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RPG Patreon Active RPG Maker [Sierra Lee] The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/31: 175+ ILLUSTRATED SCENES!]


Demon Girl
Feb 19, 2012
Reputation score
Well, it about time I dropped my thoughts on this game, given that I'm getting ready to play it for a second time after letting it sit for a while. Those thoughts can be summed up as: 'WOW, this is one of the best RPGs I've ever played.' It can also be summed up with curses at the Puratian morals that still affect our society and make it almost impossible to share this with other people without getting strange looks when you try to explain what it's about. Because it's the kind of story that is amazing and makes you want to share it with other people. Every character has so much personality and life to them, and you've done such a good job filling the world with all those small little details that make it feel lived in and real.

The moral framework that you built for succubi, and seeing how it interacts with human morals and how they can come to understand each other is amazing. I also loved King Alonon's explanation on the nature of the universe of everything is a mix of purity and lust. It was an amazing scene, explained so much about the universe we'd found ourselves in, and the fact that he became so nhilistic upon finding out because he was asexual and thus 100% purity was just, hngg. The "It's all just a juvenile joke" line was absolutely perfect. That scene hit so well and so hard that I went back to my save and watched it several times.

From a mechanics standpoint, the complexity blows my mind, and I can't believe you've managed to make something this complicated using RPGmaker as the base. Any game that can have me spend three hours with a wiki and an excel spreadsheet in preparation for three hours of strategic battle, and thoroughly enjoy that time working with the spreadsheet, is a fucking amazing game, and has done something very, very right. Because there are all sorts of games, where you can optimize your play with a spreadsheet, but most of the time your casual player doesn't want to do that, and it's left in the realm of the min-maxers, because the decisions you make there aren't actually related to your characters in any way. Here, when I'm in that spreadsheet coming up with my battle plan and making tweaks, I can see personality and character, and the results of my previous decisions. I'm getting this bonus because I helped out here a while back, and I'm getting more help here because this person likes me and supports my cause, and every decision and small tweak I make in the spreadsheet will have actual story consequences later, so it all still feels relevant, important, and fun. That is an astounding achievement, and I salute you for it.

I will confess now, even after gushing moments ago about the mechanics that I did cheat on my first run, but that's more of a personal failing and inability to let anything preventable and bad happen to characters, especially ones that I am attached to than any problems I have with the game. As an example of just how bad I am at letting bad things happen to my characters, when Mass Effect first came out and I reached Vermire for the first time, I alt-tabbed and spent over an hour looking around the internet for a way to save both, and once I realized it wasn't possible, sat for another hour trying to actually make the choice. I was romancing one of them, and wasn't particularly fond of the other, the choice itself was always going to go one way, but I could barely bring myself to do it. The way I cheat, and the way I recommend to anyone else who wants to get as much out of the game as they can, including from a mechanical stand point, is to play the game as normal, with the intent to minimize the points at which you cheat. Never give yourself levels, only ProN or strategic points, and even then only the bare minimum you need. The game is very well balanced, and if you must cheat because you can't stand to let bad things happen to your characters, do your best to avoid breaking that balance.

All told, this is an absolutely amazing game, that makes me wish I wasn't raised in a country with such prudish backwards morals regarding sex and violence, so I could feel comfortable enough to shout it's praises to the rooftops and recommend it to everybody I meet. As it is, I will heartily recommend it to everyone on this forum, and wish you the best in continuing to create the game.

Edit: Does anyone know why the normal spoiler tag isn't working when I try to insert it? I had to use inline spoilers because they worked and the normal one didn't. There's actually a normal spoiler still in this post it just doesn't appear at all for some reason.
Sierra Lee

Sierra Lee

Nov 9, 2014
Reputation score
The newest update is public! Get it here:

Please do read the blog for information about the next release. I think a sort of "half update" would be best for keeping up momentum, but there's more information there.

All told, this is an absolutely amazing game, that makes me wish I wasn't raised in a country with such prudish backwards morals regarding sex and violence, so I could feel comfortable enough to shout it's praises to the rooftops and recommend it to everybody I meet. As it is, I will heartily recommend it to everyone on this forum, and wish you the best in continuing to create the game.
Thanks for all the kind words and thoughts on the game! I can't respond to everything in detail, but I'm always glad to hear from people who enjoy my work. ^-^
Sierra Lee

Sierra Lee

Nov 9, 2014
Reputation score
New update! See more here:

Just one preview this time:

I've done something weird with this one, a sort of half update. It includes new illustrations, new investments, new Orcent conversations, etc... but not the amount I'd normally put in an update. What I can say is that it's all content I think makes the game better, and that I felt doing an update like this was the best way to keep momentum.

