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Stasia (AI)

Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Stasia (AI)

The thickest book she found was leather bound, and as Stasia looked inside she saw it was a rather old looking book. When she pulled it out and looked at it, she'd notice that it was a magical tome that surely had to have some value. "Of course lady Cassandra," the maid said, pouring some more tea for the other woman.

After putting the book she wished away, Stasia had three doors to choose from. The one leading to the living room where apparently a lady Cassandra and her maid Lisa were at, one that she knew led into the foyer, and another that led to an unknown room. "Lisa, would you please bring me a book to read? One of the romance stories please," Cassandra told the maid in the next room. This meant that Stasia would have to make a choice, and fast, because the guards were coming back around on their patrol route, and she heard Lisa the maid apparently coming towards the library, and Stasia definitely wouldn't be able to knock the girl out without someone noticing.

Antithetical Inquiry

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Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Stasia quickly shoved the book into a bag once her fingers were done sliding over a page, her eyes flicking to the doorway leading to the living room. She clenched her jaw in minor agitation, sliding against the wall. She was closest to the unknown room, and with a quick peek into it, she lowered her body a little before ducking into the unknown.

Hugging the side of the wall that made the entrance to the library, she looked around her new area, checking lighting, any occupants, and treasures to be had.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Peeking quickly into the unknown room before ducking inside, Stasia saw it was a bedroom with three beds in it from her view from the door, meaning it was likely for the handmaids that worked here. As she ducked inside and flattened against the wall as best she could, Stasia saw there was a fourth bed, which was inhabited at the moment by a young woman. She seemed to be asleep, as her eyes were closed, and Stasia saw that she was an elf like herself.

The young elf woman had the covers thrown down a bit and Stasia saw that she was wearing only a pair of panties, her rather ample breasts for an elf bare, being D-cups. She had raven black hair, and a rather sexy body as well, but thankfully she was asleep and Stasia had the chance to slip out of the other door to her right, which led out into a hallway she saw. In the library behind her, Stasia heard the maid Lisa rummaging around for the book she was supposed to be getting.

Antithetical Inquiry

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Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Stasia held her breath when her eyes fell on the figure in the bed. Pressed tight against the wall, she did not move, clinging to it silently. Once she started making out the details of the silhouette, she felt heat rush into her face, and she tensed her lips.

Tch, how tacky...

She thought as she leaned from the wall, and slid lower, crouching low as she made her way across the bedroom.

Should start making my way through the house... If I take my time, there shouldn't be too much to worry about.

She said, as she found her eyes roaming over the almost naked elf again.

Some girls are just blessed.

She mentally huffed before moving to the doorway of the hallway, leaning her head out and peering up and down it, checking it's lighting and occupancy methodically.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Stasia (AI)

As she peeked out into the hallway, Stasia saw nobody was around and she had a clear path for now. There were two paths, one straight ahead, and one to the left. The one in front of her led back to the foyer, where she saw the steps climbing up and a small hallway leading underneath them to the other side. There was a door on both sides of that little hallway, though the one on the right obviously just led under the stairs.

To her left, Stasia saw the hallway curve to the left again, and there was a door against the far wall as the hall turned left in plain view, and another one on the left side of the wall leading down to the curve. She didn't know what it led to just yet of course, but she could hear the handmaid in the library getting dangerously close to the door, though she still hadn't opened it yet.

Antithetical Inquiry

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Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Hearing the maid get closer, she slunk to the otherside, into the hallway. Peering around, she crept down her new area, pressing herself to the wall that would lead her to the stairs if she followed it around. Peering around the corner with the area of the stairs, if no one was present, she would make a dart to the area beneath the stairs, and continue on her way; that side of the house seemed far to busy, and perhaps she'll have some luck on the otherside of the house.

I haven't been here long, and already I have something to show for it... What else you got?
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Stasia (AI)

As Stasia crept out of the room and decided to go over to the far side of the house, using the stairs as cover, she found nobody in the foyer, giving her a clear shot to the other side. Moving as quickly and quietly as she could, Stasia made it across in record time, however, she bumped a small table along the way with a vase on it. The vase wobbled very dangerously a few times before it stopped finally, thankfully not falling down. A shatter then would have been very bad for her.

After making it to the opposite side of the stairs, Stasia saw there was a hall that went down to her left, and a door just across the hall from where she was at. Down the left path were two other doors, one at the far end down the left before the hall turned right, and another on the right not too far from the corner where the hall turned to the right.

Antithetical Inquiry

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Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Stasia's dart didn't stop in time, her hip bumping the table. She was already past it by the time she registered the first "wob" of the vase. She turned around, watching it precariously rock back and forth, holding her breath. She outstretched her hands to either side of it, but it had already started to settle back into it's spot. She froze there for a moment, looking around, before regaining her composure, and began to move further down the hall, thanking her lucky stars.

