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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(She paid half up front.)

"We'll look into those later, once you come back again. I don't forget these things, so don't worry about it." the man shushed aside the discussion about the add-ons for a bit later, once they were actually having the arms to see how they could be equipped the best. Still, he did not have any qualms about going into further immediate business in form of the ammo belts. One was quickly given out, a sturdy cordura belt having a set of four pouches and a handgun holster on it. "Each of those packs can hold a rifle mag or two handgun mags in it. Depending on the sub gun, it will perform a bit differently on a model-to-model basis." he gave a quick overview. Not too long after, the deal was performed, Adelle leaving the store with a bunch of new stuff.

For the first time, there were other customers in Josephine's store. That custom order? Yes, it is ready. the fancy lady produced a small, almost birthday present-like package from under the counter as it was asked for.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Alright, couldn't remember exactly, but I remembered that she'd paid something to Josephine for it.)

"Alrighty then, I'll see you tomorrow most likely, or the day after if something comes up and I can't get out tomorrow. And thanks for the belt here, it's sure to come in handy when I need some heavier firepower and take the bigger guns," Adelle replied to the old guy, thanking him for the stuff and packing it up and heading on out, waving to him as she went on with Rachaela.

When they got to Josephine's place not too far away, Adelle noticed a few actual customers in there this time around... though to be honest the only times she'd been there were either not long after the fancy dressed lady had opened, or not long before she was about to close shop for the day, so she figured that might have had something to do with that. Heading up to the counter, Adelle asked the girl if her order was done yet and to her surprise Josephine told her that it was indeed done already.

"Oh it is? Wow didn't expect it quite that fast, that's great. Though considering how little cloth there is in it I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised it's already done maybe," Adelle said with a smile, chuckling as she got out the rest of the money she'd need to pay for it, since she'd paid for half already. Hopefully she'd have enough left over to get herself a couple of extra shirts and pairs of pants to work in, as well as enough to get Clara a couple of little outfits to have. "So... should I try it on you think? Just to see how good it fits and all I mean," Adelle then asked after paying the girl what she owed for the sexy belly dancer outfit, wondering if she should take it out and try it on... not that she doubted Josephine's skill or anything, she was just curious if she should or not.

"Also I'm gonna grab another couple of shirts and pairs of comfortable pants I can work in, as well as something for a little friend of mine who needs something to wear, something similar to what I'm gonna get extra for myself. Do you by chance sell plain old cotton T-shirts in packs or a deal of a few together for a fairly cheap price Josephine?" Adelle told Josephine after finding out if she should try on her new outfit or not, also asking about getting a pack or a few plain old T-shirts for cheap.

After finding all that out, Adelle would go around and pick out a pack of good plain cotton T-shirts for herself of assorted colors if Josephine sold them by the pack, but just getting a couple if she didn't, one white and one blue in that case. Then she'd grab a couple of pairs of jeans for herself before looking for a couple of shirts in Clara's size, or a pack if Josephine of course sold them like that, and then she'd grab her a couple of pairs of warm and comfortable pants to have as well. Adelle had brought a good deal of money with her to be able to pay for all of the things she was getting that day before beginning her search, so she was sure she had the money on her for at least all of this.

Also another thing I can't remember exactly. Did Adelle get herself another pair of boots already to replace the ones lost in the sex toy factory? I believe she did, or at least got some shoes to wear in the meantime. If she hasn't gotten any more boots yet then she's going to get another pair of good ones to replace the ones lost back then while at Josephine's as well.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(I think she did, and am counting it as such.)

"If you want to. And if you don't mind doing it here with the other customers present." Josephine told Adelle as she announced having no real objection towards the idea of trying the clothing out. It did take some considering to do since the only changing room was not all that big, though it did enable enough privacy to allow the busty girl to change without anyone else seeing it.

The suggestion that she would be selling something as average as t-shirts caused Josephine to frown, but she did admit to having them. Probably she was only happy to get rid of the things, but still seemed to have a slight aversion towards such plain clothing, even going as far to give a steep discount for them, depending on how many Adelle would get. Everything else too was there to be found, even though it might take a bit of digging to find them.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Alrighty then.)

"Yeah sure, I don't mind. I mean it's mostly if not all other women here anyway, so it's no problem to me really. Thanks Josephine," Adelle replied before asking about the plain old T-shirts and jeans and whatnot. She was quite curious that Josephine seemed quite unhappy to even have anything like them for sale, considering the fact that they were good working clothes for someone like her, who's line of work might likely end up with them being torn and whatnot easily.

