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Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Good, because I probably would even if you'd told me not to," Adriana replied in a whisper to Sophia, giving her a wink as she did.

"Oh I'm sure that the high priestess would accept them. I don't see any reason why she wouldn't do so at least," Agnes said after Sophia mentioned waiting until Viridiana had returned with word on what would be done with Adriana's eggs. Agnes' face turned a bit red when Sophia mentioned her promise to the lamias earlier, but she didn't look like she'd back out of her promise to them. "I don't know why they want to see me naked though honestly. Y-You don't think that they would try and... y-you know... try to make love to me?" Agnes then said with a slightly fearful tone.

"Hmm... the lamia around down here are usually pretty honorable for the most part, I doubt they'd try to rape you like I did. Though... don't be surprised if you are surrounded by a few younger and curious ones that would like their first time with such a beauty as yourself," Adriana said with a shrug.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Don't worry Agnes I will be there to make sure they don't do anything funny." Sophia smiled. "So then I guess we need to make a decision stay or go?" She looked to Agnes and then to Adriana and waited for their input.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"I suppose we should go as soon as lady Viridiana returns. Promises should be kept after all, and I'd hate for that dinner offer to go to waste, especially when they went through so much trouble and all," Agnes replied, giving her thoughts on the matter.

"Eh I'm up for anything, though I doubt I'll be welcome in the house of a human... if you're talking about someone on the surface... but I'd like to go and see the surface. I've never seen it before, though getting these eggs out of me is my first priority, so I may join you both later if you want to go on. If lady Viridiana can assure my safety here until you're both ready to leave the human town above, then I guess I'd be alright until then," Adriana said, giving her input.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Humm that could be an option, but I would like you to visit the human town we are going to. We have a good reputation and it will be easier for the townsfolk to accept you. That way you have a friendly environment to some of the surface culture. What do you think Agnes?" Sophia turned to Agnes and waited to hear her thoughts on both their suggestions. Either Way they would still have to wait for Lady Viridana.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Hmm... well you did say something about disguising me before, so I'm assuming that we would do that, let me get to know someone a little bit, and then make the big reveal to them about my true form. Likely scaring them off, but that's better than just crawling into town and scaring everyone to the point they hunt me down and kill me I guess," Adriana said, looking skeptical about showing herself on the surface for fear of being hunted.

"Hmm... if we do go back to town with Adriana, she would be under our protection, meaning if something happens to her, it's on us Sophia. So if someone or a lot of someones try to hurt her, we'll have to stop them, which would mean revealing our true identities to the townsfolk," Agnes said thoughtfully, obviously not going to let anything happen to Adriana from the look on her face.

"Very well then, I'll go with you both, so long as you protect me from those who would do me harm, and in return I'll help the two of you from any monsters that we might meet along the way," Adriana replied.

After a few more minutes Viridiana returned, looking quite pleased about something. She walked over and bowed politely to the angelic duo and smiled. "Well I contacted the high priestess as you said, and she told me that they would gladly care for Adriana's eggs, and would be sending someone to meet you two with the eggs tomorrow at noon at the temple in town, well behind it in the trees rather," Viridiana told the two, then she turned to Adriana and smiled. "And I spoke with the matriarch here, and she spoke with a couple of her ladies in waiting and the two of them have consented to let you lay your eggs in them since they're slimes and can manipulate their bodies, meaning they can just slip the eggs out afterwards and into a nice neat pile for you to carry in a basket or something to meet the angels to take for you," she added to Adriana, patting her arm, which really seemed to set Adriana more at ease.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"It sounds like we have a plan!" Sophia smiled at Adriana and Agnes. "Well Adriana let us know when you are ready. Im going to take Agnes with me so we can take care of our promises to the Nagga. Be nice to the slime girls Adriana." Turning to Agnes Sophia spoke. "We ready?" Getting Agnes's answer Sophia would turn to Viridana and thank her with a peck on the cheek. "Don't worry we will do everything in our power to keep Adriana safe."
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Alright then, have fun you two, and I'll see you tomorrow hopefully. In the meantime though, I've got some eggs to offload... finally," Adriana said, sounding quite giddy as she moved over and actually gave both of the angels a big hug, more of thanks than anything, but she took the opportunity to cop a feel on Sophia's and Agnes' butts, which made Agnes blush profusely as soon as she felt the hand touch her rump.

"It's settled then, I'll take you two back out of here, stopping along the way at the lamia village, and then I'll see you both to the exit so you can prepare for tomorrow and do what all you need to finish today. I'm not sure how late it is above, but I'm sure if you have dinner plans that you'll be able to make them. Now come, unless you'd like to stay a bit longer that is," Viridiana said, offering to take the angels out now unless they wanted to stay, which Agnes didn't seem to want to since they needed to prepare and all, and had other things they needed to do that day as well.

