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RPG Patreon Active RPG Maker [Sierra Lee] The Last Sovereign [Updated 5/31: 175+ ILLUSTRATED SCENES!]

Unfortunately Decanter has no idea about that particular track.
sierra,i know the game story is almost done,but do you have any plans to update at least the character portraits to something not done by the rpg maker generator?i don't mind the lack of scenes because the game is text heavy,that's the entire point,but the character portraits...
Which portrait are you thinking is produced by the generator? I am pretty sure that no matter which one you pick, you are wrong.
Version 0.49.0 is available to patrons, and it's a big one! I normally don't put update notes here, but I'll paste them in this case:
TLS 0.49.0
- Complete world overhaul for Chapter 5.
- Access to new nations: Erosia, Ghenalon, and Tatseni.
- Up to three new harem members (depending on your decisions).
- Several potential new staff members (heavily decision-dependent).
- Seven new plot scenes, plus four new affection scenes.
- Four new synergy skills.
- Three new Orcent conversations/events.
- Assorted minor retroactive changes. Yhilini civilians comment on the Thenoursan War, the monster patrol investment has some cosmetic NPCs, etc.

This is an open world segment that sends you all over the world, but it's not just (tons of) updated NPCs. For the first time in the game, you can freely visit Erosia, Ghenalon, and Tatseni. There are various quests and developments across the world as well:

Many plot threads are followed up, depending on your decisions so far. If you've made the right decisions, you might be able to add up to THREE harem members this time:

Transformations are a bit of a theme this time. Again, if you have the right stats, you can have some characters change in ways that will prove extremely consequential to the plot.

If you've been wondering when the party will finally take advantage of all those divine shards, that time is now. I've promised this decision several times, years and years ago on various forums. Well, you finally get to pick:

But I know that none of you really care about the plot, characters, or decisions. I know you're all here for hot, sexy bar conversations with Orcent, aren't you?

There are also investments, but I'll just leave the last word to Trin:

Because this update is huge and I intend to add additional content, it's going to spend two weeks in Patreon testing and improvement.
As a reminder, this update will still be patron-only until next weekend, though I've opened it up to all $1 patrons as a special bonus I sometimes do. The time has been spent not just on bugfixing, but on adding new content. For example, if you invested in the succubus bar earlier, you can now actually visit it and check in with the characters:

TLS 0.49.2
- Zirantian leaders now report on the state of their nation. This can potentially unlock the new Biyue scene.
- The Stineford succubus bar is now available if missed, and can be visited as a new map, but only going through the improved iterate event mentioned below.
- Min now appears in the Givino Vinai Court.
- Antarian now appears in Ardford Cathedral.
- Nabith now has a new conversation when first spoken to in Chapter 5 (with Yhilin Final).
- More variant dialogue has been added, notably in Ardford Business District and Orri's Restaurant.
- The physical condition of Ryoken now varies based on Erosia's country score.
- Retroactive: The Ramasta Unperson HQ now visually improves if Gawnfall helped the Unpeople.
- Lynine and Iris have conversations that increase their RP if you investigate their funded investments.
- Serious improvements have been made to the Chapter 5 iterate event, including more potential RP for Tertia.
- Quest objective bugs fixed (only if you repeat the events).
- The Duelist's Pin can now be enchanted in Ghenalon.
- The costs for a number of investments have decreased, some based on past decisions.
- Sublime equipment is in some cases more expensive, but overall buffed.
- Sublime equipment now has unique icons.
- Assorted minor changes, fixes, and improvements.

Public release this Friday!
The newest version of TLS has been released publicly:

Check the blog for links, update notes, and other information!
A lot of people have more time on their hands lately, so the least I can do is offer something to take their minds off the seriousness for a bit. All my games are on deep discount on both Steam and itch.io:

Everyone stay healthy!
The Erosian Last Stand

I've been at this for over an hour. No way to get through it. Party gets gunned down by end of round 3. The walkthrough provides no useful advice here, as the party gets massacred regardless of Vhala's Unperson Aura. The items from the Ancient Ruins seem no help at all. Someone really screwed up designing this piece of utter frustration.
It's finally time for the art update! Version 0.50.0 adds 28 illustrated scenes to the game, which is every scene in Chapter 1. More info and links here:

We have a variety of scenes, but I tried to spotlight what makes TLS unique:

Every scene in the first chapter is illustrated, even minor characters like the prostitutes:

If you've ever thought about starting a new save, this would be a good time. I wonder how many people missed this early Yarra/Trin scene?

