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Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Hmm, I'd not want to risk anyone else by taking them with us, besides anyone that went with us would surely see our wings if we ended up fighting any thing in there. But you're right that it probably is holding something within... though what that is I don't know. We'll know more once we open the place up though I'm sure," Agnes replied, seeming to have recomposed herself for the moment as they left their room and headed on out.

As they passed Michael's desk in the reception hall below, he waved at them, perking up as he noticed Agnes glancing his way and waving back, then just as suddenly as she did that, Agnes blushed and turned to quickly walk out, leaving Sophia in the dust for the moment. Michael looked partially stunned and partially pleased a bit that Agnes had blushed like she had when looking at him and then quickly walked on out.

After Sophia had made her way out, once she'd said whatever she liked to Michael, Agnes would lead the way on to the north, following the road until they had got out of sight of the town. Once they were out of sight of the town, Agnes would bring her wings out and fly the rest of the way to the cave they were headed for unless Sophia didn't want to, apparently wanting to get there quicker.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia smiled at the exchange and waved at Michael as well before following her friend out. As they walked out of town Agnes seemed in a hurry. Watching as her friend took the air Sophia frowned. Was she upset about something? They hadn't spoke threw the short trip. "Dimitte meis" With lose words her wings sprang back to life. Giving them a streching flap she took to the air in hot pursuit of Agnes.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

When Sophia caught up to Agnes once she took flight, she would see that Agnes was blushing quite profusely, likely over the date that Sophia had persuaded her to go ahead and accept with Michael for when he asked. Agnes glanced over at Sophia as they flew through the air, still blushing a bit.

"Um... sorry about that back there, I just... I couldn't look at him with a straight face, a-and I was afraid that I'd say something stupid and make myself looks like a fool," Agnes said as they went. "But... w-we can't worry about that now, we have to handle the task at hand and focus on it, else... we may be unable to do it," she added, trying to focus on the task at hand it seemed, though it was obvious she was still embarrassed by the way she was blushing.

A few minutes after that, they landed outside the entrance to the cavern they were to explore, the entrance being quite large considering. The cavern looked a bit ominous as they landed in front of it, dark and dank mostly, but other than there was a slight hint of... magical energies, though what kind they couldn't tell without going inside. "Well, here we are I guess. You feel the magical energies Sophia? I know I do," Agnes said as she stepped up to the threshold of the cavern.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia put a hand on Agnes's shoulder. "Yes lets focus now. Clear your head for whats ahead Agnes alright. The cave is sealed and is not going anywhere. We both need to be at the peak of our skill." Smiling Sophia would kneel and meditatie a moment letting her thoughts clear out preparing for a possible fight. When they both where ready they would head in.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Aye, I know. Hmm... what sort of seal is on it I wonder?" Agnes replied, asking nobody in particular and merely asking the question aloud.

Once Sophia was ready, with Agnes standing around and waiting for her to finish meditating, the two stepped inside the cavern, where Agnes held her hand aloft and out shone a dim light, enough to see by easily enough, but likely not enough to read by unless she held it close to whatever they were wanting to read. Inside the girls could see the path lead steadily downwards a little bit and suddenly Agnes let shine a few second burst of bright light that lit the whole interior of the cavern around them for about 5 or 6 seconds almost as if the sun shone in with them.

For the few seconds they could see, the girls noticed the plain brown and black rocky walls about the area as they walked along, and up ahead they saw the dead end that they'd been told about. When the light died back down, Agnes brought the light back up from before so they could see still.

"Hmm... let's see now, um... hey Sophia come here a sec," Agnes said as she looked around at the walls about them at the dead end before calling over to Sophia to come closer. When she did come closer, Agnes reached into her backpack and pulled out a stick that she'd notice was a torch which Agnes then touched her hand to and muttered a few soft words that Sophia didn't catch before pulling it away and Sophia would see the torch catching flame as her hand let go of it.

"Well that's most of my knowledge of magical powers or spells right there, all of those really. I can do a few others, but nothing like the mage corp can do obviously," Agnes said before turning back to study the walls some more. "Look for anything odd that doesn't look like it belongs alright," Agnes added as she began looking the walls over, beginning on the left side of the room from where they came in, the torch giving off enough light for them to do so if Sophia wished to.

While Agnes was on her side of the room, Sophia could begin looking around on the opposite side or the middle, whichever she liked. After a few minutes of searching about the room though, with Agnes nearing the middle bit of the wall, Sophia would spot something that looked like it was engraved in the right wall, which looked like an arrow pointing back the way they came.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Hey Agnes look I found an arrow?" Sophia would point out the strange marking. "Dosn't seem to be well lit enough for it to be directions. What do you think?"
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Hmm... well let's follow it back a bit then, since it seems to be pointing back down the corridor we came in from," Agnes said before doing just that.

