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Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Ah alas, though it's not totally unexpected really. If I could I would move them over to the elven lands far to the west of here, but with so many here it would only be a drain on resources to be able to make enough portals to send them through to get over there. I believe though that their time will come soon, when they can see the sun again. Or at least I hope it does, for many of them are getting restless because I can only tell them that they will be able to soon enough," Viridiana said with a sigh, looking saddened by Sophia's response, but as if she'd figured it would be that way.

"I think it won't take too long for the humans above to be ready for it lady Viridiana, I'm sure of it," Agnes said with a bright smile, looking to try and cheer the fey woman up, which worked apparently because she smiled as she looked at the two of them.

"Well then ladies. Is there anything else you would like to ask me by chance? Personal requests or otherwise?" Viridiana asked them both, at which point they heard the sound of Adriana's footsteps coming.

Adriana moved over to Viridiana as she came in, winking at Sophia and Agnes as she went over to her, where she leaned in and whispered something to the fey lady. Viridiana's eyes widened momentarily before she looked back to Sophia and Agnes. "Oh I see. I can show you some magics if you like then," Viridiana said, a smirk on her lips. "Would you girls mind showing me your full forms by chance? I admit I have a desire to see a female angel in her true form, wings and all, for I've never seen one naked before. And you two are very lovely things after all. It's a waste to not show more of your beauty I think," she added with a slightly lusty look in her eyes.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Blushing Sophia looked to Agnes and stood up letting the robe fall down. She wasn't wearing undergarments as they where still drying. Blushing even more Sophia released the magic and showed off her wings to Lady Viridiana.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Oh goodness... such beauty Sophia. Thank you very much for that. Agnes could I perhaps see your lovely body as well?" Viridiana said, smiling over at Agnes.

"Um... okay then. I don't mind much really," Agnes replied, standing up and undressing herself, letting her clothing fall to the floor where she stepped out of them and picked them up and set them in her seat.

"You as well Agnes dear, such beauty. I have never seen such beauty before in all my years. Gods I could just eat you both up and make you feel so incredibly good that you might even faint. We fey... greatly enjoy the pleasures of the flesh, or at least some of us do. I myself enjoy them a lot, so if you two wish it, I could show you pleasures that you might have only dreamed of before. And, I know magics that can... aid the two of you and increase your own pleasures when you two play with one another, or by yourselves. I even know a spell that can..." Viridiana said to both of the lovely angels in front of her before pausing as she whispered the last sentence in Sophia's ear, with Agnes not bothering to try and cover herself up really. Viridiana's hands gently went up Sophia's back and up to her shoulders to give them a gentle squeeze before she leaned in very close. "I even know a spell that can do what you did for Agnes earlier... to give whoever it's used upon a nice big, thick, hard... cock," Viridiana whispered in Sophia's ear before leaning around and smiling at her, wagging her eyebrows up and down knowingly at Sophia.

Viridiana then stepped over to Agnes and ran one hand across her right wing, at which Agnes shuddered with a look on her face that seemed as if it tickled but felt good. Viridiana kissed Agnes on the cheek as she caressed her wing, before walking back to Sophia and letting one hand drift down to give her butt a squeeze as she kissed her on the cheek. After a good grope of Sophia's butt, Viridiana seemed to have gotten her fill of the lovely angels bodies and smiled at them. "Alright ladies, if you wish to redress you can, I've gotten to see a piece of heaven," Viridiana said to the girls with a smile, gently caressing their cheeks, even going so far as to pull their robes back around them despite the lusty look in her eyes that told Sophia that she wanted them.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia blushed as Viridiana confesed she knew a spell to grant a penis to whom ever it was cast upon. It was tempting and well Agnes did seem to enjoy it so much. Not to mention Sophia felt certain needs due to the taint in her. Her blush getting deeper as she was grouped openly by the Loverly Fey woman Sophia resolved to ask her befores she left to teach her that magic.

