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Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

The younger lamia maid that brought the tea in quickly returned with some iced water for Sophia, handing it to her before slithering off to the back of the room, awaiting orders or if anyone needed her for anything. When Sophia showed herself as an angel to Ganesha, Agnes did as well, muttering the little incantation that they did to hide them, and as they showed themselves in their full forms Ganesha's eyes went a bit wide, though not quite as much as Sophia thought they would.

"Ah... angels... I see. Well perhaps our time to return to the surface is nigh then. For you see, lady Viridiana told us that a sign would come to show us our way, and that this sign would help to unite our peoples and unite the mortals above together as one," Ganesha told the two angels, putting her hands together and entwining her fingers together too in unison with one another, to express her meaning for unification. "So that we may all live in harmony with the land. I feel that the two of you are the sign we've been hoping for for many years now. We wish to see the sun again and live under its beauty once more. These caverns are beautiful in their own way, but being able to feel the soft grass under our feet or bellies in our cases again would simply be breathtaking for any of our peoples, as no one in any of the villages lifetimes has walked on the surface before, save lady Viridiana," Ganesha went on to say.

"Um... so I guess that we'd need to speak to this lady Viridiana then?" Agnes asked curiously.

"Aye, she can aid you, she has told me before that she's seen angels before and spoken to them. But she's never really told me what she's spoken to them about. But I'm sure she can help you out," Ganehsa replied with a nod. "Miriam... have one of our mages contact lady Viridiana through means of a sending to find out her whereabouts. In the meantime while we await her reply, Lydia here can show you two around our village, unless you'd like to take some rest here in my abode that is, in which case I would be honored to have you both as my guests," Ganesha went on to say, bowing politely to both of the angels.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia looked to Agnes letting her decided if they wanted to stay or go. Drinking from her water Sophia would instead ask a couple of questions. "So who is this Lady Viridiana. She must be long lived to have sheltered your people for this long?" Indeed if it had been as long as Ganesha claimed then they where either dealing with a very powerful wizard of sorts or very powerful creature of nature. It could be of couse something far more sinister but given the nature of the creatures she had seen and their attitude she hoped for the best. She of course wanted to ask about the sign as Sophia doubted that Agnes and herself could be it. After all they more than accidently stumbled upon them.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Hmm... how to describe lady Viridiana... that's tough actually. I believe she's one of the high fey, or if not that then an elf with powerful magics, and I say this mostly because she has pointy ears," Ganesha replied to Sophia's question of what Viridiana was.

"Well... we weren't actually coming here specifically to your caverns. We were simply exploring these caverns as Sophia here said, we're trying to gather enough money in doing this to get to a fairly far away place, we're hunting a demon you see, one that did something to Sophia. So it's a matter of justice for the two of us more so than a hunt," Agnes said to Ganesha, looking a bit apologetic to the lamia elder. "So I don't think that we're your signs lady Ganesha... or if we are then we're not aware of it. Not that we won't try to help if we can of course, I'm merely saying," she added.

"Ah... well even still angels blessing us with their presence is a sign of good things regardless I'd say," Ganesha replied, looking a bit disappointed by Agnes' words, but not mad or anything at what she'd said. "Anyway though, rest a while until lady Viridiana replies to our message that you would like to speak with her," she went on to say, clapping her hands and having some more tea and water brought out along with some other refreshments, such as some assorted fruits for them to snack on while they waited.

Agnes looked over at Sophia and shrugged before taking her tea and getting another drink, then she reached down and picked up an apple and bit into it. Agnes' eyes lit up as she bit into the apple. "Mmm... this is delicious... I've never tasted an apple so sweet. Sophia, you've got to try one, here," Agnes said, grasping another apple and handing it to Sophia.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia took the rather impressive fruit and looked at it a moment. She had always liked apples and in truth it was one of the few things she had leard to bake into pies and other sweet treats. Still this fruit was mighty impressive and it brought to question how in the world did they grow this underground. Polishing it a bit Sophia asked in that regards. "Elder Ganesha how did you grow such a magnificent apple underground." Waiting for her answers Sophia found herself more relaxed than she had before. Clearly this Lady Virdinia was not a bad person and while lamia sometimes had a bad reputation these seemed nice. Smiling she took a bite of the apple.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

As she bit into the apple an explosion of flavor erupted into her mouth, the taste was simply perfect. Sophia would likely believe that these apples would be the perfect ones to use to make apple pies that even the gods themselves would envy, and she probably wouldn't be far off on that assumption. Ganesha smiled at her and let her taste the apple before replying to the question though. "Hmhm, well magic of course dear... nature magics to be exact. We have a few shamans and whatnot amongst out people, and they can help us with rituals that make food grow amazingly fast and it's very nutritious even though no sunlight gets to it," Ganesha replied finally, taking an apple herself and biting into it and savoring the taste.