Since this game will have hundreds of scenes, I decided that we want to have some real emotional and compositional variety, including a few clothed scenes when appropriate:

And I'll give Yarra the last word:

This update will go public in a week! Please look forward to it. ^-^

The Erosian Last Stand

I've been at this for over an hour. No way to get through it. Party gets gunned down by end of round 3. The walkthrough provides no useful advice here, as the party gets massacred regardless of Vhala's Unperson Aura. The items from the Ancient Ruins seem no help at all. Someone really screwed up designing this piece of utter frustration.
Hi, sorry you're having a frustrating time. The walkthrough might not always have very in-depth strategy, but have you checked the wiki forums? This battle is tricky, but very vulnerable to certain strategies. For example, I would strongly recommend using Vhala's debuffs instead of Unperson Aura, which will only defend you from one of the eight enemies.
I found a way through that encounter. I tried the method you said and deliberately taking a risk with the Succubus. It's very tough but doable. For my money it's the single toughest clash in the game thus far, beating out the previous very tough Infested House in Stineford. The key for me in the Last Stand is what a couple of others noted: kill the Reaper as fast as possible. And yes, debuffs help through this enormously compared with the Aura. Pretty straight forward: gut their Offense and then their Defense.

I appreciate your reply, SL. Many thanks.
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For the record there is a dedicated section in the and it's also linked in the . The Erosian War section was too complex to analyze it in the walkthrough page, but there is to the guide page:

It's finally time to invade Erosia in hope to free it from the Fucklord. Since it's a pretty complicated section, it has its own .
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Thanks, Lostone2. The Erosian War was thoroughly enjoyable and satisfying with the sole possible fly in the ointment being the Last Stand. But the hints above were sufficient to get through it. Really looking forward to when the main adventure starts up again after the Chapter 5 free roaming section. Also big kudos to Fulminato for his Min-Max updates. It would be good to see an updated Investment page in the Wiki. The world has gotten large enough and complex enough that it's difficult sometimes remembering where they all are.

Oh yes, the List of Things to Do was very helpful and useful. My thanks.
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Finally got back into playing this game with the art update, started fresh to see it all. Just finished the Battle for Yhilin, after making myself a big, super-complex spreadsheet to plan it out. x_x I didn't quite get the supra-optimal Victory Point total I was looking for, but I swatted everything else out of the park, as much as I could with the choices I'd made thus far. I don't recall having gotten too far past this before, likely due to flubbing that exact battle last time and giving up in self-disgust. :p

Meantime, if anyone else wants to use the spreadsheet, make a copy for yourself and fill in the green spots in Prep, then the yellow spots in Actions. It should take care of everything else for you, including only showing actions that are actually available to you.
Glad to hear you're enjoying the game! If you haven't interacted with people on the wiki, they might enjoy your spreadsheet.
Version 0.51.0 is out for patrons! The update notes are huge this time, so I'll just link them:

The core of the new content isn't available to all saves, but if you've been working to free Eustrin, you can enter a new negotiation section. It's not Gawnfall, but it features characters old and new:

If that's successful, you'll unlock a final state for Eustrin. This includes lots of happy NPCs and... other things:

But that isn't all! I've mentioned that every harem member is getting their own unique sidequest, and two of those can now be completed:

One of those involves an event that has been requested for a long time, which I'll just hint:

This one should be public in a week. Meanwhile, I have something for those of you waiting! I'm participating in a big bundle of NSFW games that you can find here:

All of the games are 50% off or more, including a couple of mine. There's also a free (or pay what you want) tier, so this is a good opportunity to sample a whole bunch of games!
This is what I've been waiting for.
So good to be able to move the game forward.
Looking forward to this at the end of next week.
The newest update is now available to everyone! You can download it here:

Also, last chance on the NSFW game bundle!


Again, this is a couple of my games and a bunch of others, all 50% off or more. Please take a look if you're interested!
Uh am I supposed to be able to use Aka's deathblow on her knife-material bosses? I deathblow'd the left one, poisoned Right one (Deathblight?), and kept them stunlocked. Right/DeathblightIThink I kept corrupted with Simon, while Center I stunned with Simon's Unified Strike.

I kept them neutered with debuffs from Vhala and shields from Carina too, though that's not to say that they should be immune to debuffs or anything.
Uh am I supposed to be able to use Aka's deathblow on her knife-material bosses? I deathblow'd the left one, poisoned Right one (Deathblight?), and kept them stunlocked. Right/DeathblightIThink I kept corrupted with Simon, while Center I stunned with Simon's Unified Strike.

I kept them neutered with debuffs from Vhala and shields from Carina too, though that's not to say that they should be immune to debuffs or anything.
No worries, that sounds like the intended solution to the boss.
Version 0.52.0 is out for patrons! We're up to 35+ illustrated scenes, with more info below or at the blog:

TLS 0.52.0
- New plot section.
- Fixed Robin profile thanks to Lamsey.
- New illustrated scenes: Lynine titfuck, Nalili 69, Orilise luxury, Fuckety Fuck

I aimed to make this an intense update that takes the plot forward, including some old friends:

And some old enemies. Whose fortress could the characters be infiltrating in this screenshot? Truly, it is an unknowable mystery...

Anyway, I'm going to hold back on some of the revelations for you to experience yourselves. Expect just about all the different kinds of content you'd expect from TLS:

Meanwhile, the Steam summer sale has begun. If you're interested in any of my other work, all my games are 50-80% off:

The update will go public in a week! Please look forward to it. ^-^