Holding her hand aloft, Agnes shone her light out upon the walls about them, looking closely at the walls of the corridor. "Look close for anything, because I doubt that would have been put there like that without a good reason. Probably for a hidden switch or something of that sort... maybe," Agnes said as she investigated the wall on one side, leaving Sophia to the other side.

After a few minutes of searching, Agnes finally spoke up again, having been deep in thought as she searched for anything really to help them out. "Aha... found something. Another arrow, pointing... up. Okay then, what's up here?" Agnes said, looking up at the ceiling and reaching up with her hands to feel around.

As she did this, Sophia would hear a click after a few seconds, then a soft rumbling occurred around them and shook the place some, sounding like it was coming from back at the dead end room, though it subsided soon after. Agnes led the way back, where once they'd returned they saw a passage had opened up, just large enough for something about twice their size to go through, and perhaps something a bit larger if it squeezed. "Huh... weird. A hidden room where the switch was hidden by magical means, but the door itself wasn't. This is... strange. Obviously this was built through magical means, but I figured that the door would have been magically sealed up tight," Agnes said... looking a bit curious and a little bit disturbed by this discovery.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia stepped infront of Agnes. "Maybe they didn't have time." Readying her weapon Sophia kept her eyes open and headed down the new passage.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Or they simply didn't want to draw attention to themselves through magical means. I mean even weaker mages can usually detect magics like this, though I'm not an actual mage myself and thus couldn't as I only know a few small spells," Agnes said, tapping her chin a couple of times with her index finger before following Sophia's lead down the new path laid open before them.

Heading down the darkened path, Agnes lit their way with her light while Sophia carried the torch and aided in lighting their path. They soon came to a crossroads of sorts where the road split off into 3 different directions, one steadily going down it looked like, while one went steadily upwards, and the last stayed mostly straight. Agnes looked at all three paths and leaned her head into each passageway and sniffed the air.

"Hmm... which way do you think Sophia? The air doesn't smell right down the left tunnel, but the other two I can't really tell, other than they don't smell as foul as that one," Agnes asked, obviously curious which way Sophia wanted to go as she checked each passageway.


Tentacle God
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Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

The left tunnel seemed to head down and if the air was foul Sophia doubted she wanted to go their just yet. "Lets check the one going up and see if we find anything." Looking about Sophia frowned. "Keep your blade ready. Do you want to lead or should I make sure we don't get jumped from behind.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Aye, I agree, and hmm... I'll take the lead for now, my magic light is softer on the eyes and doesn't night blind us as much," Agnes replied before taking the lead and heading into the path leading steadily up, holding her left hand aloft where the soft blueish light lit their way.

As they went along, the tunnel tightened up a bit on them, which would prevent them from flying anywhere at all really should the need arise. "Darn... the tunnel's getting tighter in on us Sophia... let's pull our wings in close for now, but if it gets any tighter we'll have to put them away for the time being," Agnes said a couple of minutes later as the tunnel tightened in on them a bit.

Thankfully the tunnel didn't squeeze in enough on them to make them have to draw their wings in with their little spells, but it did draw in tight on them for a minute or so, making it difficult to push forward without doing so. But after that it widened back out and they found themselves in a larger pathway that soon opened up into a large rectangular chamber with a door on the far side and one door on either side of them. As they walked into the chamber a few steps, Sophia felt a loose stone underfoot depress into the ground and with a clanking sound resounding through the room before the door behind them shut tight, locking them within.

"W-What... no," Agnes cried as she jumped back to the door to try and catch it, likely with Sophia, though they would be unable to stop it from shutting. Slamming her fist into the door once, Agnes looked to Sophia. "There must be a way to open it, we should keep going. We can't afford to be get depressed you know," Agnes went on to say, though she was obviously scared of being trapped inside these caves. If Sophia wanted to comfort Agnes somehow then she could, but she could also take the lead now and lead them onwards to show she wasn't scared to make Agnes feel better too.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

As the stone slide down and trapped them Sophia sighed. "Well at lest we are trapped together right." Sophia offered a weak smile before searching the room for another switch. If she didn't find she would weight her options. Three doors..... "Lets head left first Agnes Ill go first you keep that light going." With that Sophia would head in the indicated direction.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"I suppose... I'd rather be outside though. I just... don't like being trapped in an unknown place, especially one where our kin don't know we're at," Agnes said, still looking worried, though knowing that Sophia was with her and not panicking seemed to keep her friend calm for the time being.

As Sophia began searching the large room for another lever or switch to open the doors again, Agnes joined her, but to no avail as there wasn't one in there to be had. Nodding when Sophia spoke up again, Agnes followed along closely behind her, raising the amount of light radiating from her hand and shining it over Sophia's shoulder so she could see in front of them better as they went. They eventually made their way down the winding tunnel until they heard water flowing, and soon after that they emerged into a large cavern with an underground river flowing through, likely part of the one that flowed through town.