Since Josephine seemed to be wanting to get rid of them at a very big discount, Adelle decided to grab more than she'd originally planned instead. She went ahead and dug around for and grabbed a dozen shirts for herself since they would be sold at dirt cheap prices by fancy Josephine, even some that were a slightly larger size if she couldn't get them all in her specific size, thinking that she could use them to sleep in since they would be looser on her and all. She got 4 plain white ones, 4 plain blue ones, and a couple of red and a couple of green ones. Then she dug around for herself some pants, grabbing 4 pairs of jeans, a couple of more pairs of Daisy Dukes it Josephine had any for sale, and a couple of pairs of cargo pants. She also looked for a pair of tight black leather shorts and a short black halter top of some sort to go with them if Josephine had any of them for cheap as well, thinking to maybe use them as an alternate outfit for the wrestling place.

After grabbing the things for herself, abandoning the search for the leather shorts and halter top if she couldn't find them after a couple of minutes, Adelle snatched up a half a dozen good T-shirts for Clara of various colors, and a few pairs of warm pants of various kinds for her as well that were of Josephine's cheap sale, from jeans to sweatpants.

Once she had everything that she was gonna grab for now, for both her and Clara, Adelle took it all up to the counter for Josephine to ring up for her and keep there while she tried on her new outfit, bringing Rachaela with her so she'd have someone that could see her in it and tell her if she looked good and sexy in it or not. "So how do I look? Do I look good in this? I had Josephine make it so I'd have a sexy outfit for that wrestling place. So I could get the crowd to like and cheer for me more and stuff," Adelle asked Rachaela, telling her why she'd had Josephine make her this outfit.

After she was done in there, Adelle would change back into her normal clothes and put it back into the package it was in, then she went to pay for all of the clothes she'd gotten, thanking Josephine for it all and telling her she'd be back for more later on. Once she had all of the clothes, Adelle would take it all on back to Rachaela's place and have Garagan put it all in her room for her, so she didn't have to carry it all with her throughout the day and risk any of it getting ruined. Then she and Rachaela would head on to the bar to ask around about the guy they were trying to find so they could save Clara's friends.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The volume of material being bought seemed to soften Josephine up a little, and the shopkeeper sold them off to Adelle at a relatively low selling point, just enough for the money she had with her to be enough for it. "Oh dear, that is a pile and a half. Will take a bit of time until I can get them off the books." the shopkeeper looked at the surprisingly large clothes heap as it was put onto the counter. Luckily, Adelle had a distraction, namely looking at the fit of her new custom costume in the meantime.

Rachaela appeared to have mixed emotions about the costume, but she did give it her honest critique nonetheless. "I'd say it is a bit lewd, and maybe somewhat too easy to take off. Part of that sport's appeal is surely the struggle to get the other person exposed, and that somewhat plays against this. But overall, it should still work and serve the purpose it is made for, and it looks good. Just hope that it doesn't break too often as that structure looks like it is just asking to snap a strap at every opportunity." the magician told her thoughts, not holding back on the negatives in any way but not forgetting to positives either.

With everything taken care of, the two of them went to take a brief round trip to drop off the pile at Rachaela's house, a smart move in any sense. That pile would only have been a huge burden on any sort of serious mission, so it was good to drop it off for Garagan to handle. At the bar, information turned out to be sparse, none of the hunters present really having any ideas about a bunch of street kids. The city had a fair share of them, so getting to a specific group might be a tad hard to find, especially with most people being ignorant towards them.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yeah it is a lot of stuff, but I'm buying a bit for a little friend that needs some clothes, something practical she can wear around that's warm. But I'm gonna try on this little outfit you made me to give you time to sort through it all, so no rush really," Adelle told Josephine after setting all of the clothing up on there and after the shop lady spoke up.

When she took Rachaela on to the dressing room with her and got changed into the outfit Josephine had made her, Adelle listened to Rachaela's criticisms, nodding her head a little as the magic using girl went on. "Hmm, well it's intended to be lewd, but you may be right about it being too easy to get off. Still though I'll give it a try. That's also why I grabbed those short leather shorts earlier and the halter top though, to have something a little tougher to get off, but something that was still sexy and showed off a bit. I hope that this thing doesn't snap on me though, but if it does then I'll have to just use it elsewhere I guess," Adelle said as she got into her new outfit and admired herself in the mirror if there was one. "Heh... wanna come and cheer me on later? If I go over there for a match I mean after we take care of all this," Adelle added, asking if Rachaela wanted to watch her do a match later after they got through for the day.

