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Stasia (AI)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Stasia's Character Sheet:
Name: Stasia
Age: 22ish
Level 0 Trait: Dual-wielding Daggers


Attitude: As a thief, she typically keeps a forward thinking attitude on the job... If it goes well. She aims to finish quickly and quietly. When plans change or fall through entirely is where her spark of sarcasm and wit come alive. She acts brazenly cocky to most people she doesn't know, but finds a secret thrill in it being challenged by a similar attitude; something she wouldn't admit to even herself.

Extra Notes (Have something you want me to know? Include it here.):

Stasia sat in the Jolly Chamber's tavern section, having chosen this particular establishment to lay low since it was also a brothel as well as an inn and tavern. She was in the city of Melior, and she was here to pilfer the valuables of the rich as she desired. Stasia had not only her own agenda here to steal from the rich and whatnot, but she also had the job board in the Jolly Chamber to choose some jobs from too if she didn't feel like stealing at the time.

"Here miss, your drink," a waitress said, a cute young thing that barely looked eighteen years old. Stasia could tell that she was a half elf. "If you want something to eat I can bring it to you," the girl added, bowing politely before leaving her alone unless she ordered some food.

The tavern of the Jolly Chamber was bustling, and Stasia saw a few of the whores enticing men of various ages and races to buy an hour or more with them. Some took them up on their offers, while some didn't. One particular snowy white haired woman, a tall slender dark skinned elf, came over to Stasia's table and smiled, lifting one of her long legs up and setting her foot on Stasia's chair next to her butt, the long white stockings tight against her dark skin. Looking up at the dark elf woman, Stasia saw she had large DD-cup breasts and was wearing a white corset, a tight white thong that showed most of her ass off, which was a very nice one Stasia had to admit, and she also wore a white see through nightie of sorts.

"Hello there cutie pie. You look like you could use some relaxation. I can give you the best massage you've ever had," the dark elf woman told Stasia, flashing a sultry wink at the obviously younger elf as she gently placed her hands on Stasia's shoulders and gave them a little squeeze, trying to entice her.

Antithetical Inquiry

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Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Stasia (AI)

The elf sat there, rolling a coin on it's edge at the table, letting it tap and bump into the cup she had. Her green eyes were hazed in a film of deep contemplation, before the waitress roused her from it. Blinking away the vision-obscuring train of thoughts, she offered a silent smile as she took the new beverage, pushing the empty cup to the edge of the table, and began to tap the new one. At least it didn't sound hollow this time.

I know I'm close, but my funds are stretched thin. I'm too far away from home to try and resupply. I need to find a few jobs, and a few connections...

Her eyes glanced down at a flat pouch that rested on her hip. It had a few subtle bulges. A few rushed jobs had twisted her lockpicks permanently, and if she didn't find replacements, they would break if used too quickly.

I can literally smell the magical items here in Melior, but I can't find anything more powerful than a bauble...

Stasia's eyes shot toward the dark skinned elf, with an intense gaze, which softened when she realized she wore it. Stasia's eyes flickered down to the heavy set chest, and her chin tensed as she choked back the appreciation and jealousy of it. Instead, the elf twisted her lips into a smirk as she leaned over and brushed her cheek against the massaging hand, before gently peeling it free as she stood up.

"Mmm, sorry dear. I have a few errands to run..." She says, before sliding her cup in front of the other elf. "But feel free to finish this for me."

Stasia moved closer as she slid the cup forward, and allowed her free hand to skim the side of the dark elf. A few extra coins couldn't hurt, and if the brothel worker seemed sufficiently distracted, Stasia would take any she could get.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Stasia (AI)

As she contemplated her next move, Stasia knew that she'd either have to do some more exploration around the higher nobles houses, or she'd have to risk venturing into one of the mage towers in the city, though that carried its own set of problems of course. When she pulled the dark elf's hands away from her shoulders, the woman whined softly and pouted her lips.

"Aw, that's too bad. I really know how to make a woman feel good you know," the dark elf woman told Stasia, cooing in Stasia's pointed elven ear.

Unfortunately the dark elf whore had no money on her, or if she did then it was hidden in the chest area of her corset or something. She didn't take Stasia's hand moving across her the wrong way either, her body wiggling a little and causing Stasia's hand to glide across her perfect ass when Stasia tried to find her money. "Mmm, I know you'd like some company though, that hand on my ass tells me everything I need to know. You know where to find me though if you want some fun," she whispered to Stasia, reaching down and giving Stasia's butt a little grope before walking away, flashing her a wink over her shoulder.

Stasia's luck however suddenly took a turn for the better as a man was talking to his friend in hushed tones about a thieving job. "I'm telling you man, that place is loaded with gold and other valuables. That woman has to have magic shit too surely, and you know how much some magic items go for on the black market to the right buyer. All we'd need to do is wait until they're both out and the place is perfect to break into," one of them whispered to the other, though since Stasia had elven ears she could hear them easily.