She peered at the doors, then decided to take the far one on the left. Moving close to it, she pressed an ear to the door, swallowing a little as she prepared herself. Her fingers outstretched toward the knob, gently wrapping around it as she made any last second notes of the noises inside.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Stasia (AI)

As Stasia moved over to the door she decided to go into, she didn't see anyone, nor hear anyone inside the room she'd chosen. Gently opening the thing, she peered inside and saw that she'd struck what was basically a jackpot. It was a trophy/gallery room, and it was full of various statues, and other art pieces that could only be worth a lot of money. Many of them were in glass cases, but not all of them. There were a couple of golden chalices sitting uncovered on shelves, and there was a platinum tiara with what was at least a 1 carrot diamond in the center piece on it.

In one of the cases, Stasia saw a crown that was gold with 8 points and it had a large 2 carrot ruby on each point. It had a little sign underneath it in the glass case that read, "The Lotus Crown"

Antithetical Inquiry

Staff member
Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Stasia's eyes went wide, as she quietly shut the door behind her, looking about.

Where could she have gotten all this? Was she an adventurer? Or maybe it's all inherited?

Stasia prepped a bag as she glanced around. She stepped carefully, scanning the room for any traps or alarms. With every pause, a suspicious eye roamed the cases, searching for switches, wires, or perhaps engravings of magical traps.

If she didn't find anything to indicate at trap, she would select smaller objects; rings, coins, medallions. Chalices can be quite noisy rattling around in a bag, and she knew people were awake.

As she got to the tiara, she paused, running her fingers delicately around it, testing for traps. She studied what was beneath it, and then lifted it if her methodical nature found nothing.

She would then turn to the crown...
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Stasia (AI)

As she scanned the room for traps and whatnot, Stasia found none right off, though some of the higher class cases with the more rare items may be booby trapped or something she knew. It seemed that this was simply a plain old trophy/gallery room. On open shelves, Stasia found several old coins from ages past, and several rings and other jewelry. One of the necklaces she found was obviously a magical amulet of sorts, with an emerald set for the gemstone. Stasia couldn't be certain what it did of course, but she could obviously take it to an appraiser afterwards to find out.

There was a single thing that looked off though about the glass case with the platinum tiara however. It seemed the glass was a bit thicker than most of the others, and the lock a little more sophisticated, but it could still be picked with a bit of effort. When she began opening the door to the case after picking the lock, the tiara suddenly glowed and then flashed a bright blinding light a few moments later, and then, she fell flat on her butt as the thing dazed her. It made a little thump, but she couldn't be certain if anyone heard it or not. The case was open now though she saw, and the prize she was going for inside.

Antithetical Inquiry

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Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Stasia tried to cover her eyes in time, but found herself blinking on the floor, peering into nothingness as colors sparkled before her eyes. Giving a few hard blinks, trying to find anything to focus on, she waited for the colors to dissipate before glancing around, and slowly gathering herself to her feet.

What was that? Well, I don't hear anyone scrambling toward me...

She picked herself up into a crouch position, giving it another moment, before standing by the tiara. Pursing her lips, she regarded it warily one more time before plucking it from it's place, and placing it in her bag, before turning to the crown.

This time her inspection was much quicker, her heart beat picking up after that sudden flash of light. Even without the sound, she could only hope it wasn't a trigger.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Taking the crown after she got back up, Stasia shook the blindness away and put it into her bag, though not before she felt a momentary dizziness wash over her and make her stumble around a bit. Moving along, Stasia found a few more pieces of jewelry that looked nice, and as she was opening another of the glass cases to get at a necklace, she felt another little wave of dizziness washing over her, making her stumble again and lasting a couple of seconds before she managed to right herself.

When Stasia finally decided to move on from here, she would find a maid in the hall out the door she entered, sweeping the floors and dusting around, simply cleaning up for the day before she turned in herself most likely. This meant that she would have to go either out the door leading out to the backyard, or the door to the right of the room that led back out a little further down the hallway, out of sight of the maid.

Antithetical Inquiry

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Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Stasia (AI)

As soon as Stasia felt the second wave of dizziness, she gave her head a shake, leaning against the wall to support herself.

Ngh, n-not good...

She moved to the door, peering out of it as she noticed the maid. She slowly closed the door, considering her options.

One more time, then we go...

She thought, before moving out of the room, sneaking to the doorway further down the hall.

Something tells me I'm going to regret this.