With that, they headed on out back to the Lamia village, with Agnes waving bye to Adriana for now as Viridiana led the way for them. When they got to the lamia village, Agnes looked over to Sophia. "Well, I suppose we need to find those young lamias. I did promise them after all," Agnes said, looking around for the lamias in question as they entered the village about 20 to 30 minutes after they left the slimegirl village.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia's cheeks heated up at the thought but quelled her lusts. "Well Im sure they will find us soon enough and Ill make sure none of them get to touchy." Heading in Sophia kept an eye out for the girls in question. If she spotted one she would tell her that Agnes was here to keep her promise but they needed a private place to show them.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

After a couple of minutes of walking through the lamia village, Sophia felt a hand brush across her butt, and heard Agnes gasp as well, indicating something similar had just been done to her too. "You girls returned... oh we're so happy. We didn't think you would come back to us to be perfectly honest," a blonde haired lamia said, whom Sophia would recognize as one of the group from before.

"Aye my dear, we were afraid you wouldn't return to us and show us that magnificent body you must have under those clothes. We would dearly like to see it," another lamia said, this one a brunette that Sophia recognized as the leader of the group from before that Agnes had made the promise to.

When Sophia let them know they were indeed there to keep their promise to them, but that they'd need a private place, the two frowned slightly. "Aww, but what's the point of having such a gorgeous body if you want to hide it? You should show it to everyone in the village cutie," the brunette lamia said sadly, gently running a finger teasingly across Agnes' cheek as she coiled up and around her, looking eager still about seeing Agnes' nude body despite Sophia's desire for a private place to do so.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Ahh young ones but not everyone feels that way, and Agnes is so ever shy. She might change her mind if we don't get some privacy." Sophia waited to see what the lamia had to say about this. So far they have seemed fairly reasonable but she did feel her pulse quicken be it from the possible danger or from seeing Agnes in the nude again.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Oh alright, if you insist on it then in private it shall be. I know just the place though, come on," the brunette said, a little crestfallen that Agnes wasn't going to be showing her body off to as many as possible.

With that, the brunette scooped Agnes up and placed her onto her back while the blonde did the same to Sophia. "I'll catch up with you two shortly then at the matriarch's abode, so hurry along when you get done with that," Viridiana said to the two as they were scooped up and quite gently carried away by the two lamias, who both looked quite excited, but not dangerous really.

The two lamias carried Agnes and Sophia to what could only be described as a storage building if the boxes were any indication. "Now you go ahead and get ready while I go get the others you promised," the brunette said while the blonde sidled up to Sophia and hugged her, the tip of her tail coiling around one of Sophia's ankles.

"You're really pretty too you know. I wouldn't mind seeing both of you together, just... you know, hugging against one another and pressing your gorgeous bodies together," the blonde said with a grin, one of her hands reaching around and groping Sophia's butt and giving it a little squeeze.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia rp status
Lust 4/10
Embarrisment 5/10
Purity 9/10
Resolve 9/10

This of course caused Sophia to blush madly and she couldn't help but notice how sensual the Lamia's hug seemed. Blushing she kept her cool. "That would be nice but I told Agnes I would keep watch." The Lamia was so very sweet and curious and devious. Of course she had no idea what had happened to Sophia and the fact that she was flaming Sophia's lusts just seemed natural to her even if it was playing on Sophia's mind.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Hmhm, keep watch for what? We wouldn't hurt you, you're too beautiful to hurt or want to hurt, to us at least. Oooh, you've got such a nice butt, now I really want to see it. Please," the blonde asked with a giggle, looking up at Sophia with a hopeful look in her eyes as she cooed about how nice her butt was.

Agnes in the meantime was blushing too and had already been preparing to undress, but she stopped for a moment and was watching Sophia and the blonde lamia. "Um... I wouldn't mind it if you did that Sophia. It might be... k-kind of nice," Agnes said, blushing more heavily than she had been.