Getting dressed again she chatted lightly with Lady Viridiana trying to learn about this underground sactuary she had constructed all the while trying to banish sexy thoughts away.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Well what all would you like to know about the place? It's large enough to house the various little tribes of what you would probably call monster girls, and there are groves down here set up for each of the tribes near their villages so they'll have plenty of fruits and vegetables to eat. I taught their priestesses and talented mages how to do the bloom rituals to make the groves of crops grow quickly so they'll have plenty to eat," Viridiana asked, giving Sophia a bit of information to start her off and whatnot, though she was obviously curious as to what Sophia wished to know and sat down at the table with them to talk. "I believe it's several miles in length, the whole network of caverns, and a few wide. Nothing overly large mind you, but still enough to house many of the girls down here without worry," she added.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"It seems such a massive under taking. You must be very generous Lady Viridiana. Its a shame that once you succeed this place will be forgotten and abandoned." Sophia chatted a little longer with the faye woman waiting for an oppertunity to ask her to teach her the magic. Not to mention she was wondering when they could get a chance to send a message home.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Oh it was a large undertaking indeed. First I had to hide them on the surface for a time while I got everything ready down here. Then I carved the rock, the dirt, and all of the metals that were down here out with my magics. It took me nearly two years to do enough for them to move down here in safety, because not only did I have to carve it out, I had to ensure that the rest was stable so it didn't collapse in on them and possibly trap them. It took a further five years to get it as large as it now is. But I doubt this place will be forgotten, and in time it may be lived in once more by some other people, likely the dwarves or someone like that," Viridiana replied with a smile, looking like she was remembering back when she had done all that work.

"Do you have anything else you'd like to ask me Sophia? Agnes?" Viridiana asked after talking a bit more on things, telling the girls some more about the caverns and about what all they'd found down there over the years, in their own mines and whatnot. Agnes looked to Sophia and nodded to her, giving her the floor to chat and ask anything else she liked before doing so herself, even offering to leave if Sophia wished it to be private.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia couldn't really think of any questions at the moment besides asking about when they could contact the high heavens. After that she would lean close to Lady Viridiana and ask her to teach her the spell she mentioned. After all Agnes seemed to enjoy it and she would be lieing if she said she didn't enjoy it either. Still it was all said with a very dark blush on her face.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

When Sophia leaned in close and whispered her question to Viridiana about the spell she'd mentioned, the sidhe woman smirked softly as she glanced over at Sophia. "Hmhm, of course you'd want to know it dear. It is after all a very popular spell down here and all, for those ladies down here that aren't born with one that is and want to be able to feel the pleasures of having one," Viridiana said with a smirk, winking at Sophia as she did.

With that, Viridiana looked over at Agnes and smiled mischievously at her. "Well dearie, looks like you'll be getting your wish and able to use that monster your friend here gave you earlier again," Viridiana said to Agnes with that smile on her lips before looking back to Sophia. "Alright then, you need to speak these words while pushing forth just a small bit of focused energy, which you need to make sure you focus and imprint in the shape of a penis. Now I'll warn you that the cocks that you'll summon with this spell have the potential to be potent if you don't do the spell right... or if you're trying to make them potent then I suppose you are doing it right, hmhm. Anyway, the incantation is, In ius voco te gallus, if you're doing it on someone else. If you're doing it on yourself though, it's In ius voco irrumare. Speak those words as you do the magic bit. It'll take you a bit to get it perfect like I can do it. So I'll show you real quick for reference," the sidhe lady continued, giggling slightly as she stood up in front of the two.

"In ius voco irrumare," Viridiana said softly after she removed her robes, revealing her quite perfect body to the girls, where she focused her magical energies that both the angels could feel easily as it built up. Suddenly as they watched, a penis began to form on Viridiana's crotch right where one would normally be.