"I dunno dude. I've heard some strange things about lady Kara. I'd be more worried about her guard dog. That woman seems to be able to literally sniff out trouble for lady Kara," the other guy whispered before taking another drink. "But maybe it is worth checking out, I dunno. The last three places were a bust for us, and if we get caught then we're going to jail for a good long while," he added.

Antithetical Inquiry

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Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Stasia offered a knowing smirk and a nod. "I'm quite sure you do." She returned, fighting the twitch of disappointment that flickered at the corner of her mouth when she did not find anything to lighten the dark elf's heavy burden.

Stasia's face lit up at the grope of her sensitive bottom, eyes widening as she rocked on the balls of her feet from the Dark elf's touch. She shot her a playful glare, then turned toward the front of the Inn. She took strodes to leave, set on wandering until she overheard the pair.

She paused, the tip of her elven ear cocking before she decided to slide to the bar, seeming to mull over some drink options while focusing on their conversation...

Guard Dog, hnn? Well I've never met a guard who couldn't be overcome... one way or another.

She changed supporting legs as she listened, causing her hips to shift back and forth while she strained to pick up any further hints of this location so ripe with treasures.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Stasia (AI)

As she listened, Stasia gathered that this lady Kara lived in a manor on the north side of the city, near the hill the castle was built upon. The vault of the manor was in the cellar, and there was supposedly a hidden smaller safe in the master bedroom somewhere, though where the pair didn't know. One other bit of information she gathered from them was that the guard dog was actually a woman, though Stasia had likely already figured that out for herself, but there was also the fact that this guard apparently had some means of locating thieves that tried to break into the manor.

As the two guys finished their drinks, they got up and left, not noticing that Stasia had been listening in on their conversation. There were also apparently some strange rumors of odd things happening in that house from what they muttered about on their way out, but Stasia now had an option at least of a place to check out for both gold and magic items.

Antithetical Inquiry

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Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Stasia (AI)

The thief let them leave as she peered down at the bar, shifting her weight a little as they left.

Sounds pretty risky, but there's always a good reward when there is...

She hmmmed, and brushed her hand over her side, checking her equipment. It probably wasn't much; the few things that weren't broken or lost in a rush to escape capture she could have carried with ease.

I should stop and see if I can find a cheap spyglass, and then take a closer look at the house.

She straightened herself, and left the inn. Gazing up into the sky to check the time, she peered down both roads, then began searching for a place that might sell a spyglass, before heading to the rough location of her next target.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Stasia (AI)

It didn't take Stasia long after leaving the Jolly Chamber to find a general store with a spyglass that she could use for scouting out the manor. The price wasn't too bad, though she could of course try to simply steal it, her skill being more than a match if she decided to as the shopkeeper was distracted with another customer.

Regardless, once she got her spyglass, Stasia made her way using the directions the two guys inadvertently gave her and soon saw the manor coming into view just ahead. She could tell that this was a richer part of town, simply by the fact that every house was a two or more story building and had plenty of space inside. She'd not come this way just yet however in her previous escapades through town, mainly as she'd made a couple of attempts on the not quite as rich parts of the city in an effort to find magical items to procure. The manor's property was set against the hillside leading up to the castle, with the manor itself being a little ways from the hill itself.

The manor grounds were walled, though it wasn't overly hard to get a view as it was steel bars that were spread enough for her to see through. She knew though that it likely wouldn't be a good idea to look through her spyglass in the middle of the street though in order to scout the place out, especially since she saw a little guard house at the main gate.

Antithetical Inquiry

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Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Stasia strolled casually into the general store. Her eyes roamed across the numerous items, allowing her peripheral to observe the owner and the spyglass. Once his back was toward her, she did a casual turn, silently plucking the spyglass from the counter, and held it against her opposite thigh. A few more browsing looks, and she strolled from the store, plus one spyglass.


Once at the front of the mansion, she marveled at it. This was going to be a task, and with the few items she did have, the odds were against her. But still, she might find a few things on the way inside that might prove useful. She put on her best tourist face, and strolled up the hill. She took her time, looking around as though marveling at the sights, while searching for an obscure place that would give her a good overview of the mansion.

Upon finding one, she took the spyglass, and trying to remain hidden, expanded it before looking across the piece of land, taking note of doors, windows, guard posts, fences, verandas, balconies, and the layout of the rooftop. If she could even use her keen elven eyes, she would chance any glimpse into the mansion she could.