After she'd paid for it and all and they'd taken it all back to Rachaela's place for Garagan to put into Adelle's room for her, they headed on to the bar to ask around for the guy... thing they were searching for. Adelle was a little let down when nobody back at the bar seemed to know anything about Clara's friends and the guy that'd hypnotized them. She looked around for Samson to ask him about it if he was there, though if he wasn't then she'd ask Shiulin and or the bartender guy about if they knew anything about it or if they knew someone who might know a thing or two.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Are you sure about that? I just might do it. And give the others all the juicy details when you get molested by some muscular ape of a woman." Rachaela somewhat agreed to actually come and see Adelle fighting.

With the patrons of the bar gone through, it was time to switch into asking the barkeep and the task masters of the bounty hunters for their possible info. Both of them were there now, perhaps a bit surprisingly, Shiulin playing assistant to the older Samson who had returned to the job. But unfortunately, none of the three possibilities had any more info than the regular patrons.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"W-Well I suppose that's a risk I'll have to take, but I don't think you're that evil, despite you tying me up the other night and leaving me like that," Adelle said, her cheeks flushing quite profusely in the process. "But there's no guarantee that it'd be some big ape of a woman I go up against. It's completely random as far as I know, like they pull names out of a hat or something I guess to see who fights who. Besides, it's fun I think, and you should be fairly entertained with the performance," Adelle added, regaining her composure a bit as they left the dressing room and she put the outfit up.


It seemed that neither the bartender nor Samson and or Shiulin had any information on the guy she and Rachaela were looking for, which wasn't good, because that meant they would have to search elsewhere for the information they sought. "Hmm... I wonder if that Priscilla girl from the other night and last night knows anything about it?" Adelle asked idly where Rachaela could hear her. "She's the one that saved me the other day when those creeps ganged up on me and Lacri in that alley. But I don't know where I could find her even if she does know anything," Adelle added, unsure if she could even find Priscilla at the moment.

Maybe she could ask Liliana for help on the matter, but she wasn't sure that she'd have any more info on the matter than Samson or anyone else did. Still though maybe it was worth checking with her. "Do you know of anyone that might have any information on this guy or these kids by chance Rachaela? Because I'm drawing a blank unless Liliana might know a bit about it, and or the bikers maybe, but I'd rather not ask any of them unless I have to, and I'm not sure they know anymore than Samson does," Adelle went on to ask Rachaela a few moments later while they stood around at the bar counter.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Rachaela did not have the answers that Adelle sought, but she could still give her educated opinion about things. "I seriously doubt neither the bikers nor Liliana's crew would know of this. The bikers are far too self-interested to care, and I doubt the ladies of that house can see too far beyond the comfy pillows and silken curtains of their workplace to know about any homeless, unless they happen to be customers that is. If you ask me, that Priscilla person might be the best bet. If we can find her somehow, that is." the magician shared her thoughts about the situation.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Aye, the problem is finding Priscilla without causing her any trouble. She was a bit hurt last night I think when she stormed into Liliana's place. Hmm, I wonder if Lacri knows where she might be at? Maybe Samson knows where she might be, or someone else around here," Adelle replied to Rachaela, pretty much at a loss for where Priscilla might be.

She decided to ask around the main three again to see if they knew Priscilla and if they did where she could find her, giving them a rough description of her and whatnot to go on. If none of them knew Priscilla or where to find her, then she would look around for Kozlov or one of the other higher ranking hunters to see if they did instead. If nobody really knew anything about Priscilla, then Adelle and Rachaela wold be back to square one really. Adelle would suggest heading back to the area she's met the guy at with Clara if they could find no leads as to Priscilla's whereabouts for the time being, as that was really all they'd have to go on in that case.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Just like before, there really seemed to be little information to go by inside the bar, none of the three sources having anything on Priscilla either. The barkeep had something else though, a warning that there had been some shady folks asking for someone with the same description going on earlier that day. It appeared that the criminal lords had not gone inactive just because they had been attacked and two of them had been killed.

Heading back into the alley entrance did not make any big reveals to the pair, but there was a homeless person there, the same one that Adelle had passed the previous day after the encounter.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Asking around was a bust yet again, but when the bartender spoke up about the crime lords of the city having started their own search, Adelle listened closely to him and got all the info on that she could out of him. After that she thanked him and asked him to keep an ear out for any information on the matter of both the children and the crime lords, if he didn't mind that is. With that she took Rachaela to the alley she met the guy and Clara at the evening before. They didn't find anything really useful to use in their search, but Adelle did notice the homeless guy from the night before she'd run into after her encounter while she'd been carrying Clara.