Agnes in the meantime was already starting on her second apple, having devoured every last bite of the first one save the apple core. She looked much calmer now after what had happened earlier with the near rape that would have otherwise happened had Lydia not come along when she did. "Mmm, these are great. What about these grapes? Oh gods they taste delicious too," Agnes said, reaching out and grabbing a couple of the grapes on the platter and eating them, obviously loving them too.

"Do you have any other questions dearie?" Ganesha asked Sophia while Agnes was enjoying the fruits brought out for them.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Not at the moment Elder Ganesha you have put my concerns to rest." Sophia enjoyed her apple not pigging out like Agnes. It was something to pick on her friend about later though so Sophia smiled. While they waited Sophia engaged her hosts in some light conversation. Mostly talking about how they go about their lives in the underground city they had here.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Ganesha was a very good host for the girls, chatting politely back and forth with Sophia and telling her a bit of their day to day activities throughout their respective town. Such as making sure the underground river was clear and safe near to the town, that the food that was grown thanks to the shamans was collected and stored properly, and that some traveled between the other villages that were friendly to do trade, especially with the driders she mentioned, as they traded for their spidery silk to use for ropes and after treating it with some alchemical reagents they made it possible for it to be used as silk cloth for clothing.

A few minutes later, Miriam slithered back into the chamber where she looked over to Ganesha. "Elder Ganesha, lady Viridiana replied and said that she would meet them in the Slime girls village, as she was near there when we contacted her," Miriam said upon coming in.

"Ah good good, the slime girls are friendly to most if not all outsiders. And they aren't too very far away from us here," Ganesha said, nodding her head before looking back to Sophia and Agnes. "Well ladies... I'll have one of my girls escort you there if you like. But you can follow the northern road out of town to get there if you'd rather go yourselves. There's a fork in the path to the north just like the one to the drider's village you passed with Lydia on the way in, take the right path from the fork and you ought to arrive there within half an hour or so, probably less if you both fly along the paths. Be careful though if you go alone, there are some rogues from our villages that roam about the paths and ambush travelers along them," Ganesha went on to say to the pair of angels, telling the which ways to go if they decided to go it alone.

"Well what do you think Sophia? Sounds easy enough, and so long as we don't have to go through anymore watery areas like before I think we could handle it ourselves honestly," Agnes asked Sophia, giving her opinion and seeming to not want Ganesha to send help with them, likely Agnes' pride in being an angelic warrior playing a big part of her decision.

OOC: (For reference Miriam , Ganesha )
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Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia nodded in agreement with Agnes. "You've been more than hospitable with us Lady Ganesha. We don't want to trouble any of your people further. Please give our thanks to Lydia and thank you for the food and refreshments." Sophia stood up and bowed to the snake woman before turning to Agnes and waiting for her.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Very well dearie, but do be careful alright. I'd hate to have to be the one to say to guests that we allowed two angels to be accosted near our fair little town," Ganesha replied to Sophia, looking a tad bit worried about the two but allowing them to leave out alone since they seemed to wish to do so. "As I said just follow the path and you should be alright. If anyone or anything attacks you along the way, don't hesitate to fight back with all your might okay, because they won't hold back on you most likely," she added with a nod before waving to them as Agnes got up and stretched, bowing politely afterwards and looking to Sophia to lead the way.

Heading on out they traveled through the village, with Sophia noticing several awed eyes looking their way, some filled with want, some awed, and some that were very respectful... all of these looked like older lamias for the most part from what Sophia could see. They weren't accosted though by any of the lamias, however a few here and there were obviously trying to get better looks at them from either up high or slithering lower to the ground to try and steal glances either up their battle skirts or down the tops of their armor and into their cleavages.

"Sophia... what are they doing exactly? That's like the fourth one I've seen making herself up real high compared to the others, and one of them back there was real low to the ground, like she was looking for something," Agnes asked curiously, her friend's innocence showing itself a bit as she looked to sincerely not know why they were doing what they were doing.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia blushed she knew what they where doing as she had spent plenty of time among the mortals. It was the main reason she often went out in full cloak and avoided towns when she could. "Well.. Agnes... they are just really curious. I bet they havn't seen angels before. They must just want to see if we are like them at all." It was a half assed responce but.. she couldn't say much with out embarrasing her or Agnes on the matter.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Oh... well if they want to see me, they only have to ask. But we're busy now, so... yeah," Agnes said, glancing down at one of the lamias that was slithering low to her feet and peeking up her skirt. "Um... excuse me... if you like I can show you what I look like in full without my armor on. But... we're busy right now, and we must meet with this lady Viridiana. So when we come back through I wouldn't mind showing you my true form," Agnes said to the younger looking blonde lamia that was between her legs looking up obviously at her panties.

