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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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What followed the accepting of the proposal was a bit more violent than Adelle might have been expecting as she was suddenly pushed forward. Before she could turn, she could see four parallel lines of light pass through her body like a giant claw slashing her, though it felt like nothing of such had happened. Sylph however was not quite as lucky, and the busty girl could hear her screech as the slime removed itself from her entirely, probably lashing out towards the vampire. But that didn't seem to matter as a purple glow briefly flashed behind her, and just like that the situation was solved with Adelle left there naked as the slime had been all of her clothes just a minute ago. "There we go, no unnecessary participants in this. If you really want her back, I can do that once you leave. Personally, wouldn't recommend it but it's your choice~"

Now Adelle could see the one she had been talking to, a vampire lady who dressed rather nun-like, a long veil partially covering her head but not enough to hide her long blonde hair and golden eyes. The long gloves and boots she wore looked like they were stolen from a bondage store, being shiny and black, but otherwise the clothes she had were fairly conservative to keep up with the theme. "Shall we? Or do you want to show yourself to me a bit longer?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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"I um... w-well, thank you madam. I appreciate that. Now that she's gone... Sylph did threaten to eat me, truth me told. I wasn't too against her tagging along, but... well, with that threat out of the way, I can be honest. She absolutely terrified me..." Adelle replied before letting out a sigh of relief now that she had control over her body again.

Adelle took in the vampire woman's features and couldn't help but feel a bit put off by her beauty. She felt a bit inferior to say the least. "I uh... o-oh my heh. Well we're both ladies at least. So I don't feel Quite as embarrassed as I might otherwise feel. A-Anyway um... p-please, lead the way," Adelle would then say with a somewhat nervous chuckle, as she would follow the woman. "Also, I'm Adelle," she'd add, introducing herself in a polite tone.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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"Amela, the lady of the house." the vampire would introduce herself as they left the big main hall through another dooron the left, the butler now gone to whatever his other duties were. A few doors would pass by before their one was waiting. Amela would lead as she had, their room in question looking decently big too, the floor being mostly absent of any furniture, but there were large sheets of peculiar fabric in different colors hanging from most spots they could be attached to.

"Sharron, you got a customer. Work it out with each other." Amela would call out, prompting an arachne woman to lower herself down from the ceiling. Unlike the vampire, she was rather nondescript on her human half, having messy, black shoulder-lenght hair that was all over the place. Her human body was rather average too, but she had six arms to go with her eight spider legs, the spider parts in her being the usual black with some yellow markings. The only piece of clothing she had on was a simple sleeveless black t-shirt with the sides opened enough to let her arms out.

"Yes yes... l got it. It'll be done. Come here please..." this spider would tell Adelle as she tipped herself over to her back, bending her upper body upwards as she did and patted what amounted to her lap, basically telling Adelle to sit down on it and face her.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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"It's a pleasure to meet you, lady Amela. I'd give you a proper curtsy if I had the clothes on to do it, heh," Adelle chuckled softly as she followed her out, so instead she gave her a polite and respectful bow to show her appreciation. "Wow this place is big," Adelle commented as they walked through the place, a little curious how this place was floating in the sky like this as they approached the room Amela was taking her to.

When they arrived, Adelle looked around when Amela called out for Sharron, and when she saw the arachne woman lowering herself down, she felt a shudder go up her spine. The last arachne she encountered had been... not too gentle with her to say the least. But this one wasn't that arachne, and she seemed to be one of Amela's servants at least, so Adelle didn't feel quite as worried overall. When Sharron urged her over, Adelle walked over and would take a seat in basically her lap, and glanced up. "Um... h-hello there, Sharron. I'm Adelle. And, I'm supposed to meet lady Amela's husband shortly. Make me look... mmm, fabulous, but not Too fabulous of course. Can't be so fabulous that I'm outshining my beautiful hostess there," Adelle would say toe Sharron, gesturing to Amela.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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"Come back when you're done." Amela would leave Adelle with these words as she went back towards the main hall likely, closing the door after her.

