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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Adelle would get what she wanted, and with no pressure to do anything specific, had her time to observe. And it was a day among many to these people it seemed, as they were just dancing their troubles (and possibly money) away. She would eventually join them, doing her thing.

Somewhere along that dance, a quick pat would happen as someone in the crowd slapped her on the chest, but it was probably not meant to be in a harassment effort as a folded paper was left on her newly acquired slimegirl dress. While she could not fully make out who it had been, she could briefly see a man with some mild deformities and eerily pale skin looking at her before he vanished into the crowd. The paper itself looked nothing like a regular piece of modern paper, instead likely being parchment.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Adelle did indeed join the crowd, and this would give Sylph time to look around on everything going on. She was a little surprised when she felt something lightly hit her chest, and she glanced down to see some paper, of some sort at least. "What the..." she mumbled under her breath, glancing around to see the figure of someone looking her way before disappearing, almost as if he'd been a figment of her imagination from the get go.

"Huh... I wonder who that was, and what he wanted..." Adelle muttered after a few moments as she lifted the piece of parchment paper and unrolled it to read what might have been written on it, as he'd clearly been trying to get her attention for some reason.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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The paper clearly had age behind it as it was yellowed, and the text inside was curiously beautiful cursive writing of someone who had clearly practiced it a lot. It was a short and cryptic message that did not have a sender, the first part thanking Adelle that she had awakened the writer's sister and indirectly brought her back to the fold, whatever that was. The second part would tell her to come to a specific bus stop at the city limits whenever she wanted to know more about the sender and maybe find some mutual benefits.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Reading the note, Adelle couldn't help but feel a little creeped out, but the handwriting was really good, and neat, and she knew that it had to be from a woman... surely. "Say, Sylph... can you tell who this might be from?" Adelle asked Sylph, holding the parchment in such a way that Sylph could look at it and read it too.

Thinking it over, she knew that she wanted to know more, and as such she thought it over for a few moments before going back to the bar and getting another drink, a smaller one this time, a shot of vodka, which she downed in one gulp, and paid her bar bill. Then, she turned to head out, having only been there for about 30 minutes or so, if that. She headed to the bus stop that was indicated, and drove her bike there.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Sylph had nothing to add, and with that the two would be gone, Matthias looking a bit puzzled at their early departure but nonetheless wishing to see them again soon.

The bus stop was not too far from Adelle's home, clearly being one long out of use as the public transport systems of old were equally long gone after the wars of the past. But there still was a small sheltered seat there, and after being near it for a while, the busty girl could make out a shimmer of something large near her. When no one else was around, this thing would appear in front of her, an ornate, dark and gothic-styled carriage with two fully armored large horses at the front. There was a driver sitting in the driver seat too, someone completely covered by a black robe, the only visible part of them being a skeletal hand that seemed to open the door of the carriage as they gestured towards it. "Whenever you are ready..."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Adelle was curious by the bus stop being this close to her home, but nonetheless she curiously walked over to the thing and looked around. When she saw the carriage slowly coming up, Adelle tilted her head slightly, and glanced around, before she walked over to the thing. "A-Alright... may I ask where we're going, exactly?" Adelle replied, climbing up and feeling surprisingly calm, though still thoroughly creeped out by the whole thing.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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The robed rider had nothing to say, just making sure that Adelle went inside the wagon before the door would shut. The inside of the wagon had enough sitting space for at least six people, three on each of the two large seats. The seats, the walls and the ceiling were all padded with the same soft, red fabric, so it would be at least a modicum safer in the event the wagon tipped over. A few ornate chalice-like cups and an equally fancy jug containing what looked like red wine sat on the middle table, the slight shake of the wagon starting to move not moving them at all.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Adelle sat down, and though she got no response, she looked around and saw just how roomy it was inside. She reached out to the table to get one of the cups and poured some of the red wine into it, and began to sip at it, making sure not to drink too much so she wasn't drunk, and could remain alert. "Where the hell are we going..." Adelle muttered to herself where Sylph could hear, feeling a tiny bit worried at this point, and wondering just what this was supposed to be, and who.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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"Looks like someone not quite human is looking for you... if all these supernatural things are here..." Sylph would speak up, a tentacle forming out to grab Adelle's cup just enough to make her spill some of it onto her "clothes", where it would vanish into the slime.