"Mmm... and I'll even give you my first kiss as payment," the blonde lamia said, her human half pressing more against Sophia, her own sizable breasts around the same size as Sophia's pressing against Sophia's chest a bit as she neared the angel's lips with her own, obviously serious about kissing her.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Some how Sophia doubted that this would be the Lamia's first kiss but with Agnes saying she wanted to see it too how could she resist. "O-okay." Setting her glaive aside Sophia began to undress. Perhaps it was due to the amount of cloths and armor she had on or the fact that they were harder to remove but Sophia's efforts kinda slipped into a slight strip show. Usually she had someone help her with her armor and her efforts to remove it where a little exaggerated. Then again it could have been the taint in her working in subtle ways. Eventually she was finished though and as she stepped out of her panties she let her wings extend moving to hug Agnes her embarrassment getting the best of her at the moment.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Agnes blushed a bit and giggled a little, moving over to help Sophia undress a bit as she helped her with her armor, setting it down for her. When Sophia turned around and looked back to Agnes, Sophia would see her friend blushing slightly as she moved over to hug against her. Agnes smiled somewhat innocently at her as she approached, with the beautiful redheaded angel slipping her arms around Sophia and hugging against her, which pressed their breasts against each other, with one of Agnes' pert nipples pressing against one of Sophia's own. Sophia would see though that Agnes' embarrassment had faded from the looks of it, looking like she didn't mind being naked or anything since Sophia was there with her.

"Um... is this what you wanted, miss lamia?" Agnes asked softly, where the lamia actually blushed a bit herself.

"Y-Yes... yes it is. It's... such a gorgeous sight to behold. Two beauties like yourselves. I uh... I'm Paige by the way. And... gods you two... I... I would pledge my undying loyalty to you both in exchange for merely a single night with you both in bed. T-Thank you both for this priceless opportunity," the blonde lamia said, her cheeks flushed with obvious arousal, but she didn't try to outright grab them and do anything to them... but she did slither closer. "Um... c-could I maybe... um... t-touch you both. L-Like your boobs and butts. I-I promise I won't g-go any further than that unless you want to. But I just... you're both so beautiful and I just have this urge to... hug you and... s-stuff," Paige then said, her cheeks blushing with embarrassment now a bit as she looked down at the pair of angels feet.

While Agnes stood there with Sophia, her cheeks blushing with embarrassment some as they held each other, she looked questioningly at Sophia. "W-Well... a-as long as you promise not to do more than hug us and touch our butts and breasts without our permission then I'm okay with you doing that... I-I guess. I mean... if Sophia's okay with it too that is. B-But if she doesn't want to, then you can hug just me miss Paige," Agnes said, her innocent look arousing Sophia slightly, the gorgeous redhead's left hand already placed on Sophia's butt while her right was around on her hip as she hugged herself to Sophia.

Unless Sophia had anything against Paige's new request, then the pretty blonde lamia would slither over, coiling around them both once before coming back around in front of them, where she placed a hand on either of their hips, the tips of her fingers on their butts. She would look up at them both with a hesitant smile, where Agnes would smile at her and give her a nod assuming Sophia hadn't stopped this from happening, giving her the go ahead to give them the hug she'd asked if she could. Paige would then lean her head against their breasts, with Agnes giggling ticklishly as Paige's hand slid across her belly while Paide buried her face between their large tits, her soft skin sinking into their flesh. "Mmm, this is nice. You're both so soft and beautiful. I wish I could hug you both like this every day," Paige would tell them both, her right arm around Sophia and her left around Agnes with either hand on the two angels butts, assuming Sophia hadn't stopped her that is.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia blushed but did not stop Paige from cozening up to her. It was strange feeling, the cool of the snake skin mixed with the hot of her human half. The other thought came to her about how horny these girl had to be all the time. Maybe it was Viridiana influence or perhaps they where that way all along. Still if Paige was this... touchy then Anges and herself might be delayed for some time. How many of them Lamia wanted to see them.. she couldn't recall.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

As Paige hugged them both, Sophia would see Agnes blushing a bit still but she was smiling at Paige while being hugged, seemingly enjoying the feeling of being so loved apparently by someone. While Sophia was doing her pondering in her mind, she would be taken a bit by surprise when Paige looked up at them and smiled just as Agnes leaned over and kissed Sophia on the lips, her soft lips touching hers before her tongue slowly slipped out and into Sophia's mouth.

"W-Wow... gods watching you two is so... just... awesome," Paige murmured as she watched the two angels kissing mere inches away from her own face.

Paige slowly raised up and leaned her face closer to Sophia's while raising her left hand up and placing it gently on Agnes' exposed breast that wasn't pressing against Sophia's own, where Agnes broke their kiss and Paige took her place, gently kissing Sophia on the lips, an innocent kiss that Sophia could feel truly was the young lamia's first kiss. It was easy to tell by Sophia that Paige had only kissed her in the heat of the moment after watching her and Agnes kissing like they had, and when she broke their kiss, slowly pulling back, her eyes half lidded, she gasped. "Uh... o-oh my gods... oh my gods I'm so sorry. P-Please forgive me," Paige stammered as she pulled away from them both, her cheeks so red they looked as if they were about to catch fire before she slithered off around a pillar that was in the stonework building they were in, her tail coiling around it a bit as she hid behind it, an feel of fright coming from her that she'd violated their trust and did something without them saying she could first, and the young lamia's face was buried in her hands Sophia would see if she crept around the pillar enough to see her.

"P-Paige... it's okay, I'm not mad at you for that," Agnes called over to Paige, the beautiful redhead's hand drifting down a little to Sophia's butt unconsciously as she took a step towards the pillar Paige was hiding behind.

"I... I'm sorry you two. I didn't mean to do that. I don't know what got into me, you're both just... s-so beautiful I couldn't help myself," Paige stammered out to them as she peeked back around the pillar, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia blushed at the kiss but it felt good. Apparently Paige felt it was as well. Though she did kinda freak out a little. Following Agnes's lead Sophia relaxed to appear as non threatening as possible. "Its okay Paige after all you did promise me your first kiss right. We are not mad at you and its okay." Doing her best to coax the young lamia back to them Sophia smiled before turning to Agnes and kissing her hoping to entice Paige back to them. If it worked Sophia would hug the lamia and guide her to Agnes's lips. "Fair is fair, you kissed me now kiss Agnes."
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

"Y-You're sure you aren't mad at me? I don't want you to be mad at me," Paige replied hesitantly, still apparently looking a bit scared that the angels would be angry with her for the kiss.

Sophia's coaxing worked after a minute or so, with Paige holding her hands up to both cheeks as she blushed and slowly slithered back out over to them, looking incredibly flushed from all that, the kiss to Agnes by Sophia being the main thing that had coaxed her on out and back over. When Sophia hugged her again though, Paige hugged back and held onto her, letting Sophia guide her back over to Agnes, where she blushed and looked up at Sophia as she gasped slightly at being told to kiss Agnes now.

"Mhmm, I think I deserve a kiss too since you kissed Sophia and all, though you get to in turn grope her breast like you did mine before since you already groped mine and all," Agnes said with a smile, taking Paige's left hand with her right and pulling her gently over to her, the lamia obediently moving up to the busty gorgeous redheaded angel where their lips met, with Agnes gently pulling Sophia over to them.

Paige's cheeks blushed profusely, as did Agnes', and as they held their kiss for a few seconds, Sophia would see Agnes pulling Paige's right hand up and placing it on one of Sophia's breasts, where the young lamia groped and kneaded it around a bit, tickling her nipple with her thumb as she ran circles around her areola. After a few seconds, Paige pulled away and put both hands on her cheeks, as if she couldn't believe all this was happening to her.

Paige was then overcome with the urge to do her next action, which was coiling her tail around Sophia again as she hugged up against her, her face buried firmly between Sophia's breasts. Agnes smiled at this and moved over, where she hugged Sophia and kissed her cheek, her own pert nipples poking and rubbing against Sophia's as she hugged her, sandwiching Paige between them both and mashing her head further into Sophia's cleavage. Her hands slid around slowly, reaching behind Sophia, where she got two handfuls of Sophia's rump, cooing softly as she groped.

"M-Miss Sophia... miss Agnes. I... I want to make love to you both. To give you my first time," Paige said, panting quite a bit after managing to slide her head up to freedom from their ample cleavages her head had been trapped in, her cheeks flushed with arousal while one of her hands reached around behind her and grasped Agnes' butt, her fingers on both hands inching closer and closer to both of the angel's most precious places. Sophia's nether regions were already moist with her own arousal from Agnes' kisses along with Paige's roaming hands.

Agnes blushed deeply at Paige's words, though she didn't answer at first, her hands sliding around and gently cupping Paige's own breasts which were only covered by a small loincloth like top. Before Sophia answered one way or the other, she'd see Agnes lean down and kiss Paige's neck, her friend smiling slightly as she did, while Paige moaned softly at Agnes' kisses and leaned in, her long snakelike tongue flicking out across Sophia's left nipple, coiling about it once as it perked up enough for her to go so where the forked tip of her tongue tickled and teased the tip of Sophia's nipple before Paige's mouth came down over her nipple and she felt a soft suction on it as the young lamia's eyes closed halfway while looking up pleadingly into Sophia's eyes for more, the look of arousal in the young lamia obvious and making it equally as obvious that she didn't know how to handle it alone as her left hand drifted down where her middle finger gave the barest of caresses across Sophia's moist folds, a testing caress as it were to see if Sophia cared or not.
Re: Sophia Elpis (Ranger)

Sophia gasped sharply at the touch, her breasts ever so sensitive. It seemed though Paige was in for a surprise as little droplets of milk began to form on the tips of Sophia's nipples. This caused her to blush as she looked away. "D-Don't look its embarrassing." Though as Paige touched her moist fold Sophia gasped again and brought her arms around to grip Agnes's butt the poor Lamia Paige stuck between the two angels.