When she'd finished forming the penis, Sophia would feel a slight twitch in her loins that gave her the faintest of urges to reach out and touch the large length, which was a very impressive foot in length and an inch and a half in girth. "Well girls... like what you see, hmm?" Viridiana asked curiously, a lusty look in her eyes as she showed off her new manhood to the girls, reaching down and stroking it a few times which had the obvious reaction and it hardened up to full mast, which had even Agnes mesmerized it seemed as her eyes couldn't look away as she sat there and gulped softly. "I can make it about as large and thick as I want. Which is actually very handy when you think about it. Try satisfying a centaur girl with only about six or seven inches or so and she'll laugh at you. They've got to have those big thick throbbing cocks that would stretch a normal human or elf girl to their very limits. Be careful around these slime girls though when you use this spell to give each other a dick to split each other open with. They really really love to tease a cock when they get their slimy little hands on one, and I've often times found myself... heh... quite satisfied afterwards... to the point I couldn't even walk that's how good I felt," Viridiana went on to say after noticing Agnes's stupor and Sophia's own blush and urge to grasp the thing, which had Sophia's hand halfway up and reaching out towards Viridiana's large cock which gave a twitch or two.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Viridiana was pretty but Sophia didn't love her. Her hand reaching out was a lust ful responce and contary to her nature. She had to fight it and fight it she did. Focusing her will Sophia lowered her hand away from the cock. She had almost caved and given into a lustful desire. Closing her eyes a moment to focus her control Sophia opened them again. "Thank you Lady Viridiana Im sure Agnes and I will make great use of the spell you taught us in our time together." This still made Sophia blush but for the most part she managed to keep control and not give into a lustful desire.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Glancing over at Agnes after closing her eyes and opening them again in her attempts to bat down the lustful feelings welling up inside of her, Sophia saw that her friend and now lover had torn her gaze away from Viridiana and was smiling at her, and this calmed her back down almost instantly, as if Agnes was her counterbalance when it came to that bit of corruption that Azalea had hit her with when she defeated Sophia. The influence of lust from Azalea was almost... hand in hand with the influence and aura of love that radiated from Agnes towards Sophia.

"Hmhm, I'm sure you both will have lots of fun with this spell. Remember all I said though about it alright," Viridiana said with a giggle as Sophia was snapped out of her reverie.

"Y-Yeah... I um... I really liked it earlier when Sophia... you know. I've... never felt so good in my entire life. I never knew that... y-you know... sex could feel so good," Agnes said, her cheeks flushing so much she might have burst into flames, though she looked incredibly cute as she blushed.

"Heh, you didn't just like it Agnes, you were just knocking away with wild abandon even after Sophia fainted from the overuse of her energies," Adriana said teasingly as she slid up behind Agnes and hugged her from behind, kissing her on the cheek as she did.

"Hmhm, it's alright for everyone to have some lustful feelings at times. It's only natural when you're looking at someone that's very beautiful like the two of you are, Sophia, Agnes," Viridiana said with a chuckle. "That's why I don't hold it against Adriana so much for wanting to... well make you her egg bearer. I can understand her feelings when looking upon the two of your beautiful bodies earlier. For I too wanted to have some fun with you both. As much as I could, but I know that neither of you love me, and it always feels the best when you love the person you're making love to. Though... if either of you would like to have a go with me, then by all means let me know and I'll whisk you both away to the softest bed you've ever felt and it'll be such fun," the sidhe lady then said to them, looking like she obviously wanted to have sex with them both, yet not pressing the offer and only leaving it there for them to decide.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Ahh.. maybe another time when Agnes and I are more comfortable with it." In truth having sex with Viridiana and Agnes at the same time both frightened and excited her but it was not the time for that. They where on a mission and needed to see it threw.. maybe after they could... indulge. Smileing Sophia moved over to Agnes and took her hand for extra reassurance.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Very well then Sophia, but feel free to come visit whenever you like, you'll always be welcome. And... I'll see to it, or try to at least, that the scyllas and the other races are more welcoming than they were with you both to begin with," Viridiana said with a smile as she shrugged a bit at Sophia.

When Sophia moved over next to Agnes and took her hand, Agnes smiled at her and squeezed her hand back gently. "Maybe we can... you know... do that again tonight or something. I've... been curious about things for a while now to be honest, I was just never brave enough to read too much about it and was too afraid to ask anyone about it for fear that they might tell the high priestess on me who would get angry for me wanting to learn about such things," Agnes said as she sat there holding Sophia's hand, blushing some more as she looked down at her feet.

"Hmhm, Agnes dear, like I said it's alright to have lustful thoughts. Just don't let that lust control you and you should be alright, and I don't think that anyone would blame you and or look down on you for it," Viridiana said softly to Agnes, patting her head before standing up. "Anyway though girls, unless you both have something more to ask me, I should be going. If you like I can escort you back out of the caverns myself, or I can ask some of the slime girls here to do so. I believe that they would enjoy getting to be close to you both," she went on to say, giving them the chance to leave now if they wished, or they could stay a little longer and get to know some of the townsfolk in the slime girl's little village.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia looked to Agnes to see if she had any input before speaking up. "Lady Viridiana we never got a chance to thank the naga woman who saved us back at the other village and we still need to contact the heavens about Adriana's children. Besides they may want to send an ambassador down here to see things for themselves."
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Well we can head back that way when I escort you both out, or have whoever I escort you out take you by there. And before we leave I can send a message for you if you like. It's been quite some time since I last did it, but I think I can manage," Viridiana said, informing the two that she could send their message unless one of them wished to try and do so... but considering neither of them really went out for magics all that much it might be tough for them to manage a message that great a distance, and Sophia would know this.