There would be a development in their trip soon as the wagon seemed to tip upwards, feeling like it was doing a wheelie. Looking outside would show that it had not merely done that, but taken off the ground completely as it gained altitude. Suddenly they were moving at amazing speed in the air, and after a few hours Adelle could see the mountain she had visited with Rose in the distance.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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"Yeah clearly. And... if you wanted to taste some, you could've just told me," Adelle said, tipping a bit more of the wine out onto herself, before she sipped some herself.

"W-Whoa... what the... hell?" Adelle asked as she felt the carriage beginning to take flight.

She looked out the window and saw they were indeed in the air, and this frightened her somewhat. It was not something she had expected in the slightest. "Where the hell are we going now?" Adelle muttered under her breath as she spotted the mountain in the distance that her and Rose had gone to, which got her thinking that maybe it was someone to do with over here perhaps... possibly about Taio.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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After a bit more time in the air, there would be a sudden change of scenery as the world changed from day to moonlit night in a snap of a finger. There would be an equally surprising appearance of a floating island with a castle mounted on it near the mountain, something that Adelle could not have missed during their ventures on the mountain and the surrounding forests... unless it was in some sort of magical effect that hid it away from the rest of the world. This castle was what they were heading towards, and soon the wagon would touch down near the gate. Going right past it as it opened up, the wagon would come to a stop near the huge doors of the castle, where a tuxedo'd man of pale skin and thin, sharp features was waiting for them outside the wagon, carrying an old timey lantern with an eerie blue fire inside it. While his dress was immaculate, this man probably was not the one to invite Adelle into this place.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Adelle was taken aback by more than just a little bit, when the scenery changed like it did, and she saw the floating island with the castle upon it. Surely this place wasn't right near that mountain. Right? Surely she had to have just missed it, as she had never really bothered to look upwards while they were there. No... that was just silly... she couldn't have just "missed' such a floating island, not with it This close to the mountain. That meant that this place had some sort of magical spell on it that kept it hidden like this.

When the wagon finally came to a halt, Adelle climbed out and looked out at the man in the tuxedo, gulping a bit. "Um... can I ask just where I'm at?" Adelle asked the man in the tuxedo, as she walked out.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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As eerie as the man waiting was, he seemed the picture of polite manner as soon as they started talking. "But of course. This humble abode is the home of my master, and he has invited you to see him after your actions made his dear sister return to the fold." he would tell Adelle as he gestured her to follow him inside. "He is waiting for you in the main hall. Come after me if you would, and don't let the other inhabitants get to you. They might try to intimidate or worse, but won't try anything when you are with me. Maybe you could talk to some of them afterwards if it's to your interest?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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"His... dear sister? Mmm... I'm trying to think who his sister might be, actually. Not Taio, surely. Right?" Adelle replied as she followed the man inside, not feeling too frightened anymore now that she had solid ground under her feet, and since this guy seemed to be pretty polite and nice as they went.

"Also, I must say, this place looks absolutely beautiful. A floating island in the sky, the architecture, it's... rather beautiful to be completely honest with you," Adelle would comment after a few moments as they walked along.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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The castle was impressive no matter how one looked at it, looking like it was something made in the Gothic architecture style of the age before. And as the man had mentioned, there were indeed some inhabitants to be seen, beautiful shadowy shapes of people dressed in noble finery that were sizing Adelle up as she went past them in the dimly-lit halls. A few corridors would pass in shadow, the sound of a grand organ playing intense melodies of the night audible soon enough as they got through doors that were even larger than the outside pair had been. "Oh, the master is playing. Let us not interrupt him, but not let it stop us either." the man would go on as he let the busty girl inside what could have passed as a cathedral but was simply the main hall of this castle. There was a second balcony floor above them, and the wall on the right was lined with huge stained glass windows, each depicting scenes of kings and knights, the things allowing moonlight to break in and light the massive hall. Across the doors, the other side was entirely dominated by the pipes of the organ, the construction letting loose some majestic tunes as the master of the house was playing, a high-collared suit of black and red being visible even from across the way as his hands flew over the keys.