"Really? Okay, I'll tell the girls. We'd love to see you, an angel in your full form," the lamia said with an excited look on her face as she slithered off to the other few lamia that Sophia had spotted stealing looks up their skirts and down their cleavages.

"Okay, now that's taken care of, we can focus on the task at hand," Agnes said after the lamia was gone, and after that none of the others tried to sneak looks at them.

Heading on out of town, the duo made their way to the north, where they soon came upon the fork Ganesha mentioned. "You know, I wonder what's down that other direction. Maybe we could explore this place in greater detail tomorrow or something, like make a day of it or something. I'm curious just how many other races there are down here other than the lamias and stuff," Agnes said as they got to the fork, looking down the direction Ganesha had told them not to go for a few moments before gesturing for Sophia to lead the way on down the path she'd said to take.

They made decent time, having been going for about 10 minutes or so and they seemed to have gotten close to the halfway point round about. Just ahead they saw a sign carved into the stone wall, saying, "Slime girl village, 2 miles east, Lamia village 2 miles west."

"Well just a couple of more miles or so, let's keep going and we ought to be there soon enough," Agnes said as they looked at the sign.

With that, Agnes took the lead this time as they kept going, and as they were walking along, Agnes was looking back to Sophia. "So... Sophia... um... when we get back to our room tonight. Do um... do you want to continue what we were talking about and doing earlier before we left?" Agnes said as they walked along, a deep blush creeping up her cheeks as she stammered a moment or two, like she was afraid to say what she was about to say or simply too flustered to. Finally after a few moments she of trying to speak, she stopped still, took a deep breath in and let it out slowly before opening her eyes back up and looking right at Sophia. "I uh... well... I'm curious... a-about how much y-you know about those k-kinds of things. T-There I said it... finally. W-What you were doing before though... it... it felt kinda good... no... it felt really good. A-And I uh... I want to know more... of the things I never knew before. And... well... I love you Sophia... so I want to experience those things with you," she added finally, the blush only deepening more as she spoke.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia blushed as Agnes basically agreed to pose nude for the rather lustful Lamia's. She would of course have to make sure that it remained just that posing and to make sure that Agnes wasn't assulted or anything.. not she wouldn't mind seeming her friend nude. Sophia's face deepened its blush as she tried to clear her head Thankfully the fork in the road proved a distraction she needed. "I bet it leads to the driders Lydia spoke of sense we didn't see an alternate route on our way in."

Once out of town and halfway to their destination Agnes brought up their time at the inn again causing Sophia to blush again. Looking away to hide it Sophia nodded at Agnes. "I-I want to do those things with you too. I love you Agnes. B-But this is not the time or place to talk about it...." Moving quickly Sophia kissed Agnes to hush anymore questions. "Lets just keep going okay stay still will draw alot of attention. Remember Genasha said their could be bandits about."
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Hmm, probably does. But... didn't that other path leading in lead to their village? I believe Lydia said that it did if I recall correctly, when we came to that other fork in the path coming in," Agnes replied, tapping her chin with her index finger.

"W-Well... I mean, we're pretty much alone... so I figured it was one of the best places to talk honestly. And... well it's helping to take my mind off other things, and... mmm..." Agnes began saying when Sophia leaned in to kiss her as she replied to Agnes' question of continuing what they'd started earlier, the gorgeous redhead leaning into the kiss a bit, where her eyes Sophia would see were a little dewy which made them shimmer beautifully. "Mmm... okay Sophia... let's go then. I... I really like it when you kiss me," Agnes went on to say as they started moving onwards again.

After another minute of walking or so, Agnes looked over at Sophia again and blushed, biting her bottom lip softly as she stared at Sophia. "H-Hey Sophia... um... why do you think those lamias want to see me in my full form?" Agnes asked curiously, the thought not occurring to her that they actually were wanting to see her naked.

