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Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

As soon as she got inside and started over towards Agnes and Michael, the man was the only one of the two that noticed her coming as Agnes seemed very absorbed in the book she was looking at, which was rather thick and was bound in old red leather for a cover. When she put a finger to her lips for him to be quiet, he did so and smirked as she stepped forward and he stepped back to give her room.

When Sophia hugged Agnes so suddenly from behind, her companion let out a cute yelp, throwing her hands over her mouth to quieten her voice as she looked over her shoulder at Sophia, a look of relief in her eyes to find it was just Sophia. "G-Goodness Sophia, you frightened me there. I thought I'd gotten jumped by one of those we're hunting there for a moment," Agnes said, holding a hand over her chest for a moment before she recomposed herself, with Michael sniggering a little as he turned his head to the side. "A-Anyway though, I was looking at some of the history of Dorrach here in these books, seeing if I could learn anything that might help us out while we're here and all. And I saw mention of airships that are used to ferry people across the oceans faster, though they are few in number and can be expensive to get passage on however... at least here in Dorrach anyway. But I think we could maybe find a way to earn enough money or perhaps get passage on one by other means, since it seems like we're gonna need to travel across the oceans and all," Agnes added, turning back to the book to look at it a bit, pointing out the paragraph mentioning the airships, which it said that Dorrach had a total of less the a couple of dozen airships, most of which were owned by richer noble families who used them for trade mostly with other nations, but that a few were passenger ships to ferry people here and there.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia smiled at Agnes for being a little to unedge. "I found out pretty much the same as you though. I did manage to get a map though." Sophia handed over the map as she explained the travel costs via the trade boat. "They didn't mention an airship though so who knows it might be faster. Im sure if we conserve our resources we should be able to book passage on one. Though.. Im not sure how much something like that would cost?" Sophia's eyes wandered to Michael to see what he was up to. No doubt he would be stareing at Agnes. He seemed to favor her greatly. Though she had to admit he had a good eye. Agnes was indeed pretty. Blushing herself she turned back to the page in question and read some of it herself. She had an idea how they could get passage if need be but it was best saved for private talk.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"You did? That's great, saves me from having to get one. Is it of just Dorrach or more? And those prices aren't very good, would probably be best to try in the next town. I assume it was a dwarf with those prices?" Agnes replied, looking glad about the map Sophia gotten for them.

Looking over at Michael, Sophia would see that he actually wasn't looking at Agnes this time around and was instead regarding her as stealthily as he could, but he did notice her looking his way and quickly turned to look the other way, a noticeable blush on his face. "Well the airships can be fairly expensive sometimes, but you can always talk to the owners of them in the bigger cities, they've always got stuff that needs doing, so you could see if they'd give you passage in exchange for doing something for them. The capital is probably a good place to start on that if you want, which would be back to the south and east a ways from here, but not too very far," Michael said after a few moments, when he'd recomposed himself after Sophia caught him looking at her too.

The page Agnes had the book on was about the airships that were in some of the various cities around the country, a few of which were centered in the capital and which noble or merchant families owned any. "I think that's a good idea actually Michael, thank you. We should try that when we leave I think, since the capital would be as good a place as any to go to in order to book passage on one," Agnes said, looking over at Sophia to see if she approved.

"You're welcome Agnes, Sophia. But... you know ladies, now that I think of it, I don't actually know what it is that you two are looking for. So... what are you looking for exactly? I might be able to help out some," Michael said, looking almost hopeful that they'd tell him that he could help.

"Hmm... well you could say that we're hunting someone... she's a very bad person who... who's done some very bad things, and we're trying to stop her before she does anything else bad or hurts anyone else," Agnes replied, giving him a general idea but outright telling him what their objective was.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia blushed herself a little having caught Michael looking her way. He was such a naughty boy... no he is a man. That thought it self stirred her emontions and desires slightly, but she stamped them down. Any such actions would reveal their pressence and now was not the time for that.

"Its only of this area sadly, but yes it was a dwarf who qouted the price." Listening to Michael Sophia nodded. "It is a good idea no doubt we can easily buy passage with some minor work. Listening to Michael's secound question brought a frown to Sophia's face but thankfully Agnes handled it. "Yeah she is very dangerous and needs to be.. dealt with. Still I think we have what we need for now. Do you want to retire back to the inn Agnes?."
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Aye, let us go for now, the less we're out in this rain the better I think," Agnes replied about heading on back to the inn.

"I uh, I actually need to make a stop along the way back, so I'll see you two back there shortly perhaps," Michael said, heading on out the door, where he went in the general direction of the way back to the inn as they too headed out towards it, however he veered off just before the bridge and headed down the road to the eastern part of town, where they could see a temple in the distance.

