was probably the only thing saving Sierra from her fate as being a fucktoy for whatever perverse overlord this realm had.

(3. Time to cut to a commercial break it seems)

"If you need time to rest Des, take all the time you need. Remind me not to knock us into any more traps, ya?"

Sierra knew that this whole latest production was all her fault. Having knocked the both of them into a trap that had caused them both to become pregnant and almost bring about their own doom as a result. It was almost humbling to have an ally as strong as Des who was able to overcome it all. At least they seemed to share a common purpose and a drive to get themselves the hell out of here.

Sierra knew that they should not venture forth unprepared, especially if Des were to be left at a handicap of being unable to cast any spells. It could very well spell their demise.

(When they are back up, can you give their KP status please?)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

((Well fuck, you're right. Wouldn't have any effect on things whatsoever though. It does however remind me to re-read the entire last battle if something like this happens again so I don't flup the item drops up.))

Trying to get up and failing, Destyni finally just nodded, and laid back on the ground, trying to recover as fast as she could. It seemed obvious the woman was internally chastizing herself for having given in like that to the Succubus earlier, though it seemed there really hadn't been much she could have done. Still, perhaps it was the ease of how she'd been dominated, held down and kept restrained while being raped that bothered the woman. Either way, Destyni was silent outwardly, at least for now.

Some time passed as both women began to recover both energy and stamina, and in Destyni's case, perhaps a little of her confidence if they were lucky. After a while, they both felt like they were as strong as they were going to get, and finally Destyni stood.

"Let's get going, I don't think I want to look at this particular place ever again. So many things I thought were just folk lore and tall tales ... and at least one has turned out to be true. That ... THING ... she was sucking out my soul, and my life force..."


Sierra: 3,304/50,000 KP. KL 0/6

Destyni: 2,925/50,000 KP. KL 0/6


1: Have Cassidy show you how to read the map and move on.

2: Wait a moment longer to reply to Destyni and then move on (can talk as you move also if you so choose, or can ignore the comment).


Dec 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

"Right, lets get out of here. Hopefully that Cassidy lady can tell us more about these things."

(3. All of the above! All of it I tell ya!)

The pair had decided to rest, the last battle had taken a toll on both. By the looks of it more so with Des than Sierra. Sierra just seemed to be frustrated that nothing seemed to be going right for her. Des on the other hand was starting to lose faith in herself maybe?

"Well Des, I can tell you that I will always try to shoot anything off of you that I can. I had trouble with it too though it seemed to like you alot more than me. Might have been some twisted sense of motherly love? Though I think I would prefer to not birth any more of these demon spawn into the world if I could help it.

Probably not the most inspirational monologue, Sierra wanted to know that Des was not alone. Sierra would try to do what she could to prevent this from ever happening again. With her speech over with it was time to see what Cassidy would be able to offer before they moved on.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

Destyni looked over at Sierra and shrugged.

"Honestly, I don't want to know, and I don't want to repeat that if we can avoid it."

Cassidy it turned out was very helpful in showing them how to read the map. As she explained and pointed things out, the women noticed the path they needed would always light up on the paper, showing them the fastest way to get through all the patrols and to where ever the next place was. However she did tell them that the map piece they had would ONLY work for the area they had found it in. With nothing further to do, they moved onward, and into the Burial Grounds.

The first thing they noticed after Cassidy vanished was this place was lined with grave markers as far as they could see. However, as they took a few steps into the place, Destyni spotted something on the ground and pointed to Sierra.

"Hmm, that looks like a map piece on the ground. We could use a break after the bad luck we've had but ... what do you think? Seems a little ... odd to just have one laying around doesn't it?"


1: Try to pick up the map piece and hope your luck is actually changing.

2: Ignore it because reasons. Oh, and get the hell out of there fast!


Dec 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

Having rested, the pair would steel their resolve and attempt to move onward. With the previous "stage", as it were, complete the next area seemed to be a burial ground of some kind. Knowing that the map piece they had already found was of little value to them aside from Cassidy explaining how they worked a little better.

Now in the Burial Grounds, the pair would encounter what looked like another map piece straight away. Des of course would be the more cautionary of the two almost certain it was a trap. Sierra would think on it for a little bit, and just decide to trust Des that this was in fact a trap.