"Normally... I'd take your sizes and all that... cut my fabrics and make the desired article with care... but since this is a rush job... you get this directly from the source... maybe a little more sloppy than I'd like... and not dyed properly but it'll be done." Sharron would talk once they were alone, the gaze coming from behind her hair looking a bit weary, but she kept up a professional facade at least. Her chitinous hands would all take hold of Adelle, two under her arms, two at the waist, two at the sides of her thighs. Even with her forearms and hands being hard and somewhat pointy on the fingertips, she was careful to avoid stabbing her customer with them. "I am going to turn and bend you during this process... no panic please... but more important than that..." she would cut off briefly as the spinnerets behind the busty girl would start to produce silk, the middle hands reaching for it as the other hands lifted her up, the lower ones spreading her legs out as the newly produced webbing was applied, the start of fancy panties coming into existence as the middle hands slid the webbing into shape. "I need details... what sort of costume should this be... give me your mind... on the matter... and we'll work it out together..." she would go on to ask the busty girl for specs, her gaze shifting between her work and Adelle's face as she did so.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Adelle would give Amela a smile and a wave, as she left Adelle in there with Sharron. After Amela had gone, Adelle looked up at Sharron and smiled up at her too. "Hey, you're the professional here. I'm just here getting fitted with the clothes, heh," Adelle chuckled softly to Sharron, but when she mentioned she'd need details of what sort of outfit she wanted, Adelle hummed a time or two and looked over her shoulder at Sharron.

"Hmm... well I want nice and fashionable, but nothing Too fancy that's difficult to move around in. How about um... a cocktail style dress. With two thin shoulder straps to hold it up, and ample dip in the chest for cleavage. Um... let's see, maybe a knee length skirt with as frilly an edge on the skirt as you can get," Adelle would describe the dress as best she could, while going limp and limber for Sharron to bend and turn her around, though moving around as Sharron needed her to in order to make things easier for the spidery woman. "You're... so much more gentle than the last arachne I had the opportunity to encounter. She was... not too kind, to be completely honest," Adelle would comment as Sharron was working, glancing down at the fancy panties were made before her very eyes.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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"Hmmm, the classics... can't go wrong with that... we'll go to the path of the cocktail then." Sharron would find the suggestion agreeable as she finished up the first part of the task, some simple but probably durable panties. She seemed to consider something for a while after that, but would move on to start the dress itself from Adelle's midsection, one of her spider legs bring in a loose zipper that was held against her back and attached to the start of the dress. "Simple animal behavior... not all of us are like that... some of us have aspirations in life... not just the mere act of procreation..." the spider woman seemed to know all too well what had happened, not sounding too proud of her kin right then.

Having spun enough web for the midsection to secure that zipper, Sharron would move upwards to make the cleavage part. She would let Adelle's arms down, but did tell her to keep them up for a bit more as her upper hands would grab the busty girl's chest and lift the girls up to make some dress under them before she would let them down and fully move on to make the shoulder straps and the chest part, which would come into existence with the same rapid pace as the rest of the dress. Once she had made that into reality, the arachne would lift and turn Adelle to have her right side face her, probably having planned to make the hem of the skirt open on the left side. As the skirt began to form, it seemed like she had a few more things to ask for, the lack of any hands on her at that point probably making it a bit less bothersome to Adelle. "So... what color do you want it to be... do you need a hair accessory?... Probably some shoes as I don't see any on you?...."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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"Mmm, yeah she wasn't too kind. But you're so gentle with your hands, Sharron. It's... kind of nice, to be completely honest," Adelle told Sharron as she let herself be moved around.

Adelle was very surprised and was quite impressed by Sharron's work, and how diligently she seemed to be doing it. When asked what color she wanted it to be, Adelle hummed, and glanced over her shoulder. "Mmm, a shade of blue that matches my hair, would be fine, if blue is an easy enough color to do. If not, I'm not too picky really if it's just a simple white or black colored dress. As for shoes, I had some good boots, but boots don't go well with a dress like this, I think. So some slippers of some sort, maybe a one inch heel or so at most. Truth be told I'm not good in heels, heh. Though if you want to have a laugh, then put me in some and watch me stumble everywhere," Adelle replied, laughing as she admitted to being very bad in heels.