After getting back to the inn, they were able to get back up to their room without much trouble, and they weren't accosted along the way back either. It was pretty much completely night now they saw from their window, but that was a good thing as it meant they could get to the bath shortly to take one in private.

"Hey Sophia... do you know why Michael was staring at me so much? I only noticed it at the library, but he kept stealing glances my way while I was reading through those books, and I noticed that he did at you too when you arrived. Was there something on my back? Oh no... you don't think my wings were showing do you?" Agnes asked Sophia once they'd gotten back to their room at the inn, looking a little worried that Michael had seen her wings.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia gathered up some stuff for the bath including her weapon so she could stand guard. "Im telling you Agnes he is attracted to you and apparently to me. He did head off to the temple though so maybe he feels like he has sinned. Sophia frowned at this thought. "Its competely normal for mortals to have such thoughts about pretty woman and he seems decent enough. I doubt we have anything to worry about."

Looking over at the assorted stuff including a change of cloths for herself she made sure Agnes was ready. "Okay Ill stand watch first so you can bath uninterrupted alright." If all was set she would lead Agnes down to the baths.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Attracted... pretty... goodness I hope that we haven't caused any trouble for him. He seems like an okay person and I don't want to cause him trouble," Agnes said, looking a little worried about Michael and the fact that he was apparently attracted to them and had gone of towards the temple, and seeming fairly unaware as to exactly what Sophia meant, though not completely unaware. "Um... so he thinks that my... oh how was it Laura said it... that my butt looks good?" she went on to ask, mentioning one of their other friends who Sophia remembered and remembered she was one of the first to come and check on her after she'd gotten back, and she would also remember that Laura was one that fought alongside her and Agnes often in battle against the demons, devils, and whoever else they had to.

"You don't think he's in trouble or anything do you Sophia? For looking at us in that way I mean," Agnes asked her after they'd collected their clean clothes to change into after their baths.

Regardless of Sophia's answers, Agnes followed her on down to the bathhouse area to get cleaned up, where they saw no one inside save a young blonde haired woman who was tending the place at the front room where the table was, having apparently been on break earlier when Michael brought Sophia through. She looked about 18 or 19 years old give or take and she had been napping until the door opened up and the pair of angels came in.

"Ah hello ladies, um... would you like a private bath or the main one? There's nobody else inside right now, and I won't be coming in on you for anything if you don't want me to. But if anyone else comes along and is seeking to bathe then I have to let them in, just so you know," the young woman told them both, gesturing them inside and out of the rain, which was still steadily pouring down on them, but thankfully there was a breezeway with a top that prevented them from getting soaked on the way out there.

"Ah thank you miss. How long would you say we have before other people come in for their baths?" Agnes said politely.

"Hmhm, shy girls eh. Well quite a few have already had their baths, but sometimes other people wait until later in the night to do theirs, which is annoying a little bit, since we can only take our customers on faith that they'll leave the proper amounts of coin for the baths in the box here," the girl answered with a giggle.

"Well... you could say, we don't want anyone to come in on us while we bathe and Sophia here said that the bathhouse here was a mixed bath for the public on, separated only by baths that were next to each other, so that men and women can bathe together," Agnes replied, blushing a bit, but obviously more worried about them being found out as angels though she wasn't about to tell the girl that.

"You can always take the private baths if you want girls, for privacy and relaxation, and I can even come in and give massages if you'd like after you're done. And you don't need to worry I am very discreet, as I do that on a daily basis pretty much. So which bath would you like? I'm Gina by the way," the young woman said, introducing herself and offering massages if they wanted them. Agnes looked over at Sophia when Gina offered the massages, as if asking which she wanted, though it was obvious that Agnes wouldn't mind taking the main public baths either so long as they were careful. "I could even come up to your room later if you like and give massages, for one silver a piece," Gina added.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia smiled a little as she remembered Laura. Before her inccident she had always thought Laura kinda strange for the things she spoke about, but now it made a little sense. Laura must have been defeated in a similar manner to herself. Oddly that gave her some comfort as she had always looked up to Laura as a warrior. "Humm yes Laura would say he likes your butt, and he will be fine Agnes don't trouble yourself over it. The fact he went to the temple is a good sign."

Once gathered the duo headed down and encountered a young woman. "Hellow Gina." Smiling Sophia heard Agnes and Gina talk about the bath and waited her turn to speak. "Ahh I see. Im sure the public bath will be fine as we can't spend all our travaling money on such luxeries as a private bath. If you don't mind Gina could you come and tell if someone is comming or when your leaving." If Gina agreed Sophia would pay the cost of the bath for both of them and stand watch over the female area while Agnes bathed.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"I... I hope so, I'd hate for him to get in trouble over staring at my butt. Because... it's not all that much to look at really," Agnes said, blushing further at Sophia's response about Laura and sounding not overly confident in her own beauty when it came to this.