While she was staring at Sophia they kept on walking, the pair turned a corner where the path rounded about and then turned again as it wound around and Agnes who was a few steps ahead of Sophia walked face first into a sticky web of some sort, letting out a surprised squeal. "Eek... w-what the... what is this?" Agnes said, trying to fight and get free of the stuff, which had stuck to most of her front side and a bit on her wings.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia blushed at the question. "I really think they are just curious Agnes." For a moment they walk on in silence Sophia once more eyeing Agnes's butt which in turn heated her cheeks. She was being naughty but couldn't help it. Thankfully or conveniantly a distraction stop her mind from drifting to far.

"Agnes whoa... stop.. its a web don't struggle it will make it worse." It was likely a trap and as skilled as Sophia thought she was such ambush tactics would wear her down. Acting fast her glaive made several fast cuts the first few freeing Agnes's arms so she could cut herself free.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Ick... get it off me Sophia, it's getting in my wings," Agnes whined in a panicked tone as her wings did indeed get some more of the sticky webbing in them too, now a good bit on the front of them. "I... I know it's a web... g-get it off me, it's so sticky," she whined further, her head turning a bit to look at Sophia who saw a strand of the sticky white webbing going across Agnes' face that looked like a rope of cum, which Sophia would remember from her time with Azalea the succubus when Azalea made her look in a mirror at herself.

As Sophia pulled her glaive up and swung it down at the webbing, with Agnes holding still while she did so in order to prevent losing a wing or something in the process. Sophia's shallow cuts on the webbing cut Agnes free enough where she was able to pull her large sword out to begin getting herself free. Out of the corner of her eye though Sophia noticed a shadowy figure up near the ceiling and a pair of glowing reddish eyes were at the head of whatever it was she saw. Just as Agnes managed to cut herself free, though the webs were still hindering her movements somewhat, the figure dropped from the ceiling down, landing just behind Agnes and bumping her, causing her to fall down where Sophia saw the form of a redheaded drider holding what looked to be a spear.

"My my, such pretty little flies for my web today. I shall take great pleasure in tying you both up and playing with you," the drider said with a mischievous grin on her lips as she licked them. Agnes had fallen to the ground, her wings and most of her front covered in the sticky webbing, which Sophia would know easily that Agnes would be less mobile than she was for the time being, but she was still trying to struggle and get up to her feet despite this.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia blushed recalling how she had licked the sticky cum off her face and what she couldn't get with her tongue the succubus fed her with her finger. The thought both shamed her and aroused her slightly. Thankfully their ambusher made herself known. Spinning about Sophia was to slow to stop Agnes from getting furthered tangled but was able to meet the attacker head on. The drider had made a mistake in not trying to bind Sophia and take her out of the fight. Sparing no words Sophia let loose with a pair of attacks in an attempt to subdue the drider not kill her. After all she had questions and should be turned over to the law of the land.

Sophia rp status
Lust 3/10
Embarrisment 4/10
Purity 9/10
Resolve 9/10
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia: 8 vs 20 drider, miss
Agnes: takes -2 from being caught in the webbing, rolled a total of 1 vs 10 drider, miss

Drider: 11 vs 16 Sophia, miss, and 7 vs 12 Agnes to web her some more, so miss

Sophia: 5 vs 1 drider, hit for 1 FP dmg
Agnes: manages to get free of the webbing enough to not take the -2 attack and defense anymore, rolled 20 vs 18 drider, hit for 1 FP dmg

Drider: 17 vs 14 Sophia, hit for 1 FP dmg, and 18 vs 2 Agnes, crit to web her again, so Agnes takes -2 attack and defense until she gets free of the webbing again.

As Sophia swung her glaive at the drider, her opponent leaned back and dodged the swing, making it seem almost easy for her despite her size. Then Agnes tried to swing her large sword at their foe, but she was quite tangled with the webbing and her swing barely even got near her. The drider woman was also finding it tough to hit them in return with her spear as she jabbed it down at Sophia's legs to try and trip her up as she shot some more webbing at Agnes and missed with that too.

"Damn you little flies, just cooperate and I assure you that you'll enjoy it when my eggs fill your bellies," the drider woman said frustratedly.

"E-EGGS!" Agnes cried as she struggled to get up while Sophia went at the drider again.

Swinging her glaive again, this time Sophia's struck home, a shallow cut landing on the human half's waist, which could be easily healed later by Agnes. Agnes then managed to struggle free of the webbing enough for it to no longer be a hindrance anymore, where she then swung her greatsword, the flat of the blade catching the drider right on the knee of her front left leg, making it buckle a bit as she hissed in pain.

