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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Taio would kinda shrug, not having much else to think of. "I guess?"

"Here's the details, doesn't really tell much but the client seemed clean enough so it shouldn't be some sort of shady thing." Samson would hand out the single sheet of paper, the place and time in the city being detailed after the general text of help wanted and what have you. It looked like they had a few hours to spare on something else if desired, or they could just go now and camp it out to see what was happening and who they were dealing with.
"Mmm, seems pretty legit yeah. The usual help wanted for such and such job and stuff," Adelle replied with a nod, showing it to Taio too. "Might as well see just what's up with it. Sooner it gets done, sooner we get paid and stuff, and sooner I can relax a bit with Rose and Taio here back home. The early bird gets the worm as they say," she added and prepared to go ahead and go see just what they'd be up against.
With a plan decided on, the duo would roll out right away towards the destination specified on the map. It would take a little bit for them reach the location, but of course they would reach it soon enough.

From a distance, they could see the likely candidate to match the peculiar-dressed woman that Samson had described. The resemblance to Taio in her previous miko getup was there, she had the same loose sleeves and red-white color scheme, but that was where the similarities ended. Instead of the robe and hakama, this lady had a one-piece sleeveless bodysuit so impossibly tight and form-fitting that it left very little to imagination. The legs had inbuilt heels, and while the sleeves were detached from the rest of it, she did appear to have equally tight gloves under those. The only exposed skin on her being the shoulders and upper arms, not that it made much difference with her red and white suit being how it was. Bodily, she was not quite as well endowed as either of the two, but by no means average or small of figure, having about an inch or two on Adelle in height. A raven-black hime cut in absolute straight lines framed her cute and almost innocent face, and the long back hair was left loose, equally neatly trimmed. A visible weapon was there in her hands, a wooden handle partially hiding a blade inside, giving it a look of a giant folding knife, or more accurately a folding sword.
Adelle drove them on her bike, or would drive along with Taio on Her bike if she'd brought it, and head to the destination they were heading to. Once there, Adelle thought the woman they saw was dressed somewhat like Taio when in her miko outfit. "You know her, Taio? Her clothes resemble your old ones, is why I ask," Adelle asked curiously as they witnessed the girl walking along. "And you think we're here to help her or something?" she'd then ask as she climbed off the bike and made sure to lock it up after they drove over to the woman.
"No, I wore that just as a cover up, I had no actual connection to any real miko types. Especially not ones in vacuum-sealed suits like that... what the hell is THAT?" Taio would deny knowing this girl, maybe a bit questionable in her judgement, given her own state of dress at the moment. "She sure fits the statement though, and I've heard of an order of miko and shinobi types who hunt for otherwordly invaders and similar with blade and magic. Could be one of them."
"Hmm, well then I'd wager that's what we were tasked with helping out doing and stuff," Adelle replied and would approach the shinobi/miko girl, curious just what they'd gotten themselves into here.

"Um, hello, miss. Are you the one that posted the request with Samson at the guild?" Adelle would ask the black haired lady when they approached her.
Going for the approach did not seem to cause any concern in the girl, and they would stop their pacing to greet the newcomers with a bow, hands held crossed on her weapon as she did. "Yes, that was me. Nice to see that someone has the willingness to help with the cause."
"Well, mind filling us in and stuff on what's actually needed here? Samson told us it was a beastly clearing out of some sort. But there wasn't a whole lot of info on the matter," Adelle would ask the woman, making sure her holsters were on right and her pistols ready to be pulled out at a moment's notice.
"My order sent me here to clean out a juvenile nest of otherworld life. The fleshy menace must be stopped before it spreads farther and becomes a wider threat to all the men and women around. Find the heart and banish it back to where it came from." the lady would lay out her needs before looking a bit shocked. "Oh, I'm getting a bit ahead of myself... my name is Shizu, I'm a member of the Banisher Blades order, here to clean out the outworld vermin and make the average citizen's life a little more kidnapping-free."
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"I'm Adelle. I work with the guild, and... well I've cleared out my fair share of monsters and critters and stuff," Adelle replied, offering her hand to shake Shizu's, once they had been properly introduced. "And this is Taio, she's my friend and is gonna help us out," she added, introducing Taio after a few moments.

"So... anyway, shall we head on inside then?" Adelle asked after the introductions were finished.
"It's a little ways ahead here, follow me." Shizu would show them the way, past a few of the apartment houses in the area before coming to the specific one. "The people living here are temporarily located to another place, to avoid ending up as victims." she would speak up as they moved in the entrance hall. Coming to a door that was labeled as the basement, the miko-like would point out the fleshy tendrils already growing from underneath it, slowly spreading the mass out from the basement. "This is it, make sure you are ready." she would tell the two before slowly opening up the door, a belch of warm air and musky smell coming out as she revealed a stairway going down, the walls, floors and ceiling covered in a sheet of red, fleshy material, which looked like it was also generating liquid here and there.
"M'kay, lead the way sweetheart. And yeah, I've dealt with tentacles before. Nothing new to me really," Adelle replied as they got to the apartment and spotting the tendrils around the thing.

She'd give Shizu a nod to let her know she was ready, and as soon as the door opened, Adelle pulled her pistols up and walked down the stairs with Shizu and Taio, looking around as she went and being very cautious so she didn't get blindsided. The liquid she tried to avoid, unless she couldn't help it, though wearing her shorts like she was probably wouldn't help her much in here. She idly wondered just what they might run into, and where the heart of this place was too, as she went down into the basement area.
"The variety of sizes, forms and capabilities found on the creatures down in the nests is immense, so don't take them lightly. They do come from a realm far different than our reality after all." Shizu would instruct the two, the stairs not being too long and ending after about dozen steps. And thankfully so, as the various liquid stains on the stairs were making going down them a bit hazardous.

The fairly spacious square room down the stairs was completely eaten up by the flesh at that point, the blob in the middle having the shape of a generator, likely a backup in case the main network went off. A few puddles of white liquid had gathered on the more bumpy surfaces, though they were easy enough to avoid when paid attention to and not deeper than about half an inch. Some of it was leaking from spots in the ceiling as well, which was a bit more troublesome. Two other paths would be seen, a side room that looked like it was supposed to be there, and the other was a larger round hole going downwards into the earth, likely the path that the infestation had come from.
"And I'm guessing that they uh... they really enjoy capturing women to do lewd things to huh. Sounds about like the tentacled critters I've faced thus far," Adelle replied and kept walking with Shizu and Taio, and making sure to be careful that she didn't slip and fall down.

"Well I guess this stuff is coming from that hole there. But it might be prudent to check this other side room out first, just in case. What do you think?" Adelle suggested and started slowly making her way to the other side room to open it up unless Shizu said otherwise.
"They want to breed more of themselves, and that does involve the lewd stuff yes..."

There would be no objection from the more experienced hunter to checking the side room first, the covering of one's retreat routes if that became a thing surely being a concern for her too. So with that, Adelle would go for the door, the thing needing a bit of force to open as the fleshy mass had some hold on it. Behind it was a maintenance room, the lockers and worktables in the fairly small area somehow free from the fleshy coating despite the room otherwise having it. The level of drippy liquids was about the same as the previous room.
"Mmm, yeah the only tentacled things I've met so far only wanna fuck me senseless. Not that I'm completely against being fucked senseless mind you. But not just to be their breeder bitch," Adelle replied and opened the door to check the side room.

Inside she was a bit unsure how the fleshy bits weren't all over the floor, walls, and ceiling, but she didn't think too much on the matter. She would however look over at Shizu. "Huh... something special about this room you think?" Adelle asked curiously as she poked her head inside to look around before closing the door back and turning to head on down the other path after a few moments, keeping a close eye out for anything out of the ordinary... or rather anything normal since down here something normal would be the out of the ordinary.
"Probably not, there's some traces of materials like oils on these work spaces that the fleshy mass doesn't appreciate. I have seen similar cases of avoidance before." Shizu would state what she thought of the situation as Taio went over to check out the lockers. "Just some of the expected, ugh." would be her statement as she pulled out a set of greasy coveralls and threw them aside. Leaving the room there looked like a perfectly reasonable thing, with nothing really there besides tools, old work clothes, some maintenance parts and a dusty logbook that had likely not seen any use since before the war.

The hole in the wall would be their next place to go. The round tunnel was reasonably sized but fighting in it would likely present some obstacle if it were to happen. A little ways down they would come across an obstacle that had to be traversed, an entire small pool of the white liquid that stretched out the entire length of that particular section of the tunnel. Thankfully it was a wider area than the tunnel before. "Here we go then... let's see what we're dealing with..." Shizu would look at it with a somewhat annoyed look, unfolding her blade to poke into the pool. It would turn out to be about knee deep on a quick inspection.
"Hmm, after we finish up we'll have to seal up this hole too somehow," Adelle said as they walked along.

"Oh dear... a pool of that stuff. Hmm, not too deep. Though I'm guessing that it won't be so easily traversed," Adelle commented as Shizu poked her blade at the liquid. "Well... we have to go through one way or the other. Do you see any other path across or through?" Adelle said, looking around for another path.

If she didn't see any other path, she'd sigh softly and looked down at the liquid. "Dammit... gonna get my feet soaked in cum. I'm betting it would not be a good idea to take my socks and boots off huh," she'd say to Shizu, and if Shizu shook her head no it wouldn't, then Adelle would shrug and take the plunge and step down bravely into the liquid and slowly begin to make her way through by the shortest path presented.
The shallow pool would be the only way forward, so the ladies would have to cross it, and with no other method available it would be waddling through. "I'd recommend against it, you don't want to step on something bad without your shoes." Shizu would advice against the shoe removal, her whole getup suddenly making a whole lot more sense as she stepped in without much concern, the tight suit she was wearing acting as a fairly efficient wetsuit of sorts. Taio's long boots were also fairly good for this as they were over knee length, leaving the busty girl as the only one who had to feel the warm liquids on herself.

Halfways across there would be a development as Taio would stop to feel something with her feet. She could only manage a "Huh?" before being lifted up on what looked like a flesh flower moving with a nest of tentacles acting as feet as it burst up from below the cloudy surface. Before she could hop off, the flower closed it's petals around her, trapping the girl inside as it was just large enough to hold her inside. As another three of the same monster would rise out from different parts of the pool, the original one would open back up to reveal Taio again, now held in the middle of the flower and completely encased inside a transparent film that held her impossibly tight, making moving anything rather hard. But of course she would not be just restrained as the monster had some of it's tentacles inside the containment film to crawl all over and molest the trapped girl, who could put in only minimal resistance due to the constricting film. She had managed to get her knife out but it was trapped against her body, some chance of her escaping by herself being present.

It would be a situation with one monster behind them at the entrance, Adelle, the monster trapping Taio between her and Shizu, and the final two after her, one closer than the other. The mikolike was already considering her options on where to attack, firmly holding her opened blade with both hands.
"Mmm, I figured as much. Well, let's go then," Adelle would reply and continue wearing her boots for now as she walked into the pool of... what could only be cum.

"Oh dear... that doesn't look good," Adelle said as the strange flower like monster gulped Taio up before she could react.

Adelle saw the other creatures coming into the picture as well, and narrowed her eyes and holstered her regular pistols and pulled the alien like gun out. "Come on buddy, time to do some work," Adelle would whisper softly to the gun, kissing it next to where the eye thing on it was to show it affection, and aiming at the creature at the entrance and firing at its center mass. "Hang on Taio, I'll get you outta there in a minute. There's more of them," Adelle called to her friend before firing.