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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The answer, while fairly comprehensive, did not seem to be completely satisfactory to Shiori's liking. "Which one is it then?! Category please?!" she'd start talking a bit more loudly and unhinged as she clamped her hands on Adelle's head and shook her around slightly in the quest for that correct answer.
"C-Can't it be both? And, I'm unsure which specifically to go for because I've never tried m-magic before, Shiori. Hence one of the reasons I want to learn. I never had someone that could teach me before, and have never been in a library which I could f-freely look at books about it," Adelle stammered out to Shiori, her hands reaching out to grasp Shiori's hips slightly to try and calm the girl back down. "B-But if I have to have specifics... things like fireballs and or lightning, um... o-offensive spells, would be the better ones I'd think..." she would add if Shiori pressed her for more specifics.
The shaking did indeed slow a bit once Adelle gave a more direct version of her desires and interests in the field of magic. "Yes, that is specifics." she'd finally take the answer. "Listen, you've probably heard this before. The whole thing about people not being able to force learning magic. That is MOSTLY true. There have been plenty of ungifted who have gained the skills, just not the usual way. They went the path of the... worlack.... werlick.... no... warlock!" she'd explain as the shaking stopped completely but the hands remained to grab still and prevent Adelle from turning away to avoid the gaze. "Got their magic from a powerful creature called a patron, that can be many different types. Angelic, demonic, elemental lords... even the Otherworld entities. Usually with a caveat of serving to further the goals of these entities. Capische so far?"

Regardless of what she answered to this, she would once again feel the sudden pull of gravity towards the ground as Shiori tripped her, the archiver pouncing on her and pushing her down as her shoulders were pinned down by Shiori's hands before she leaned in to talk and gaze again. "If it wasn't offensive magic... this would be the moment where we would have the big question and I'd ask for your service. Unfortunately, it is not what my forte is. BUT!" she'd do a dramatic pause. "I do have friends who could be a patron for that?"
"Yeah, I think I get the idea," Adelle replied after Shiori had explained things for the first part, not turning her gaze away and listening intently.

Adelle couldn't help but feel slightly excited for some reason as Shiori explained about someone getting their magic from a powerful creature called a patron. It reminded her of her friends who had familiars. "So... is that why some folks have familiars by chance? Or are those different from the Warlocks? I have a few friends who have lots of familiars," Adelle asked curiously, before letting out a yelp as she was tipped backwards and pounced on by Shiori.

"W-Whoa! So... you mean you'd have been me patron if I'd wanted like defensive magic or something else?" Adelle asked as she looked up at her. "And what kind of friends, hmm? Preferably not of the nefarious sort. Or at least... not too nefarious anyway," she'd add with a bit of a smirk.
The questioning head tilts would happen before Shiori replied. "I have my focus in enchantments and conjuration of materials, yes. I can do some minor flames and icicles, but that is not really something I care about." she'd explain the nature of her own ability, lifting off one of her hands as she produced an elaborate, slightly curved black metal dagger above that hand and catching it as it dropped. "Just like that~" she'd almost sound like she was congratulating herself for making the thing. A matching plain scabbard would follow it shortly, and she'd put the dagger in there before it would be hidden inside Adelle's cleavage. "For you."

Giving Adelle a moment to register what had just happened, she'd let the busty girl sit up if she wanted to but did not leave her lap regardless. "My friends? They are... something alright. But they are also far above my ability when it comes to destruction and elemental magics."
Adelle gulped softly and felt a rush of fear mixed with excitement as Shiori acted like she were about to drop the almost artistically beautiful dagger. "O-Oh my... your friends sounds interesting to say the least," Adelle said as she lay there for a few moments, leaving the dagger resting between her tits.

A minute or so later, Adelle would raise up and when she did, her face ended up, thanks to her raising up so quickly, right between Shiori's covered breasts. "Mmph... sorry... heh. They're so big it's hard not to just bury myself right in them. Anyway... thank you Shiori. For all the help. And the fun. What all kinds of magic can you do by the way, hmm?" Adelle would chuckle softly as she continued sitting there.
"A bunch of things, I guess? Suddenly interested again huh?" Shiori would answer the question as she seemed to suddenly vanish from Adelle's lap, an unexpected pull on her cheek and the weight still on her lap suggesting that she had not gone anywhere though, it was more likely invisibility. And just as soon as she had vanished, she'd reappear. "Might have heard of this one?" she'd go on with the display, her eyes lighting up gold again as a purple crackling aura lit up around her, suggesting the same ability that Margaret and a few others had shown in the past. "And if you'd see me fight, there would be more than enough weapons to go around." she'd go on a bit further as another elaborate black metal weapon would appear in her hand, a rapier with a basket hilt. "This one is a favorite." she'd say before dropping the weapon, the thing vanishing into dust before it ever landed on the floor.

After that little display, the aura would turn off again, leaving Shiori back at her regular self again. "Enchantments, conjuration, things that are under them. Those are my major suits. I can cast some destruction type spells, but they are usually stuff like throwing a surprise flame or some rock shards at an unpredictable timing between attacks or lighting a candle from a distance. I do like some candles."
"Well of course. Not gonna lie, you're a tad wild and crazy. But I don't think that's a bad thing myself," Adelle would chuckle, as she recognized the same ability that she'd remembered Margaret had used. "I... know that one yes. Say... do um... do you know of a woman named Margaret? Knows some really strong magics maybe, has the aura of a killer that would sooner slash your head off than look at you?" Adelle would add after a few moments, wondering if maybe Shiori knew of the woman.
"Yes, I know a Margaret. Probably not the same one as my Margaret is a member of the vampire court here, and she is a rather meek woman, even as a vampire."
"Yeah probably not the same. The Margaret I know is super strong, has an aura that damn near made me piss my pants one night. And gave me the vibe that if I tried to do anything she wouldn't hesitate to cut my freaking head off," Adelle replied with a nod.

"A-Anyway... let's go meet the friend you mentioned then. Because it feels like everyone else I'm friends with knows magic, except me. So I want to change that," Adelle would go on to say after a few moments, grabbing Shiori's ass as she was still sitting in Adelle's lap.
"Yep, we can go see her. She should still be around." Shiori should agree as she got off, not minding being ass grabbed at that point. The mention of this patron still being there was certainly interesting though, the previous talk of them suggesting that it might be something living in another plane or some secretive place. "Hold the fort down boys, I'll be back in a bit." she'd call to her underlings, two of the creatures appearing to confirm her orders with small nods.

Shiori would take them to the corridor again, and their way would go straight into Nina's salon/living quarters again. Entering the place, they'd see that the insectoid woman was at work again on somebody, and Kathia was still around too. Shiori would go straight to the demoness as she was back towards them and not noticing them coming. "SUP BESTIE!" she'd half-scream at Kathia as she bumped against her back and reached around to grope her, which was reacted to with a mixed thing of arousal and surprise.
"Alright then. Let's head there whenever you're ready," Adelle told Shiori and would get up and follow Shiori along.

They made their way back to... Nina's, and Kathia was there too. She was curious, because she hadn't expected either of these two to be the ones Shiori was talking about. Adelle would give the pair a smile as soon as they noticed her and Shiori. Adelle couldn't help but feel a twinge of both jealousy, and arousal, at the sight of Shiori groping Kathia. Deep down, Adelle wanted to grope her too, but chose not to actually act on that desire. She would let Shiori talk for now though, but if she was spoken to, Adelle would answer accordingly.
With their act going a bit further, Shiori would topple onto the couch with Kathia, landing onto her as she molested her some more. "Caught ya napping." she'd go on with it, eventually sitting on the demoness' back as she pulled her head up by her unbroken horn in a somewhat humiliating gesture. Clearly the archiver had history with Kathia and knew how she worked, given how she was so blatant with her acts towards her.

Eventually she'd look at Adelle, getting a slightly amused expression. "You think it's this silly slut? You've got it wrong here. She can do things but somehow I think it's not the best idea." she'd say as she pointed to Nina's barber chair, which would turn around with her work being finished again. A tall, unusual demoness would stand up from it, being at least 7 feet tall with both of her horns fused together at the tips into a halo-like singular one. She had other angelic features too, being dressed in modest layered dress with white and mint green parts. A small capelet of white feathers was draped on her shoulders, and her own folded wings were white-feathered and angelic too. And while she had that confusing semi-angelic appearance, she carried herself with unmistakable dignity and power, a stark contrast to Kathia. "It's probably her you want. Unless you really want to work with this one? She too COULD be a patron?" the archiver would confirm Kathia did appear to be an option, a weirder one when it came to the whole patron thing.
"N-No no... I didn't think that. But just the whole thing was... well, you know... rather nice to watch, heh..." Adelle chuckled softly, unable to keep from feeling aroused at the sight, as she felt her nipples growing stiff beneath her dress she was wearing.

When Shiori gestured at the chair Nina was working at, she saw the tall demoness sitting in it. "Oh my... well both are lovely options, I admit, heh," Adelle would say, and glanced between the two. "Hmm... would there be something bad or wrong in asking both though?" Adelle asked curiously, really not knowing if that would be okay or not, as she glanced between the two, and approaching the demoness sitting in the chair first.