"Very well then, I'll call inside to let you know someone else is entering if any others come on in for a bath as well. Take your time inside though, and if you need anything give me a holler and I'll bring you anything you need. We've got towels right inside on the shelves and different soaps on one shelf in there too, you can't miss them," Gina said to the two, letting them go on in to the baths.

Once inside, Agnes headed over to the shelf full of soaps, where she gasped and held up a jar of lotion like soap. "Sophia, it's coconut scented. I love coconut," Agnes said, getting it and taking it into the bath with her as she stripped naked with no worries, revealing her nude form to Sophia again as she stepped down into the bathwater, lathering her body up with the soap quickly and enjoying her time in the bath. "Oh Sophia, come on in and get cleaned up too, you might as well... because there's not much we can really do without magic to hide our true forms. And any of these towels won't be enough to cover our wings and those cloaks would be too suspicious. Besides it'll be quicker than waiting until I'm completely done," Agnes said after a few minutes of bathing, urging Sophia to get in too and wash up.

If Sophia got on in with her, Agnes would move over and help her to wash her back and hair, gently rubbing the loofah over her body to help her get cleaned up. "Goodness Sophia, your breasts got bigger again since last time I saw you naked. Even still though you're still incredibly beautiful I think," Agnes would tell Sophia if she went ahead and joined her in the bath, gently cupping a hand under Sophia's right breast and lifting it a little bit, then letting go and doing the same to her own.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Don't be silly Agnes Im sure its fine. After all he did look at it." This made Sophia blush slightly but it quickly faded as they talked with Gina.


"Thank you Gina. Im sorry to bother you with this." Sophia smiled kindly to the girl and hopped she wouldn't have to turn anyone away. Still smiling Sophia watched Agnes get exited before turning her attention to the entry way. After a moment Agnes urged Sophia to join her and while they could be caught and found out, Agnes was right that they could do little about it. "Okay okay just a moment." Perhapse speed would solve this issue rather than forcing people away who had payed for a service. Heading over the shelves as she undressed Sophia looked for a plain soap. Finding what she was looking for Sophia finally went in to the water Agnes's nude form still playing havoc with her imagination.

Still for the most part Sophia was able to focus on the loofah and being washed by Agnes sending her trouble thoughts away. Untill Agnes slipped her hand up to her right breast and hefted it. "Ohh!" Sophia tensed at the touch almost missing what Agnes had said. Her breasts where incredibly sensitive after her defeat. A bright flush worked its way across her face as a flashback came over her.

She was on her knees her legs spread appart and hands tied to her ankles. It was extremely uncofortable the position exposing all her body to her tormentor. The succubus walked towards her her body swaying with each step flaunting her perfect sexualized body. Sophia knew another round of torment was heading her way and tried to slip her hands out of their binds. This only made the succubus laugh. Kneeling the raven haired succubus leaned down her own pale tit flesh grazing Sophia's own. The succubus didn't say a word as she forcd a kiss on her lips, before moving down and to suckle at Sophia's average chest. Their sized seemed to displease the succubus as the demon woman frowned a moment before smiling. Resuming her sucking the demon suddenly bit down on the tender flesh gazing Sophia to yelp. This didn't stop the succubus as she soon did the same to the other. Satisfied the succubus backed off and watched Sophia who was watching her own breasts grow to a much larger cup settling on D.

Panting slightly Sophia smiled. "Oh... please be careful Agnes they are sensitive." Sophia wasn't sure what vile magic the succubus had used but it still made her tits sensitive. "Hey my turn to get your back turn around please." Doing as such Sophia would tend to Agnes making sure she was as clean as she could be.

Sophia's RP status
Lust 2/10
Embarrisment 2/10
Purity 10/10
Resolve 10/10
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Oh it's alright, plenty of girls and guys too are a bit shy and prefer privacy, yet either don't have the money to afford the private baths or simply don't want to get one," Gina said to them as they went on in.

As Agnes began washing her back, Sophia's mind brought the memory of what Azalea did to her after defeating her. As Sophia's breasts grew in size after Azalea bit down into them, the succubus chuckled and when they finished growing to their now current size she smiled and knelt down once more next to Sophia, brushing her breasts along Sophia's again, which made their nipples grow hard. Soon after that she kissed Sophia again on the lips, her tongue slipping inside Sophia's mouth as she groped Sophia's tits and pinched her nipples. A hand drifted down between Sophia's legs and Azalea's fingers began brushing across her tender virgin folds, and after rubbing Sophia's pussy into another quick orgasm she grew her penis and slapped Sophia's cheek with it a few times to get the point across that she was her toy for the time being before maneuvering back around, taking aim, and piercing Sophia's pussy and taking her first.

