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VN/TEXT [SpiralVortexPlay] ARIA: The Rookie Remake


Demon Girl
May 4, 2012
Reputation score
SpiralVortexPlay just updated The Rookie!
The game has new art and animations done with the new art style!
Links below! Have fun!


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ttrop does the character art! Check him out here:

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Vortex00 uploads work in progress stuff on his website
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I played the first game while it was pretty new, and it was okay. Nothing to write home about, but something. This game...

Where do I start?

-Most of the male cast-just from the beginning of the game-are either drooling retards or potential rapists.
-The protagonist, even when you want to run the "sensible, principled non-pervert" route gets pigeon-holed by the writing into being a pervert.
-The premise. I could write an essay on what's wrong with it, but basically "despite the health concerns with not dealing with your arousal because science bullshit, you can't have sex. You can masturbate in private, but try not to have sex and deal with your sexual frustration in the proper manner. Risking neurological and physical damage beats being a functioning member of society, kids!"
-The art is... okay? For perspectve, MGQ was full of sexy art, too, but also knew when to "cover up", so to speak.

SVP does good art and the VN format is okay, but I really wish my first 10-20mins wasn't an immersion-breaking ride of cheap thrills. It just feels so... generic and same-y, y'know? Like, everyone is doing some generic, same-y drek as the other guy. At least with Monster Girls & Sorcery or Monster Girl Dreams, the premise hasn't been done to death and those creators are trying to inject some variety in their mechanics while following a proven formula. I guess my major complaint is, as talented as SVP is, couldn't he have done something different? ARIA was fine. Now, try and do it one better.

Anyways, just my two cents. It's okay for people who want a quick fap and forget, but nothing I would invest 60hrs+ in.