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RPG RPG Maker [SIMPLE HOUSE] Pretty Sexy Orgasm


Mystic Girl
Aug 28, 2011
Reputation score
This seems to be SIMPLE HOUSE's first foray into making RPG and a trial for it has been posted.

Here's the DL Link to the trial:

Haven't tried the trial yet personally.
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Re: Pretty Sexy Orgasm

Perhaps it's just me, but your links don't appear to be functioning.
Re: Pretty Sexy Orgasm

PSO2 hentai? I don't normally like RPGmaker stuff, but, paint me interested!
Re: Pretty Sexy Orgasm

pso theme is fine.
but the demo seems pretty lame.

can't wait til pso2 actually gets released in europe
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Re: Pretty Sexy Orgasm

Yeah I thought this looked like a Phantasy Star parody. Weird coincidence that I was playing PSOBB yesterday.
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Re: Pretty Sexy Orgasm

Wow, looks like he made a huge chunk of Phantasy Star Online 2 into the game.
Re: Pretty Sexy Orgasm

Ironically the best part about PSO2 is making waifus and giving them pretty dresses.

Re: Pretty Sexy Orgasm

no the best part of pso2 will be endless grinding without any reward at all :D
pso is amusing trash... it's always been. just like "braindead" or "bad taste".
Re: Pretty Sexy Orgasm

I saw Tear and Patty. My heart has been swayed. And if only they would add Lisa and Marlu....
Re: Pretty Sexy Orgasm

Sadly PSO2 is going to turn me into a brainless zombie but it is a fair price to pay to play the actual sequel to one of the most revolutionary games for RPG's The original Phantasy Star Online. As for this game wasn't exactly what I had in mind when I first clicked on the thread.
Re: Pretty Sexy Orgasm

so umm. whats in the demo?

i went into the forest, kicked ass, returned.

both girls went to their rooms, cant seem to do anything now.

is that the end of the demo? not a single H scene?
Re: Pretty Sexy Orgasm

so umm. whats in the demo?

i went into the forest, kicked ass, returned.

both girls went to their rooms, cant seem to do anything now.

is that the end of the demo? not a single H scene?

Did you meet the white bird/rappy?

Go to the shop area (bottom exit) then talk to it again.

Then go meet Karen/Rupika by going to their rooms via the green edged teleporters back in the gate area.
Re: Pretty Sexy Orgasm

Sorry for the doublepost, but the demo download has been updated so the forest area should no longer sport city walls and now have proper green walls.
Re: Pretty Sexy Orgasm

plz translate i cant use agth or more like how to use it
Re: Pretty Sexy Orgasm

Ah, looking forward to this one. It just might give me some new ideas for a certain thing I was working on too! :p
Even if it were NOT hentai-oriented, I'd still perfectly take this one!
Re: Pretty Sexy Orgasm

Late October...

'x ' I'm still downloading the demo from DLSite, so no idea if there's any change to that compare to the previous version yet.
Re: Pretty Sexy Orgasm

Late October...

'x ' I'm still downloading the demo from DLSite, so no idea if there's any change to that compare to the previous version yet.

Ohhhhh! Thank you! I forgot all about this game!

Edit: Seems like they are going to have scenes for the actual PSO2 characters as well. That's awesome, wonder if they'll have Lisa in it too...
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Re: Pretty Sexy Orgasm

Ooooooh I see what they did there now!

Pretty Sexy Orgasm!

Clever. Looks kinda interesting, but... guess we'll see.