At this point of her memory Sophia was jogged back to reality as Agnes spoke when lifting her breast. "Oh... sorry Sophia, I didn't realize they were that sensitive. Was it... because of that Azalea that the high priestess mentioned? The one that took you?" Agnes replied, releasing Sophia's breast and turning around for the repayment for the wash she gave Sophia. Sophia would also see the perfect opportunity to grope Agnes' breasts to get back at her from before, as she wasn't protecting them any and they were large and Sophia would have a hard time resisting the want to do so.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia washed Agne's back keenly aware at how open and vunrable her friend was. In the back of her mind Sophia could almost see the crimson lips smile. Breathing shortly Sophia bit her lip and pushed it out of her mind. "Y-yeah... she did something to them... Im sure it will go away with time but for now.. they are a bit over senstive." Avoiding the temptation Sophia felt a bit better and relaxed finishing the bath. For a moment she sat and soaked before deciding it was time to be done. Turning about she got up and headed for the towels.

Sophia rp status
Lust 1/10
Embarrisment 2/10
Purity 10/10
Resolve 10/10
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"I sure hope it will Sophia, but if it doesn't then we'll just have to find some way to help you cope with it I guess," Agnes said with a determined look in her eye as she glanced back over her shoulder at Sophia.

As Sophia finished up with Agnes, the red haired angel turned to give her a hug of thanks before sitting back to relax for a couple of minutes along with Sophia before getting out. Just as they were about to climb out of the bath, they heard Gina knock on the door and speak. "Hey girls... just a heads up there's a couple of people out here about to come in there, so if you're ready to get out now would be the right time I think. If you like you can come out of there through the side doors on the and come back around the hallways to the changing room," Gina called inside and told them.

"Well I'd say it's time to vacate the baths for now. We'll sneak out the left door here and go back into the changing rooms from there and finish getting dried up. Sound good?" Agnes said to Sophia, grabbing her things and heading over to the door in question and slipping through it. Once Sophia followed, unless she stopped Agnes for some reason, then they'd hear the door open that they'd come in originally and 3 voices were heard, all male.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Letting the conversation of her condition drop Sophia relaxed in the bath with Agnes for awhile. Thankfully she was already mostly out when when Gina informed them of incomming guests.

"Thanks Gina if you would give us a moment please." Helping Agnes out Sophia accidenly pulled the redheaded angle into her embrace. This set her heart a flutter slightly before she parted and gathered up some towls and headed for the changing area via the side doors.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

As Sophia helped Agnes up and out of the bath, their bodies pressed against each other in a soft embrace as Agnes stumbled just a little bit as she came out, pressing their breasts together and rubbing their nipples against each other a little bit. Agnes didn't think much of it and thanked Sophia for the help and apologized for stumbling into her like that, but Sophia could see as they left the room that her nipples were perked up even if she didn't really think anything of it. As they made their way into the changing room, with Agnes peeking in first to see if it was clear for them to go in without anyone seeing them, Sophia would notice her own nipples were hard now as she began drying herself off.

Looking over at her companion as they were getting dressed a minute or two later, Sophia would see Agnes bent over about 6 feet away from her, her butt facing her once again. This would cause Sophia's heart to race again a little bit, but nothing she couldn't ignore with a bit of willpower. Soon enough though they were dressed and heading out, with Agnes thanking Gina on their way out.

"You're both very welcome, come again now ladies, you hear," Gina said to them on their way out, waving at them as they left.

They soon made their way back into the inn proper, where they passed Michael on their way upstairs, with him apparently heading to the bathhouse himself as he had no shirt on and had a change of clothes with him. "Night ladies, seeya tomorrow," he said as they passed each other, with Agnes waving back to him which seemed to brighten him up a bit Sophia would see, even more so if she waved too.

After making their way back to their room, Agnes got changed into her sleeping clothes, which consisted of nothing but a pair of white panties and a small tanktop to cover her breasts. "Sophia... are you going to be okay tonight? I know that you've been having some nightmares about what happened a while back and all. If you want to, I don't mind sharing a bed, or we can push the beds together or something if you'd like. Just like when we were little," Agnes asked Sophia, offering to sleep together with Sophia, who at the last sentence Agnes said would remember their times that they shared a bed together when they were young and before they even thought about fighting or anything.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia smiled at Michael as they passed clearly brigting his mood even further. Heading up the duo got ready for bed. Sophia pretty much wore the same things to bed as Agnes though with her now overly senstive nipples she found wearing a shirt threw the night overly stimulating and started to forgoe wearing it. Hearing Agnes's suggestion Sophia found it tempting but not for the innocent reasons her friend had offered. "N-no Agnes thats okay. I tend to get a little agressive as I sleep if I have nightmares. I don't want to hurt you if I have one okay." In truth she wasn't worried about hittingor Kicking Agnes as forcing heself on her friend. Her nightmares as she called them where more erotic than scary and she often found her self waking up with a hand next to her soaked sex. Even thinking about brought a flush to her face.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Oh... okay then. I don't mind though Sophia, and you wouldn't hurt me much if at all if you thrashed around a bit," Agnes replied, looking a bit worried about Sophia but not like she minded either way whether they slept together or not.

With that, Agnes laid down in her bed, laying back and covering herself up as she spread her wings out and relaxed them behind herself as she laid on her side facing away from Sophia. Once Sophia had laid down herself and started going to sleep, she'd find sleep came easily and she was soon snoozing deeply... where in her dream world Sophia came face to face with Azalea, and looking around she was bound with her wrists tightly tied behind her with her glaive laying a few feet away broken in half.

"Hmhmhm... you angels are all the same... always acting so chaste and stuff... and always so tight assed when you should just relax and enjoy life like we do. It would do you so much good in the long run to open up a little more," Azalea said to the defeated angel. It seemed that Sophia was reliving her defeat again in her dreams, though this was the first time it had started here just as she was tied up after being defeated.

Azalea walked over, her high heels clacking against the stone floor of wherever it was they were inside of, and then she knelt beside her. "Oh the things I'm going to do to you dear... the pleasure I'll bring you. You're a virgin too I can sense it... ooooh yeah just the thought of that virginal blood leaking from your tight little pussy just gives me the shivers all over," Azalea said to her as she knelt beside her, giving a visible shudder of delight at the mere thought of taking Sophia's virginity.

Azalea wasted no time in stripping Sophia of all her clothes, leaving her in nothing at all. She then snapped her fingers and suddenly what appeared to be a summoning portal opened up and what looked like a 4 legged creature of some sort stepped through it. Azalea motioned at the thing, pointing to Sophia, then gesturing for it to follow along, where it sprouted about a dozen tentacles and scooped Sophia up and followed along.

Sophia was dumped onto a rather soft bed, by the creature, who was then shooed away by Azalea. "Now let's get a better look at you my lovely angel, because I'm going to take my time having fun with you. And by the time I'm done, you'll be a quivering mess and begging me to continue because it feels so good... because they always do," Azalea said, grinning evilly at Sophia.

Sophia would feel her legs spread apart, with Azalea holding them apart forcibly as she went down on Sophia and licked her virgin slit, bringing the first jolts of pleasure Sophia had ever felt to her. Sophia wouldn't be able to help but twitch her body about a little as Azalea did this, the succubus smirking as she stopped for a moment to insert her index finger up to Sophia's hymen, where she stopped. "Mmm... delicious just as I expected it to be. Now here, drink this little potion here. Don't want you getting pregnant on me now just yet, no no. I want you to come back later so that you'll be begging me to knock you up," Azalea said to Sophia, continuously rubbing Sophia's soft petals with one hand while groping her breasts with her other, her tail holding up a vial of white liquid which she then tipped into Sophia's mouth and forced her to swallow, which almost instantly gave Sophia a little tingling feeling in her womb.

Azalea went back to licking Sophia for a couple of minutes until the young angel experienced her first ever orgasm from that extremely skilled tongue. However Azalea didn't stop licking there though and her tongue wormed its way down from Sophia's dripping wet pussy to her ass, where the succubus cruelly licked her there as well a few times before inserting her middle finger of her right hand into Sophia's tight little rump. She fingered Sophia's poor tight little ass for a minute or so, moving back to licking her pussy, but Sophia managed to get a little fight back into her and squeezed her thighs together in an attempt to smother Azalea.

The succubus was very displeased at this maneuver and bit down on Sophia's clit as she jammed her finger hard up Sophia's pucker, causing the young angel to ease up enough for the succubus to get free. "Well now, that wasn't very nice... and here I was trying to make you feel good. You'll have to be punished for that now dear," Azalea said, frowning at Sophia as she grabbed the young angel's hips and forcibly rolled her over onto her back.

She then pulled Sophia up into her lap, thrown over her knees as it were, where she administered a harsh spanking to Sophia, the slaps echoing in the room they were in. Each slap instilled more pleasure into Sophia and the lust that had begun to grow within her as she was licked earlier grew only that much more as she was spanked, almost as if an aphrodisiac was being given to her. By the time Azalea finished spanking her, Sophia's poor rump was red and had hand marks on both sides.

"Now I didn't want to have to do that you know, but you forced me to punish you pet. Now I'm going to be a bit rougher than I would have been before," Azalea said to her, pulling out some rope from a chest that was at the foot of the bed, which she used to tie up Sophia in a perfect bondage position with a crotch rope and all that dug into her anytime she tried to raise up. ( )

Sophia would suddenly feel a sharp hit on her lower back just above her butt and she'd see Azalea struck her with a riding crop. Three more strikes came soon after, one to either butt cheek and the third to the middle of Sophia's back. After that she was rolled back over, the ropes being retied around her to that she was on her back with her pussy exposed to the succubus, who went down and licked it a couple of times before switching to rubbing it while kissing Sophia's lips. ( )

Azalea began chuckling maliciously as slid her body up and down Sophia's before she stopped and began to suckle on Sophia's breasts and forced magic into them that caused them to grow some when she suddenly bit down into them one after the other. Pulling back for a few moments, Azalea watched as Sophia's breasts began to swell, and soon enough they stopped and were a large D-cup. Sophia's breasts ached slightly and were so sensitive, but as she watched them finish growing, a bead of milk welled up on the tip of both nipples.

"Hmhm, wonderful, now you'll be much more fun. And these better breasts will be yours to keep afterwards dear," Azalea giggled devilishly as she moved around and a large 10 inch cock sprouted from her crotch, with Azalea giving a moan as her eyes fluttered a bit. "Oh yes, now you're all mine. Now lick it, believe me you'll want it lubed up enough for when I fuck you silly with it and make you squeal," she added as she moved close enough to slap Sophia's right in the face with her large thick cock, demanding Sophia lick it, and she would force Sophia to do so.

After Forcing Sophia to lick her large thick cock, Azalea maneuvered around some more and positioned herself to pierce Sophia's pussy with the monster cock. Azalea rubbed against Sophia's pussy a few times before roughly forcing it inside, tearing her hymen and burying it inside. She barely waited a few seconds before beginning to thrust, the mixed moans and groans of pain and pleasure seeming to be music to the succubus' ears that she enjoyed greatly. After a few minutes of fucking Sophia a little roughly, Azalea seemed to be about to reach her peak, and Sophia's body was on the verge of climax as well despite the earlier pain, which was now mostly pleasure, though there was still some pain left in there.

Azalea gave no warning as she reached climax, spurting a large amount of seed inside of Sophia before pulling out and spurting the last two squirts right into her face. "Mmm that was great you slutty angel... hell you squeezed me so tight that it makes me wonder if you really are an angel and not a succubus in disguise," Azalea taunted, the feeling of lust in Sophia beginning to overwhelm her quite a bit. "Now, would you like to suck me off and clean my cock with that pretty little mouth of yours hmm? If you bite me though I'll be very cross with you again and I won't just stop with a simple spanking and whipping," she then asked Sophia, who with the lust building so much within her she was having a very difficult time resisting and wouldn't find it easy to say no to Azalea.

I figure this is enough for now and I'll finish it up on the next post after Sophia says whatever. Tried to make it go with what we've said happened to her as best I could.
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Goodnight Agnes. Sweet dreams.”

Usually sleep was a sweet solace to Sophia but ever sense her defeat and capture her peaceful dreams where the stuff of nightmares. Though for the first time the whole event began to unfold instead of just random images.

The old burned out church game into view its once fine stone works blacked by fire from an age past. The ceiling once the host of a mural honoring the gods had long fallen away revealing the night sky and its cold distant stars. It would have been beautiful had it not been the company.

The clack clack of heels on stone drew her attention as Azalea walked into the moonlight. Sophia immediately tried to move her hands but found them bound. 'How... when..' It struck her right there the man she had tried to save. It was a trap and Sophia had wandered into it like a neonate.

Azalea laughed at Sophia struggles starting off with her opening remarks. The words burning in her mind. “Ill never be like you!

Soon enough the succubus was near her planning just how she would defile Sophia. In turn Sophia tried to wiggle away but the succubus would have nothing of that. Acting quickly Azalea stripped the remaining cloths off Sophia proving how powerless the angel was to stop her. Summoning forth her terrible servant Sophia tried to move away only to be slapped rather harshly for the attempt and soon enough the creature had her bound and deposited face first ass in the air on a rather soft bed.

Sophia wasn't sure what scared her more the tentacle creature or the fact the succubus sounded way to confident about what would happen. Almost as if she had done it before. Feeling her legs pulled appart Sophia couldn't help but scream out. “No stop not there AHH!” Her body twitched as Azalea continued her violation including placing her long finger into Sophia's now damp sex. “Ungh!” Sophia tensed as the finger touched her hymen. So stunned at the sudden assault of pleasure she missed the exact words Azalea had spoken. The demons continued assault on her sex and breasts caused Sophia to gasp at the sensations. This of course is what the tail had been waiting for and it quickly forced the potion down Sophia's throat. Gagging Sophia felt the burn of strong alcohol and an unknown salty flavor rush down her throat to her belly causing her womb to tingle.

Smirking at a job well done Azalea continued to lap at Sophia's sex sending the virginal angel to her first ever peak. Despite all that was happening to her the sheer bliss of action caused Sophia to moan loudly. The high was soon ended as the demon took her impossibly long tongue and started to lick her ass before inserting one of her fingers into her bum. Eyes shooting wide open Sophia came to her senses and tried to fight back by smothering the demon with her thighs. This proved disastrous almost immediately as the demon bit down hard on a bit of sensitive flesh Sophia had no idea even existed on her body. The bite alone would have done the trick but demons are hardly known for their restraint. Teamed with the bite a deep jam to her pucker brought forth a cry of pain as well.

Eyes watering from the pain Sophia could do little as Azalea moved her over to the spanking position. At first the slaps hurt but soon they started to feel rather pleasant. “Why... why.....” Azalea smirked as she felt wetness creep across her legs from Sophia's sex.

Sophia was lost in a daze of pain and pleasure that the succubus's words seemed to echo from afar. Exhausted from the spanking Sophia put up little fight as the demon forced her into a new even lewder position. Here the punishment continued as Sophia was struck with the riding crop. Once, Twice, and the Third time causing Sophia to cry out as she soaked herself again with her love juices. Sore from the strange unnatural position Sophia could barely resist her body a near limp doll for the succubus to play with. Kissing Sophia as she arranged the subdued angel to her liking Azalea began to tease and play with Sophia once more. Ensuring that Sophia tasted her own lewd juices the succubus continued to tease her getting small returned kisses even if they where weak and done on instinct. This wouldn't do after Azalea wanted something to play with not lay there and take it. Grinning evilly she used her vile magic to enhances Sophia's chest. The pain of the event seemed to wake Sophia up slightly as she watched in shock as her chest expanded. That wasn't the end either moaning the succubus produced a massive cock and slapped Sophia in the face with it.

Sophia of course attempted to resist the cock but Azalea was persistent and knew the tainted potion would make the angel compliant in a matter of moments. As the massive tainted tool rubbed Sophia's face ounces of the demon's precum smeared her checks and touched her lips. The smell was to much the demon musk and the tainted potion breaking down Sophia's normally resilient will. Perhaps it was inevitable or down right meant to be that Sophia would give in to this devilish temptation. Either way be it destiny or drugs the angel couldn't control her actions. Soon Azalea got her promised lick and so much more. Slipping her moth over the tip of the penis Sophia began to bob up and down the demonic shaft her efforts novice at best but all the more revealing to Azalea. She had broken Sophia's will at lest temporarily.

It was time. Grinning Azalea treated herself to the main course taking Sophia's virginity. Pushing in after a brife tease she could feel the angel's sex clamp down around her cock and felt the warm flush of blood as she tore through they hymen. Sophia just cried out and moaned her mind lost in a haze of lust. Plowing into Sophia mercelessly Azalea brought her self close to her peak. It didn't take to long as defiling the angel just seemed to set Azalea off in the right way. Pulling out just before Sophia's climax the demon both denied Sophia her own and gave further humiliation to the angel by splattering her face with cum. No longer able to resist Sophia immediately attended to the cock cleaning it with her tongue.

In the waking world Sophia moaned a little as she tossed in her bed one hand grasping her right breast causing little milk dropplets to form. Her other hand was burried in her crotch teasing her sex.
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Ahh, what a good girl. After being taught a lesson, angels are always so compliant in the end. And how do you like my potion hmm? I've concocted it to make pretty girls like you get so horny you can't help but hunger for the taste of a hot hard cock in your mouth and pussy, but it'll also prevent you from getting pregnant on me for now. So I can cum inside of you as much as I want and you won't get pregnant," Azalea told Sophia with a pleasant sigh as the young angel cleaned her cock, her tongue swirling all over the now delicious thing. "I would knock you up now... but I want you to lust for me and when you come back craving my big fat cock to be rammed into that tight little snatch of yours again... hmhm, well then I'll not restrain myself and I'll make sure to knock you up with my child, and our child dear will be even more powerful than both of us combined, the child of an angel and demon," Azalea then told her with an evil grin as she chuckled, an almost dreamy look in her eyes as she mentioned what she'd do the next time they met.

"For now though, I'm going to enjoy my time teasing you," Azalea whispered in Sophia's ear before pulling her cock out of Sophia's mouth as the young angel continued cleaning it, her mental defenses having broken down somewhat and leaving her unable to resist the taste of that dick.

Azalea didn't stop there and moved back around and thrust back inside of Sophia's tight little pussy, this time working her over again in the same was as the first time, thrusting fast, deep, and hard, bringing squeals and moans of delight from Sophia that she couldn't suppress in the least. Hearing Sophia's voice seemed to set Azalea off again and made her go that much faster and harder, her cock head already pounding mercilessly against Sophia's cervix. Sophia felt her body tensing up soon after that as she climaxed again around that amazing dick, which seemed to grow only larger inside of her a bit before it too reached its peak and filled Sophia's small womb full of Azalea's hot cum.