"I would welcome an ambassador though from your realm. They might be able to help us out some more in calming the scyllas and whatnot before we attempt to return to the surface, which will make us more accepted I'm sure," Viridiana said after a few moments.

"Send your message to our high priestess then and tell her we're the ones who said to do so. Her name is Clara Raecus," Agnes said to Viridiana with a smile.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia smiled at this an offered a bow to Lady Viridana before turning to Agnes and Adriana to discuss travel plans. Once they got that sorted out depending if Agnes wanted to stay another day or head out after all they had a couple things to attend to. First was Agnes's promise to the young Naga they had met on the way out of town. The second was the date for the young man at the human village, though now that she thought about it she burned with a little jealousy and the third was to receive the reward for finding the little girl. It was just a meal but they should honor their agreements.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

(Sorry about taking so long to get to another post for Sophia and all dude. Was going to yesterday but woke up with a fucking terrible crick in my neck, and it's still persisting. But I soldiered through it to catch up on Sophia's thread here among others.)

"Very well ladies, I shall go and do that for you both and then I'll see about getting you two back to the surface safely, I'm sure you both have plenty of things to do about up there and all," Viridiana said to the two angels, smiling warmly at them both as she got up and bowed deeply to them both before stepping out to go send that message for them.

"Thank you again lady Viridiana, we really appreciate your help," Agnes said as she sat there at the table.

"Well you two, do you want to do anything to pass the time while she's away?" Adriana asked the pair after Viridiana left, looking a bit hopeful it seemed.

"I... l-like what Adriana?" Agnes asked curiously, yet with a hint of caution in her voice too.

"Well anything really ladies. Maybe... some sexy fun things... hmhm," Adriana answered with a naughty giggle as she gave them a wink.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia looked to Agnes to see her thought on the matter. So far Adriana had been rather behaved after their encounter and if what Lady Viridana said was correct the longer she with held the harder it would be. Love and lust a fine line. She loved Agnes but she had no romantic feelings for the drider. Not to say she wasn't attractive in her own way. A desire burned in her though a foreign feeling. Different then what she felt for Agnes. It made her tense and caused a dull ache in her groin. Chewing her lip Sophia moved up and kissed Adriana on the cheek. Only if Agnes wants to.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Adriana looked almost a bit eager at first, but then after a few moments when Sophia asked Agnes her opinion on having sex with the drider lady... Adriana sighed softly and her face softened. "Hey... I know neither of you love me like that. But... you spared my life when you could have easily killed me, because I was in no state to continue fighting, or worse you could have left me there in agony like some down here likely would have because of me being an outcast. So I won't press you both for sex like that. Though... I may ask for it from time to time, that I promise you I'll do, but I must show respect to you both because of how kind you were," Adriana said, adopting a serious look in her eyes that lost all the playfulness she'd had in them a minute or so before. "Though... if Agnes says yes now... heh... then all the better in my opinion. I wouldn't mind having the chance to watch you two go at it though from time to time if you'd allow me," she went on to say, her naughty playfulness now returning.

"I... I'm not sure just yet. I would really like to get to know you better Adriana, before I did anything of that sort. You understand don't you Adriana?" Agnes said, her cheeks pink with embarrassment at Adriana's words.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Stilling feeling an ember of lust Sophia leaned up and whispered into Adriana's ear. "I don't mind if you watch." Backing away feeling embarrassed at what she said Sophia turned to speak with Agnes. We should wait for word from Lady Viridana about a home for Adriana's children. If our friend is as heavy with child we should see to that need first. After that we have a few promises to keep." Once more that lustful ember sparked up. "After all you did promise the young Naga that they could see what you look like Agnes and we have or well you have a date with the young man from the village.