"You little, you'll pay for that one. I'll make sure that you're first and that you'll be so full of my eggs you can't move until you birth them," the drider said specifically to Agnes before coming at them again, swinging her spear at Sophia, where the very point caught her across her left forearm as she brought it to bear against Sophia, ending her swing so that the spearhead was at Sophia's feet where she smacked her knee and caused Sophia to stumble a bit. Then she raised her spidery butt into the air and shot out some of her silk at Agnes, tangling her up again and causing her to fall flat on her butt with a grunt, though she didn't look really hurt, but she was definitely embarrassed and flustered with what the drider had told them she planned on doing to them.

Sophia - FP: 5/6, AP: 3/10
Agnes - FP: 6/6, AP: 0/10, webbed and takes -2 attack and defense,

Drider - FP: 8/10
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia recovered from her blow and launched into a more agressive serries of strikes. Clealry this drider had to many easy marks. She was making all sorts of mistakes and Sophia was about to punish her for it. The first strike was a sweep at ehr spidery legs to draw out a dodge while the secound strike would be the butt of her glaive to the woman's face. This would hopefully stun her or at lest throw her off balance.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia: 1 vs 4 drider, miss
Agnes: gets free of the webbing again and then attacks, 1 vs 18 drider, miss and counter for 2 FP dmg to Agnes and she's webbed again.

Drider: 7 vs 1 Agnes, hit for 1 FP and webbed further for a total of -4 penalty to attack and defense.

Sophia: 1 vs 10 drider, missed again
Agnes: manages to break free somewhat of the webbing and takes the penalty from -4 down to -2, then she attacks. 13 vs 13 drider, hits for 1 FP dmg

Drider: 15 vs 7 Agnes, hits for 1 FP and AP dmg and she's grappled now as well as webbed some to hinder her movements.

Damn that turned south in a hurry.

As Sophia made her next series of attacks, everything just seemed to go downhill for her and Agnes as her attacks missed, the drider just lifting her spidery leg up as Sophia's glaive passed under it, then as she tried to hit her in the face the drider just leaned out of the way. Agnes then managed to free herself enough to not be hindered anymore and flapped her wings and went up into the air despite the bit of silk still in them, but this turned out to be a mistake as the drider merely lifted her spidery butt up into the air and shot it right up at Agnes, catching her ankles and pulling her down, where she slammed into the ground right on her butt and back, which ruffled her feathers a bit but didn't damage her wings thankfully, but she let out a groan of pain as she hit, likely landing on a few sharp rocks that dug into her skin some.

"Ha, that's for underestimating me little flies. Now it's time for your punishment and my revenge," the drider chuckled at the girls, obviously either not knowing or not really caring that they were angels. Then the drider crawled over over Agnes and slammed her spidery abdomen down right onto Agnes' body, knocking the wind out of her further after being yanked back down to the ground.

Sophia tried to retaliate against the drider again, but to no avail, she simply dodged back again and batted Sophia's glaive aside with her spear and smiled wickedly, possibly giving Sophia the thought that she was thinking of what ways she could torment them if she managed to win. Agnes again managed to get free from the webbing, but she had a bit more left on her. She then jabbed her sword upward at the drider, just barely manage to cut into her underbelly a bit, where she cried out in pain. The drider lifted up and smacked Agnes' sword away with her spear, then she slammed back down, her underbelly hitting Agnes again and knocking the wind out of her again before she quickly scuttled back and leaned down, pulling Agnes up into her arms while the redheaded angel's legs were bound by the webbing.

"Hmhm, now little fly, you're all mine," the drider chuckled again mischievously as she pulled Agnes up into her arms, making it tougher for Sophia to get a good strike with her glaive in without hitting Agnes.

"L-Let... me... go, MMMPH..." Agnes grunted in the drider's left arm, her own arms pinned to her sides as she began struggling against the drider, who suddenly leaned in and kissed Agnes right on the lips, with Agnes' eyes going wide as her cheeks flushed further.

"Mmm, your lips taste nice. I can only imagine what the rest of you tastes like, but it must be good," the drider cooed to Agnes, who looked embarrassed, scared, and very slightly aroused all together.

Sophia - 5/6, AP: 3/10
Agnes - 2/6, AP: 1/10, her legs are webbed and gives -2 all attack and defense rolls, and she's grappled, giving her an additional -2 on both for a total of -4 to attack and defense.

Drider - FP: 7/10
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Obviouly the drider was right Sophia had been underestimating her and poor Agnes was paying the price. "Humph guess I have to give you that. I didn't expect something with such a bulbus butt to move so fast." Sophia hoped her little dig would set the drider into opening herself up for an attack but if that didn't work she would simple move in to strike yelling out. "Agnes light now!" The cave was dark if Agnes could at lest spark some light it should blind the drider and turn the fight to their favor.