(2, ya know.. we gotta go)

You're right Des, this has to be a trap. It's just too obvious, Let's get out of here."

(Curiosity is gonna kill me on this one, kinda wanna know post mortem if it was a real piece or fake.)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

Moving onward, the two women came to an area that seemed to have been planned for grave markers and burials, but had been abandoned. As they moved through the area ...

Trap Evasion Rolls:

Sierra: 23 vs. Trap: 22
Destyni: 30 vs. Trap: 4

... Destyni suddenly reached out and laid a hand to stop Sierra, silently pointing down to the ground. At first Sierra might be confused as to what the problem was, but as she stared at the spot for a moment longer, she realized that the 'dirt' wasn't actually dirt, but some kind of elaborate hologram that was oh so slightly flickering. It was a trap of some sort, one she'd come only a few inches away from tripping!


1: Carefully go around the trap and keep moving.

2: Other?

((The map piece was a fake one this time, good call.))


Dec 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

Des would stop Sierra in her tracks again as they moved on from the map piece. Figuring it was a fake one because who would be so silly to think they would find one just right at the start of an area right? The pair would encounter another trap soon thereafter. When Sierra got stopped in her tracks by Des, she looked down and saw that there was some manner of hologram concealing a trap along the ground.

(1. Keep it movin..)

Having some level of perspective of how much trouble the traps could end up being, It took maybe a few seconds to simply decide that finding their way around the trap was the best course of action and try to move on.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

Moving onward, the two women soon found a heavily fortified building sitting amongst the places. Destyni breathed a sigh of relief as she explained what it was.

"Safe area, a place we can rest if need be, and more importantly, they almost always have some kind of useful item we can take with us. Let's head inside."

Moving inside, the women found what appeared to be some kind of Magical Grenade for both of them!

Magical Grenade - "EAT THAT MOTHERFUCKER!" Deals 150 shadow damage. Allows you to escape a grapple instantly. Can only be used when you are grappled.


1: Take the Grenades and rest a bit before moving on.

2: Take the Grenades and move on!


Dec 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

(1. Rest a bit, even if it is for little more than idle chatter then move on)

Sierra would be lead into a safehouse of sorts by Des. Her eyes would light up as she saw the place. The Magical Grenades that were found inside would be nothing but a helpful addition as well.

"Seen one of these before, I take it?"

Was about the only meaningful thing Sierra had to say. Talking both about the safehouse itself along with the grenades. As their idle chatter would continue, they would take some time to just rest themselves in general before continuing on from the safehouse.

Once Sierra and Des were ready, they would continue on.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

Destyni nodded.

"Yes, a few times. Almost didn't go into the first one I saw because of all the traps I had seen, but in hindsight I'm glad I did. Never stay long though, too afraid to. Place looks safe enough but ..."

She trailed off, the implications clear without her having to continue.

After a short period of time, Destyni nodded that they should move onward, and once more they went back out into the world.

Moving onward, they soon found themselves in a new area, this one lined with Grave Markers as far as the eye could see. Unfortunately, they weren't the only ones here!

Enemy Encounter:

Level 1 Demonic Bug: Stamina: 145. Pleasure: 30. HP: 600. Weak vs. Cold.

Level 2 Sexual Predator: Stamina: 110. Pleasure: 35. HP: 400. Damage: 5. Weak vs. Magic. Has the Pin Down Ability. Anger Slots: 3/3.

Level 2 Harpy: Stamina: 140. Pleasure: 40. HP: 600. Weak vs. Physical.

Level 3 Virago: Stamina: 135. Pleasure: 45. HP: 600.

Initiative Rolls:

Sierra: 8 (Last)
Destyni: 19 (3rd)
Bug: 27 (9 tie breaker) (2nd)
Predator: 10 (5th)
Harpy: 27 (30 tie breaker) (1st)
Virago: 15 (4th)

Four enemies were also here, and as the women spotted them, the creatures were already on the move!

Grapple Attempts:

Harpy: 8 vs. Sierra: 27+3=30

Sierra dodges the Harpy with ease, and when the Demonic Bug tries to get her, she is able to fire off a Counter Attack! She deals 400 damage to the Bug, leaving it with 200 HP.

Destyni casts her Mantra of Speed, giving both women two actions per turn, knowing they have to even this fight out fast! She has 95 MP left.