"Excuse me, miss. I'm Adelle. And Shiori was telling me that you could potentially be my patron to help me to learn magic. Would that... you know, be something that is an option for me?" Adelle would ask the tall demoness, after introducing herself in a polite manner, showing her manners.
Shiori would proceed to roll Kathia's skirt up to expose her thong-covered ass while still sitting on her, grabbing onto and squishing the demoness' butt meat as she went to talk. "I mean... maybe? If you are ready to manage your time to fulfill your pacts with both of them?" she'd suggest that it was likely possible if the patrons were lenient or one had enough skills to fit their tasks together in a manner that made it easier to perform whatever might be asked for. "Might not even be too hard with this one here? You could probably abuse her hard enough and she'd give you everything you asked for." she'd add before a few thunderous slaps landed on Kathia's exposed cheeks to make them red.

Standing up, the tall demoness would not speak with her mouth like the rest of them, her voice coming directly to Adelle's brain as soon as she met eyes with the busty girl. "You can call me.... Malpha. What we have here is not really learning but more bestowing of the seed of magic. Books will do you no good with us, as you will be completely limited by what we bestow upon you after we give you that shard of ourselves." her voice would say, sounding like a stern but just mother. "I wouldn't be against having another subject to act as my eyes and ears in the mortal world. What should I expect from you in return?"

As Malpha was asking for this, Shiori would be pulling up on Kathia's thong to give her a big old wedgie, while Nina looked on from the side, probably not knowing what to think of all these things happening in her room.
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Adelle couldn't stifle her giggle at Shiori's words about Kathia, snorting a bit as she giggled. "I uh... well, I'm not That mean, most of the time," Adelle giggled softly to her, but the thought did cross her mind, and she couldn't help but imagine spanking Kathia, groping her like Shiori was, and giving her some edging and pleasure using her fingers and tongue to make the demoness quiver with delight.

She was imagining this when the tall demoness stood up and she heard her voice within her mind. "Oh... um... hmm..." Adelle hummed thoughtfully as she thought of what she could offer Malpha here in exchange. "Well I'm not really certain what I can offer in return that would intrigue you. I've never done this sort of thing before in all honesty. I love pleasure though, and love to have fun. And I love to explore too. and I try and not be mean or cruel. But at the same time I'm willing to do anything for my friends, within my power of course. There's a couple of ladies I'd love to put a collar and leash on though and really make them regret crossing me," Adelle would tell Malpha, well... think back to Malpha, or think to herself so Malpha could hear? It was hard to tell really because she wasn't really proficient in this sort of thing.
Malpha would urge Adelle to talk normally with her just then, adding that they'd be able to talk wordlessly later if they did end up making the pact. She didn't seem to be too impressed with the mention of pleasure and collars, the idea crossing Adelle's mind that she might be more of mother figure than just her voice as her expression shifted ever so slightly to disdain towards those things. "This whole thing is one big exploration into oneself along the way, so that is good thing to enjoy. And you claim to be a goodhearted person, but not one that can't invoke wrath when needed. Violence and force are just their own tools to be wielded in a just manner for the greater cause. So far this sounds good."

By then, Shiori would stand up and let Kathia rise to a sitting position before taking a seat next to her on the couch. "Geez woman... can you not always be like that?" Kathia would ask, getting a smug look back from Shiori, who fully knew what she was doing and what the demoness actually thought of it. "Just getting you ready. If our guest here decided to ask for you too. Better be prepared for that, I know you'll make her run you ragged in all those weird ways you like. How many times will you make her take you out for those... special walks, hmm?"
Adelle said what she had aloud, and still looked thoroughly unsure just what to expect from Malpha here. "Mmm... I think I understand... somewhat," Adelle said to Malpha after the tall demoness had replied, giving a glance up at her. "What sorts of magic would I be able to use with your patronage?" she'd ask curiously, knowing the kinds of magic she wanted to use, but unsure what types Malpha would grant her the ability to use.

After Malpha had answered, Adelle would look over at Kathia and smile. "And what sort of magic would you be able to allow me to use, Kathia?" Adelle asked the other demoness.
"Miss Shiori told me that you are looking for the more direct side of magic, and that is what I have spent my long time studying in this universe. It would be one of the basic elementals, force magic, dark or light magic at first. It is the nature of the pact to start small and gain more from one's patron as their bond is strengthened." Malpha would state what she was giving in the initial offer, having gotten some wordless information from Shiori it seemed.

For all of her weird subby behavior, Kathia seemed to gain some confidence as she was asked for her side. "I am, in fact, a very powerful demon girl. I do know a good deal of magic and can share it with the worthy." And her deal would be pretty much the same as Malpha's when it came to the magic, though something in Adelle's mind would tell her that Kathia would be a lot more involved in their pact than the more distant Malpha.
"Elemental magics and the like are some of the things that I indeed want to know how to use. Assuming I can of course," Adelle said as she stood there, glancing over to Kathia when she spoke. "Mmm... are there any real downsides of being involved with the both of you at the same time? Again, I'm no mage myself, so I would want to know what I'm getting into before I just take that leap. If that makes any sense," she added, sounding rather responsible, which would probably intrigue Malpha, or amuse her maybe.