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RPG RPG Maker [侍] Steel Fist (RJ233246)

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Sex Demon
Jun 16, 2012
Reputation score

The hero was an alien invading the earth ... ... Although it should have been supposed to be
an organization that has been summoned to another world. To get out to a certain martial arts competition!

■ Train two characters ! ■
You can train the heroine with various commands.
You can train as long as the heroines have physical strength to continue.
Take them out to the city at night and prostitution · exposure etc ...
Various play Enjoy your heroine and make it a slave.

■ Various characters ■
There are various characters besides the two main.
Of course you can catch the character and do whatever you want.

■ Simple RPG ■
Difficulty has been simplified
Defeat the enemy by making full use of the deathblow

■ Erotic CG large number! ■
Basic 50 or more sheets.


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Jungle Girl
Mar 1, 2017
Reputation score
the white haired girl , isn't she from super robot wars? how do we play this game though, basic rpg battle mode?


Demon Girl Master
Mar 26, 2012
Reputation score
the white haired girl , isn't she from super robot wars? how do we play this game though, basic rpg battle mode?
Her name is Seolla and she is almost certainly the most popular Super Robot Wars hentai target. Not sure why, maybe it's cuz her love interest is the most typical wish-fulfillment protagonist, making her a good target for both wish-fulfillment and NTR sex. Maybe.


Jungle Girl
Mar 1, 2017
Reputation score
Well that could be some examples for good scenario that leads to everything. Although yeah she's pretty bomb. I want try to find out more about this game, looks interesting with collection of girls that you can "use" for many things.


New member
May 25, 2018
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anyone have guide or full save? :/ it seems is hard without translation


Jungle Girl
Mar 27, 2015
Reputation score
haven't finished the game yet but the basic idea of the game is accept missions at the guild then compete in the tournament at the castle to progress the story. you can accept bounty's at the guild for more money, upgrading robots are done in the lab using items with the crystal icon which gives points to the robot to distribute to its stats. the two main girls can be trained at night which rewards you with points that can be used to trade items at the underground item shop. there is a shop in the slums that sell items which increases the number of action you can take when training the girls. that should be most of info you need to play the game normally.


Tentacle Monster
Oct 16, 2015
Reputation score
Like going back to the beginning of rpgmaker games, and not in a good way.
Artist has done nothing to improve his art and little to the setup since his first game (from 2011) or second game.

Which is of course nice if into repeating retro. But for all other situations, it is a bit of a shame really,
Feels like he is crossing the line between old school and stuck in past.
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Tentacle God
Sep 10, 2011
Reputation score
  • workshop counter workshop.jpg , from left is 1 : change robot name, 2 : change robot, 3 : power up and add power up point, 4 : combine
  • if change robot, sometime has exp bug
  • if change robot, power up status will change too
  • power up point only add to controlling robot
  • H more to heroine can up H lvl, possible is 10, 25, 40, 55 to next lvl
  • H to heroine also can get 貢献度, in base upper right house can exchange item
  • use 戻り玉 or サブコマンド > 戻り玉 can back to base, and time will change
  • F5 can change window side
Start and 1st match :
  1. north room talk to excellency
  2. south to cave, after get robot can open menu
  3. SW to dungeon, click corpse can get item, deep vs boss
  4. vs boss then choice robot
  5. left 2 room for H
  6. base upper right room talk to ルオ ruo.jpg then talk to gray robe who under ladder
  7. talk to counter get quest
  8. click notes get subquest ゴブリン退治 > move out town to アジトの洞窟, deep vs boss
  9. brothel (from base choice 娼館前) outside talk to guard
  10. slum (from base choice スラム), talk to man guard in right house has fight
  11. inside hideout, deep vs boss
  12. guardhouse has new subquest スラムの暗殺者 > go slum hideout, talk to assassin
  13. base talk to ルオ, now go brothel talk to owner can get $/day
  14. residential areas (from base choice 住宅地), high ground talk to opponent
  15. castle entrance (from base choice (城の入り口), castle's left building, north room talk to soldier in upper for match

2nd match :
  1. guardhouse talk to counter get quest
  2. move out town to 摩訶不思議ダンジョン, B5 event
  3. guardhouse has new subquest ミーナの捜索 > 摩訶不思議ダンジョン, 5F vs thief
  4. castle's left building for match

Extra quest, need heroine H lvl 4, 5 :
  • when white hair heroine H lvl 4, guardhouse has new subquest 我々を助けてください > night with her to workshop lower right room talk to man night workshop.jpg
  • white hair heroine H lvl 5, guardhouse has new subquest また、我々を助けて > same as lvl 4
  • when blond hair heroine H lvl 4, guardhouse has new subquest 我々に癒しを > night with her to church, middle talk to priest
  • blond hair heroine H lvl 5, guardhouse has new subquest また、我々に癒しを > same as lvl 4

3rd match :
  1. noble area (form base choice 貴族街), upper left to mansion has event
  2. move out town to ランバー灯台, deep vs boss (2 fight)
  3. guardhouse talk to counter get quest
  4. noble area upper left to church, talk to clergy 3M clergy.jpg
  5. move out town to ティンバーの森, enter building from back door, deep vs boss
  6. guardhouse has new subquest パトリシアの捜索 > move out town to ランバー灯台, deep help girl
  7. new subquest 騎士の捜索 > ティンバーの森 1st area upper right has fight
  8. new subquest 戦闘依頼1 > workshop lower right room talk to engineer 3M test.jpg for fight
  9. new subquest 戦闘依頼2 > workshop lower right room talk to engineer for fight, if win can get new robot エスパダRC for all member
  10. castle's left building for match