Anyway, this update is available to all patrons $1 and up, and should definitely be going public in a week.
Sierra Lee

Sierra Lee

Nov 9, 2014
Reputation score
I have at long last completed one of my side projects! More info here:

This one has tons of fancy parallaxed maps:

The goal is to distinguish serious worlds like the above from places like Bangville:

Yes, those are boob and dick trees. There are a lot of new maps, so just one more:

Tons of lovely sex scene art from Crescentia:

But you know me, this game has a lot of other stuff too. I've tried to go all out with an ATB-style combat system:

And the cuter moments of the story have chibi illustrations:

This is the equivalent of many TLS updates, offering 20+ hours of content. The final game is much further down the road, but I'm happy to be finally finished with the heart of it!
Sierra Lee

Sierra Lee

Nov 9, 2014
Reputation score
I'm back with a new update for patrons! You can find it in the usual places, or read more at the blog:

I've been working on OEA for a while (and it's still a priority), but I've finished a TLS update too! This is another open world one, and I feel quite good about it. Some of everything. ^-^

There's some brand new stuff, including new political events and new dungeons:

There's some old stuff, for example being able to finish a very long-running quest:

There's a series of challenge bosses that I put a ton of work into and I hope will inspire people to try some fun new party combinations:

And finally, Iris is getting her final harem quest:

This one should go public in a normal week, please look forward to it!
Sierra Lee

Sierra Lee

Nov 9, 2014
Reputation score
Hey, everyone! I have a completely free build of one of my side projects for you!


Click through for lots of information about it, or check my blog for commentary on various subjects.


Demon Girl
Feb 19, 2012
Reputation score
Oh, hey I remember trying a demo of this a while back! Not sure if the time frame is measured in months or over a year at this point (I have an absolutely terrible sense of time), but I do remember enjoying it. I'll look at it again and come back and tell you what I think. Might take me a while, as the internet where I am right now is measured in kb/s.

Edit: Alright, I'm back. Last time I remember playing you had up to world 2 out, but it was a bit frustrating getting there because of the grind. The grind is still there to get the upgrades needed for the levels, but you made it much more bearable by adding the random quests that you can work on that give coin rewards, and changing the shop around so that you can only have so many upgrades at once, but because of the fact that the more you buy the more you can equip, as well as the quests, which may prioritize one item over another, it encourages you to buy a little of everything and change up your style. I think I remember the coin magenet working a bit differently, but I can't remember exactly how and might just be imagining it. I like how it works right now either way, punishing people for just holding down the button, but if you focus too much on the coins, you'll find yourself missing traps to hit runman with which makes it a nice risk/reward system. I like and approve of the changes, and still find the story in general absolutely hilarious. I can't give you my opinion on anything past when powerups get added to runman however, because the game crashed during the minigame, and with my current internet speed, I'm not willing to sit through the wait of loading again to try right now. I'll give it a shot again later when I'm home with proper internet, and hopefuly get a chance to give you my thoughts on world 3, which I assume exists because it's in the achievements and I haven't seen from my previous experience with the game. And if I get the error again, I'll be sure to remember to screenshot it this time.
Last edited:
Sierra Lee

Sierra Lee

Nov 9, 2014
Reputation score
Thanks for leaving feedback! I've uploaded a new version that should fix the crash you mention.

Glad you enjoyed this version overall. We did entirely overhaul the coin collection mechanic.


Demon Girl
Feb 19, 2012
Reputation score
Alright, I'm home and have internet that does not move at the pace of 'snail'. I can see that you've fixed the bug that caused the game to crash when the power up arrived, but I have found some new bugs. And for the first one when I say new, I mean it didn't happen the first time I tried and crashed, but did this time. The 'gain 100 coins in a single level' quest is broken somehow. It almost never records any progress, and hasn't completed on levels where I can see that I got over 100 coins, and didn't complete any other quests to inflate the number of coins earned in the level. I know it worked when I played last night, because I distinctly remember upgrading the coins per level buff to help complete it. I also noticed that once, at the end of the level it had a tiny amount of filler in the bar, which means that one time it must have counted a few of the coins I picked up but not the rest, but I've not seen it fill itself up since, so I have no idea what caused it to detect a few coins, but not the rest. ... and because I'm taking these notes as I'm playing, I now have to tell you that I eventually earned it part way through the level in world 3-2, but definitely after I had actually gotten 100 coins in the level (and multiple levels before that). Not sure what it was counting and what it wasn't, but it did eventually count enough to earn itself, though it took up a quest space for longer than it should as a result of miscounting.

The cause 25 sec of stun with throwers also seems to be bugged, as it only ever shows a tiny bit filled at the end of the level, despite my upgrading both stun in general and throwers. I know I'm not getting 25 second (which really? That's a lot of stun for one level.) I'm fairly certain I'm getting more than it's displaying.