"As for any hair accessories or anything, I'm not too picky. So you could give me anything you want to make me look nicer, really," Adelle told her after looking down at the dress proper and being a little astonished at just how well and how fast, it'd been made.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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"Ok." Sharron would confirm the color selection as she built down the hem of the skirt, a sudden introduction of chanting entering the picture as she poked the fabric to cause a shade of blue to start spreading across it. She didn't seem to be correct on it though as some grumpy sounds followed, the chanting getting repeated in a slightly different way to get the correct blue going. Eventually the hem would be done, almost to the floor, and she would move on to the next step.

Again, the spider legs would fetch things, two wooden plates that were vaguely foot-shaped. With some more spinning and clever tugging on her own strings, Sharron would pad the wood to make it more pleasant to walk on and add a little pocket to the front where one's toes would go and make the things wearable. There would also be a backstrap on them so they wouldn't fly off too easy even if one had to run in them.

With the shoes done, Sharron would look Adelle over from a few different angles, now back up to her feet. She didn't seem to be have a plan for any kind of further stuff, maybe thinking that the hair accessories were not important enough. "That's it, hmmm. Any other things you might want to ask for before you go?"

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Adelle was actually a tiny bit excited with the way Sharron had been maneuvering her around, thinking it almost felt like a bit of a carnival ride or something. When Sharron had finished up, Adelle hummed softly to herself when asked if there was anything else. "You got anyone here that knows how to make a girl's hair look nice by chance? Nothing too fancy, just a good hair brushing and styling maybe, if they got the time. Everything seems so fancy here, so I'd like to not look like some country farm girl that barely bathes and takes care of herself and all, and isn't just trying to masquerade as someone that belongs, heh," Adelle asked Sharron curiously, chuckling a bit as she smiled up at the arachne.

"But, other than that... Sharron this is... incredible. You could make a killing if you worked with Josephine in the city I live and work in. She's a damn good seamstress, but if you both worked together, I can only imagine how impressive those works would be," Adelle would say after standing up and walking around to give the shoes and dress a try, feeling so impressed that she couldn't contain the joy she felt, and hugged Sharron as thanks, without realizing what she was doing.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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"I mean I could... but I don't really need the money. I just... want to create, and the vampires here are a good outlet as they seem to have an endless need for new designs." Sharron didn't seem too keen on the idea going out, maybe liking how her current situation was, even as she looked disinterested about everything going on around her. "Sure... the room across mine. Ask Nina in there for what you had in mind. And... no, it's nothing. You had no problem with me so she shouldn't be anything either. Come back if you figure something out..." she would guide Adelle further to the other room which was thankfully very close.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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"I suppose that's a good way to live life when you think about it. Do something you're passionate about. And it's clear that you're very passionate about creating things like this. I find that very admirable, to be honest with you. But your skill at this is... I gotta say, second to none, among everyone I've ever met that can do seamstress work like this," Adelle replied, and she was genuine and meant it, and hoped Sharron could tell that she had meant it.

After that, she would get up and give a polite bow to Sharron, thanking her for the clothes, and for the directions to get her hair brushed out and everything. She walked across the hall and knocked on the door. "Hello? Nina? Sharron said to ask you about helping with my hair," Adelle would call into the room, looking around curiously.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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The knock on the door and the call would be answered from the room as a nice, motherly voice would reply to Adelle's call. "Yes, come on in, it's not locked. It'll be but a moment."