"Wow... it's... it's beautiful Sophia. Look at the rocks up there," Agnes said, shining her light up to the nearby wall where they saw gemstones embedded within the walls, red rubies and blue sapphires from the looks of it, and some emeralds as well on the opposite wall of the path they came from. On the far side of the water as Agnes shined her light around, Sophia could make out what appeared to be an alcove with a path leading through, though they would have to fly to get over there as the water looked quite deep considering.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia hugged her worried friend. "Well be fine Agnes. Just trust in the divines and well make it out okay." Following the path she picked they soon came to rather beuitiful cave. "Wow this is pretty. When we get back Im gonna insits that this part be called Agnes's cave." Smiling Sophia Streched her wings out and went over the water to inspect the alcove.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"I certainly hope so Sophia. We should be very careful though," Agnes said, returning the hug Sophia gave her and seeming to calm down even more at Sophia's touch as their breasts pressed against each other through their armors.


Agnes blushed at Sophia's words of what to name this cave, looking away a little bashfully as she blushed. "I... thanks Sophia. That's really nice," Agnes said after a few seconds before watching Sophia as she stretched her wings out to fly over the water. "Be careful okay, I'll take a look around this area here and see if there's anything else about," she went on to say as Sophia headed off across the water.

On her way across the river, which was only about 25-30 feet across or so, Sophia saw the water down below had a ripple in it just underneath her... but nothing was there to have caused it to do so. "Wow this water looks so beautiful, and around the edges you can see all the way to the bottom. I'll bet it's really cool too being underground like this," Sophia would hear Agnes say as she set off across the waters after noticing the ripple nearby in the water, her friend making to step out ankle deep into the water after slipping her boots off to cool her feet and likely to help calm her down a bit more.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Agnes I think I saw something in the water. It could be dangerous please step away." Sophia did her best to sound calm not wanting to disturb Agnes to much. Eyes watching the water Sophia found it to be really clear but couldn't find the source of the ripple. Still something was here she just knew it and she redoubled her efforts to spot it.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Hmm? Oh... yeah alright, don't wanna get my wings all soggy and watered down, won't be able to fly then," Agnes replied as she looked up at Sophia, backing away from the water a couple of steps after the warning.

Watching the water as she flew over it, Sophia noticed another ripple nearer to Agnes' position, then another even nearer than that a few seconds later. Then she noticed another ripple coming closer to her position as well. It seemed that there were at least two somethings in the water, but what those somethings were they couldn't tell.

"Sophia... I think I see something too. Be careful out there okay, I'll see if I can draw whatever it is up onto the land here where I'll have the advantage," Agnes called back to Sophia, not noticing the thing closer to her but apparently seeing the one closer to Sophia as she stepped cautiously into the water, stamping her foot down to make the water splash and draw attention away from Sophia.

As soon as Agnes did this, the rippling coming towards Sophia stopped where it was and made a beeline towards Agnes, while the one she hadn't noticed moved faster towards Agnes.

(Poor Agnes failed her perception check to spot the one nearer to her but noticed the one closer to Sophia and is more worried about her. XD)


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"GET OUT OF THE WATER!" Sophia banked sharply attempting to intercept Agnes before the unknow thing reached her first. It would be close one and hopefully Agnes headed her warning. Weapon at the ready just in case she was to late Sophia would dive on the attacker.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

As soon as Sophia shouted, the water went dead still for a few moments, as if whatever had been in there went deep under the water. Agnes turned her light towards Sophia and stepped back cautiously as she drew her sword, waving her hand up into the air a bit as she brightened her mage light up and set it aloft a few feet above her to shine over the whole of the area around her so she could see. It was fairly bright light, enough for them to read by now.

"Can you see anything Sophia?" Agnes called and asked Sophia who was still in the air and had the better view of the area, though Sophia couldn't make anything out from her vantage point even though the water was quite clear.

Agnes was still ankle deep in the water, but nothing was coming for her any longer from the looks of it, so she was figuring it was safe enough to not worry about getting completely out just yet. "Alright I'm coming to you Sophia, at the very least if I get grabbed then you might be able to free me before anything bad happens," Agnes said cautiously, flapping her wings and taking flight to follow Sophia over to the other side, looking quite creeped out by what had just happened.

Nothing else happened before they landed, though the ripples returned a few seconds before they did so and followed them over to the edge of the water as Agnes hurried on through the path she spotted once they landed, ushering Sophia on through as well just as the ripples got to the very edge of the water... but nothing came up and the ripples moved away just as Agnes' mage light dissipated from the air and she conjured it back up in her hand as it had been before at a low intensity so it didn't blind them. "Okay that was creepy, I don't know what those ripples were but I honestly couldn't care less," Agnes said as they exited the river room and made their way into a long winding tunnel.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia looked back at the water as it faded into gloom. "Maybe they where a type of elemental?" It was a puzzleing question but one Sophia didn't have an answer for. Focusing her gaze forward she looked to what they would face next.