"Excuse me sir, do you remember me from last night? I was carrying a young girl through here. Her name is Clara. Do you perhaps know where her friends are at or where they stay? Or do you know where the guy that she called her uncle is at maybe? Her friends are in danger from that guy, as he's using some sort of magic on them like he was doing to her last night, and I told her that I'd help her and them if I could," Adelle asked the homeless guy if he knew Clara and her young friends, and if he wasn't keen on talking at first then she would pass a bit of money his way, enough to buy himself a couple of decent meals and maybe some cheap yet warm clothes if he stretched it.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The man appeared to be apprehensive about the suddenly approaching ladies and their questions, probably doing it out of instinct as many who actually paid attention towards the homeless were not too kind to them. But once he was given the money, the man calmed down considerably, eventually standing up to deal with them properly. "Wait here, please. There is something I must do." he told them, leaving the two and wandering off into the back alleys for a while. It took a few minutes for him to return, but eventually he did do it. "I can't say that I can help with that, but I know someone who might. I'll lead the way." he told the two, asking them to come with him.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As she figured he was a bit slow to trust them, but after she handed over some money he seemed to loosen up a bit after she'd explained what they were trying to do. When he said he had something to do real quick and he'd be back, for them to wait there, Adelle nodded her head and glanced over at Rachaela, shrugging her shoulders slightly after he had turned his back to them. When he came back from doing whatever he'd done, possibly hiding the money she'd given him she wasn't sure, she glanced over at Rachaela again and nodded to see if she agreed they should follow for now at least.

"Alright, lead the way then sir. Clara is really worried about her friends and this guy that's controlling them... he's a mutant of some sort with psychic powers. So he's not just a danger to the children, but to everyone," Adelle said to the guy, gesturing for him to show them onwards to the person he knew that could help them.

Adelle was still a bit cautious though and kept the safety of her pistols off just in case she needed to whip them out in a hurry, but she kind of doubted anyone would try anything in the middle of the day like this... surely. She kept her right hand near the handle of her old pistol and her left ready to whip out her sword from over her shoulder in case something happened along the way, and she would keep an eye out for any suspicious activity along the way as well, because she didn't want anyone sneaking up on them after all.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I understand, but I am no fighter of any sort. You need to follow me for that." the man assured Adelle as they went into the alley, starting to weave them around a dizzying series of alleyways, holes in walls and other similar routes that the less fortunate folk could use. At no moment did he try to lose them though, checking periodically that the pair was still with him the entire way. Eventually they entered a more decrepit building, one of the bigger ones, which appeared to be their destination.

After a few turns inside the shattered former apartment complex, the man got the pair into the central room, which was safely hidden away from prying eyes and ears. But it was not a trap, far from it. A campfire was set up in the middle of the room, along with a few tents on the edges, giving away the fact that this was some sort of gathering place to the more co-operative homeless folk. The six men around the fire had weapons within reach, consisting of simple lead pipes and rebar clubs plus a single machete. They were not raised against the girls, perhaps thankfully as the machete had some old stains on the blade still, giving the image that they would fight to protect themselves if need be. But most importantly, Priscilla was there near the fire as well, tucked in to a ragtag bed made from a bunch of different blankets covering her form. A few homeless children rested with the woman, clinging to her strange coat even as they were under the blankets. The scythe that she had been carrying was set to the side, but it was still within reach if there was reason to grab it.

One of the men stood up, the once-white coat on him a giveaway that he had been a scientist or doctor one time in his life. A medipack was visible near his feet as well, giving confirmation to at least the doctor part. "You are here to see our benefactor, yes? Be mindful of her condition, some events happened in the near past to leave her like this."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I understand, lead on then sir," Adelle replied to the man, then began following him along to wherever he was leading them.

She followed him as closely as she could, not wanting to lose him through all the twists and turns he led them on, though if he was really trying to help them she could understand why he was taking a roundabout route. When they reached the apartment complex he was leading them to, Adelle looked around and saw the camp inside the place, which was tucked well away from prying eyes thankfully, because she also noticed Priscilla laying there next to the campfire. Her eyes went wide as they approached and she saw the tall girl, her scythe laying near her within easy reach.

Adelle noted the doctor, or who must have been a doctor in the past at least tending to her wounds. She eyed the ones with the weapons around there, her fingers twitching a little bit towards her sword, but these men didn't seem intent on raising their weapons against them so she stayed her hand and flipped the safety back on on her pistols. She glanced over at the doctor guy when he spoke and nodded her head.