Unlike Sharron's room, this one looked far more lived in, having a good number of furniture pieces. But more notably, there were a lot of empty wine bottles in places, with almost as many sets of different-sized scissors littering the various surfaces of furniture. Right across the room from the door, there was a mirror and chair setup, the sound of scissors snipping a few times being heard before the voice from before would speak up again. "There we go, looking good again, honey." It was difficult to say at first what was going on, the mass of styled pink-blonde hair facing Adelle being of such volume that it looked like a solid oval shell. But then there would be four, and soon two more white chitinous limbs emerging from behind that mass, each of them having a sickle-like serrated claw as the tip. "She's done now, just a minute and we can get you started." the voice that could be identified as Nina would talk as she turned, the hair staying together like a shield behind her, the front looking both arousing and creepy depending on how Adelle felt about bugs. The body and face of a beautiful woman would greet her, wrapped in a somewhat Chinese-style dress, the white insect chitin on her arms and legs contrasting against that beauty, or maybe made her more alluring to some. Only three fingers were present on her hands, and her feet were the same with one section back and two forward, the former not really looking like it took anything away from her dexterity as the scissors stayed in her hands all the same. And with the smile, the busty girl could not avoid noticing the increased sharpness in her teeth, the canines being particularly prominent as they were a good bit larger that a human's.

And as interesting as Nina was, the situation got even more interesting as the person in the chair got up, the shattered silhouette horn on her head telling Adelle right away that it was Kathia, the maso succubus she had met the day before. She was looking different from their initial encounter, now dressed in a more punk-goth setup. They would face each other right away as Kathia got up, the collar around her neck having been opened up and made into a more loose necklace type of deal, the leash still visible too but likely rolled into the inside pocket of her leather jacket as it wasn't hanging loose. The look on her face got intense, and it felt like she was not entirely happy to be seen again this fast.

Meanwhile, Nina looked back and forth at the two, probably picking up that there was something between the two.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Adelle went inside and when she heard the sound of scissors doing their work, she saw the pink haired woman... or something a little more. "Oh it's fine hon. Take your time. And... oh, Kathia, hey there hon. How have you been, hmm?" Adelle said cheerfully to the succubus, smirking a bit of a devilish grin at her, though she made no movements towards her in an effort to attempt to do anything, at first, but after a few moments she would walk over to her and leaned down, where she kissed her lightly on the cheek right next to her lips.

After their little exchange, Adelle would smile and look back to Nina. "Well miss Nina. Could you fix my hair up a bit and stuff? Just... make me look as nice as possible. I'm supposed to meet the lord of the castle here, as far as I know," Adelle would then tell Nina.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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"Well I sucked a few miles of tentacles and was almost drowned in cum before being let go after you and your buddies left but nothing much. It's only been a day." Kathia would reply, a slight shiver of anger and shame going through her before she walked right past Adelle and sat down on one of the comfy chairs. One of the wine bottles would quickly end up in her hand and she would chug hard. The exchange, while not fully in context to Nina, seemed to make her sympathize with Kathia's situation. Given how casual Kathia acted in there, it seemed the two were at least friends.

"That is what I do honey. Sit down and tell me what you had in mind. Or should I just go with a hunch of mine?" Nina would ask Adelle to take a seat as she clicked the scissors a few times.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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"Mmm, well I hope you aren't any worse for wear, Kathia. And sure Nina, I don't mind going with your hunch. I've never really had the opportunity to, you know, make myself prettied up like this, so... surprise me," Adelle would say, taking a seat in front of Nina and gently flipping her hair out a bit, and waiting for Nina to get started, though when she passed Kathia, she would give her a gentle touch on the arm, trying to convey a whole no hard feelings kind of vibe to her.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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"I'll keep it simple and clean since it appears to be a quick thing. Not that I expect the man to be in too much of a hurry." Nina would take the matter into her hands, the initial stage of her work being the most simple, the comb coming out to straighten Adelle's somewhat messy hairdo. Sure she washed up, but keeping it neat and straight took more effort, and the whole fighting and fucking things did not likely make it any better. And this would not go unnoticed by her insectoid hairstylist. "Honey... you need to take better care of this beautiful hair. If it goes too far you might need to become a baldie for some time." she would say as she pulled on some of the hardier knots in there.