Up on the balcony Adelle could see a familiar form, the horned vampire woman she and Rose had met some time ago hiding in the city. She too seemed to focus on letting the master of the house play his grandiose tunes, and would offer a brief wave before stepping back from the edge and vanishing from sight. Their encounter had been brief back then, but the vampire had talked of being away from home for some reason or another.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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"Wow this place is just... stunning if I do say so myself," Adelle said as she kept walking, hearing the organ playing nearby and feeling more than just a little impressed to say the least. "That's alright. His playing is quite beautiful. I'm rather fond of good music, to be completely honest," she'd add to the man.

When she glanced up a the balcony, she noticed the vampire woman from before. She smiled and waved up at her as she waited and enjoyed the music. "Man he is Really good at that," Adelle commented before she glanced over at the man she'd been following. "How is she, by the way? And why was she in the city I found her in exactly?" she'd then ask curiously.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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"Eliza? She doesn't appear too different after her adventure, better or worse. Going out didn't give her that big thing she had been looking for apparently. She's settling back into the court as I expected she would." the butler type would share his mind and observation of the sister vampire freely.

As they did this, Adelle would feel her personal space being intruded as another person would squish against her from behind, their head peeking over her shoulder as her upper arms were grabbed. It didn't feel hostile though, even as the person behind her had completely evaded any notice before she was already on her. "Hello... you must be the guest my hubby has been going on about recently." they would speak up, the voice being youthful and seductive as she brushed a finger on Adelle's cheek. "We welcome you to the castle, it is rare for a human to come in like this. But... I can feel it's not just you coming in. And while I can approve of being wild here and there I think this is not the time for it. Should we... expel the uninvited or do you want to be like you are now?" she would go on, the presence of Sylph being obvious to her it seemed, ans it looked like she was offering a release from the otherworld slime's whims if the busty girl let her.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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"Well I'm glad that she's okay. She seemed pretty out of it when I met her in that place before," Adelle told the butler after giving Eliza a wave.

She was about to say something more, but she felt a pair of hands grab her upper arms, and she let out a soft gasp of surprise as she felt those hands on her and the woman behind her speaking up. "I uh... *clears throat*... well, Sylph here is a... how should I say... companion. And... well, if you expel her I'm going to be a little... naked, which might not be the best thing if I'm going to present myself to your husband, h-heh. That is... unless you'd have something nice to put me in of course," Adelle replied, clearing her throat mid sentence, and looking a bit embarrassed at suggesting the vampire woman could put her in a dress of some sort.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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"That can be arranged by our expert tailor quick enough... there is still time left in the play, he will take a bit still..." the woman would go on, a few traits becoming apparent even when Adelle could not see her proper. The chest against her back was ample, and she could see blonde hair and a black cloth on her shoulder, the latter suggesting some sort of veil. The hand on her cheek was covered by a thin and shiny latex-y black glove as well. "So what is it going to be?" she would proceed to ask as the gloved hand explored her facial features and lips.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Adelle blushed a bit, and she turned her head to look over her shoulder at the woman, feeling a little excited at her touch and the fact that the bosoms touching her back seemed to be on par with her own. "W-Well um... it doesn't have to be too fancy. But I'd like to look... y-you know, nice and presentable. And Sylph, would you please not... y-you know, eat these clothes?" Adelle replied to the woman, trying to turn around to face her, assuming she prevented her from doing so.