Attack Roll (s):

Destyni: 24 vs. Demonic Bug: 6.

Destyni fries the Bug!

Destyni: 17 vs. Sexual Predator: 30 (auto counter)

Destyni loads up to attack the Predator, but it waits for the right moment, and suddenly leaps over her attack! Destyni cries out in shock, surprise, and then sudden pleasure as the Predator not only leaps over her attack, but leaps right on top of the woman, pinning her down and thrusting it's erect cock inside of the elf girl's pussy! Destyni's body shudders violently at the sudden intrusion and penetration, and she immediately begins fighting, but to no avail as the creature starts raping her! Destyni suffers 35 pleasure and gains 55 KP from her sudden rape. She has 145 Stamina left. With her rape, the Mantra Spell is broken!

The Predator has 75 Stamina left.

Grapple Attempt:

Virago: 15 vs. Sierra: 6+3=9

Sierra is distracted by Destyni's sudden rape, and finds herself grabbed by the Virago!


1: Get the hell off me!

2: Other?


Dec 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

Des would finish what she had to say. The meaning was implied and understood without even finishing the sentence. As they left, there was a care package waiting for them in the form of 4 monsters.

Two flying monsters would have at them as they were first to act. Both of them going after Sierra, she was able to counter the advance of the bug by firing an arrow off fast enough to hit it. Des cast her spell giving them extra speed and then finished off the bug.

(1, no thank you)

Sierra would have liked her to have targeted something else, but something dead was something dead. Though that was about the best thing to happen for them this time around. A sexual predator would assault Des while a Virago had grabbed hold of her. Knowing full well what would happen if she allowed it to simply rape her, Sierra would try to get herself free.


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

Escape Grapple Attempt:

Sierra: 10 vs. Virago: 28

Sierra finds that the Virago is much harder to dislodge than she anticipated, especially for something so blasted tiny!

Grapple Attempt:

Harpy: 29 vs. Sierra: 24+3=27

Much to Sierra's dismay, the Virago's friend, the Harpy decides it would be fun to double team her, and now she has two enemies grabbing her, one from behind and the other in front of her!

Escape Rape Attempt:

Destyni: 6 vs. Predator: 14

Destyni can't break free as the Predator easily keeps the smaller elf woman held down!

Penetration Attempt:

Virago: 2 vs. Sierra: 24.

Somehow, despite being grappled by two enemies, Sierra is able to resist being taken to the ground for now, and isn't penetrated!

Pleasure Roll:

Predator: 5 vs. Destyni: 19

Destyni's struggles keep her from taking pleasure this time around.


1: Try to break free from this sadistic double team before they turn you into a 'Sierra' Sandwich.

2: Other?


Dec 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

(1, until I get to actually do something?)


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

Escape Grapple Attempt(s)

Sierra: 4 vs. Harpy: 13 & Virago: 27

Penetration Attempt:

Harpy: 19 vs. Sierra: 18

Sierra can't stop the Harpy from making her a futa, and taking the top position, slipping her TIGHT avian pussy over Sierra's vulnerable cock. Sierra suffers 40 pleasure and gains 60 KP as she is hotly ridden! She has 90 stamina left, while the Harpy has 100. Meanwhile the Virago is underneath Sierra, and the woman can feel that the Virago is up to no good ...

Escape Rape Attempt:

Destyni: 16 vs. Predator: 8

Destyni escapes the Predator, who seems aggitated by this ....

Penetration Attempt:

Virago: 15 vs. Sierra: 13

Sierra can't stop the Virago from using her futa spell, but instead of making Sierra grow a second dick, the Virago herself now has one! Sierra's first knowledge of this is when she suddenly feels the new dick of the Virago assault her pussy, plunging inside her tight Amazonian pussy! Sierra suffers 45 pleasure and gains 65 KP as the Virago pounds her pussy from behind, while the Harpy rides Sierra's dick! Sierra has literally become a Sierra sandwich between them!

Sierra has 50 Stamina left while the Virago has 90.

Grapple Attempt:

Predator: 24 vs. Destyni: 8

Destyni is tackled to the ground again, and pinned!


1: Get them off me!

2: Succumb to a hot double team fucking!


Dec 9, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Sierra (Freeko) NEW GAME

1, wake me up when i have a choice to make