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Slavemaker-like Browsergame

nick north

Nov 17, 2013
Reputation score
Hello there!
I know there are a lot of people out there who love the Slavemaker games, because I also do.
But everbody who played them complains about the same 3 things:
  • The clumsy, bulky interface which is not very user-friendly
  • The lack of multiplayer-content such as multiplayer-competitions, trading or at least global highscores.
  • The bad implementation (filesizes of several gigabytes, buggy game-behavior, lack of portability)

My game idea basically adopts the game-mechanics of slavemaker, but with different stats, a bigger, explorable world, multiplayer interaction and a system that involves the specific needs, interests and dreams of every slave.

I know, it sounds fairly complex and that's the reason why I'm asking for help here.

After several months of brainstorming and discussing (I started this project in january '13) we ended up with a huge pile of mostly unusable information.
After throwing a lot of things out and keeping only the "bare bones" of my concept I tried to put everything into a short and sweet document.

And thats where you come into play ;)

For a successful pre-production phase I need you to review the concept (in form of a draft game design document) and give as much feedback as you can. And after some iterations a nicely usable concept should be ready for production ;)

If you're interested leave me a PM or post :D
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Re: Slavemaker-like Browsergame

For a successful pre-production phase I need you to review the concept and give as much feedback as you can. And after some iterations a nicely usable concept should be ready for production ;)

You want us to... review the "concept" of a game? I don't know what you're hoping to get out of us, but I don't think it's going to be particularly helpful to making a game. The shittiest game can have the greatest "concept" and vice versa...
Re: Slavemaker-like Browsergame

I want you to review the document, that contains the concept, yes.
The concept cosists of an explaination of all the main elements in the game and how they work together.

What I want to get out of you? Answer simple questions about the document like:
"Are there elements or features that should be thrown out?"
"Are there any Features missing?"
"Is the concept even understandable?"
"What do you think about Feature XY?"

It is going to be a dialogue between you and me, simple as that.

And by the way: document reviews are actually an essential part of software development...
Re: Slavemaker-like Browsergame

So what, just comment on your doc then? I'll bite.

Though the biting process will take a bit, as I have two projects due soon. <_> One of them incidentally is also a game for a coding class, but since we didn't go into design docs outside of 'OKAY, YOU NEED TO PLAN YOUR SHIT BEFORE YOU ACTUALLY DO IT, IT'S REALLY FUCKIN' IMPORTANT' looking at a more legit one might be helpful.

Personally, I thought Slavemaker moved way too slowly. Unlike in Princess Maker where you plan a whole week, play spans almost a decade, and there are activities and random events to do, in SM you plan days, watch each planned thing happen, and then progress through a couple months, and interesting events and shit weren't really a thing.
Re: Slavemaker-like Browsergame

I want you to review the document, that contains the concept, yes.
The concept cosists of an explaination of all the main elements in the game and how they work together.

Oh! I see, that makes more sense -- you want us to review your Sorry for being confused. Count me in.
Re: Slavemaker-like Browsergame

Oh! I see, that makes more sense -- you want us to review your game design document. Sorry for being confused. Count me in.

Although you could call it a GDD, I personally wouldn't at this stage.
It may become one as soon as it gets detailed enough through a lot of reviewing and revising.
To avoid further confusion I renamed the document "GDD" and I also altered my first post a bit.

You and GargantuaBlarg got further details via PM.