I don't have my magic detection amulet, or my aura lens. Let's just hope she's a collector, and not a mage herself...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Stasia (AI)

There was a nearby house for sale that Stasia could easily sneak over to which had a large tree that she could climb to get her view. The view gave her sight of all of the windows and doors on the front of the house, and some on the right side of it. All told there were 18 windows on the front, with two of those right by the door and two large ones that showed her the inside of what looked like two living rooms that were on either side of the foyer. Neither of those could be opened, but all of the rest of them could be opened, and they were spread out over all three floors of the manor, as it did indeed have three whole floors.

There were only the front doors from what she could see, but it was a safe bet that there would be some in the back too. On the second floor and third floor, she saw two balconies for each, both with awnings over them to shade them from the sun and rain. The roof looked sloped in the middle, but not very sloped thankfully, which would make it easier for her to climb up there if need be. One of the first things she saw in the living room on the right was a glass case that held several silver and gold statuettes that she could stuff into her bag and likely sell for quite a bit. The only other thing she saw, for most of the windows had their curtains pulled shut, was a woman on the second floor sitting in front of a little desk with a mirror in front of it, brushing her beautiful blonde hair with a golden handled hairbrush. She could tell that it was a golden hairbrush because of the glint of sunlight that shone off of it out the window.

In the front yard and to both sides she could see a couple of trees, and in the front leading up to the front doors was a garden that had a few marble statues in it, with a fountain in the middle between the gates and the doors that the cobbled path lead up to and around. The fountain was... rather lewd though, being a woman standing there completely naked with her hands on her hips, and she had a cock between her legs, with the water spouting forth from the end of said cock and from both breasts.

Antithetical Inquiry

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Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Stasia easily climbed the tree. It may have been because of her heritage, but she never questioned it. Though her outfit made it a tad uncomfortable to rest with her underwear clad bottom on the bark, she did her best to smooth her skirt beneath her.

This would be a pretty good haul. I'll need to get a few sacks...

She continued to survey the outside, leaning this way and that as she made mental notes of the layout of the building, tensing her lips in concentration.

So the initial plan; scramble over the fence into the back yard, get in through a ground window if I can do it quietly, get a feel for the lower level security. If it feels too tight, back out, climb up to a balcony and check the next level. At that point, I'll be in it. Survey, take a few things that are not high visibility, and search for that safe. Simple.

She closed the spyglass and hoped down, landing in a crouch, and betraying the impact only with a soft crinkle of grass.

So, a rope, a few bags, and a stone circlet...

Stasia learned the hard way how much sound a metal hook makes when thrown onto a balcony. She'd hope to avoid that by using the momentum of the stone circlet to wrap the rope itself around the posts to climb up.

She began making her way down, preparing to collect her items, selling the spyglass if need be, and be back by nightfall...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Stasia (AI)

As she made her plan up in her mind as she scoped out the place, Stasia saw no guards walking the grounds all over, merely the ones at the gates and a couple every ten to twenty minutes or so walking along the fence line, though they did a full walk around the grounds and back to the guard shack. After hopping down and landing, Stasia made a mental note of what all she needed and set out to look for them all.

The rope was pretty easy to gather, as she found a stable on her way through the city that had lots of rope and few stable hands around at the time, so it was really hers for the taking. The bags were fairly easy to grab too, as she found a general store that had thrown a few bags out back when bringing in new materials, though most were ripped through unfortunately. But she was able to salvage three that weren't ripped anywhere that she could use for this heist of sorts she was going to perform. They were smaller bags though she noticed, so she could look for larger ones if she thought she'd need bigger ones instead.

The circlet however was a little tougher to acquire for her purposes, and she did need to buy one and ended up having to pawn the spyglass in order to afford the thing. Once she had that, all Stasia had to do was wait for nightfall, or whenever she planned on making her move.

Antithetical Inquiry

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Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Still, it's a little weird the number of guards is really light. I have to be careful on this one, something isn't sitting right...

Having made her rounds, she had all of her equipment. She brushed her fingers along the doughnut shaped stone as she strolled through the city in the amber glow of the setting sun.

With how little I have, I should hold onto this. It could be used as a harness point...

She paused, looking up, and across the town. She took a deep breath. The slow draw of air that caused the world around her to settle into a slower pace. Her green eyes unfocused as she allowed her mind to bask in the momentary peace.

One of these days, I should really take a nice vacation somewhere, without work bothering me...

Her thoughts reflected back.

Maybe Nykka would come too, if she wasn't too busy...


The sky had given way to the indigo night when Stasia arrived at the side of the fences. She had been quite careful avoiding obvious routes for the city guard. Even if she were to encounter them, she was another out of town person with a few sacks. She peered into the back yard through the fences, and began to look for the easiest route over once the guards passed.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Once sunset came and turned into night, Stasia started making her way towards lady Kara's manor as the moon rose into the sky. As the manor came back into view, Stasia saw the guards had just started their rounds and were coming out of the guard house. She saw two guards go to the right and two to the left instead of just one like earlier today.