"Y-Yeah I'm here to see her. And I know what happened to her, I was there, kind of," Adelle said to the doctor guy before looking over to Rachaela. "Hey Rachaela, can you help heal her any with your powers? I'd need to talk to her about some things, but I don't want to disturb her if she's still hurt," Adelle then asked Rachaela, seeing if she could heal the tall girl up some or completely like she'd done in the past.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Really? Then I really can't say anything against this. Please, if you have powers, use them. I am but a normal guy with medical training, there is only so much that I can do on a short time period." the doctor approved the two their access to Priscilla. Guiding the children away from the tall lady for a while, the man removed some of the blankets to reveal the part he had been patching up on Priscilla's midsection, currently taped over with some bandages that had clear signs on them that a whole lot of lead had been pulled out from the woman's form. There was no need to remove the wraps as Rachaela could do her magic with them still being there and the end result not changing in any way. The process took a good bit longer than it would have for a normal-sized person, but eventually the mage finished up. "There we go. Now it is up to her and her ability to get conscious again. We just might have to wait a bit for that" she told Adelle as the children returned to claim their spots on Priscilla's fluffy coat.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Heh, well you've got more than I do, but Rachaela is a magic user so she can heal with magics. And Priscilla here saved me the other day is one reason I want to help her if we can," Adelle said as the guy removed some of the blankets from her after guiding the children away, where Rachaela began getting to work with healing the wounds of the tall girl.

Adelle knelt down with Rachaela and stayed by her side as she healed up Priscilla, telling her that she'd help however she could to just say if she needed anything. When she was finally done with Priscilla's wounds, Adelle gently covered the tall girl back up with the blankets so she could rest for a little bit and recover while they waited for her, with Adelle nodding to Rachaela. "Thanks, she's a good person and I'm sure that she'll be able to help us with Clara's friends. And I do hope she wakes up sooner rather than later so we can ask if she knows anything about that," Adelle said to Rachaela with a smile, sitting back next to the girl while they waited.

She smiled at the children claiming the different spots of Priscilla's large fluffy coat, thinking it cute, and she also thought that these people must think very highly of her to risk so much for her sake. "Say doc, how long have you all known Priscilla here? And just what is she exactly? Just wondering, because we don't know how long it'll take for her to wake up, so it'll give us something to do to kill time while she recovers," Adelle asked the doctor guy as she and Rachaela settled in for the time being to wait, with Adelle staying next to Priscilla and reaching over to brush the tall girl's hair back a little.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The doctor was not sure if he should be telling anything about Priscilla, but did not appear to see Adelle and Rachaela as a threat to them, so he did talk up after a bit. "I have known of her being here for almost all of the three years I have been homeless, though I have not met her all that many times. This is the fifth time, and the only time I needed to do something like this. The only logical explanation I can think of for someone like her is mutation, like the many others that have been encountered, though she has something mystical about her with her size and powers. I have tried to ask her about it, along with the reason why she is helping us homeless, but there is always a wall of silence and a bad look as a result, so I do not question her about it anymore. Most of us know that she might be there if we have trouble, and she always gives us money when she needs to know something that one of us might have witnessed. She has some sort of vigilante cause as there always seems to be a criminal element at the other end of her wrath. No homeless person will withhold anything from her as a result, nor will anyone try to lead her astray with false info as they know it might cost all of us a valiant protector and provider."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle sat there and listened to the doctor guy talk about Priscilla, saying what he knew about the woman laying before them. She wondered why Priscilla was so adamant about taking out the crime lords in the city. Not that she really cared all that much to be honest, but she didn't really see Liliana as a crime lord and simply more of a... owner of a very high class whore house really, which was a bit mean to say she knew but it was the truth.

"Huh, I didn't know she was that revered by everyone here. And I know she's a good person because she came to my rescue the other day, so having mutations doesn't matter, not to me anyway. But the guy I am looking for, who is a mutant as well, he is a bad guy," Adelle said to the doctor guy as they waited for Priscilla to awaken, where she went on to explain the situation with Clara and the other homeless kids in her group to him and the others present. "I'm hoping that Priscilla will know something about this and can tell us where we need to go to in order to take him out, because if he's got those kids hypnotized then there's no telling how many others he's got under his control. And I don't intend on letting him live after hurting any children, homeless or not. I mean my bullets did virtually nothing against him lat night, but maybe I just wasn't shooting him in the right spots to do any damage. I don't want to ask Priscilla to come with us or anything, at least not if she's still too weak to come, because those people she attacked last night are all looking for her and all," Adelle added after explaining what she was seeking Priscilla's aid in.