She thought as she slipped silently into the doorway.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Moving around to the other door after her dizzy spell and spotting the maid in the hall just outside where she'd just come in, Stasia saw that she had really only two options here. One was to slip out of the back door just to her left, and the other was to sneak through to the door to the right, which was within sight of the maid, but if she timed it right then she could sneak into that room when the maid had her back turned. Unless she wished to try and sneak past the maid that is, in which case she would still need to wait for her to turn her back.

The maid, she saw upon peeking around the corner, was busy dusting a small table that had a ceramic vase on it. So it was now or never if she was going to try and get into the other room.

Antithetical Inquiry

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Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Stasia took that opportunity, staying low and sweeping across the hallway. She casted a sideways glance on the maid, just in case she turned the elf's way. As she met the door, she straightened up from her crouch as her hand wrapped around the door handle, and twisted and opened it while taking her last few steps, twirling around the frame of the door. With a brief pause to ensure her skirt didn't get stuck in the door frame as she pressed her back against the wall of the room, she shut it silently, then turned her gaze to her new room.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Stasia managed to open the door and slipped inside quickly, catching the maid turning a bit towards her just as she closed the door. Looking around, Stasia saw that she was in a large bathroom. There was a mass of steam coming from further inside the bathroom, indicating there was a bath. Peeking inside there, Stasia saw there was someone in there sitting in the bath. It was a woman, one with quite large breasts that floated in the water as she sat there with her head laid back on a towel on the side.

The woman stands up after a few moments and stretches, where Stasia saw that she... was more than a woman, she was a hermaphrodite, a rather well endowed one at that. Stasia saw the herm suddenly turn towards her and look directly at her, smirking a bit. "I thought I felt the presence of someone in here. Didn't know it was going to be a cute little elven sneak thief, hmhm," the herm woman said, chuckling with an amused look on her face, looking at the bag Stasia had her things in and raising an eyebrow, though she made no move towards Stasia yet or anything.

Antithetical Inquiry

Staff member
Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Stasia let herself relax ever so slightly as she slid into the new room, her shoulders drooping when the door behind her clicked. She leaned against the secured entrance, until she realized where she was, and what her situation had become.

Of all the places to end up...

She paused for a moment, catching a glimpse of the woman, and her heavily endowed form. A glint of jealousy rising in the green gaze as she leered through the steam. The passing moment probably ruined her chances of escaping totally unnoticed as the woman stood up before the thief.

That's when Stasia's eyes noticed something else between the legs of the woman. The elf's eyes flicked downward, and with the shape clear enough, her face pinkened hotly before lifting to the woman's words, shrinking against the door.

A heartbeat after the words hung in the air, Stasia recovered her composure.

"I think you've mistaken me, I've just come for donations and got turned around. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude."

She says coolly, and regarding what could only be the "guard dog" mentioned. While Stasia's poker face was well practiced, it never helped she felt her heartbeat pound into her neck and face, and even more so in this situation she found herself in.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Stasia (AI)

"For donations you say, hmm... interesting," the herm woman said, smirking a bit as she stepped towards Stasia through the pool sized bath. "Are you the one giving donations? Or are you wanting a donation?" she asked as she walked towards Stasia in a calm and non-threatening manner.

Stasia saw the herm woman walk towards her, stopping just short and to her right as she pulled another towel down off the shelves next to Stasia. The herm woman seemed to not be embarrassed in the least bit about Stasia seeing her naked like this. Though she was looking a bit aroused and getting more so, as her cock was slowly engorging and getting erect.

Getting a closer look at the herm woman now that she was only a few feet away, Stasia saw that she had long dark brown hair, and brown eyes nearly the same color of her hair. Her breasts were very large, easily F-cups. Her ass was perfectly rounded and voluptuous. She had muscles too, though she didn't have huge body builder muscles, just enough that showed she would be a tough opponent in a physical confrontation. She was quite tall as well, easily six and a half feet tall or so at least. Lastly, her cock was quite huge and was mostly erect now, nearly a foot in length if not a full foot, and thick as well.

"So, why are you here in the baths my cute little elf, hmm?" the herm woman asked curiously as she finished drying herself off and tossed the towel to the side, where she then placed her hands on her hips and stared at Stasia intently.


Antithetical Inquiry

Staff member
Dec 2, 2008
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Re: Stasia (AI)

Stasia offers a pleasant smile and a submissive dip of her chin downward.

"Come to collect them..."

Her eyes leaned down to the chest, and a glint of envy grew in the green pair that rested on the mix-gendered woman's chest. Her eyes lifted quickly back up.

I'll have to make a break for it if she finds me out, if she hasn't all ready. I can't tell...

Stasia gives an embarrassed look, and moves toward the door once more. "Ah, well, I took a wrong turn after being dismissed by Lady Cassandra, and ended up here. I'm so sorry to have barged in on you..."

Stasia turns toward the door, and reaches for the doorknob.