And for that matter I'm a bit iffy on how the combo quests were counting their required numbers, and I'm not sure if I just couldn't figure out how it was counting 3 and 4 combos, whether it only counted the x2 combo, or whether it was sometimes bugged and not counting some combos, so I can't tell if it's bugged or not, but given the few other quests having detection problems you might want to double check it. I eventually managed to get both the 5 and 10 combos in one level quests, but I am definitely iffy on how it was counting, and whether everything is counted, because I had two x5 combos and some x3 combos before it game be the 10 combos in one level.

Good luck hunting those bugs down.

As for everything past where the power ups are introduced I have this to say: The powerups work very nicely. You can either stun him before getting there, or take advantage of the minigame to try to get an extra hit in from winning it to get bigger combos (my record is currently 7, the pits in world 3 definitely help there). As I just mentioned I liked world 3's pits let me say that I like them. They add an extra element of aiming to what you are doing, because if you don't pay attention runman will jump over the trap you tried to hit him with, but if you pay attention and can stun him you get an extra hit to your combo, and completely cancel his momentum. Very useful and interesting. I initially panicked at the mega powerup he got, thinking it was a DPS gate I wasn't prepared for, but I eventually realized the level length, and stopped panicking and did fine. The story continues to evolve in hilarious yet appropriate ways, and I like what I'm learning about Plum and Dragogai. They continue to be wonderful parodies, yet still have their own distinct personality and history and I greatly appreciate that.

I definitely like and approve of what I've seen so far! Please keep working on this when you can, and hopefully you can find whatever is making the quests a bit picky about what they count.
Sierra Lee

Sierra Lee

Nov 9, 2014
Reputation score
I appreciate you leaving more feedback! The issues you brought up are pretty tricky to count, both playing and testing, but we'll try to take a look and see the potential issues.
Sierra Lee

Sierra Lee

Nov 9, 2014
Reputation score
After a couple side projects and an insane development period, I'm back with a new update for patrons! You can find it in the usual places, or read more at the blog:

This is no sidequest update; it's a long sequence that branches based on your previous decisions:

This will be your chance to deploy your resources and relationships in a major event:

All these screenshots come from the first five minutes of the update, since I don't want to spoil the various payoffs this time:

Finally, this update contains more sophisticated philosophical dialogue:

I thought this update would be a mess, but patrons have been able to play the first build with few problems. It's immensely complex beneath the surface, however, so it will likely take two weeks to polish everything for the public release. I hope not more, but this update has continually been more work than expected.
Sierra Lee

Sierra Lee

Nov 9, 2014
Reputation score
There's a new update of TLS! More info at the blog:

This one picks up where the last update left off:

But then it actually focuses on Simon, who is all on his lonesome:

There is a ton of content for you to explore in an unusual little update:

Most likely it will go public in a week. Please look forward to it!
Sierra Lee

Sierra Lee

Nov 9, 2014
Reputation score
Sorry for the sparser updates, everyone, but I'm finally getting close to finishing some of my long-running side projects. If you haven't been following OEA, you may not know that it's nearing completion. My supporters currently have the last major build, which I hope to use to polish everything up for a Q1 2022 release.

If you're not familiar with OEA, you can learn more here:

Please consider wishlisting the game on Steam if you're at all interested! This will be my biggest investment yet, and has a chance to reach a larger audience.

Excited as I am about this, work on TLS continues. There will be at least one TLS update here before OEA actually releases, probably several.
Sierra Lee

Sierra Lee

Nov 9, 2014
Reputation score
Hey, everyone! I'm back with another big TLS update, finishing the last major war! After the chaos of 0.57 and the combat intensive 0.58, this one is all about the political maneuvering:

Your characters are scattered all over the world, making decisions that will have a significant impact on what kind of endgame you experience.

Of course, you'll be catching up with Simon and the major divine developments. This one includes a lot of plot payoffs that have been in the works for years.

And finally:

More info and other links at the blog:

This update is highly complex, more disorganized due to a rough development period, and will possibly include balance tweaks throughout the entire war. Therefore, I reserve the right to take more than a week before it goes public, if it needs the time to polish everything. Please look forward to it!
Sierra Lee

Sierra Lee

Nov 9, 2014
Reputation score
New open world update out with lots of new content!

The whole world is updated with new lines and events, but it also includes some brand new maps depending on your war outcome:

The other major addition of content is a new harem quest, this time for Wynn. It'll run you around the entire world, doing something I'd bet you haven't done in an RPG before:

Aside from those, this update is just packed with all kinds of little additions. New harem members, new scenes, and so on. Also:

There's more art as well, such as this one:

More info and other links at the blog: