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Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Um... well I can try. But if you aren't my guardian angels then how come you came looking for me?" Lisa said as Sophia wiped the tear away from her cheek and picked her up.

"Well sweetie, because it might cause a lot of trouble if people knew we were angels back in town. For us and for the town. So it's better to remain hidden like this for now," Agnes told Lisa before they started back, with Agnes stopping at the cat creature to examine it a bit before looking back at Sophia for a moment. "Hmm, you know what I'd say that this thing would make a good pelt back in town, and maybe they can tell us what it is exactly, I'll carry it back to the edge of the woods," Agnes went on to say after a moment, sheathing her blade and picking the creature up in her strong arms and hauling it over one shoulder.

With that they headed back, following the stream down to the river and then following the river back down to the encampment that was being used as the outpost for the search. It took them about half an hour or so to get back once they set out, and once they started out of the woods a few heads turned their way when they got closer. "Lisa... oh thank heavens you're alright. Come here sweetie," a blonde haired woman said, running over with a dark haired man that looked to be in his mid 30's or so where she took Lisa from Sophia, the woman obviously being Lisa's mother. "Thank you both for finding her, thank you so much. Now come on Lisa, let's get you cleaned up, you're an absolute mess," she said to Sophia and Agnes before carrying Lisa over to the tents that'd been set up.

The man that came rushing over with the woman shook Sophia's and Agnes' hands as he gave them both a look of thanks. "I can't thank you both enough for finding our Lisa. I just got back from one of the search parties myself that thought they'd found her, but it only turned out to be some tracks of hers. Please come over here so I can give you the reward for finding her. When she didn't come back last night during that storm we were terrified, I've been out here with a few of the others since late last night," the man told them, bowing deeply to them both as he shook their hands before leading them over to get their promised reward.

"Oh it's no problem sir, we were in the adventurers guild and saw the job board and figured that we'd see if we could help find her," Agnes replied, following him over to the tent

Heading over to tent, he opened a chest and pulled out a small purse of coins, which he handed over to Sophia. "Again miss, thank you. I would like to give you a little more if you wouldn't mind coming to our home later this evening, perhaps join us for dinner. That way we can properly thank you. I'm Arnold by the way, and that's my wife Karen," the man said, introducing himself and his wife and offering to treat the angels to dinner and perhaps give them a little extra for finding his daughter.

Agnes looked over at Sophia and gave her a shrug as if saying she didn't mind going there if Sophia didn't, though she let Sophia make the choice. "It's up to you Sophia, I don't mind if you don't," Agnes whispered to her.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia just carresed the girls hair as they walked. "Because your mommy and daddy where really worried about you. We heard about it and came along to help." When they entered the camp and the girls mother came running Sophia smiled slightly and moved to speak with the father. Taking the sack of gold Sophia hefteda moment before handing it back. "Sir Im just glad we where able to help your lovely little girl. I cannot in good concious take this money. Instead set it aside to train her in woodland ways or self defence when she comes of age." Sophia looked to Agnes and smiled apoligetically. "We will take you up on the offer of dinner though. A good home cooked meal is always pleasent."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"But... well if you really insist. We have plenty of money to do that though, and I must give you something for your troubles... I mean hells bells you found our little girl after all. Perhaps some sort of other payment then?" Arnold said to them both, insisting on repaying them somehow.

Agnes looked over at Sophia for a moment, giving her a look that made her look as if a light bulb had just flashed on over her head, giving her an idea. "We could ask if he can help us get passage on one of the airships, helping us complete our mission. Unless you'd like a bit of adventure and all that is of course, either way is fine with me really," Agnes whispered to Sophia.

"Well just think about it for now and if you have a request of any kind, at least one within my power, then I'll do my utmost to fulfill said request for you. If you'll excuse me though, we're going to get Lisa home and all of us get a bit of rest and get cleaned up too," Arnold told them, giving them time to think it all over before accepting payment of some sort or declining it. With that he went over to Lisa and his wife Karen, where they then headed off in a carriage that was parked nearby, obviously meant for when they found Lisa one way or the other, and in the meantime a couple of men that were there started rounding a few people up to go into the woods and call back the search parties.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia would frown at the causal profaine remark but let it slide. "If you worried sir we can talk over it at dinner. We are staying at the...." Sophia frowned turning to Agnes. "Where are we staying at again?" Getting the answer Sophia would tell the man before moving to the creature she had killed. "Lets get this to a leather worker and disposed of before it taints the ground. Okay Agnes?"
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Oh the inn? It's the Thorny Rose inn and tavern. Just send word when we're to come and they should let you right up to the room we're staying at, or bring word themselves," Agnes replied to the question of what inn they were staying at.

Arnold nodded and told them he would send word once they'd rested up a bit and got dinner ready, then he and his family headed one for home. "Hmm, I don't think its tainted honestly Sophia... at least I'm not finding any that would amount to that kind of damage. I doubt that it would even taint us or even a child... at least not without spending a lot of time with it and stuff," Agnes said, looking at the cat thing curiously. "But it's obviously mutated or something of the sort," she added as they took the creature off.

With a bit of directions from a couple of people along the way, the angel girls were easily able to find a tanner to take the creature to and get it cleaned up and made into a fur of some sort. The tanner welcomed them and Agnes paid him a three silver pieces to get it done, where she then laid the carcass up onto the counter in front of him. "Ah... a displacer cat. Dangerous beasts to say the least, but nothing an experienced ranger can't handle, and you two look well trained enough to me to handle this big guy, They're like panthers, but nobody knows how they got those big old tentacles, but they can leave a nasty scratch on you if you ain't careful. I can have it ready in a day or so for you. Do either of you want a coat out of it by chance? There's enough of this big old boy that I can make a good fur coat for you," the tanner said, getting to work on the cat for them while they went on to do other things.

"Yes please, if you can make it into the finest coat possible," Agnes told him before they left, a smile on her face.

"So where to now Sophia? Wanna head back to the adventurers guild building and try to get another job before lunchtime? I'd say we could handle that one to investigate that old cave before then, depending on how deep it runs. But we should bring torches or lanterns, because my magic light isn't very powerful, just barely enough to see by really," Agnes asked once they were back out of the tanner's shop.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

The day was still young and flush from her victory Sophia was up for more. "Sounds like a plan but first lets tend to these scratches. I would rather they not get infected. Ill go wash them out while you get the info meet me back in the inn." Smiling Sophia went to get the wounds cleaned up abit and if asked will tell them about the fight in the woods and saving the girl. Leaving out the angelic bits. Once the wound was cleaned she would wait for Agnes before they headed to the cave.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Alright then Sophia, I've got a few bandages in my stuff back in the room and some stuff to clean that," Agnes told Sophia, leaving her to head back to the inn while she went to check the details on the other mission to check out the cave.

Leaving her there, Agnes went on to the guild hall while Sophia went to the inn once more. When she got there, Sophia saw Michael waving her over to him where he was sitting. "Did you hear Sophia? There was a girl that went missing sometime last night. Those two guys that came in when you two were leaving earlier had just come from searching all through the night for her," Michael asked Sophia when she came over to his desk after coming in.