The easiest route to the backyard would be to wait until the guards had moved a little ways down on either side, whichever she liked, and then a quick run back that way as she stuck as close to the house itself as possible. Both sets of the guards had a torch for both of them, and they were doing their job properly and not halfheartedly or anything. If she was going to make her move to get inside, then it would have to be soon before they got far enough around for both pairs to meet.

Antithetical Inquiry

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Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Stasia bent low in the grass, watching the guards and trying to keep out of the flickering light. When they made a little distance, she coiled herself low to the ground, and vaulted over the fence, planting a hand to aid in her lift and balance to get over. As soon as she felt herself falling, she twisted herself in the air, reaching out for the ground with the balls of her feet, and cushioned her landing with a tense of her ankles, knees and hips to curl up and absorb the impact into a soft puff.

She briefly peered to either side of her at the backs of the guards, then quickly picked her way through the grounds toward the house. Her eyes scanned the ground before her for anything that might have stuck out to her keen gaze.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Stasia was easily able to vault the fence and land quietly behind the guards, keeping out of the light from their torches with relative ease. The guards didn't turn around, letting Stasia know that they obviously didn't notice her coming over the wall or anything. The only things she noticed on the grounds were the trees, the various things in the garden, and the statuary and the fountain in the front.

Stasia could almost feel the guards glance back towards her, but it was just as she got to one of the trees and hopped behind it, so they saw nothing. Now she was up against the house, and the moon was only half full, so now that she was against the building itself she had no need to worry about being seen very easily. Stasia saw an open window on the first floor, barely cracked, but she could easily open it further if she wished to, or she could keep sneaking towards the back of the house to see what all was back there instead. Peeking through the window though, she would notice that it seemed to be a library of sorts, with several book shelves inside, and a few books in cases as well from the looks of it.

Antithetical Inquiry

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Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Stasia's pink lips split into a grin as she saw the books.

Thick books should muffle any sounds I might make...

She crept closer, pressing her shoulder against the wall as she moved to just beneath the window. She lifted a finger, and tested the resistance of the window, as well as if there was any noise from the hinges of it swinging. If she found none, she would swing it just wide enough to fit her nimble frame in, and peek around quickly.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Stasia (AI)

The window was unlocked, but a little heavy for just one finger. Stasia quickly found that it would take both hands to push and hold the window up, but it was easy enough to lift it and climb through, though the main problem was shutting it without making too much noise. Once inside, she looked around to see the bookshelves were full of books and the ones in the glass cases she could see better now. Those ones seemed valuable to the owner, though she couldn't be certain if they were valuable to anyone else without taking them to someone to appraise them of course.

It looked like nobody was in there at the moment, giving her free rein right now of the library if she wished to take anything. There were also a couple of glass cases that had locks on them and had golden statuettes and other gold and silver items inside, merely for decoration more than anything she knew. One of those things that stood out was a golden tiara that had a large ruby set in the middle of it so it would hand down just between the eyes.

There was also another bookshelf that looked different than the rest, and it had a large glass door that was locked, as if to keep any prying eyes out.

Antithetical Inquiry

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Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Stasia braced the window, and slid it open, before slipping inside. She glanced around as her eyes adjusted to the dim room. She pursed her lips to one side as she found the glass bookcase. She tried peering through the glass, even as she began to unpack her lockpicks and disarming tools. She ran her fingers along the wood, and across the keyhole of the locked bookshelf. She'd get to the statues, but her curiosity drove her to the locked case.

Whatever's in here, is worth locking up a lot more than the statues...

She began searching for any type of trigger, kneeling down and peering into the keyhole itself.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Once her eyes had adjusted to the room's dim light, Stasia was able to see everything. As she began fiddling with the lock on the large bookshelf, Stasia found it was a fairly sophisticated lock, but nothing hard for her to manage. It only took her a minute or so to manage the lock, where she could open the door up. As the glass door opened up, Stasia heard a thump in the adjacent room towards the front of the house, which was one of the living rooms she saw through the windows.

She heard a muffled voice, her keen ears able to understand whoever it was. "Lady Cassandra, do you wish some more tea?" the voice asked someone else.

"Yes Lisa, if you would please," another voice said, apparently talking to a maid from the sounds of it.

Antithetical Inquiry

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Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Stasia tensed up, lowering herself slightly at the thump in the next room. She blinked, slowly relaxing her muscles as she keyed in on the conversation. As she did so, she reached into the bookshelf, running her fingers along the spine of one of the books, to get an idea of what it was bound in. She kept listening, but turned her eyes back to her prizes.

Only one. These things can get heavy... So I better make it good.

She decided to go for the thickest one they had. More information, more value, right?