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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Don't know about that but... still creepy as hell" Kei would not completely agree as she finished the last of her meal, apparently intent on leaving for home soon, having her gadgets to rework and maybe make some more steady versions with enough tinkering. The force field especially seemed to be one thing she had her focus on, with the early testing being somewhat positive.
"Yeah, definitely creepy as hell," Adelle commented, before preparing to leave out at the same time Kei was, though she would be heading to the guild hall instead to look into getting something going to have something to do for the day.
The girls would part ways then, the grandpa staying at his shop as he opened up once they left, ready for new business day.

The bar was running slow as Adelle got there, less of the usual faces around than was the norm. Samson would still of course be present at his table per the usual, though there was some tension in his mannerisms and his shotgun was closer at hand than usual. Maybe he too was getting the chills from the girl, who had likely been there not too long ago. But he would still be professional as usual when it came to the jobs. "This might not be the most exciting one, but the client wanted an investigation into some disappearances of people in this particular area. Could just be some local thugs or similar, or a stray monster of some kind. Feeling it might be one for you?"
When Adelle arrived, she saw Samson be at his table, which while it was his usual spot, she hadn't seen him as much lately. After going up to him and asking about some jobs lined up, Adelle perked up and nodded. "Sure I can investigate. And if I find any of those that have disappeared, well... I'll deal with it and get them back to where they belong, if I can. Or call in backup if I can't," Adelle would say, looking cheery and a little bubbly, maybe too much, but she almost always went into the guild hall with a smile on her face, and in good spirits.
With Adelle showing interest towards this particular job, Samson would get her the details, the area in particular not being too far off from where she lived. And it was not too far off from the caves where they had been yesterday either, so there could be a connection. But one could not say for certain it was the inhabitants of the cave system at fault for these particular vanishings. "Our little creepy girl went near there too on another job so... be careful if she is around, who knows what she can do."
Adelle inwardly thought to herself that maybe the little "dungeon" might have had something to do with this, but she didn't say anything. "Mmm, you got it Samson. Don't worry about me, I think I'm starting to get a little better at this stuff," Adelle told him with a look of confidence on her face, though he could tell that she had lost none of her caution and would probably be okay.

With that, Adelle hopped on her bike and decided to park it in her garage, before walking to the place in question to investigate. She didn't know if the fleshy dungeon was to do with these disappearances or not, but she had to make sure. But first to the place in particular that Samson mentioned, to ask a few questions, and have a proper look around.
With the job set, Adelle was let loose to go about it. She still had most of the day left, so it was probably not going to take until next day to finish this one. Probably.

Going around to drop the bike off and trek out to the suspected area was the easy part. Once there, Adelle would find that the area was similar to the one where the flesh caves were, a bunch of mostly abandoned buildings with one to three stories. And given the state of the buildings it was easy to see why there weren't that many people around, but just like near her home, the busty girl could find an inconspicuous homeless guy with a plastic plate for shelter on one corner of the many buildings of the area who might know something.
Adelle would walk over towards the homeless guy's shelter, and squatted down. "Sir, have you seen anyone or anything suspicious around here lately? Disappearances, and the like? And if so, might I ask if you could describe who, or what, was carrying those that disappeared off? I'm investigating said disappearances, and hopefully find those that were taken," Adelle would ask the man, hoping her normally gentler demeanor would help her out and not scare the poor guy.

If he acted like he didn't know, Adelle would sigh softly and pull out a bit of money, setting the equivalent of a $10 bill in her left hand, and then another, and a third, if that would help jog his memory.
The homeless man would be a little apprehensive towards Adelle's approach at first, but then it looked like he remembered something that was told to him before and gestured that the busty girl keep her money once it was offered. It looked like her past with the homeless network was still in their memory and they were out there to help in what little ways only the unseen but ever present could. "Yeah... I think there's something wrong in the house back there." the man would get up a little to point Adelle towards one of the large single-story houses that looked like a warehouse or similar. "There's been a local gang of rough boys living in that one for a good while now but... they stopped moving in and out some time ago, and everyone else too who explores near or in there doesn't leave if they stay too long. At least... I've never seen any of them again."
Adelle looked up at his words, and handed him the $30 worth she'd pulled out with a smile. "Thank you sir, and please keep it, I don't mind. I'll figure out what's going on with that place. Just... well, if I don't come out within eight hours or so, if you can get word to the guild hall, and a man there named Samson, I'd appreciate it. He'll see that you get something for your troubles," Adelle would tell him as she stood up and looked at the place in question.

With a sigh, she stretched her legs from where she'd been squatting, then walked on towards the large house. She paused part of the way though and decided to case the building a little, from all angles. If she could, she'd get her new rifle out to use the scope on it to try and get a better view maybe through some of the windows, from some stealthier spots, hoping to get any edge she could before attempting to go in. She could only wonder just what might be inside, that was keeping anyone from being able to leave again.
The man would accept once it was insisted upon, and as he put the money into his fanny pack he gave Adelle his promise on keeping his side of the deal.

Going around the building would show it being eerily quiet as Adelle got sights from all the street-level windows. It did appear to be a one-time warehouse that was now void of all valuable material, all of it being long since taken away. The main storage area was what took up most of the building, but there were a few side rooms for employees, including the break room and one that was not viewable from the outside, probably the locker room. Only the room that appeared to be the manager's office had something out of the ordinary as the usual furniture had been moved around to make it more open, with several opened bedrolls laid out. And there was a couch that had been brought in there as well, the back of it facing towards the window as Adelle saw a little blob of something pink and translucent coming over the backrest.
As Adelle slowly and cautiously made her way around the place, staking it out, she noticed just how quiet it was, too quiet for her liking, she would spot a few things here and there, nothing that looked incredible out of the ordinary. She eventually saw what had to have one time been the manager's office though through one of the windows, with various things clearly having been shifted around. Seeing that, she narrowed her eyes and peered in there for several long seconds. That had to be where whoever was in here, was staying. She couldn't just waltz in there, pretty as you please of course, she knew. So that meant she'd have to look around some more to find the best possible entry point.

When Adelle spotted the pink... goo slithering or oozing over the back of the couch, she felt her chest tighten ever so slightly. Was that one of the creatures from the fleshy dungeon, perhaps? Surely it wasn't. Right?

"What are you?" Adelle muttered under her breath as she peered through the scope of her rifle at the thing.

She would quickly begin scanning through the rest of the building as thoroughly as she could see through those windows, to see if other critters like that were inside anywhere, and knowing that she'd have to contend with whatever in the hell they were, when she went inside. She didn't have any really heavy duty equipment, and she'd left her shotgun at home, which would be the perfect thing to potentially get rid of those things. So... Adelle had no choice but to use what she had on her. So she readied her pistol, made sure it was locked and loaded, then made sure her wakizashi was secure in its sheath, before checking her rifle to make sure it was also loaded, and then her alien blaster gun too, setting it to the pin shots for now before she would slowly but cautiously walk inside, looking for an entrance that wasn't Too close to that office she'd seen the first pink gooey thing.
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Whatever it might have been, the little piece of pink didn't seem to register Adelle as she passed by the window and looked at it, if it even was something capable of that. The outside, while a bit eerie in it's lack of people, didn't seem to possess any threats for the huntress as she moved aside to the door farther back from the office in order to make her entrance. The small door besides the shutter was easy enough to open, but there was a potential concern. With the door opening, Adelle could see a barely visible pink strand break in two as the door moved open. What that was there for, she could only speculate. At least it didn't seem to be a trap as slime or grenades didn't drop on her as she opened the door enough to go in.

The inside area was as quiet as the outside, a few tall warehouse shelving units taking up most of the open space, a forklift parked between two of them in the middle lane. The thing would be inoperable as Adelle could see the battery compartment open and devoid of any battery, making starting it impossible as things were.
As Adelle started to ease into the building, she saw the pink strand breaking as she opened it, and narrowed her eyes again. "Damn... bet that was an alarm of some sort, most likely," Adelle muttered under her breath and slowly pushed the door open, and cautiously stepped inside.

After she looked around more, she spotted the forklift and idly wondered where its battery had been taken to. But that didn't matter to her at the moment, and so she would look around for more of the pink goo, as she went towards the break room area, to investigate there, while keeping a close eye out for anything out of the ordinary, or any hostiles. She was also glad that nothing happened from the little pink goo wire, but she also knew that was likely wishful thinking, and that it was likely she'd end up seeing whatever trap was awaiting her soon enough.
Taking a sneaky approach despite the possible alarm she had already tripped, Adelle would take her time with the movement and creep towards the break room. There would be small wet splotches of the pink stuff in a few spots here and there, but it was nothing to be concerned of as it was small bits and the places weren't that many. If anything was there with her, it had not realized her existence so far as she made it into the break room. While she was at the door to the break room, Adelle could see that the other entrance that she had avoided was similarly tripwired, the strand being present there and barely visible from where she was

The break room looked like one would expect, sets of tables and chairs making 4 tables with 4 chairs each, two of them having minor amounts of leftovers on plates. It did not look like they had left the place in a hurry, it looked like the usual pieces of leftovers from picky or already satisfied eaters. The fridge still had power and there were a few cans in there, and the kitchen had a wilted half of lettuce on a cutting board, so it was not too long from the last time the area had been used.
Adelle was... rather surprised by the sight of the lettuce in the break room, but not surprised by the strands of pink goo wiring across the other entrance. She had expected that, to be fair. As she proceeded into the break room, Adelle slung her battle rifle over her shoulder again and pulled her pistol out instead, fefeling it would be better to have for the time being. Once she had finished looking aroun the break room and found nothing too out of the ordinary, aside from the fridge still having power, which was odd to say the least, and surprising, Adelle would turn to keep going on this side towards what might be the locker room.

As she walked over to that door to peek inside, Adelle would look over at the wall next to the other entrance to see where the pink goo wire went. She wondered where it was eventually connected to, and wanted to see if she could spot it. She would even pull her rifle back out to use the scope to follow it up too, until she couldn't see where it went anymore. After she would follow the wire to wherever it went, Adelle would continue to the locker room, or what she assumed was a locker room anyway. She knew someone had to be in this place, that much was certain. But the real question was who, and what they were.
The goo wire was just barely visible outside the trip on the door, but it was easier to see with the scope magnification. It wasn't complicated in the least as it went pretty much straight across the wall to the office door, where it likely went in through the microscopic spaces between the door and the frame.

The locker room was a stark contrast to what had been in the break room. Even as she looked in to the windowless room, the light that broke through the door showed that the floor inside had bones in there, some of them partially melted and covered by trace amounts of the pink goo while others still had some flesh and blood on them. Judging from skulls that were there still, it was the gravesite of at least ten people. Other than the bones, the room was quiet and contained what a locker room usually did, some lockers being open and having spare work clothes and small personal belongings of people long past in them.
"Mmm... suspicious indeed," Adelle murmured and slowly opened the locker room door and looked around inside.

"O-Oh my... that isn't... good..." Adelle murmured and saw the blood on the old bones.

She nearly threw up, but held it in just barely. With that, Adelle took on a much more cautious approach, and looked around as she slowly entered the room. She pulled her alien blaster out and switched it from the pin missile shot to whatever would work best against a slime. She felt her heart racing, and her mind sharpening as she checked the lockers. If nothing presented itself in there to make it seem as if anything worthwhile was in this room, Adelle would slowly exit and ease out, then shut the door, and slowly walk towards the office room she'd seen the pink goo in before, pushing the door open and jumping back quickly, not knowing just how fast this thing was.
Nothing out of the ordinary was to be found in the closed lockers either, not even a spare personal protection gun or similar. The most valuable thing would likely be the large Maglite flashlight in one of them, one of those that could be a mean club when it came to it. It could probably be useful, so it was up to Adelle's decision if she wanted to slip it into her pack.

Going out after shutting the door behind her, Adelle would go to the most prominently dangerous one of the doors, which was the office. The selection of the ammo type would probably be a difficult one, but there was some merit in the shotgun, possibly. The decision to move back after a quick door pull proved out to be the right one as the inhabitant of the office was right behind it, but it was not quite what Adelle had been expecting. Leaping out and barely missing her with a grab, the creature would recover and face her as it went past. It looked human enough, the body being that of a curvy lady about Adelle's height, the uncovered parts of it having the color of a white person with light gloss, looking like it was oiled. There was some clothing on her, though it was likely not real clothing but a part of this creature's body shifted to look like clothing. And this "clothing" was fairly unnatural in design, comprised of a black corset-like midsection that was the main part of an open-chested dress, the parts on her shoulders and back plus the miniskirt being made from the pink translucent goo. Aside from a small strip of black "cloth" underneath the skirt that covered her crotch in the front, she did not wear anything under, a brief glimpse during the earlier turn having shown her butt under that goop veil.

But once they were faced with each other, it was easy to see her most noticeable features, which were the large bunny ear-like antenna on her head, the hair and these antennae being pink again though the hair was opaque and simulated a long haircut while the antennae were still translucent. It was probably these ears that Adelle had seen earlier. With no chest in her dress, the slime woman had another solution, the long bangs in her hair going down all the way down there. But that was not enough as the bangs ended in hands, ones that were constantly cupping her impressive breasts to somehow cover up. While a bit alien with bright blue eyes that had x-shaped pink pupils, the slime woman's face was gorgeous with full lips and slightly childish red cheeks.

Having recovered, she was now doing a slow circle movement towards Adelle, the steps not ones in hurry at all.
Adelle would grab the flashlight and slip it into her backpack she carried, before turning around to leave. She shut the door behind her and slowly made her way towards the office door. She fiddled with her alien gun and decided on the shotgun variant of ammo, and slowly opened that door. She gasped and jumped back as she saw a pink gooey arm lash out and try to grab her. Thankfully Adelle had jumped back to avoid being grabbed, and looked at the... creature.

Adelle couldn't help but slightly admire the fact that this... slime girl? She assumed that's what this was anyway. But couldn't help but admire somewhat, the fact that the slime girl had creatue slimy clothes to wear. Adelle raised both the alien blaster and her regular pistol, and looked at the slime girl. "Who... or what, are you? Did you kill all of the ones I found in that room over there?" Adelle asked, not really expecting an answer, but hoping that she might be able to talk to the slime girl to diffuse the situation before it escalated.