After answering Michael however she wished and finished talking, Sophia could head on up to her's and Agnes' room and get herself cleaned up a bit, bandaging her scratches a bit while Agnes got their details for the exploration of the cave to the north.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Ahh yes we heared Michael thank you for sharing. No need to worry anyone else though. Agnes and I rescued her just a short hour ago. See I even got battle wounds to show for it." Showing off her injuries proudly Sophia accidently lifted her armor higher than need be and gave Michael a view of underboob. "We are going to head out again in a moment. Im just gonna get these bandages and clean." With that Sophia would smile and head up to take care of the injury before meeting back wiht Agnes.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Oh... I see. The way those rangers were talking about it made it seem like she'd never be found, or if she was then she wouldn't be in good health. And... whoa those uh... those scratches look pretty bad. I hope Agnes didn't get hurt any," Michael replied, stuttering a bit as his face turned a little red while spying Sophia's underboob when she lifted her armor a bit. "Do uh... would you need someone to um... you know, help you get them bandaged?" he quickly asked as she was heading on upstairs, obviously a bit flustered by the sight she'd given him and a bit hopeful as he asked if she needed his help, though it was of course up to her how she answered.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia smiled. "Agnes is fine not scatch on her. Ill let her know that you where woried though. As for these no worries I can bandange them quickly. Though if you would have some hot soapy water sent to my room that would be great." Heading up to the room Sophia removed the armor and put on a light shirt which did little to hid the fact she was going braless, but would let her clean the wounds without any interferance from her armor.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Well that's good I guess, but I can get the water for you no problem. I'll bring it up myself," Michael said, heading off to get Sophia a bowl of warm soapy water.

Once upstairs, Sophia had her armor off fairly quickly and soon had herself ready to clean the scratches she'd sustained in the fight. A couple of minutes later Sophia heard a knock on the door just as she finished getting her armor off and her shirt on. When she answered it she'd find Michael holding a large bowl of warm soapy water and he had a couple of washcloths.

"Here's the water you asked for. Are you sure you don't need any help? It looks like it'd be tough to bandage yourself up, or I could get my sister to help," Michael said when she opened the door, handing her the bowl of water and again asking if she needed help getting bandaged up.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia took the bowl of warm water and set it down on a table. "Oh and what would your mother say about being alone in a room with an attractive girl humm?" Sophia paused a moment before she giggled slightly. "Come on its gonna be hard to bandage this all by myself but any funny buisness and you'll need them more than me." If that didn't scare him off Sophia would take the cloth and wash her wounds making sure to get them cleaned well wincing as the warm water and soup touched her open wounds. When that was done she offered one of the bandage rolls to Michael. Placing the wound dressing on the scratches she waited for Michael to start the first wrap around before she spoke again. "Ya know Miachael if you like Agnes so much you should ask her out on a date. We won't be staying long so its best to at lest try." Sophia knew that Agnes would probably turn him down but she had a plan for that besides he was such a nice boy might as well let him enjoy a harmless fantasy.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"What... no, I'd never do something like that, and my mother and father both always be honorable and help girls out, especially if they're hurt," Michael said, his face flushing a bit.

Michael watched her clean the scratches, not making a move towards while she did so, and when she finished cleaning them he waited for her to put on the linen dressing. They stung only a little bit as she washed them off thankfully, but they had broken the skin enough to have small dots of blood on some of the places, perhaps when Agnes got back she could use her magics a bit on her and accelerate her healing. Once she the dressing in place, Michael cautiously wrapped the bandage around her waist, making sure not to touch her skin with his hands if he could help it. He had it wrapped around her and tied off within a minute or so, where he then backed away from her and nodded his head to her, giving her the chance to stretch out a bit.

"W-What... you think she... she really would?" he asked in a flustered tone, looking a little hopeful at Sophia's words and obviously not having a lot of confidence in himself.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"No harm in trying Michael. Ill even put in a good word for you okay." Getting up Sophia moved over to her armor and looked to Michael. If he looked like he would linger longer she would gently clear her throat and incline her head to the door. Hopefully he got the hint and would leave while she got back into kit.

Once that was done she would head downstairs and seek out Agnes to let her know that she should go out on a date with Michael. It would be fun and get her refamilarized with mortal culture. Not to mention he had been very helpful and it would serve as a reward and such.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Alright then Sophia... I will. Thank you," Michael said to Sophia, looking as if something had stirred inside of him to give him confidence when she spoke and said she'd talk to Agnes. It took Michael a few moments to get hint to leave, him not getting it until she cleared her throat at him. "Oh sorry, I'll go now," he added before scurrying out the door, shutting it behind him.

By the time she got back into her armor and was preparing to head on back down, she heard a soft knock on the door before it opened, revealing Agnes to her who came in. "Hey, I'm back now. You get patched up yet?" Agnes said as she shut the door behind her, coming over to Sophia and checking her side to make sure the bandage was in place good, where she began to use her healing magics on Sophia's side after pulling the side of her armor up enough to get at it, her hands brushing against Sophia's skin as she did. "I got the details of the job, and apparently there's been a search group that went out to explore the place, but they met with some resistance in the form of sealed off passages and whatnot, so they couldn't get through. The mayor is the one that's asking for anyone with the abilities to break through the barriers or whatever is preventing exploration of the place, as it's new and they want to know if it's dangerous or not, or if it can be used to mine and whatnot. The pay is two hundred and fifty gold, with a bonus of an additional fifty for each item that might be intriguing or magical, and for every vein of metals that can be found to mine," Agnes went on to say, stating their objectives as per the request, finishing her look over Sophia's side.

"All in all it doesn't sound overly dangerous, but it has the potential to be so we ought to be on guard, because if there's something sealing the place then it must be magical... at least that's what I think anyway," Agnes said as she stood back up, sounding cautious but eager to explore the place it seemed.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Yeah see right as rain. Michael helped with the bandages. I think he did a good job." Sophia let Agnes inspect the job and use her healing magic for an extra boost. "So the question is can we break through the barriers. You are the only one I know with magic abilities Agnes. Think your up to it?" Letting Agnes answer Sophia would casual drop her next comment right after. "You know Michael has been very helpful maybe we should reward him. How about you go with him on a date. It will be a good chance to relax and reaquaint yourself with mortal culture. Not to mention I think he has a crush on you."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Well that was nice of him. And he did do a pretty good job on the bandaging. Tight enough to hold good but not too tight," Agnes said as she inspected the bandage. When Sophia asked if she thought they could break any barriers and whatnot within the caves, Agnes nodded a bit. "Hmm... well I'm not overly great with magics of any kinds save healing. But I do know a few small tricks that might help us force a barrier open," she added, looking confident that her abilities would work still, but there was a hint of unsureness in her eyes from what Sophia could see.

When Sophia spoke up again about Michael, Agnes glanced over at her as she sat down on her bed for a moment to rest her feet. As soon as Sophia mentioned that Agnes should go on a date with Michael though, Agnes' eyes widened as her cheeks flushed. "W-What... a d-date? S-Sophia I've never been a d-date before... I wouldn't even know what to do. And... w-why does he have a crush on me? Why don't you go with him instead?" Agnes replied, obviously embarrassed and flustered from both her lack of knowledge and the fact she was still so innocent.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Well first off I have no idea why he has a crush on you. Though you are pretty and really really sweet. Secondly a date would be good for you. And the last and probably the most important reason. He likes you more than me. As for the date itself I wouldn't worry to much about it though. It might just be a walk in the park or even a small dinner. Just be yourself and don't get carried away."
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Agnes simply blushed at Sophia's words, still obviously unsure of going on the date, but she seemed to relent enough to go ahead and do it. "A-Alright Sophia, if you're sure it'll be alright. I don't know what I'd do to get carried away though. But I wouldn't mind lunch or dinner I guess, though we have another dinner to go to tonight, so it'd have to be tomorrow," Agnes replied, blushing still, but not saying no. "A-Anyway though, let's get to work, we have a cavern to explore after all," she added, standing up and straightening her leather armor around properly and preparing to head on out when Sophia was ready.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Thankfully Sophia was already mostly ready. Heading down after Agnes Sophia wondered what they would find in the cave. It was strange that it was sealed so and for the first time she wondered perhapse they might need some help. "Hey Agnes do you think we should get some extra help in the cave. I mean if its sealed it has to be holding something at bay."