4th match :
  1. shop has new equip sale
  2. guardhouse auto get quest, then move out town to 下水, deep vs boss
  3. guardhouse has new subquest 下水の魔物1 >下水 2nd area left vs monster (dont moving one, after fight need click notes for report)
  4. new subquest 下水の魔物2 >下水 3rd area, upper of down stair vs monster (dont moving one, after fight need click notes for report)
  5. new subquest シャッテの救助 > to 下水, 4th area left help girl
  6. new subquest 謎の女が > ティンバーの森 2nd area upper left catch girl
  7. castle's left building for match

5th match :
  1. base talk to ルオ
  2. shop has new equip sale
  3. move out town to 海の洞窟
  4. B3 talk to maid has fight, deep vs boss
  5. guardhouse has new subquest 護衛を頼む > church talk to deputy priest 副司祭 has fight
  6. castle's left building talk to knight and vs him
  7. castle's left building for match

6th match :
  1. guardhouse talk to counter get quest
  2. move out town to 炭鉱, to house for event, then to mine deep vs boss, 2 fight
  3. guardhouse has new subquest 炭鉱の魔物1 > mine right side, in left of pond vs enemy (dont moving one, after fight need click notes for report)
  4. new subquest 炭鉱の魔物2 > mine B1 near upstair vs enemy (dont moving one, after fight need click notes for report)
  5. new subquest 貴族令嬢の捜索 > mine deep crystal area talk to girl
  6. new subquest 炭鉱の調査~テュッティ~ > church talk to blond hair sister, then mine B3 upper talk to her has fight
  7. castle's left building for match

7th match :
  1. base can exchange new item
  2. shop has new equip sale
  3. noble area upper left to church, talk to clergy 3M clergy.jpg
  4. church to underground, deep vs boss, 2 fight
  5. workshop counter right silver door, inside talk to engineer, hero can get new robot (if later talk to him again can buy power up point item)
  6. workshop underground, deep vs boss, 2 fight
  7. base talk to ルオ
  8. base lower right jail room talk to man in right
  9. to slum, high ground help girl
  10. move out town to 摩訶不思議ダンジョン, 15F vs boss
  11. to 摩訶不思議ダンジョン again, 20F open box get item and vs boss
  12. base jail room talk to man in right has H
  13. noon, base jail room, talk to man in left has H
  14. noble area upper left to church, down stair to jail church jail.jpg talk to clergy has H
  15. castle's left building for match

8th match :
  1. guardhouse talk to counter get quest
  2. move out town to ランペイジ火山, deep vs boss
  3. guardhouse has new subquest 火山の盗賊団 > to ランペイジ火山, B1 lower help girl
  4. castle's left building for match

Final match :
  1. shop has new equip sale
  2. noon, base jail room talk to man
  3. night to slum left shop, talk to aged
  4. move out town to ティンバーの森, 2nd area left catch elf
  5. slum left shop talk to aged has Hscene (this H cant find in hscene room?)
  6. noon, base jail room talk to man
  7. castle talk to king
  8. castle's left building for match, 2 fight

Ending :
  1. residential areas left house can open box now
  2. shop has new equip sale
  3. move out town to 摩訶不思議ダンジョン, 25F vs boss
  4. 摩訶不思議ダンジョン, 30F vs boss
  5. can skip : 摩訶不思議ダンジョン, 30F vs 破壊神, if win hero can get new robot?
  6. castle talk to princess, after H choice back to real world (can skip because no new CG) or stay there
if back to real :
  1. north room talk to excellency
  2. south to dungeon, deep vs 2 soldier
  3. base east get new robot
  4. deep vs ルオ and final boss, after boss choice 2 ending, then choice return to not defeated final boss or 2nd play
if stay :
  1. talk to ルオ
  2. talk to 2 heroine, 1 choice (if 2nd choice she leave, H lvl not 5 maybe leave too)
  3. talk to ルオ, hero can get new robot
  4. to castle, 2nd choice to underground, before door vs boss, then inside vs boss (2 fight)
  5. move out town to 神の神殿, deep vs final boss
  6. after boss has choice, get 1st one (if 2nd for normal end), then next choice get 2nd for write hair heroine, 3rd for blond hair heroine, 4th for harem
  7. after ending choice return to not defeated final boss or 2nd play
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New member
May 25, 2018
Reputation score
there seems to be a new armor , in the 2nd dungeon where you can teleport using portal , there 6 portal there , you will need to fight with the goku with 12k hp

after that fight you can use him , you will have around 5k hp on that armor :/ on the last spot 30 floor there a door , go in that door and click that crystal
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Jungle Girl
Nov 20, 2010
Reputation score
Well sry for necro the thread but just wondering if anyone have a full cleared save for this game.

Kinda stuck on middle of the game and dont really wanna bother to progress anymore.



Lord High Inquisitor
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Thread locked because the OP's a copy-paste of dlsite description. To get this thread unlocked PM a mod with an updated OP.
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