"I don't know, you spend an entire night throating tentacles and cum. See how it feels afterwards." Kathia would reply in a fairly snarky tone, but even from the reflection of the mirror Adelle could pick up the red on her cheeks and the glassy gaze into space, which was a fairly solid tell that she was likely feeling the complete opposite of what she was trying to put forward with her words. The whole myth of succubi being tied to the sexual pleasures was not really being broken here, more like the lore being expanded with different kinks and things being the driving force of life for some.

Having done what she felt like was good, Nina would move on from the combing as the scissors came out, but they were not used for long as she mostly just cut some uneven areas in there. She would shift Adelle's bangs to one side, making it go in match with her dress so both the hair and the dress was open on the same side. Using the back hair would be a bit more complicated, half of it being left loose while the other half would be loosely braided on top of it. Some hair would also be used to make long sidelocks for a nice frame to her face. "There we go, I think it works. I wished this was blonde though..." Nina would end it once she was done, a little personal preference coming out in the end as she used one of those barber dusters to remove any loose hairs left over. Somehow, she had done all that with three-digit chitin hands.

With that done, Adelle appeared to have the freedom to leave or stay as Nina was not telling her anything specific while she boxed away her tools. Kathia didn't say anything either, trying to remain nonchalant and casual-looking but the busty girl could see her occasionally taking looks towards her, almost as if she was trying to hold herself back, or maybe expecting to hear something from the suddenly very presentable Adelle.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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As the comb went through her hair, Adelle actually shivered a bit, and looked a little embarrassed when she was told she needed to take better care of her hair. "Oh dear that... would most definitely not be a good thing. I mean, I try and shower at least once a day, depending on things," Adelle told Nina.

"Well to be fair Kathia, I've probably done similar things, or had them done to me in the past," Adelle would say to the succubus, glancing at her in the mirror with a bit of a smirk, before her gaze went back to Nina.

"Surprisingly, blue is my natural hair color, if you can believe it. But I mean, if you wanted to make me a blonde, I wouldn't be totally against it. I have been considering dyeing it just to see what looks best," Adelle told Nina after a few moments, and glanced over at Kathia again, and noticing the glances she was herself getting from the succubus. "And... if you can believe it, I'm just a human too. I don't think I've met a single human here like myself yet," she added.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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"No no, don't take it too seriously, it's just personal preference and vision. You go like that, it is who you are. But if you want to do that later... then sure, come back and I can do that when you are not doing stuff. The friendly roach stylist is available. Unless I'm not." Nina would swing around to talk once her tools were sorted into storage. And while Adelle might have been talking to Kathia, it would be the the insectoid that had more in ways to carry the conversation as she picked up a half-filled wine glass. As intimidating as the six sickle arms were, it looked like she was quite the socialite at heart. "There are other humans around, usually guests are the ones you would see. But the majority of the people here are vampires so... you can imagine what the unseen ones are here for."

Before Adelle could draw any conclusions to what those words meant, the other chitin hand would tap a finger on her lips. "No, it's not what you think. They are not in a pen in the basement. They live comfy enough, and are mostly unrestrained in their movement. They can't leave the castle sure, but only a few areas are off-limits to them. And it's not just humans who donate, some of us other warmbloods do it too."

With all of that being said, Kathia remained quiet, but she would still give the looks in a badly concealed manner.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Adelle giggled softly at Nina's words before giving her a nod. "Sure, I'll definitely think about it hon. And thank you for the trim," Adelle told her, also being the social type herself, somewhat at least, and well knowing by now not to judge a person by their looks alone.

"Truly? That's... huh, I suppose in a way it sounds almost like a sort of... lucrative thing to offer your blood here, unless you wanted to donate it for favors or something. Also... wow, I feel like I'm going to an event that's going to change the course of the entire world. I feel... out of place too. I've never had a dress this nice, nor have I ever looked this nice either," Adelle would go on to say when Nina added what she did about the humans living there.

Adelle would walk over to Kathia and smiled down at her. "What is it hon? You keep looking at me like that, and it makes me feel like you're having to put everything into your willpower not to jump me," Adelle would ask Kathia curiously as she stood there in front of her, right hand on her hip.