"Ooooh yeah baby, if I hadn't given you that potion before, my seed would already have taken in your womb and you'd have a little baby in there. Who knows, if you're fertile enough you might have even had twins in there. I almost want to give you the opposite potion now just to see if you would have twins, but no, just play this time," Azalea said with a sigh as she finished pumping her hot cum into Sophia's pussy, which was instinctively milking Azalea's cock for all it could get.

After that, Azalea rolled Sophia over and redid her bindings so that Sophia was on her stomach with her ass high in the air and her wrists tied behind her so she couldn't struggle free. "Alright... now to taste that sweet ass of yours with my dick and see how tight it is," Azalea cooed in Sophia's ear, only taking enough time to ensure Sophia's ass was lubed up with some of their juices lathering it.

As soon as it was lubed enough to her liking, Azalea thrust forward, burying her dick in Sophia's tight ass this time and barely giving her time to stretch enough to adjust before pounding away, bringing a bit of pain and pleasure both to Sophia once again. Sophia wasn't able to hold back her voice yet again, the vile potion causing her to be so filled with lust that she couldn't help but enjoy the pleasure that was being forced on her, despite the situation and the pain that came with it.

Azalea pounded Sophia's ass until they both came again, Sophia's sex squirting her juice out and all over the bed as her ass was filled with Azalea's seed this time, with Azalea pulling out to spurt the last little bit over Sophia's ass. Barely giving Sophia any time to rest and recover, the succubus changed positions again and took Sophia, repeating this many times over the course of the next 3 hours, stopping for only a couple of minutes every three or four orgasms to catch her own breath, which in turn gave Sophia a chance to rest until she started back up again.

When Azalea finally stopped and pulled her now softened dick out of Sophia's now well used pussy, Sophia still wasn't finished just yet as Azalea snapped her fingers again and the creature from before came back out. "Ah... I need to rest some before we have some more fun my little angel, but my pet here will keep you all hot and ready for the next hour or so for when I'm rested and able to play some more," Azalea told Sophia, leaving her in the care of her tentacled pet.

The tentacles erupted from the creature as Sophia was left there in its care, with Azalea walking out of the room for the time being. Sophia's pussy was soon plunged into by a thick tentacle, though it wasn't quite as thick as Azalea's dick. Another tentacle plunged into her ass and a third into her mouth, the one in her mouth tasting the same as Azalea's dick. Sophia lost all track of time and actually fainted about 10 minutes into the creature's playing with her, though she did remain awake long enough for it to reach climax twice, and both time it spurted its seed all over her as it held her in the air above it.

When Sophia next woke, Azalea was sitting next to her on the bed where the young angel was laying, having been dropped there by the creature at some point. "Now come here pet, you get to suck me off some more, and I'll bet you're more willing now than you were before. Once you've gotten a good taste for it then we'll have a little more fun," Azalea giggled to Sophia, who was indeed more compliant than before, the potion having taken full effect hours ago now and making her so filled with lust that she could barely contain the joy of sucking Azalea off again when presented with the opportunity to do so.

Laying back, Azalea relaxed as Sophia's lust and instincts took over and guided her to crawl over to position herself between Azalea's legs, where she found her hands were free and that they were moving practically on their own to grasp Azalea's cock and stroke it while she licked and sucked on it. "Mmm, good girl, make your mistress Azalea feel good. You know... I never asked your name little angel. What's your name huh?" Azalea said to Sophia, asking her name as the young angel couldn't resist any longer the need to suck that cock off.

After Sophia responded to Azalea's asking her name and began sucking her off again, the dream suddenly shifted to blackness and Sophia could hear Agnes calling for her in a worried tone as the waking world came back to her.


"... Phia... Sophia... Sophia wake up. Are you okay?" Sophia would hear Agnes saying to her as her eyes opened slightly, her friend shaking her awake with a worried expression on her face. Sophia's right leg kicked out as her body hadn't completely woken up yet and when she did she knocked Agnes's legs out from under her as they were on the bed, and as a result Agnes fell down on top of Sophia just as she came to her senses. When Agnes landed, her's and Sophia's lips pressed against each other, with Agnes' eyes going wide.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"S-Sophia Mistress." unable to resist any longer Sophia took the cock into her mouth. "Sophia..... Sophia... I like it and I'll remember it pet."

"... Phia... Sophia... Sophia wake up. Are you okay?"

Awaking with a jolt and accidently tripping Agnes right into her arms. As their lips made contact though Sophia kissed Agnes hungerly the effects of the dream still present. Still as Sophia came to she saw the blush across her friends face and her sweet lips on her own. Breaking the kiss Sophia apologized to Agnes.

"Im sorry Agnes.. I didn't mean to trip you...." Sophia's body ached with the lust of her dream she wanted Agnes to touch her more than anything, but she wouldn't force it not like how it had been done to her.

Sophia rp status
Lust 7/10
Embarrisment 8/10
Purity 8/10
Resolve 9/10